Panda Spirit Animal _ Totem Meaning

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Panda spirit animal.

Transcript of Panda Spirit Animal _ Totem Meaning

1/22/2014 Panda Spirit Animal | Totem Meaning 1/3

Panda Spirit AnimalBy Elena Harris, Editor

The panda is a powerful spirit animal inspiring tranquil strength and

determination. Under its soft and fuzzy appearances, this animal totem brings forth

the importance of strong personal boundaries to feel safe and grounded in life. If

you have the panda as spirit animal or totem, you may be inclined to be emotional

and feel like you need strong material and physical comfort to feel at ease in your

life. Symbolic of the ability to find a balanced and nurturing path through life, it

will encourage those who have it as totem or power animal to integrate different

aspects of their personality in an harmonious whole.

Panda SymbolismThe panda is a symbol of gentleness and strength. The general meanings associated with this

animal are:

Gentle strength


Good luck, positive outlook on life

Connection with Eastern wisdom

The symbolism of the panda also encompasses personal and spiritual qualities, such as:

Integration of polarized aspects of yourself, such as feminine and masculine energies

Heart-centered energy, nurturing ability

Importance of emotions

Calm determination, ability to take time to reach your goals

Importance of private space and personal boundaries

The panda spirit animal and emotional personality

Those who have the panda as spirit animal can be very sensitive and easily prone to emotional

ups and downs. This animal is characterized by its very high sensitivity to its surroundings and can

quickly become stressed when there is too much movement or noise around. If you identify with

the panda totem, you’re likely very aware of your environment and the energies around you. While

this is a useful quality, make sure your learn how to keep your emotional balance.

The panda totem, a teacher about the importance ofpersonal boundaries

The panda spirit animal reminds us of the importance of establishing healthy personal boundaries

to feel at ease and safe in the world. This animal lives a solitary life during its most of its existence.

By affinity with this spirit animal, you may feel you need to keep your distance in order to feel

comfortable in social settings or in relationship. The message of wisdom of the panda also

emphasizes the importance of feeling at ease with ourselves, whether we are alone or with other


Panda lifestyle and material comfort

The panda had to adapt its food intake to its particularly short digestive system by eating during

Spirit Animal Must-Read

Animal-Speak: The Spiritual &

Magical Powers of Creatures

Great & Small

A must-have on spirit animals. This

reference book describes each

animal meaning in detail and offers

guidance on power animals.

Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals:

Understanding Messages from

Your Animal Spirit Guides

A good reference on spirit animals.

Carry all the power animals with you

with this pocket guide filled with

definitions and meanings.

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1/22/2014 Panda Spirit Animal | Totem Meaning 2/3

most of the day large amount of bamboo. It is known for its high consumption of bamboo, up to 40

pounds per day. By affinity with this animal, you may be inclined to rely on the accumulation of

material sources for comfort.

If the panda is your spirit animal, you may find that you put a lot of importance on your material

comfort, whether by making sure you have enough to meet your immediate needs or by ensuring

your long term sustenance. Be mindful of the tendency to accumulate for the sake of


The spirit of the Panda and the art of nurturing

When the panda shows up in your life, it may be time to nurture yourself or others more carefully.

What are the sources of nourishment and nurturance in your everyday life? Do you cultivate what

makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside? Do you give or receive enough nurturing?

The panda is symbolic of heart-centered energy and its spirit attends to the aspects of our life

associated with cherishing and cultivating gentleness and loving care.

The Panda, a symbol of gentle strength

The totem of the panda has affinities with bear energy. Despite its gentle appearances, it is a

strong animal with an unstoppable determination. Like the bear, it provides powerful support for

those who need courage and steadiness in their endeavors. Those with the panda totem tend to

be able to be firm and gentle at the same time and demonstrate a gentle strength in any


Wisdom of the Panda: Be calm and steady

The wisdom of the panda teaches us to move through life calmly and with determination. You can

call this spirit animal to help you maintain a steady pace and direction. In the Eastern culture, this

animal is symbol of peace and harmonious resolution of conflict. The panda is of great support to

get of tricky situations peacefully.

7 Responses to Panda Spirit Animal

January 14, 2014Anonymous

Thats me 100℅ me!!


January 9, 2014Tanner A

It reminds soooo much of myself I think I have a panda spirit animal


January 5, 2014Dean

Yea this sounds like me and it’s crazy cuz my nickname has been panda for as long

as I can remember! I guess it was predestined!


December 22, 2013annette phillips

I have discovered that the panda and the brown bear are both my animal totems

and they resonate with me completely. this describes me to a tee.


1/22/2014 Panda Spirit Animal | Totem Meaning 3/3

Leave a Reply

December 16, 2013Mayumi M

This relates to me a lot..

But I’m not sure, I haven’t see one in my dreams and I never have really seen one face to face,

except Zoos.

Plus I have a pretty aggressive side…

Plus, I’ve found that everyday I come face to face with a LIZARD… What..?


December 1, 2013Rebecca J

the panda has been calling to me for a while..


November 27, 2013byron miller

i literally just came to tears, realizing how much this really DOES represent me and

everything i am



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