Paint/Write Portfolio

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Transcript of Paint/Write Portfolio

Karin Perry

Paint/Write Portfolio

Summer 2008

Table of Contents

• 3 Writing Down the Bones Prompts• 3 Image to Word Prompts• Death of the Faeries (paint/write)• 1 Conversations Activity• Mystery Paint (paint/write/write)• Confusion (collaborative paint write)• 10 Teaching Practices• Daily Reflections• Textbook Comparison• Other Miscellaneous and Collaborative Pieces

Writing Down the Bones -


As I sit and read through Writing Down the Bones and come across “The Writing Studio” I have to chuckle to myself. I have an office; a place to do my most important work. I have a wonderful “L” shaped table with a printer ready to spit out my creations. I have every office supply you can think of: Post-it Notes, paperclips, every color of pen you can think of, and even pencils with multi-colored lead. I have two 4 X 4 white boards mounted on my walls to keep track of my notes for the book I’ve been working on for a LONG, LONG time. So, where am I sitting right now doing my homework? At the kitchen table. Now that I give it some thought, I figure I don’t like sitting in my office to work because it feels too much like WORK when I’m in there.

My office becomes a catch all. I have books stacked everywhere and papers scattered on every surface – so much so that I can’t even see the top of my desk. I even have stuff piled in my office chair. Unconsciously, I must be giving myself an excuse not to work on my book. I mean, how can I when my office is so cluttered, right?

I need to stop making excuses and just take Natalie Goldberg’s advice. I need to write. Write everywhere, anytime, about anything. I need to realize that I can be sitting in the car, sitting in my chair, or sitting at my kitchen table if that is where I feel most comfortable at the time. (Page 95)

The Writing Studio

It doesn’t stick with me all the timeSometimes I’m flying high – not a careIn the worldAnd all of a suddenBOOMI’m knocked for a loopNothing in particular happensJust a feelingRising from my chestI’m NotGoodEnough(Page 108)

Beads of sweat slide lazily down his broad, brown back as he works in the hot, afternoon sun. Miles of fence already stretched tight and miles more to go. He decides it wouldn’t hurt to take a break and get a bite for lunch before he opens new roll of wire. As he climbs into the truck, thoughts of Maggie invade his brain. How he has missed her. It’s been days since he’s touched her and she isn’t scheduled to return until Sunday afternoon – two more days without her.

Dragging himself up the steps of the house, he digs out his keys. Once inside, he heads straight to the kitchen to get his lunch out of the refrigerator. The stacked containers are just proof that Maggie is gone. He hates looking at them.

After popping his lunch in the microwave he starts the water for his shower. As hot as it is outside it will be a cool one today. Stepping in he can’t help but feel better as the cool water flows down his body. The soap washes the dirt and grime away leaving a fresh smell hanging in the air. He stands under the shower head a little longer than is needed because he can’t bear to eat alone again – just the television to keep him company.

Realizing he can’t put it off forever, he turns off the water and reaches for the towel. As he steps out onto the cool, tiled floor he can’t believe his eyes. There, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, is Maggie. Before he can even utter her name she walks forward, wraps her arms around him, and rubs her delicate hands lovingly over his broad, brown back.(Page 97)

A Big Topic: Eroticism

Rationale for Bones Pieces• I included “The Writing Studio” because it impacted me a lot. I

create excuses for not doing things all the time. One excuse being: “I can’t work on my book; I don’t have anywhere to work.” Well, the reason I don’t have anywhere to work is because I’ve associated writing with sitting in my office at my desk. What this writing exercise made me realize was, I don’t have to work on my book only in my office. I can write ANYWHERE!!! The Writing Studio is wherever and whenever I feel like writing!

• “Doubt” is powerful to me because it is so true. I really feel this way a lot of the time.

• “A Big Topic: Eroticism” was written kind of as a joke, but it turned out to be something I liked a lot. I read a lot of romance and there is a delicate balance between nasty and sexy. I think it takes a lot of work to make it stimulating while at the same time leaving something to the imagination.

Image to Word Prompts

Page 80 - Winter Landscape, 1610-1620

ColdThe kind that chills you to the boneThe kind that you never think you’ll recover fromCold that numbs your fingers and hands, your toes and feetCold that makes it difficult to go about your normal dayThe river is frozen, preventing us from leavingTrapped in one spot until the weather becomes more kindLeft to make due with the food we gathered during the warmer timesWith only fish to supplement our suppliesHoping everyday it will be enough

On a typical day at the watermill many things can be observed. The comforting sound of the clicking and clacking of the waterwheels constantly keep the water churning through the open sluice. The water flows and sloshes along the local stream amidst the trees. Birds chirp happily as the breeze gently rustles the leaves.

The old man who keeps the watermill in working order always brings Pal, his loyal dog and best friend. Together they keep order. All three, old man, loyal dog, and watermill, are constants in the town. People depend on them as they do their next breath. It’s nice to know that some things don’t change. (Page 10)

Snake in the GrassSlithering to safetyLike a water hose coiled in the grassBeware of the Farmer with a Hoe

Page 2

Rationale for Image Pieces• My favorite painting in the whole book is the one

found on page 10. I definitely wanted to use it as a prompt. I loved that the activity that went along with it dealt with sound words. I think writing using the 5 senses is so important and something we need to practice with students. It helps so much with word choice and details.

• I also loved the painting “Winter Landscape,1610 – 1620.” I love thinking about life in the past. Would I have been able to survive? I hate the cold, cold winter. I don’t think I would have liked what is depicted in this painting.

• I included the activity on page 2 because it is so quick and easy. It is something you could use for bell work for students.

“Death of the Faeries”

“Drat, I’m gonna be late again,” Millie cried as she frantically tried to find her other shoe. Izzy is going to kill me. I haven’t been on time to any of our meetings this month, she thought as she finally made her way to the front door. Millie unfolded her wings and pumped them a time or two to give them a good stretch. She had a ways to fly and didn’t want to have to stop along the way to rest as late as she already was.

Once in the air, Millie couldn’t help but take in the beauty of her world. Bright flowers bloomed everywhere she looked, friendly insects, busy at work, nodded their hellos, and the light breeze tasted sweet on her tongue as she flew toward the garden in the center of town.

As beautiful as her surroundings were, thoughts of the meeting crept into her mind. This one would be long and serious business would have to be decided. The Queen has been tightening her grip on the fey community for quite some time, but recently it has been unbearable. She expected the faeries to be at her beck and call and to do her bidding no matter the task, but worst of all, the Queen made a new law that every faerie would have to serve her in whatever capacity she chose for 1 year. Once a faerie reached the age of sixteen, they could be called to service at anytime and be expected to leave behind their own life at the drop of a hat.

A group of faeries decided something had to be done to put a stop to the Queen. Millie’s friend, Izzy, is the ringleader and expects Millie to play her part in the rebellion. Since she is sixteen-years-old and Maggie doesn’t want to leave her house to live in the castle with the Queen, she is willing to do whatever it takes to help. Excitement buzzes in her body as she approaches the garden and gets a step closer to more excitement than she has ever known.

As she slows her wing speed and prepares for her landing, Maggie realizes something doesn’t seem quite right. The insects that are usually hovering around are no where to be seen. She doesn’t see anyone else preparing to arrive either. She must be really late. Prepared for another lecture on responsibility, Millie hovers above the spot she is going to land.

Once her wings are tucked in, she takes a look around. The sounds of busy conversation that she expects to hear aren’t there. All she sees is death and destruction. All of her friends are dead; smashed almost beyond recognition. As she frantically flutters from flower to flower searching for any sign of life she comes across Izzy. Beautiful Izzy – she’ll never have the opportunity to lection Millie again and she realizes how much she’ll miss it.

Who could have done this? Millie asked herself and once she caught her breath and giving it a little thought her mind landed on just one possible answer. The Queen. The Queen killed her friends. She must have found out about the meetings and wanted to squash the insurrection before it got out of hand. Alone, Millie tried to think of what to do. She wasn’t the one with the plan. She didn’t know how to start a rebellion. What in the world should she do?

Why Did I Include “Death of the Faeries”?• It was fun creating this painting. I felt a little

frenzied during the process since we only had about 3 minutes, but it was so liberating. Once I had my slashes of color across the paper it just didn’t look complete. So, what did I do? I added some splatter and that did the trick. When we were asked to write about it the only thing I saw was smashed faeries. If the faeries were smashed, they had to get that way so I needed to find out what happened. I developed a main character and the story just unfolded. I’d love to continue the story so now I just need to decide…do I have the motivation?

Conversations – Perspective Page 128

Purple mountain majestyStanding proud and tall

A symbol of our country’s strengthWinter, Spring, Summer and Fall

Rationale for the Conversations Piece

• One of my goals for the course was to be able to demonstrate perspective. My first try didn’t work because I only used one-point perspective.

• My second try was MUCH BETTER. I think I got it.

Black clouds of depression seep into the sky of your mindThey quickly cover up the blue of hope and contentmentRain blows in and all good thoughts are left behindAllowing only room for feelings of pain and resentment

Mystery Paint

Ash falling from the skyTwo strips of clean skyStruggling to survive the ashThe hills have quitThe trees have given upEverything choked by ashA dominant forceOnly two strips of sky remainFighting backWith the strength of the tideResistingAsh eats away the remaining life

Response from Wendy Wrigley to my painting.


Purple sky plagued by black cloudsShining, shimmering splashes ofOrange, green, whiteRed lights flickering in the distance, Resembling blinking eyes

All images flow together and Swirl in my mindThe visual stimulation overloads My thoughts, leading me to a State of confusion

Staring at the busy black skyI feel numb.

Collaborative Paint/Write

• Haley was going crazy with her purple and black splat masterpiece while Stephanie and I were experimenting with the Post-It Note tape. After Steph peeled off her Post-It Note tape, Haley snagged it and stuck it to her painting. We decided it could be a fun collaborative piece. The background picture on this slide is the painting that my strips came from.

Teaching Practices

Found PoetryPossible Young Adult Books for LessonAny novel will work

Audience: Any grade level

Objective:Students will be able to share the main idea of the book they’ve read through the use of Found Poetry.

Procedure:1. The students will either write or type key words from the

novel (I scanned one page of the book with some important text on it.)  Students most likely would either type the words out on the computer and glue them on the paper or just write them on using a permanent marker.

2. The students will choose colors that match the tone/feeling of the novel. (I chose dark colors)

3. The students will cover the key words with Post-it Note tape.

4. They will paint over the whole piece of paper.  5. After everything is painted to their satisfaction they will

peel off the Post-it cover-up tape to reveal the key words. 

6. The uncovered words provide the Found Poem from the text.

Assessment:1. The student will be graded on the completion of the project.

Exploring the Importance of ColorPossible Young Adult Books for LessonUglies by Scott Westerfeld (see my example below)The Giver by Lois LowryThe City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau

Audience:Any grade level

Objective:The student will be able to illustrate key scenes from a novel that show the importance of color.

Procedure:This activity can be done two ways, either in 2 parts or all at the end of the novel. 1) Provide students with paints (only black and white for the first part)2) Ask them to paint a scene from the story using only black and white. Their scene should come from a portion of the book where black and white would be most appropriate. 3) After complete, ask students to write their thoughts about their painting. 4) When students are finished writing, start a discussion about the tone and mood of the story in the black and white scenes.5) Later in the novel or the next day (depends on how you chose to space out this lesson) provide the students with all paint colors.6) Ask students to paint a scene from a part of the novel that would best be represented by a colorful palette. 7) Again, ask the students to write about their painting.8) Just like last time, facilitate a discussion about how using colors change the tone and mood of the scene.

Assessment:The teacher will grade the students illustrations for accuracy.

Book Cover Analysis and RedesignPossible Young Adult Books for LessonThis activity can be done with any book.

Audience:Any grade level

Objective:Students will be able to take an important event or symbol from the story and use it to create an alternate book cover for their book.

Procedure:Show the cover of a book that you will be studying to the students. Ask them to look at the cover and write their predictions of what the story will be about. Be sure to keep their predictions so they can refer to them after you’ve finished the book.

After reading the book, ask the students to compare their original predictions to what really happened in the book.

Facilitate a discussion about book covers. Share with students covers of some books that have changed from the original when published as paperbacks.

Provide students with paper and paints. Ask students to create their own book cover for the book they just read.

Assessment:The teacher will assess the accuracy of the object on their new book cover.

Using Photography in the ClassroomPossible Young Adult Books for LessonOne Shot by Susan GlickBorn Confused by Tanuja Desai HidierPicture Perfect by Elaine AlphinPicture, 1918 by Jeanette IngoldRain Is Not My Indian Name by Cynthia Leitich Smith

Audience:Any grade level

Objective:Students will be able to write a descriptive paragraph about the important events in their life they chose for their collage.

Procedure:1. Before, during, or after reading a novel dealing with photography, have the children take pictures of important things in their life. 2. The pictures need to be in a digital format so ask them to bring them in on a flash drive or email them to the teacher prior to the due date.3. Have students go to Google Photos to utilize the program Picasa.4. Walk students through the process of uploading their photos.5. Have them go to the collage tool and create a collage from the photos they uploaded.6. Print out their collage.7. Ask students to freewrite about the photos they chose and why they are important to them.***You can always have the kids bring in pictures and collage the old fashioned way if you don’t have access to computers.

Assessment:1. The teacher will grade the descriptive paragraph for traditional grammar and mechanics.2. The teacher will count the collage as a participation grade.

Art MasterpiecesPossible Young Adult Books for LessonMystery of Martello Tower by Jennifer LanthierThe Vanishing Point by Susan BonnersMirror Image by K.L. DenmanThe Wish House by Celia ReesChasing Vermeer by Blue BalliettFrom the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. KonigsburgThe Wright 3 by Blue BalliettThe Calder Game by Blue Balliett

Audience:Any grade level

Objective:Students will be exposed to several different Masterpiece painters.Students will be able to form opinions as to what they see in the paintings.

Procedure:Before, during, or after reading a book dealing with art, provide the students with Masterpieces to study.Ask them to respond during a freewrite about what they feel or think of when looking at the piece of art.After writing ask students to share their responses in small groups.Ask a couple of volunteers to share with the whole group.Next, could even the next day, have students respond to art work with their own creativity. They could paint, draw, or sculpt with modeling clay.Display the students’ art in the classroom or the school library for a mini art museum tour so everyone can enjoy their hard work.

Assessment:Students will be graded on participation during the freewrites and the creation of their art work.

William Shakespeare ResearchPossible Young Adult Books for LessonSaving Juliet by Suzanne SelforsRomeo’s Ex: Rosaline’s Story by Lisa FiedlerEnter Three Witches: a Story of Macbeth by Caroline B. CooneySwan Town: The Secret Journal of Susanne Shakespeare by Michael OrtizLoving Will Shakespeare by Carolyn MeyerKing of Shadows by Susan CooperOphelia by Lisa KleinDating Hamlet: Ophelia’s Story by Lisa Fiedler

Audience:Middle School and above

Objective:Students will be able to list 4 – 5 facts about William Shakespeare.Students will create a painting of the Globe Theater.

Procedure:1. Before, during, or after reading a novel set in the time of William Shakespeare, have students conduct research about his time period.2. Locate paintings of William Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth and ask students to write about their clothing compared to today’s styles.3. Provide the students with paints, paint brushes and paper. Ask the students to paint a scene from one of the books making sure to pay attention to the details of the setting of the 16th Century.4. Show pictures of the Globe Theater. Ask students to paint the Globe Theater to the best of their abilities.

Assessment:The teacher will grade the 4 – 5 facts about William Shakespeare for accuracy.The painting of the Globe Theater will be a participation grade.

Comic Book/Graphic NovelsPossible Young Adult Books For LessonThe Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl by Barry LygaDrawing a Blank, or, How I tried to solve a mystery, end a feud, and land the girl of my dreams by Daniel Ehrenhaft

Audience: Any age level will be able to complete this activity.

Objective: 1. Students will create a comic book/graphic novel layout containing scenes from the book they’ve just read. 2. Students will be able to include the necessary aspects of the scene, while at the same time

know what can be left out and still be able to tell what the main idea of the scene is.Procedure:The teacher will provide the student with graphic novel templates or allow the students to create their own panels.Ask students to choose a scene from the book to illustrate.On a sheet of paper, have students outline the necessary elements that should be included in the comic book layout.Provide students with colored pencils and thin markers to complete their project.Students should be allowed to start with pencil if they feel the need.

Assessment:The students will be graded on the completion of the project since art ability will not be a factor.

Fashion and FadsPossible Young Adult Books For LessonHigh Fashion by Nicole ClarkeSo Yesterday by Scott WesterfeldVIPs by Nicole ClarkeThe Frog Prince by Gillian McKnightWrite Here, Right Now by Nicole ClarkeAngels on Sunset Boulevard by Melissa De la CruzRipped at the Seams by Nancy KrulikAudience: Any age level will be able to complete this activity.Objective:• The student will use their knowledge of color combinations to complete the design of a tennis shoe.• Students will write a short story about the shoe they create.Procedure:• Direct students to and click on NikeID.• Have students choose a shoe from the list of choices.• Follow the directions for designing the shoe.• When the shoe is completed, print it out (a color print out would be best)**Students can use paints to draw and design their own shoe if the teacher doesn’t want to use the Internet.• After the shoe is designed have students write a story revolving around the shoe. Allow them to be as creative as

they want to be.• OPTIONAL STEP – before sharing the stories with the class, the teacher could have the students switch shoes

and create another story. Then the two writers could compare the stories of the same shoe.• ALTERNATE METHOD – This story could be written like a write-around. One person could start the story and

then after a certain amount of time the teacher would tell the kids to pass the shoes and stories to the right. The next person would continue the story. This would continue as long as time allows.

• After the story is complete, have students share their stories in small groups. Then allow for a couple of volunteers to share with the entire group.

Assessment:A grade would be taken on the story. Traditional grammar could be used as the assessment.The artistic portion of the assignment would be a completion grade.

The Shoe

I begged my mother for the new shoe that everyone is wearing. The Stomper is the coolest thing ever. The sole is so thick it makes you taller while at the same time helping your jump shot. The shiny material makes it look like it was made out of some expensive space material that only astronauts should have access to.

I’ve been saving my allowance for months hoping if I’d offer to contribute to the purchase my parents would be more likely to agree to buy them for me. Don’t think I don’t know how much the shoes cost. I understand it is a huge expensive and that I don’t REALLY NEED them, but come on…I don’t ask for much.

I was so excited this morning when my mother said she was going by the mall to pick up a few things and that while she was there, she’d pick up my shoes. I made sure to tell her exactly the style I wanted. I even wrote it all down so she wouldn’t get it wrong. I EVEN gave her my 2nd and 3rd choices just in case they didn’t have the one I wanted in stock. They are popular you know.

All day long I thought about the shoes. I even bragged to my friends that I’d be wearing them the next day. Everyone was so jealous. So, you can imagine my complete and utter shock when I walked in the house and saw the shoe box on the kitchen table - a box that WASN’T a Stomper box. My heart sunk to my knees. I felt like I was going to throw up. As my Mom walked into the kitchen I was still trying to adjust my eyes. Maybe I was seeing things wrong.

“Well, hello honey. Welcome home. Do you want to try on your new shoes,” my sweet, clueless, Mom asked.

“What are these?”“They are tennis shoes. They look just like the others. They even have shiny

material on them. Open the box and look. I’m sure you’ll love them.”Needless to say, I didn’t love them. My Mom chose tennis shoes that were hot pink with

silver lightening bolts and yellow accents. How manly!!! I couldn’t show my face at school wearing those. That’s for sure!!

MosaicsPossible Young Adult Books For Lesson**Can be used with any book

Audience: Any age level can participate in this activity.

Objective:Students will be able to give the definition of a mosaic.Students will create a mosaic representation using paints.Students will create a mosaic revolving around a novel they have read using a specified pattern.

Procedure:The teacher will conduct a brief lesson about mosaics.The teacher will provide paints, brushes, and paper to students to create a visual representation of a mosaic using paints.The teacher will pass out the pattern for the Book Mosaic. (See Attached)The teacher will provide students with 16 4 X 4 squares of watercolor paper (or any paper thick enough that will hold the paint well.)Students will paint each square following the pattern.Each mosaic must contain the information listed on the pattern, however, each student can place the squares in any order they want. (Ask students to label the back of each square so the teacher can check the mosaic against the pattern during assessment.

Assessment:Students will be graded on participation in the activity. Artistic ability will not be judged.The students must turn in a painted mosaic.The Book Mosaic must include all the parts listed in the pattern.

Book Mosaic ActivityTitle of Book Picture of Main

CharacterPicture of Setting from

the BookQuote from the Book

Picture of something important to the main character

A Significant Event from the Story

Your Choice One of the Main Character’s


Quote from the Book Vocabulary Word and Definition

Theme Picture of a Setting from the Book

Picture of something important to the main character

Statement of Conflict Your Choice Vocabulary Word and Definition

Fairy Tale Retellings/PortraitsPossible Young Adult Books for LessonsBeastly by Alex FlinnMira, Mirror by Mette HarrisonThe Magic Circle by Donna Jo NapoliElla Enchanted by Gail Carson LevineJust Ella by Margaret Peterson HaddixBeauty Sleep by Cameron DokeyThe Night Dance by Suzanne WeynBeauty by Nancy ButcherSnow by Tracy Lynn

Audience:Any grade level

Objective:1. Students will be able to use story elements to retell their fairy tale.2. Students will be able to draw/paint a portrait of a fairy tale character.

Procedure:1. Provide students with a list of story elements.2. Ask students to fill in information from their story that correlates to the story elements.3. Using the story element sheet as their planning page, have students write a detailed summary of their fairy tale.4. After summaries are complete, walk students through the process of drawing/painting a portrait using one of the books listed on the next slide.5. Have students work independently on their portraits.6. After portraits are completed, create frames for them out of construction paper and hang on the wall to look like a gallery. 7. The summaries of the fairy tales can go underneath each painting.

Fairy Tale Retellings/Portraits Cont.

Books to assist the teacher in

portrait drawing instruction.

Assessment:1. The teacher will use the story element planning page and fairy tale summary to use as an English grade for the traditional grammar and mechanics.2. The portrait will be used as a participation grade.

Daily Reflection LogJune 30th – The first day of class I entered the room both excited and unsure. I didn’t quite know what to expect? Was Dr. A going to lecture, give us particular tasks during the day, have activities for us to do? I felt awkward at first with all the paint in front of me and not painting, but I soon realized that it was okay to jump right in and paint while Dr. A talked. It was a great first day. However, my first painting that I created in class turned out to be my LEAST favorite of the entire course.

July 1st – I was a painting maniac today. We did a free, timed paint today and I created just an abstract mess! It turned out great and I did a fun short story about it called “Death of the Faeries.” FUN!!

Daily Log ContinuedJuly 2nd – We watched Pollock today and it was fascinating. I really liked it. First of all, I really like Ed Harris, but seeing the process that Pollock went through to develop his style and the process he used to actually create his paintings was amazing. I created one of my favorite paints today. I painted it during the Pollock movie with the lights off. I mixed green and yellow because I didn’t want a dark green and when the lights came on after the movie was over it looked SO BRIGHT. I developed my love of swirls today.

July 3rd – Today we went outside an created our Group Pollock Paint. We were flinging and splattering like you wouldn’t believe. It was a fun, collaborative experience that really added to the bonding that was already occurring in our group. I think this would be a great activity for the beginning of the year.July 7th – We started talking about Teaching Practices. I had a great time coming up with my ideas over the weekend and even more fun listening to everyone elses’ ideas during our show and tell time.

Daily Log ContinuedJuly 8th – We did the Mystery Paint/Write today. I LOVED it! Wendy Wrigley chose my painting out of the bag and her “write” matched my thoughts pretty closely! This was a fun activity and I WILL do it in the future.

My View Wendy’s ViewJuly 9th – Well, we are wrapping up. We are still talking about Teaching Practices and painting, painting, painting. I created a painting that I loved today, but it isn’t useful right now. I’ll need to write about it sometime soon because I’m sure I can come up with something.

July 10th – Worked on portfolio, anthology pieces, and made all my copies. Today I realized how much I am going to miss seeing everybody everyday. Everyone is great.

Text ReflectionThe texts required for this course seem to be a good purchase. I will always be able to refer to them whenever

I need a prompt or lesson idea. I love books that provide me with useful information that I can put into practice in the classroom.

Out of the three titles, Conversations In Paint will be the one I use the least. I will never be a “painter” and I know this class isn’t intending me to be, but since I’m not going to be a serious painter and probably won’t be painting beautiful landscapes and portraits, I doubt I’ll delve into the pages of the book that often. Like the others said in class today, it would be better if the book was more step-by-step instead of simply providing examples. I do have some goals for myself that the book will help me with, I hope. I want to be able to learn how to create depth in my paintings. I want to show shadow and a light source in my art. I’d also like to be able to paint clouds, water, and mist, but I don’t think the book covers those. I’ll just have to practice on my own. Tonight I attempted some smoke (which is kind of like mist – just not white). I think it looks decent for a first try.

Writing Down the Bones is a book I was already familiar with. We’ve used it several years during the Oklahoma Writing Project. In fact, it is usually one of the texts we give to each new participant. The thing I like most about Writing Down the Bones is the fact that you can open to any page, read a section, and write something based on what she has written. It isn’t a book you have to read from beginning to end to gain benefit. Natalie Goldberg shared her own experiences which helps an unsure writer become more confident. If Natalie Goldberg has trouble writing sometimes or writes a bunch of crap every once in a while, then I have permission to do it too. Sometimes the Zen and Meditation stuff gets a little much, but in my opinion, you just take what you want from everything you use so I just skim those parts when I’m not in the mood for it.

I’m extremely excited about Image to Word by Kathleen Walsh-Piper. I’ve heard people already in the English Ed program rave about it so I was excited to find out that I would be able to get my own copy as a part of this class. My first thought when I looked inside the book was, how strange that all the pictures are black and white. The CD that is included with the book is wonderful. By including the color pictures on the CD and printing the inside with black and white, it prevented to cost of the book from being so high. I am amazed at the number of practical and easy to implement ideas that are crammed inside the book. I just open it and there is something there I could do tomorrow with a classroom full of students. On page 56, I love the idea of having students create dialogue for two characters in a painting. The CD makes the lesson even easier to implement since it includes all the paintings that are referred to in the book. Out of the three texts, Image to Word is my favorite. I haven’t had a chance to read it all the way through yet, but I look forward to finishing it.

When comparing the three texts, I’d say that Conversations in Paint is for the person wanting to learn the basics about painting. Writing Down the Bones is practical, but mostly for the adult. As a teacher, there is more in the book for me than for my students. Finally, Image to Word was written with the teacher in mind. The activities included in the book are meant to engage our students by using art to encourage writing. These three texts provide us with a nice variety of perspectives.

Other Miscellaneous and Collaborative Pieces

As I walked into the blood spattered room, the first thing I saw was a bloody corkscrew laying thrown into the corner. As my eyes swept the kitchen my eyes followed the trail of blood that led to a body crumpled next to the dishwasher. The dishwasher was in mid-cycle so I knew the body was still fresh. Or maybe the washer had been put on delay wash. Blood was continuing to seep from the body. At what point I could not tell because of the profuse splatter.

As the CSI team arrived and began snapping photos, I heard a creak from upstairs. The sound of a door closing was followed by a shatter and “TWUNK!” I quietly crept up the stairs hoping to catch whoever was upstairs off guard. As I peeked into the open bathroom door, I saw a young woman dripping with blood frantically trying to clean up.

She hadn’t noticed me yet so I watched for a moment as she rummaged through the closet to find a towel. When she closed the closet door that’s when I latched the cuff to her wrist. When I spun her around to read her her rights, I stared into familiar eyes. Eyes I’d previously seen filled with passion and desire. “Why, Delilah, why?” Stephanie White, Karin Perry, Haley Honey

Karin Haley Stephanie

Collaborative Paint (Tree Theme)

I am lucky that I had wonderful table mates during this class. Stephanie and Haley are both very creative and friendly. Stephanie painted her wonderful tree sometime during the first week. Haley and I thought it was awesome. During the 2nd week, Haley made her own version of the tree. Since both of them did one, I figured I would too so we could compare them. I wish my tree looked as cool as theirs, but trees have never been something easy for me to draw. Also, why in the world is mine tilting the other way? I guess I’m just different huh?

Karin Haley Stephanie

Collaborative Paint (Blackberry Vodka Sprite with a splash of Lime Theme)

Haley introduced Stephanie and me to the idea of the Blackberry Vodka Sprite with Lime during out two week Paint/Write course. It sounded so good that it kind of dominated our thoughts for a day or two. When I went to the liquor store I found that Blackberry Vodka is hard to find, so I had to settle for Raspberry Vodka, but it was great too!

Thanks Haley for a new drink I can order when I go out with the girls. I’m usually afraid to try new things.

Karin Stephanie Haley

Collaborative Pollock PaintGoo, Gobs of Gooey Goo


IntertwiningSun yellow

Bruise purpleCrackling red


Black as nightBlue as the sky

Pink as luscious lipsGoo, Gobs of Gooey Goo

My Attempt

At Water.

My Solar Syste






