Painting with Words Poetry. Form- the structure of the writing (what it looks like on the page)

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Painting with Words Poetry. Form- the structure of the writing (what it looks like on the page)

Painting with Words


Form- the structure of the writing (what it looks like on the page)

Graphical Elements- elements that make up the form and affect the meaning of a poem.

Some examples are: CAPITAL LETTERS, line length, and word position.

All poems are broken up into lines. The length of each line and where it breaks, or ends, contributes to the poem’s meaning and sounds.

A stanza is a group of lines. Stanzas work together to convey the overall message of the poem.

Just as a story has a narrator, a poem has a voice that “talks” to readers. This voice, or speaker, is sometimes a fictional character rather than the poet.

Rhyme is the repetition of sounds at the ends of words, as in sun and one.

Rhyme scheme is the pattern that the end-rhyming words follow. To identify rhyme scheme, assign a letter to each sound.

Repetition is a technique in which a sound, word, phrase, or line is repeated for emphasis or unity. Repetition often helps to reinforce meaning or create an appealing rhythm.

Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.

Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in a series of words: e.g., the words “cry” and “side” have the same vowel sound so they are said to be in assonance.

Imagery is defined as language that appeals to one or more of our senses-sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Vivid images help readers more clearly understand what a poet does.

• Simile is a comparison of two things using the words like or as.

Metaphors are comparisons of two things that do not use the words like or as.

Hyperbole is an exaggeration used to create an image or to show emotion.

Personification is a description of an object, animal, or idea as if it has human qualities and emotions.