Paideia US History EOC Exam Review This...

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Transcript of Paideia US History EOC Exam Review This...

Paideia US



Exam Review Packet

Review Tips for a 4 on the EOC:

1) Use your Folder to help you complete the packet—specifically your sticky notes and

vocabulary work.

2) Use markers or colored pens to differentiate topics on the Brainstorm Page

3) Class website has links and review games that you can print

4) USATEST Prep has review games to help you as well.

Packet Due Date: ____________________________

Extra Credit Date: ____________________________

Goal 1-New Nationalism


Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques. My suggestion would be to

make a chart divided between people, events, key terms, visual ques.

Goal 1-New Nationalism

Goal 2-Expansion and Reform


Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goal 2-Expansion and Reform

Goal 3– Crisis and Civil War and



Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goal 3– Crisis and Civil War


Goal 4– The Rise of the West and



Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goal 4– The Rise of the West and Populism

Goal 5—Industrialization


Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goal 5—Industrialization

Goals 6— Imperialism


Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goals 6— Imperialism

Goals 7-Progressivism


Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goals 7-Progressivism

Goals 8—World War I


Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goals 8—World War I

Goals 9 – 1920s and 1930s Brainstorm

Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goals 9 – 1920s and 1930s

Goals 10—World War II


Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goals 10—World War II

Goals 11—Cold War


Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goals 11—Cold War

Goals 12—Modern America


Fill this page with any key terms, events, people, visual ques.

Goals 12—Modern America

Supreme Court Review

_____1. Marbury v. Madison, 1803 A Presidents may not use executive privilege to break law or cover


_____2. McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819 B Overturned Plessy. Forced integration.

_____3. Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824 C Right of the accused to a lawyer/counsel.

_____4. Worcester v. Georgia, 1832 D Upheld a national bank. States cannot tax it.

_____5. Dred Scott, 1857 E Limit freedom of speech when there is a “clear”

and present danger”.

_____6. Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 F Protected symbolic free speech of students to wear

Armbands in protest of Vietnam.

_____7. Schenck v. U.S., 1919 G Protects right to protest by burning the flag.

_____8. Korematsu v. U.S., 1944 H Judicial review. “Midnight Judges” case

_____9. Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 I Federal government can regulate interstate trade

covers TV and banking

_____10. Mapp v. Ohio, 1961 J Establishment and Free Exercise clauses prohibit

required Bible reading in school

_____11. Engle v. Vitale, 1962 K Slaves were property and cannot sue. Missouri

compromise deemed unconstitutional.

_____12. Gideon v. Wainwright, 1963 L Cannot require students to recite even a

nonsectarian prayer.

_____13. Abington Township v. Schempp, 1963 M Upheld Japanese internment “Pressing public

necessity” may limit civil rights.

_____14. Miranda v. Arizona, 1966 N Evidence obtained illegally must be excluded

from the trial.

_____15. Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969 O The accused must be informed of their rights

prior to any questioning.

_____16. Roe v. Wade, 1973 P “Reasonable suspicion” standard for school


_____17. U.S. v. Nixon, 1974 Q Established “separate but equal”.

_____18. University of CA v. Bakke, 1978 R Reverse discrimination: a white student challenged

A quota system at a medical school.

_____19. New Jersey v. T.L.O., 1985 S Upheld a woman’s right to choose an abortion

_____20. Texas v. Johnson, 1989 T Cannot take Indian lands: Jackson did not enforce It. Indian re

moval to Oklahoma

U.S Wars

War of 1812 (1812-1814) Causes_______________________________________________________________________

Major Battles__________________________________________________________________


Name of Treaty________________________________________________________________

Mexican – American War (1846-1848) Causes_______________________________________________________________________

Major Battles__________________________________________________________________


Name of Treaty________________________________________________________________

The Civil War (1861-1865) Causes_______________________________________________________________________

Civil War President ____________________________________________________________

Union Commander _____________________________________________________________

Southern Commander__________________________________________________________


Spanish American War (1898) Causes______________________________________________________________________

Major Battles_________________________________________________________________


Name of Treaty _______________________________________________________________

World War I (1914-1918) Cause _______________________________________________________________________

Why did America get involved? __________________________________________________


Name of Treaty _______________________________________________________________

World War II (1939-1945) Causes ______________________________________________________________________

Why did America get involved? __________________________________________________

Major Battles__________________________________________________________________

Why did Truman drop the Atomic bomb? ___________________________________________


Korean War (1950-1953) Causes_______________________________________________________________________

Major Battles__________________________________________________________________


Vietnam War (1954-1970) Causes_______________________________________________________________________

Major Events/Battles___________________________________________________________


Persian Gulf War (1990-1991) Causes_______________________________________________________________________

Major Events/Battles____________________________________________________________


The Printed Word Match the following author to the book, pamphlet or document.

_____1. Lincoln Steffens A The Other America 1961

_____2. Andrew Carnegie B The Souls of Black Folks 1903

_____3. Harriet Beecher Stowe C The Jungle 1906

_____4. Frederick Jackson Turner D How the Other Half Lives 1890

_____5. Henry David Thoreau E The Liberator 1831

_____6. Jane Addams F The Gospel of Wealth 1889

_____7. Rachel Carson G The Shame of the Cities 1904

_____8. Helen Hunt Jackson H Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852

_____9. John Steinbeck I The Influence of Sea Power

Upon History 1890

_____10. Booker T. Washington J On Civil Disobedience 1849

_____11. Martin Luther King Jr. K A Century of Dishonor 1881

_____12. Daniel Ellsberg L The Grapes of Wrath 1939

_____13. Bob Woodward/Carl Bernstein M The Atlanta Compromise 1895

_____14. Michael Harrington N The Feminine Mystique 1963

_____15. W.E.B. Dubois O Twenty Years at Hull House


_____16. Jacob Riis P Letter from the Birmingham Jail


_____17. Alfred T. Mahan Q The Pentagon Papers 1971

_____18. Upton Sinclair R All the President’s Men 1973

_____19. Betty Friedan S Silent Spring 1961

_____20. William Lloyd Garrison T The Significance of the Frontier

in American History 1893

Foreign Policy: From Theodore Roosevelt to Jimmy Carter Review

_____1. William Howard Taft A Adopted the Good Neighbor Policy

nonintervention in Latin American affairs.

_____2. John F. Kennedy

B Encouraged the policy of containment -

which would stop the spread of communism.

_____3. Richard Nixon

C This policy encouraged American business

men to investing overseas markets. This was

known as Dollar Diplomacy.

_____4. John Foster Dulles

D Under this foreign policy the US agrees to

collect debts from Latin American countries.

This was also an extension to the Monroe


_____5. Eisenhower Doctrine

E Under this policy the US tried to ease rela

tions With the Soviet Union. This policy was

called Détente.

_____6. Lyndon B. Johnson

F When this president was elected, the war in

Vietnam escalated under his administration.

_____7. Theodore Roosevelt

G Under this administration the Secretary of

Defense McNamara pushed the strategy flexi

ble Response, which increased the spending of

conventional weapons.

_____8. Harry S. Truman

H The doctrine that this president developed

gave Money to Greece and Turkey to prevent

the spread of communism.

_____9. Woodrow Wilson

I This president emphasized “speak softly and

carry a big stick” to show the rest of the US

World dominance.

_____10. Jimmy Carter

J When this president came to power, he

implemented the policy of Vietnamization,

which was the gradual withdrawal of troops

from Vietnam.

_____11. George Kennan

K This president was responsible for peace in

the Middle East when he convinced Egypt and

Israel to sign the Camp David Peace Accords.

_____12. Franklin Roosevelt

L Under Eisenhower’s administration, this

Secretary of Defense believed in the domino

theory. If one country fell to communism, then

eventually they all would fall to communism.