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Pelham Library Board of Trustees

Minutes of April 20, 2016 Meeting

Present: Carol Beland, Darlene Michaud, Rose Ann Cares, Lori Adams, Cindy McGhee, Irja Finn, Andre Michaud, Brian McCarthy, Doug Viger Meeting Called to order: 6:29

Approval of Agenda:

Agenda was accepted with the following updates: Under Unfinished business: Remove Hourly rates and Salary ranges. This will be addressed at a future meeting when we have more information. Lori Motioned to accept the Agenda with updates, Cindy seconded. Accepted 5-0-0. Approval of Minutes:

March Minutes accepted with no updates. Special meeting April 8 minutes accepted without changes. Lori Motioned to accept minutes, Cindy seconded. Accepted 5-0-0. Review of Reports:

• Treasures report Cindy told us the Trust fund meeting was cancelled, she will try to attend the next meeting in May

• Directors report Staff Blog is up and will be fine-tuned with more input from Winifred.

• Adult Services • YA Services • Childrens • ILL Services • Tech Services

Lori Motioned to accept the reports Cindy seconded. Accepted 5-0-0.

Unfinished Business:

Winifred is starting on Friday and Irja will try to get her up to speed in the next week before she leaves for vacation. Irja will be gone for 2 weeks and she will prepare as much as she can for Winifred to cover as director.

Policy manual: Rose is working on ETO (Earned time off) and will review the town policy to

align with them as much as possible.

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New Business:

Staff: Christina Savard has resigned. Irja is covering her shifts with present staff.

Flip: Flip has moved around their officers. Carol was unable to attend their meeting this month, but will attend next month.

Introduction of visitors: Andre Michaud, Brian McCarthy and Doug Viger attended to talk about the building and go over a list of needed repairs Andre Spoke about the state of the roof and observations he saw and made suggestions on how to make minor improvements to ensure we have no more roof leaks. Brian will look into the suggestions for proposed roof repairs. Doug and Brian spoke to the Trustees about turning over the Library building to the trustees. Open discussion about when this would happen and what our responsibilities are. The Trustees owning the building would mean we would be responsible for the building repairs and maintenance. The town agrees to upkeep the grounds and plowing. Brian agreed to take on any repairs we need now, and any transfer of ownership will be most likely in 2017. Irja will work on a list to email to Brian for repairs. The group took a small tour of the boiler room and Doug and Andre looked at the roof.

Trust Fund requests: Lori motioned to request $1000.00 from Seavey. Darlene Seconded. Accepted 5-0-0. Meeting Called to Close: approx 8:44

Next meeting:

BoT will meet for our May meeting as scheduled on the 18th at 6:30 at the Pelham Public Library

Respectfully Submitted,

Darlene Michaud

Recording Secretary

Pelham Public Library

Board of Trustees

Please see appendix for original Reports from head of departments.

MARCH 2016

Library Trustee Account (Enterprise Bank)

Trustee Accounts Beginning Deposited Spent Balance Notes

General Fund $1,422.36 $335.00 $455.00 $1,302.36 $335 deposited for tunes for tots. chk # 429; $300 meditation

class, chk # 428; $155 Tunes for Tots

Fines & Fees, & Income

Generating Equipment$2,690.76 $401.75 $346.34 $2,746.17

Deposits: $211.50 Fines & Fees $190.25 From Equipment;

Withdrawals: chk # 427; $201.90 Xerox lease, chk # 430 $144.44

Xerox monthly

Lost & Paid For $98.53 $62.63 $96.16 $65.00

chk # 424; $37.49, chk # 425 $29.99, chk # 426 $28.68 all Ingram

inv #'s - 66666053, 66669534, 60965986 respectively replaced


FLIP Money/Programs $9.40 $0.00 $0.00 $9.40


Children's Garden Donation $104.27 $0.00 $0.00 $104.27

Anime Donation $3.26 $0.00 $0.00 $3.26

Donation and Match for Large

Print Books$29.44 $0.00 $0.00 $29.44

Trust Fund Income

Beaudoin (books) $1,862.51 $0.00 $347.13 $1,515.38

LP Books - chk #421 $37.99 ingram 60967054, chk # 422 $17.85

ingram 60971082; chk # 423 $19.39 ingram 60973688, chk #431

$32.01 ingram 60981034, chk # 432 $239.89 ingram 60982867

Seavey (books) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Brown (anything) $1,002.46 $0.00 $0.00 $1,002.46

Gage (books) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Bank Interest $4.31 $0.12 $0.00 $4.43

TOTAL Acct Balance$7,227.30 $799.50 $1,244.63 $6,782.17


31-Dec-13 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-15 Balance (restricted principle not taken out)



Charles Seavey books only 6,757.97$ 7,297.99$ 4,989.61$ $5,989.61 ($1,000 restricted) $4,989.61 expendible

E & E Chalifoux: book only 1,860.28$ 2,325.85$ 2,046.91$ $7,046.91 ($5,000 restricted) $2,046.91 expendible

Frank Woodbury; anything 8,758.09$ 9,669.34$ 9,097.65$ $14,097.65 ($5,000 restricted) $9,097.65 expendible

Mary Gage; books only 300.84$ 394.61$ 344.72$ $1,344.72 ($1,000 restricted) $344.72 expendible

Noreen Brown; anything 30,411.91$ 25,319.15$ 23,999.06$ $36,015.06 (12,016 restricted) $23,999.06 expendible

Sherman Hobbs; anything 1,356.70$ 1,805.85$ 1,557.10$ $6,557.10 ($5,000 restricted) $1,557.10 expendible

Anna Beaudoin; books only 9,064.17$ 13,347.50$ 9,308.80$ $56,575.24 ($47,266.44 restricted) $9,308.80 expendible

TOTALS 58,509.96$ 60,160.29$ 51,343.85$


Spent $2000 in each of Seavey and Beaudoin from Trust fund disbursements in 2015.

Spent $7500 from Brown in Trust fund disbursements in 2014.

LIBRARY RENOVATION FUND AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2015 5,261.91$ No restricted principal

Renovation Fund was established in 2000 from Warrant Article #25

In 2005 it was changed to include the ADA from Warrant Article #34

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Director’s Report Library Board of Trustees

March 2016 Report

FY16 Budget: Overall budget 24% expended as of March 31, 2016.

Salaries on target at 21% expended.

Telephone line charges increased slightly after the budget cycle for most Town Departments. This line will be over expended ~ $100 for FY16, and will need adjustment for FY17.

Newspapers and Magazines – FY16 budget remained the same as prior years with no increases in the forecast at $3500. Our FY16 Magazine and Newspaper expense actually is $3908. We are purchasing and offering the same number of magazines and newspapers as prior years. An adjustment for FY17 will definitely need to be made – reduce the titles offered, or increase the budget amount.

Building, maintenance and equipment: Fire extinguishers and fire alarm system were successfully tested.

Awaiting update from Town on repair work from February water leak.

Consultant Bridget Rawding spent a half day with Betsy, Nicole and I discussing the format and goals of an internal staff blog. She is creating a draft using WordPress and will return in April with a final version and training for Department Heads.

FY16 New Hampshire downloadable books :

Of note in March statistics – 13 new patrons signed up to use Overdrive for ebooks and e-audios thru the Pelham Library. Offering two to three Tech Drop In sessions per week is making a difference, especially when new cards are issued. “Would you like to book an appointment for our Tech Drop In session?”

Collections: March usage of the Leased Books was exactly the same as February at 97.

The water leak of February 2016 provided an unanticipated opportunity to reassess the Large Print Collection, its contents and placement in the library. Once again we are moving this collection to a more prominent piece of real estate (visible shelving) in the Reading Room.


The advertisement for the Assistant Director was placed on several states’ library job sites, the Simmons Jobline, and the town websites.

Jen Rafferty has stepped in and taken on some of Rebecca’s Circulation duties. However, we are falling short in other areas like the newsletter, the email lists, etc.

Interviews for additional “Weekend Librarians” are ongoing, with two very strong candidates interested.

Performance reviews were completed for all part time staff.

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The March staff meeting once again was taken over by mandatory training. The Pelham Police Department presented a two hour Active Shooter Workshop for all Town employees. Unfortunately the sessions were offered during daytime hours when the library was open, so not everyone could make it. The next workshop is in June for the four or five of us who missed it.

FLIP: The Flip Book Sale, the TAG Group Bake Sale, The Town Egg Hunt and the Immunization Clinic

brought in many new people to the library.

The FLIP Book Sale cleared over $1100.

At their March meeting, FLIP approved a YA request for $200 for ToshoCon; also approved was $150 towards a Children’s Program “Creature Teachers”. The remaining balance of $125 will come from the municipal appropriation.


Met with the energetic, over 50 years old, ladies of The Royal Red Hats of Pelham. They are planning to attend more library functions, now that they know about them! Not everyone who is a Red Hatter goes to the Senior Center, the need for more outreach to this age group became apparent.

The Department of Public Health held another successful Immunization and Screening Clinic at the library, the day of the FLIP Book Sale. The feedback from the public and the nurses staffing the clinic was positive. A more consistent collaboration between the Town Health Officer, The Department of Public Health and the Library is in the works.

The Food For Fines initiative headed up by Circulation Librarian Jen Rafferty yielded three large bins of donations for the St. Patrick’s Food Pantry. Once again the patrons of Pelham Library were more than generous with food donations, often far exceeding the fine value they owed.

Respectfully submitted,

Irja S. Finn Irja S. Finn, Director April 19, 2016

2016 Statistics Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec YEAR END


Registered Patrons: 6137 6167 6205

Reserves 196 210 245 651

Checkouts 2947 3295 3170 9412

Renewals 805 1036 1078 2919

Downloadable Books 868 689 793 2350TOTAL MONTHLY CIRCULATION: 4620 5020 5041 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14681


Museum of Fine Arts 9 8 3 20

Museum of Science 8 9 11 28

New England Aquarium 10 11 7 28

Zoo New England 0 0 2 2

Isabella Stewart Gardiner 0 1 0 1TOTAL MUSEUM PASS CIRCULATION: 27 29 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79


Adult Reference Transactions

Government Information Help

Job Help

NH Downloadables/Device Question

Computer/Xerox Help

Genealogy ReferenceFax


Programming Overview # of Meetings Date(s) Attendance

Anime Club 3 3/2/2016 8

3/16/2016 11

3/30/2016 8

Fandom Friday 2 3/11/2016 8

3/18/2016 2

Monday Movie: Ant Man 1 3/14/2016 11

Teen Advisory Group 2 3/9/2016 11

3/23/2016 9

Teen Advisory Group Bake Sale 1 3/26/2016 6

Teen Coloring 2 3/1/2016 4

3/22/2016 0

Teen Craft Group: DIY Yarn Chandeliers 1 3/15/2016 9

Total Programs: 12 Total Attendance: 87

Passive Initiatives Length of Initiative Date(s) Participants

Divergent Series: Allegiant Raffle 2 Weeks 3/14/16-3/25/16 8

Young Adult Area Usage Users

Computer 173

X-Box 12


# of Volunteers 7

# of Volunteer Hours 23.5

Circulation: Montly Overview Mar-16 Mar-15

General Fiction 13 17

Mystery 0 8

Horror 3 4

Sci-Fi 25 41

Fantasy & Paranormal 43 19

Manga & Graphic Novels 122 31

Nonfiction 8 7

Total 214 127

Upcoming Events: April 2016 & Beyond

Anime Club

Fandom Friday

Teen Advisory Group

Teen Coloring @ the Library

Teen Craft Group: DIY Flower Crowns

Toshocon: A Teen Fandom Convention

Toshocon Day 2: Meet-Up & Game Day

May: Rolling Video Games

May: Monday Movies - Star Wars & Hunger Games

May: Baking Bunch

March 2016: CHILDREN'S SERVICES REPORT Number of Meetings Date(s) Attendance


Baby Time 5 3/1/2016 5

3/8/2016 8

3/15/2016 5

3/22/2016 7

3/29/2016 11

Preschool Story Time 4 3/7/2016 23

3/14/2016 11

3/21/2016 11

3/28/2016 8

Totally Twos Story Time 5 3/2/2016 26

3/9/2016 9

3/16/2016 21

3/23/2016 13

3/30/2016 15

Daddies and Donuts 1 3/12/2016 21

Legos at the Library 5 3/3/2016 16

3/10/2016 11

3/17/2016 6

3/24/2016 13

3/31/2016 10

Maker Monday 1 3/21/2016 4

Tiger Scout Visit 1 3/31/2016 18

Passive Programming: Shamrocks 3/1/2016 - 3/17/2016 15

Tunes for Tots* 7 3/2/2016 36

*not library sponsored 3/7/2016 19

3/9/2016 13

3/14/2016 20

3/16/2016 23

3/21/2016 11

3/23/2016 28

Total Programs: 29 Total Attendance: 437

Upcoming Programs for April

Baby Time

Preschool Story Time

Totally Twos Story Time

Daddies and Donuts

Legos at the Library

Maker Monday

Movie Showing: The Good Dinosaur

The Creature Teachers

Children’s Services Report: March 2016

Children’s Programming:

The Children’s Department offered twenty-two programs in March, including Story Times and Legos

at the Library. 287 people attended these programs.

Tunes for Tots was offered by Laura Smith seven times, and 150 people attended. This is a Kinder

Music program that she offers in the library for $5 on Monday and Wednesday mornings. This

program was offered fewer times in March than expected because Laura has taken a break to have

her baby. We are looking to forward having her back in early May.

Betsy attended Community Night at the elementary school with Rose and Ray Graham from FLIP.

The kids did origami and learned about the library, while the parents learned about the awesome

things that FLIP does.

The Collection:

Circulation of books in the Children’s Area was up by 126 when compared to 2015. 1,257 children’s

books circulated in March of 2016, which is up by 11%. This is great! We have finished shifting the

collection around in order to make space for the DVDs, and patrons seem pleased with the changes.

DVD circulation was down by fifty when compared to March 2015. However, in the middle of the

month they moved upstairs. Patrons are very happy about this, and circulation has already increased

since the move.

In March of 2016, circulation of graphic novels was up by 258% over March of 2015. This is a result

of graphic novels having their own section.

Upcoming Events for April:

Story Times will continue to be held Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Baby Time has

moved to 10:00.

Legos at the Library will continue to meet on Thursdays. There will be extra Lego time

during the vacation week meeting.

Daddies and Donuts will be on Saturday, April 9.

Maker Monday will meet twice in April. On April 11 we will discuss how airplanes work, and

then compare different models of paper airplanes to see which ones fly better. On April 25

we will make our own marble run courses.

There will be a screening of The Good Dinosaur on April 26.

Interlibrary Loan Statistics

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

January 80 39 30 10 32 14 42 45 76 38 34 47

February 62 26 44 44 35 50 50 93 81 51 71 54

March 85 45 43 22 25 31 85 66 65 72 74 94

April 40 64 28 34 25 56 79 83 66 52

May 53 39 20 35 55 81 66 45 58 70

June 56 40 28 26 24 79 68 54 43 48

July 53 49 42 52 25 60 82 65 56 30

August 46 58 19 23 61 76 70 81 59 57

September 77 50 46 28 16 95 86 75 58 52

October 73 44 38 33 35 55 56 65 45 40

November 42 37 36 19 11 62 48 71 74 55

December 35 42 23 10 16 46 69 59 48 48

Total 227 585 540 356 352 363 177 814 846 759 686 647

2016 2015 2013 2012 2011

January 122 84 48 66 61

February 112 119 95 106 104

March 170 111 94 99 125

April 96 111 100 77

May 134 65 93 125

June 135 82 69 72

July 113 107 108 55

August 122 100 82 118

September 172 121 86 68

October 128 103 78 75

November 104 107 93 66

December 81 82 58 64

Total 404 1399 1115 1038 1010

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer Rafferty

ILL/Circulation Librarian

Borrowed by us Lent by us


Total Borrowed & Lent by Month














Collection Statistics 2015 / 2016

Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 2015 YTD

Acquired 175 275 367 294 219 261 283 214 225 277 265 178 3033

Withdrawn 191 213 264 630 451 358 106 347 224 360 543 210 3897

Total 366 488 631 924 670 619 389 561 449 637 808 388 6930

Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 2016 YTD

Acquired 298 189 305

Withdrawn 244 379 116

Total 542 568 421

Respectfully Submitted,

Nicole Goolishian

Technical Services & Young Adult Librarian