Page Objects Done Right - selenium conference 2014

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Presentation by Oren Rubin on Page Object presented at the seleniumconf2014

Transcript of Page Objects Done Right - selenium conference 2014

Page ObjectsOren Rubin

About Me

Talk Topics

● Page Objects

○ Why?

○ How?

○ When?

● Synchronously

○ Integrate in Page Objects

○ Remove magic sleep

Talk Topics (we won't discuss)

● Locators - best practice

● Retrys

○ Locator retry (SPA)

○ Entire Test (stability)

Page Objects?

A Design Pattern.

Provides a programmatic API to drive and interrogate a UI

Naming things is hard

● Originally "Window Drivers" - Martin Fowler, 2004

● Only pages? what about:

○ Header/footer

○ Components/widgets

○ Simple HTML elements (e.g., Tables)

Page Object Pattern

Expose the service you're interacting with, not the implementation. -- Selenium Wiki

If you have a WebDriver APIs in your test methods...

You're doing it wrong. -- Simon Stewart

Step 1 - Expose The Service

Step 1 - Expose The Service

<form id="gaia_loginform">

<input id="email">

<input id="passwd">

<input id="signIn" type="submit">


Step 1 - Expose The Service

void testMyApp() {

// login




sleep(3000); // wait till page loads

assert(...) // my assertions}

Step 1 - Expose The Service

void testMyApp() {

// login




sleep(3000); // wait till page loads

assert(...) // my assertions}

Simon says no!

Test Automation

testMyApp() { account.login();



Business LogictestMyApp() { account.login();



the implementation of the automatic execution of some Business Logic

ImplementationClass LoginPage() { login() { // selenium code }}

Class GalleryPage() { showImage() {...}}

Step 1 - Expose The Service

loginPage = new LoginPage();


public class LoginPage {

public login();


Step 1 - Expose The Service

loginPage = new LoginPage();


// compilation error: missing return type

public class LoginPage {

public ? login();


Step 1 - Expose The Service

Option 1: void

public class LoginPage {

public void login();


Step 1 - Expose The Service

void testMyApp() {

// TODO move to @setup

loginPage = new LoginPage();


sleep(3000); // wait till page loads



Step 1 - Expose The Service

Pro - Only deals with login page

● Don't interleave code relevant to other pages in this class.

Con - Only deals with login page

● Was the login successful?● On which page should we be?● Is the new page ready?

Step 1 - Expose The Service

Option 2 (improved): Return a page object

public class LoginPage {

public GalleryPage login() {{…

return new GalleryPage();}


Step 1 - Expose The Service

void testMyApp() {// TODO consider moving to @before

loginPage = new LoginPage();

galleryPage = loginPage.login();




Q: What's the source of all evil?

"No more war - no more blood shed"

A: Random waits

"No more war - no more blood shed"

random sleep

Abie NathanThe voice of peace

Step 2 - Eliminate random sleep

void testMyApp() {

loginPage = new LoginPage();

galleryPage = loginPage.login();

sleep(3000); // should we move it?galleryPage.showImageFullscreen();


Step 2 - option 2

public class LoginPage {

public GalleryPage login() {…


return new GalleryPage();}


Step 2 - option 2

void testMyApp() {

loginPage = new LoginPage();

// synchronous for testers

galleryPage = loginPage.login();



Step 2 - back to option 1

public class LoginPage {void login() {…}


public class GalleryPage { void showImageFullscreen() {…}

static GalleryPage waitForPage() {…}}

Step 2 - back to option 1

void testMyApp() {

loginPage = new LoginPage()

loginPage.login(); // login() is void

galleryPage = GalleryPage.waitForPage();



Step 2 - Combining options 1+2

public class LoginPage {

public GalleryPage login() {…

// return new GalleryPage();

return GalleryPage.waitForPage();}


Step 2 - Force API comformance

public class LoginPage {static LoginPage waitForPage() {…}GalleryPage login() {…}


public class GalleryPage {static GalleryPage waitForPage() {…}void showImageFullscreen() {…}


Step 2 - Basic code reuse

abstract class BasicPage {// force derived classes

public static BasicPage waitForPage();}

public class GalleryPage {public static BasicPage waitForPage() {…}


Step 2 - Basic code reuse

abstract class BasicPage {// force derived classes

public static BasicPage waitForPage();}

public class GalleryPage {public static BasicPage waitForPage() {…}

} Computer says no! Cannot override static methods!

Step 2 - Basic code reuse

abstract class BasicPage {// force derived classes to implement

public BasicPage waitForPage();}

public class GalleryPage {public BasicPage waitForPage() {…}

} Computer says ok! But could be improved!

Step 2 - Basic code reuse

abstract class BasicPage {// force derived classes to implement

public BasicPage waitForPage();}

public class GalleryPage {public GalleryPage waitForPage() {…}


Step 2 - Basic code reuse

Another option is to use c'tor as wait

public class GalleryPage {GalleryPage() {




Step 2 - Basic code reuse

Tip!Add all common utilities to base class

abstract class BasicPage {public BasicPage waitForPage();

public void waitForSpinnerToFade();}

What's next?

Support Different Users

Step 3 - Params and overload

Sounds simple!

public class LoginPage {

public GalleryPage login(user, password);


Step 3 - Params and overload

void testMyApp() {

// bad password

loginPage = new LoginPage();

loginPage = loginPage.login('a', 'wrong');

// good password

galleryPage = loginPage.login('a', 'correct');



Step 3 - Params and overload

What about different roles? what about failures

public class LoginPage {

public GalleryPage login(user, password);public OtherPage login(user, password);public LoginPage login(user, password);

} // compilation error:

can't distinguish overload by return type

Step 3 - Params and overload

Compiles successfully

public class LoginPage {

public GalleryPage loginAsRegular(…); public OtherPage loginAsAdmin(…); public LoginPage loginAsBadCredintial(…);}

Step 3 - Overloading Philosophy

The LoginPage is used for:1. Setup

Drive the app to a specific stateNo one cares about the implementation

2. Test the Login page itselfTest the specific implementation

Step 3 - Overloading Philosophy

1. Setup // look ma! no params!


Implementation might be using● Username/password● Cookies● Google Account

Might be hardcoded, or using config files

Step 3 - Overloading Philosophy

2. Test the Login page itself○ Abstract everything

login(username, password)

○ Act on element wrappers (get/set kind) Definition: InputDriver getPasswordField()

Usage: loginPage.getPasswordField.set('12345')

* less recommended

Step 3 - Overloading Philosophy

Should we put everything together?

class LoginPage {

login() {}

login(username, password){}


Step 3 - Overloading Philosophy

Do we want more abstraction

interface LoginPage { login();

LoginPageDriver getDriver();}

interface LoginPageDriver { login(username, password);


Step 3 - Overloading Philosophy

class LoginPageImpl implements LoginPage, LoginPageDriver { login() {}

login(username, password);

LoginPageDriver getDriver() {return this;



Step 4 - Page Factory

public class LoginPage {

private WebDriver driver;

public LoginPage(driver) {

this.driver = driver;


public GalleryPage login(username, password) {



Step 4 - Page Factory

public class LoginPage {

private WebElement email;

public LoginPage(driver) {

email = driver.findById("email");


public GalleryPage login(username, password) {



Step 4 - Page Factory

public class LoginPage {

private WebElement email;

private WebElement password;

public LoginPage(driver) {

email = driver.findById("email");

password = driver.findById("password");

// Linting error! too much glue code



Step 4 - Page Factory

public class LoginPage {

private WebElement email;

private WebElement password;

/* look ma.. no ctor! */


// loginPage = new LoginPage();

loginPage =

PageFactory.initElement(driver, LoginPage.class)

Step 4 - Page Factory

Recommended way - in c'tor

public class LoginPage {

LoginPage() {

// wait till ready


// init

PageFactory.initElement(driver, this)



Step 4 - Page Factory Pseudo Code

class PageFactory {

public static initElements(driver, class){

obj =; {

if (property.type === WebElement.class) {

byId = driver.findById(;

byName = driver.findByName(;

obj[] = byId || byName



Step 4 - Page Factory

But this won't pass any code review

public class GoogleLoginPage {private WebElement q;// Linting error! name too short

and non descriptive


Step 4 - Page Factory

Annotations to the rescue!

public class GoogleLoginPage {

@FindBy(how =, using = "q")private WebElement searchBox;


Step 4 - Page Factory

Shorthand FTW!

public class GoogleLoginPage {

@FindBy(name = "q")private WebElement searchBox;


Supports id, tagName and custom annotations!

Step 4 - Assertions

Two options● Separate from Page Objects

Community Recommends

● Inside Page ObjectMaybe inside the BasicPage class

Off topic - No more sleep

public class GalleryPage {

public void waitForPage() {sleep(3000);



Off topic - No more sleep

Some solutions1. The "No smoke without fire" -

Wait for another element we know that loads last

2. The "Take the time"Wait till state is what you expect (element exists,

row count,..). Selenium's implicit wait helps.3. The "Coordinator" - Recommended!

Wait for a sign from AUT

The Coordinator



// injected codesetInterval( function({ if (works) { // we're done callback(); }), 500ms)

The Coordinator

Option 1 - JavascriptThe API driver.executeAsyncScript("some js.. callback()");

Translation - browser runsfunction executeAsync(codeToEval, callback) {

// evaluated code has access to callbackeval(codeToEval);


The Coordinator

Option 1 - JavascriptThe API driver.executeAsyncScript("some js.. callback()");

Translation - browser runsfunction executeAsync(codeToEval, callback) {

// name 'callback' might change. last param guaranteed though


The Coordinator

driver.executeAsyncScript("some js.. // callback()var lastIndex = arguments.length;var workingCallback = arguments[lastIndex]

workingCallback(); // nowsetTimeout(workingCallback, 5000); // later


The Coordinator

The API driver.executeAsyncScript("some js.. callback()");

Better implementation function executeAsync(codeToEval, callback) {

// evaluated code has access to callback

var lastArgument = "arguments[arguments.legnth - 1]" eval("( function(callback){" +codeToEval+" } )(lastArgument)");


The Coordinator - option 2



// load things…// readysendTestEvent('logged')

The Coordinator - option 2

Testers wait for a known event

public class LoginPage {public GalleryPage login() {


return new GalleryPage();}


The Coordinator - option 2

Dev add html element in test mode


<div id="app"> app goes here </div>

<div id="test"> test events go here </div>


The Coordinator - option 2

Imlement waitForTestEvent in base class

abstract class BasicPage {

void waitForTestEvent(eventName) {

By selector = By.CSS("#test ." + eventName)


WebElement element = driver.find(selector);




The Coordinator - option 2

Dev add html element in test mode

function loadGalleryPage() {

callServer(function() {

// page is loaded




The Coordinator - option 2

Dev add html element in test modeclass Testing {

sendTestEvent: function(ev) {

if (!app.isInTest){


$('#test').append('<div class="+ev+">')


}Illustration only, don't use jQuery. Use Angular.js / Ember.js


Thank You!

Oren Rubin | shexman@gmail | @shexman | linkedin