Page layout t5

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Page layout t5

Images sourced from books:

Advantages of sourcing images this way: Libraries are often great places to source images from books due to having such a diverse array of books to choose from. The books are often laid out within a library in categorical order allowing for it to be easy to find a relevant book to source your images from. You can often find more unique or rare images which aren’t on the internet, meaning less people will be likely to have used the exact images. Vintage and old books often allow for more interesting dated images with historical value, which would be much harder to come by via the internet. Libraries are provided and paid for by the state, making them free facilities, thus meaning images can be sourced free of charge.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Unlike internet based images, it isn’t always easy to actually get images sourced from books to the place you want them to be. What I mean by this is that you can’t simply download the image onto your hard drive and import it into Photoshop. Instead, you need to use equipment such as a scanner, which not only can be time-consuming, but also can be costly. For this reason, sourcing images from books has become somewhat redundant in today’s media industry. Another negative factor of this form of sourcing is the fact the images from books are often very low quality when compared to ones sourced on the internet, making them less appropriate for editing.

Images sourced from google images:

Advantages of sourcing images this way: This is a very quick and easy way of sourcing images. It requires almost no effort at all on the user’s behalf, simply typing in what you want and downloading the image. There is often a very diverse set of images available due to the fact that Google images essentially throws together all images on the interest which are relevant to the specific search, meaning that there will be endless lists of images, ranging from stock, copyright free and many more. Those who don’t have the necessary talent required to produce their own images can use Google images to easily source their images, and it doesn’t require any talent or skillset.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:A Major disadvantage of sourcing images in this way is that you really don’t always know where the image is actually from due to Google's diverse pool of sources. What this means is that you’re often required to visit the website of which the image has been sourced in order to verify whether or not the image is copyright free. Failing to to this can result in legal problems if the image is used without being purchased and happens to not be copyright free. Another fault with Google images is the fact that the images can often be very poor quality and compressed highly. For this reason the images are often less suitable for use in editing and publishing. Having said this however, Google do have a filter which allows you to search only for large images and filter out the smaller low quality images. Getting images from Google can also feel quite lazy and half arsed, and some might argue that it damages the authenticity of your work if you’re simply picking out images you’ve found on Google.

Images sourced from stock image library:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:Stock images allow for you to get the exact image you want, due to so many being available for purchase fitting in every niche, so if you needed a very specific image of something, stock images are great. Stock images are generally available for download in a diverse variety of file sizes which go much higher than a standard Google image search. For this reason, very high quality images can be sourced from stock websites, making this a suitable choice for those who want to edit their images and display them on a large screen or for print. Stock images are also very easy to access, only requiring a payment and download, with no extra hassles involved, and for this reason they’re used by many organisations.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:The main disadvantage hear is that stock images are very often expensive and are never free. The only way of obtaining these images for free is with the stock logo stamped all over them (as seen in the images I’ve presented). This is due to copyright over the images, and generally make images look ugly when used. If you were to manipulate these images in order to remove the stock logos, you could get in legal trouble, so generally stay away from these unless you’ve got he the money. Another thing to be considered is of course the fact that these images are available to anyone, meaning that other people could be using the same image as you, and there’s no guarantee that you’re the only person using the image.

Images sourced from copyright free site:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:The key advtantage of sourcing images in this way is the fact that you can safely know that there is not chance you will get in legal trouble for using the images. The websites are spefically set up in order to allow you to use them for free, and for this reason they are very safe. Another advantage is thee fact that these images are very easy to get a hold of. A quick Google search will reveal hundreds of websites which give out copyright free images, and there are hundreds of websites to choose from. To add to this, not effort or time is required when sourcing the images, so those not talented enough to source their own images don’t have a problem.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Dissadvantages include the fact that it is highly likely other people will have also taken advantage of the fact that they are copyright free, meaning that you probably won’t be the only one to have used the images, which means that if you’re wanting a uniue image that no one else has used, this probbaly isn’t the best option. Copyright free image websites in general have a less diverse set of images than a stock image website, so if you were to type in ‘actor’, there you’d generally be able to find less images that perfectly fittef the niche image your required.

Images sourced from your own existing images:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:One advantage is that images sourced this way are of course completely free of charge due to them being your own material, and there’s not risk of copyright infringement. Another advantage is simply the fact that using your own material can be a satisfying thing, as you are allowing your own creativity to push you in the right direction, rather than just taking someone else’s content and using it for your own gain. Those who are interested in a certain topic will be able to bring their own unique skillset to the table when sourcing their own images, putting them at an advantage over those who are simply pulling images out of a book. These images can also be sold on to make money.Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:One disadvantage is the fact that it can often be time consuming. As well as this, It can require skill, meaning that if you aren’t particularly good at making your own images, they’re likely to not be s good to ones sourced from book or the internet. Many also find creating their own images boring if they don’t have a particular interest in it. Equipment is also sometimes needed in order to produce the desired images, and sometimes this equipment isn’t readily available and is expensive to get hold of or purchase.

Processing Images

Original image:

Cropped image:

Scaled images:




Resolution image:

300dpi for print

72dpi for web

Advantages of different resolutions:The advantages of using a higher resolution such as 300dpi include the fact that it is much higher quality and can be exported in much higher quality for use, meaning that its suitable for use on a larger scale and look higher quality. The advantage of using a lower res image is that the file size being decreased means its easier to move around and faster, it also takes up less storage on a hard drive. For this reason it means that it’s suitable for use on the internet as loading times are faster.

Disadvantages of different resolutions:Disadvantages of higher res are of course the large amount of space taken up on a drive, the slower transfer and download times and the fact that it may cause system performance issues due to more intense processing power needed.Disadvantages of the lower res are the fact that because of the compression, pixilation can occur, leading to the image not looking as good, other than this, there aren’t really any disadvantages.

Manipulated image with appropriate caption:

Sharpened, hue/saturation played with, added logo

Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes:Due to the TV show being pretty dated now, all of the images I could find on the internet were fairly low resolution and grainy looking. The first thing I did was go into ‘image size’ and increase the pixels per inch up to 300.

Next I played around with Photoshop's ‘sharpen mask’ tool by playing with the radius and amount settings until some clarity and sharpness was restored to the image, making it look a little bit newer and fresher.

The final thing I did was add a logo into the image. I did this as I thought it would make the image feel more complete, and in a sense turn it into a poster-like image. To do this I simply found the logo on Google images, copy and pasted it in, then used the magic wand to remove the borer and positioned it where I wanted it. The final thing I, did was cut out part of the logo where Will smiths I was so that his head overlapped on the logo. To do so I turned the layer transparency down and used the polygenic lasso tool to cut out the shape. My reasoning behind doing this was that I felt it would help to make the logo feel more merged in within the image.