Page | · 2012-12-27 · cleanse, it was...

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Page | 1 CLEANSES USER GUIDE: The Original Parasite Cleanse

© 2012, Self Health Resource Center (SHRC)

Dear Customer,

Congratulations on having chosen the Dr. Clark Para Cleanse! Since I want you to have the greatest possible benefits from our

cleanses please consider the following carefully:

1. To gain even more benefits from your cleanse, stay on the Para Cleanse Weekly Maintenance Program for a

minimum of 4 weeks to a year. The benefits are cumulative as the Maintenance Program continues to minimize the effect

microorganisms have due to continuous re-exposure. Dr. Clark believed that in order to gain 100% of the benefit of the

cleanse, it was best to stay on the Maintenance dose indefinitely. This helps free up your body’s energy for issues that need

attention rather than relentlessly fighting microorganisms.*

2. The Dr. Clark Colon Cleanse works synergistically with the Para Cleanse. For even better results take those two

programs over the same time period. You will gain on two fronts at the same time; while the Para Cleanse will balance

foreign organisms systemically throughout your body the Digestive Aid will optimize your digestion in both your

stomach and intestines.*

Dr. Clark designed the cleanses for maximum effectiveness without compromising safety. This is why she designed the 18-day

Handy Chart; it enables your body to slowly get used to these extraordinarily potent herbs.*

A word of caution: One of the most fantastic cleanse protocols of Dr. Hulda Clark’s is the Liver Flush. Never do that cleanse

when constipated. In addition, for best results, she highly recommends you stay on the once weekly Para Cleanse maintenance

program until you start the flush. Dr. Clark always asked people to stay away from cleanses that contain clay, she found that

eminences of clay tended to stay in the intestines.*

If you decide to follow Dr. Clark’s directions herein please keep in mind that although it is best to stay as close to the schedule

set forth by Dr. Clark, if you miss a day or two you can simply pick up where you left off. If you are traveling please consider

the Quick Cleanses, they are easy to take and travel with. Remember to secure your supplies in a timely manner.*

If you need help please give us a call, we will send you a list of health care professionals. I apologize upfront that due to FDA

regulations we cannot give medical advice of any sort.*

If you follow the above you can expect some good results!

Self Health Resource Center was established in 1993 with the single purpose to help people live a pure lifestyle. That is still our

mission. We now make over 400 supplements, water filters and other goods to help your family succeed in that mission as well.

By the way, please let us know of your experience with the cleanse. Good or bad, we want to hear from you. You never know

how much your testimony can help others.*

Thank you,

Oskar Thorvaldsson, Owner

Self Health Resource Center

Para Cleanse Optional directions based on the

Protocols of Dr. Hulda Clark

To Those Wanting Guidance: We offer a comprehensive resource and reference document that covers a wide spectrum of protocols. Our resources cover Dr. Hulda

Clark public protocols, research services, and include links to various Healthcare Professionals (medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, homeopaths, osteopaths,

chiropractors, dentists, and many more*.) Please email us at for this information.

*Disclaimer Notice: Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Although some of us or our customers may be interested in the

research and statements of Dr. Hulda Clark, this company does not adopt any health or disease related claims based on her work or otherwise. The directions are

provided for educational purposes only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your healthcare professional. The cleanses are for adults

only. We do not recommend anyone under 18 years to go through the cleanses. However, the Para-Zap cleanse may be suitable for children, but only under

guidance of a healthcare professional. Interaction with Medication and Other Supplements: If you are taking medications, you should check with your physician or

pharmacist before cleansing. You may also search online for: Interaction with Medications and Supplements.

PS: Since FDA regulations restrict our advertising please tell your friends.*

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© 2012, Self Health Resource Center (SHRC)

Flow Chart The Parasite Maintenance Program delivers the greatest

benefits if you take it on consistent basis. Dr. Clark

wanted people to take it once per week indefinitely,

however if you don’t want to do that consider taking it

for a minimum of 4 weeks or a year. We manufacture

many different highly effective Digestive Enzymes, all

of whom can help you gain greater results in this cleanse

program. Find our Digestive Enzyme and HCL

Information at

With that information you can easily decide for yourself

which Digestive Enzymes and HCL supplements to


Q: Which cleanse do I do first? A: Dr. Clark recommended starting with the Digestive Aid

Cleanse. It is beneficial to do the Para with the Digestive Aid

as it will aid in the cleansing process. You can do the Digestive

Aid, ParaZap, and Kidney at the same time. Just remember that

these are very potent herbs. If you begin having difficulties

taking them together, slow down and take one at a time.

Q: Can I do the Liver Cleanse first? A: It is never recommended to do the liver cleanse before

completing all 3 of the other cleanses. The reason for this is if

you purge the toxins out of your liver and do not have clear

channels of elimination, you run the risk of simply re-

circulating the toxins. This can make you very ill.

Q: When do I start the parasite maintenance program? A: The maintenance program starts 7 days after the last day of

the Para Cleanse.

Q: Do I stop taking the maintenance program while I am

taking the other cleanses? A: No. Just do not take it during the 2-day Liver flush.

Q: How often should I do the cleanses? A: A: Dr. Clark recommended everyone to take the Para

Maintenance Cleanse indefinitely. If you decide not to do that,

then consider taking it once weekly for 4 weeks minimum. If

you take a break, say for about 3 or 12 months then we

recommend you take the 18-Day Para Cleanse before you go

back on the once weekly Para Maintenance Cleanse. You can

always take the 18-Day Para Cleanse a bit faster or in an

abbreviated fashion if you have done it before. The biggest

benefits you get from the cleanse are always received from the

once weekly

Para Maintenance Cleanse, so stay on it as long as you can. Do

the Kidney Cleanse and Liver Cleanse and Flush yearly. Initially

do at least 5 flushes. The Digestive Aid complimented with

enzymes should be taken on as needed basis. Remember also to

do the enemas once per year.

Q: What are the side effects of the cleanses? A: You can expect increased elimination from all of the cleanses.

Few people have reported minor flu-like symptoms. If you

experience discomfort you should stop taking the supplements

and contact your health care professional.

Q: How long are the cleanses? A: The Digestive Aid Kit is 24 days long. The Para Kit is 18 days

long. The Kidney Kit is 21 days. The Liver and Gallbladder

Cleanse + Flush are Approximately 2 weeks.

Q: Are the cleanses safe for children? A: Dr. Clark did not recommend any of the cleanses except the

Para Cleanse be administered to children. We don’t recommend

you give the Para Cleanse to your child unless you do so under

careful guidance and supervision of your health care professional.

Q: Are the cleanses safe for my pets?

A: Only the Para Cleanse can be adopted for pets. See page???

Q: My family members don’t want to take the Para Cleanse,

what can I do?

A: Ask your healthcare professional or contact us for the Quick

Para Cleanse, it is simpler to take.

Q: I can’t take alcohol tinctures, what can I do?

A: Ask your healthcare professional or contact us for the Para

Cleanse with the Freeze Dried GREEN Black Walnut Hull

instead of the tincture.

FAQ-Frequently Asked Questions

For best results take Digestive Enzymes with every meal for the duration of this cleanse

Page | 3 CLEANSES USER GUIDE: The Original Parasite Cleanse

© 2012, Self Health Resource Center (SHRC)

Directions: The directions on the bottles and packaging are

minimum dosage directions for adults. You may also choose to

follow dosage directions from your health care professional. Dr.

Clark's Para Systemic Cleanse directions are herein should you

want to follow those.*

Please note that although you don’t have to be super accurate on

when you take your doses it is best to stay as close to the

schedule set forth by Dr. Hulda Clark.* Therefore please make

sure you order products in time.

This cleanse supports the body’s defenses with natural

compounds that discourage the proliferation of foreign

organisms known to occupy the human body. This process helps

balances your body and its microorganisms. It is ideal for pet

owners and people returning from abroad.*

Example of Potency for You:

Our Black Walnut Hull Tincture is a good example of our

adherence to purity and potency. First, it is potent because we

use large amounts of the unripe Green Hulls from Black

Walnuts. The average tincture strength (hull: grain alcohol) is

1:0.68. Second, in our experience**, Black Walnut Hull that is

Green has almost up to 10x the amount of juglone, an

essential ingredient in the tincture. Other manufacturers do not

go the extra mile and offer only brown or black tincture. When a

tincture is brown or black, it contains much less juglone. Dr.

Clark Purity guarantees unopened bottles of the tincture to be

green at least until the Use By Date or 2 years past the

manufacturing date. Once open the Green tincture will start to

oxidize and turn brown and then black. At this stage it contains

much less juglone, so you may have to double the dose you take.

Dr. Clark Para Cleanse Maintenance Program

Note: Stay on the Para Weekly Maintenance Program

indefinitely, as suggested by Dr. Clark or at minimum for 4

weeks. The first 18 days deliver only about 10% of the full

benefit of the Para Cleanse. The Mega Dose, taken weekly

on an empty stomach will give you a good indication of

what this cleanse can do for you.

Can’t Sleep? We recommend that everyone who orders our Para Cleanse also

orders Ornithine because parasites give off uric acid during the

die-off process. The uric acid invariably gets to the brain and

keeps us up at night.

The Ornithine helps your body neutralize the effect of uric

acid. How much to take? We recommend you start with only

one capsule but you may need up to 8 capsules in order to feel

the effect. Dr. Clark’s Melatonin is also an excellent sleep aid.

Take the following herbs all at the same time once per week on an

empty stomach, minimum 13 minutes before eating. If some of the

capsules get stuck in your esophagus eat a bite or two of bread.

Black Walnut Hull Extra


2 tsp. or 5 capsules all at once

Power W 7 caps all at once

Cloves 7 caps all at once


Take as needed or take as follows at bedtime. Day 1 2 Capsules

Day 2 4 Capsules

Day 3 6 Capsules

Day 4 Continue taking 4-6 Capsules at bedtime until you’re sleeping


Don’t like tinctures? Take the Caps!

Some people don’t like to take alcohol based tinctures.

For this reason we have formulated Green Freeze-Dried

Black Walnut Hull capsules that are free of alcohol.

For pinches open 1 cap to get powder. Squeeze

between the thumb and a finger.

5 capsules = 2 teaspoons

Extra Strength Tincture

Para Cleanse Detox - Cleanse - Rebuild

Page | 4 CLEANSES USER GUIDE: The Original Parasite Cleanse

© 2012, Self Health Resource Center (SHRC)

Dr. Clark Para Cleanse Handy Chart

DAY Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength

If tincture: Put in ½ cup of water. +

If capsules: Take with water. For pinches

open 1 cap to get powder.

Both: Please take on an empty stomach, at

least 13 minutes before a meal.

Power W Caps

Once a day, on an empty stomach, at

least 13 min before a meal or at

mealtime if you have a sensitive


Clove Caps

3 times a day on an empty stomach, at

least 13 min before a meal or at

mealtime if you have a sensitive


1 1 drop / pinch of powder 1 cap 1•1•1

2 2 drops / 2 pinches of powder 1 cap 2•2•2

3 3 drops / 3 pinches of powder 2 caps 3•3•3

4 4 drops / 4 pinches of powder 2 caps 3•3•3

5 5 drops / 1 capsule 3 caps 3•3•3

6 2 tsp. / 5 capsules 3 caps 3•3•3


It’s time to reorder supplies to use in your

maintenance program! Please remember

that you only gain about 10% of the benefits

this cleanse has to offer during the first 18

days. Plan ahead for taking the once weekly

dose. This will give you the benefits this

cleanse has to offer.

4 caps 3•3•3

8 4 caps 3•3•3

9 5 caps 3•3•3

10 5 caps 3•3•3

11 6 caps 7 caps all at once

12 6 caps


13 2 tsp. / 5 capsules 7 caps



7 caps

15 7 caps

16 7 caps

17 7 caps

18 7 caps 7 caps all at once

Now take supplements once a week. Refer to Maintenance Program. (Page 3)

+If you weigh over 150 pounds, take 2.5 teaspoons.

Usage Warning: Consult a healthcare Professional before starting this cleanse if taking medication, or if you have a medical condition. Do not

take this product if you are pregnant, nursing or below the age 18. If you have adverse reactions or symptoms, discontinue taking product and

seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional. A woman who is pregnant or nursing, or who might become pregnant, should consult a

health-care practitioner before using this product.

Page | 5 CLEANSES USER GUIDE: The Original Parasite Cleanse

© 2012, Self Health Resource Center (SHRC)

Para Cleanse Safety Warning for Children

We do not recommend you give the cleanse to anyone under 18 years, however the cleanse may be suitable for children, but

only under guidance of a Health Professional. Recommended dose from health professionals should not exceed the

following chart we publish here for safety reasons. Never give the cleanse to ill children. Use it to maintain good health only.

Keep a close watch on children when doing the cleanse program. Niacin amide is optional, it helps detoxify the alcohol in the

tincture, and it may cause hot flashes. Always contact a Health Professional if unusual conditions arise, including hot flashes

or fever. Never give essential oils to kids.

Maximum Levels for Wormwood and Cloves Increase dosage maximum one day for each year. For instance, a 4 year old would follow the adult Para program until day 4,

and then stop. It is not advisable for children to be on the maintenance program. Take during routine seasonal cleansing only.

Warning: Capsules are a choking hazard, open capsules up when appropriate and give as powder in food.

Dr. Clark TapeParaKil Cleanse

Take other products in the TapeParaKil Program in accordance with the Para Cleanse directions.

Instructions for TapeParaKil Essential Oils by Dr. Clark:

For adults over 18 years of age: Place 14 drops total of TapeParaKil Essential Oils by Dr. Clark into an empty capsule.

Take immediately. Take 2 times daily for 3 days. For best results take on empty stomach 13 min before meal.

Instructions for TapeParaKil Essential Oils by Dr. Clark

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

14 drops into empty capsule 14 drops into empty capsule 14 drops into empty capsule

14 drops into empty capsule 14 drops into empty capsule 14 drops into empty capsule

For people over 200lbs: Use 21 drops total of TapeParaKil Essential Oils by Dr. Clark into an empty capsule.

Take immediately. Take 2 times daily for 3 days.

Instructions for TapeParaKil Essential Oils by Dr. Clark

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

21 drops into empty capsule 21 drops into empty capsule 21 drops into empty capsule

21 drops into empty capsule 21 drops into empty capsule 21 drops into empty capsule

Usage Warning: Consult a healthcare Professional before starting this cleanse if taking medication, or if you have a medical condition. Do not

take this product if you are pregnant, nursing or below the age 18. If you have adverse reactions or symptoms, discontinue taking product and

seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional. A woman who is pregnant or nursing, or who might become pregnant, should consult a

health-care practitioner before using this product.

Age BWT Niacin amide

Under six months ¼ tsp. 50 mg

6 months to 5 years ½ tsp 50 mg

6 to 10 years 1 tsp. 100 mg

11 to 16 years 1½ tsp. 500 mg

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© 2012, Self Health Resource Center (SHRC)

Pet Para Cleanse for Pets

The dosages are based on a 10 pound (5 kilo) cat or dog. Double them for a 20 pound pet, and so forth. Don't force them to

eat it. Count carefully. Treat cats only twice a week. Treat dogs daily, for instance a 30 pound dog would get 3 drops per day

(but work up to it, increasing one drop per day).

Go slowly so the pet can learn to eat all of it.

• Week 1: Give parsley only.

• Week 2: Give parsley and black walnut.

• Week 3: Give parsley, black walnut, and wormwood.

• Week 4: Give parsley, black walnut, wormwood, and cloves.

**Making Parsley Tea For Pets

We sell Freeze-Dried Parsley in capsules or you can follow this recipe. Purchase 2 bunches of fresh parsley. Boil the parsley,

after rinsing, in 1/2 quart (0.5L) of water for 3 minutes. Poor into ice trays and freeze, for convenience make each ice cube

contain correct dose of Parsley Tea based on the weight of your pet. Throw away the parsley.

Notice: If your pet vomits or has diarrhea be extra careful when cleaning up the mess. Pour salt and iodine on the mess and

let stand for 5 min. Clean your hands and under nails with Dr. Clark Sanitation Spray or Lugol’s Veggie Spray.

Pet Para Cleanse Handy Chart

During entire program:

Parsley Dose**

Add after 7 days:

Black Walnut Hull

Tincture Dose

Add after 14 days:

Wormwood Capsule Dose

Add after 21 days:

Clove Capsule Dose (Size 0 or 00)

Week Teaspoons of Parsley water or

pinches of Freeze-dried


Drops mixed in food.

Cats twice per week.

Dogs daily.

Open capsule, put smallest

pinch on food

Open capsule, put smallest pinch on


1 1 per 10 lbs pet

2 1 per 10 lbs pet 1 drop per 10 lbs pet

3 1 per 10 lbs pet 1 drop per 10 lbs pet 1 pinch per 10 lbs pet

4 1 per 10 lbs pet 1 drop per 10 lbs pet 1 pinch per 10 lbs pet 1 pinch per 10 lbs pet

5 and onward 1 per 10 lbs pet 1 drop per 10 lbs pet 1 pinch per 10 lbs pet 1 pinch per 10 lbs pet

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© 2012, Self Health Resource Center (SHRC)

HIGH DOSE Parasite Program Do this once every two or three months in place of the Maintenance Parasite Program. Do not substitute this

High Dose Program fo the initial Parasite killing Program. For someone ill with flukes the die-off effects are too

intense at these dosages, and this shortened program does not kill as many other species or stages of sites a

should be done initially.

Take for three to five days in a row:

1. Black Walnut Hull Tincture: 30 drops twice a day on an empty stomach.

2. Wormwood Capsules: 7 Capsules (with 250-300mg wormwood each) once a day on an empty stomach.

3. Cloves: 3 Capsules three times a day on an empty stomach.

4. Ornithine: as desired.

HIGH DOSE Parasite Program Chart


Black Walnut Hull Tincture Wormwood Capsule Clove Capsule Ornithine

Drops 2 times per day,

on empty stomach


1 time per day

on empty stomach

13 min before meal


3 times per day,

on empty stomach

13 min before meal


As desired

Take at bedtime

1 30, 30

7 3, 3, 3

1 to 8

2 30, 30

7 3, 3, 3

1 to 8

3 30, 30

7 3, 3, 3

1 to 8

You can stop here if you felt no effects so far.

4 30, 30

7 3, 3, 3

1 to 8

5 30, 30 7 3, 3, 3 1 to 8

You may take these at different times in the day or together. There are no side-effects to these herbs at these dosages.

Usage Warning: Consult a healthcare Professional before starting this cleanse if taking medication, or if you have a medical condition. Do

not take this product if you are pregnant, nursing or below the age 18. If you have adverse reactions or symptoms, discontinue taking product

and seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional. A woman who is pregnant or nursing, or who might become pregnant, should

consult a health-care practitioner before using this product.

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© 2012, Self Health Resource Center (SHRC)


Disclaimer: To follow is information based on Dr. Hulda Clark’s writings. This information is provided for educational

purposes only. Use it only under careful guidance and supervision of your health care professional.

Enema Buckets are ideal for performing enemas. Contact your healthcare professional or call us if you need an Enema


Dr. Clark recommended people do an enema daily for one week to maintain bowel function, alternating the below varieties.

If you have none of these solutions available, use plain salt water, 1 tsp. per quart. In the absence of salt, use plain water.

Remember, you must move your bowels or cleanse at least once a day.

1. Lugol’s Enema: (Not for persons who are allergic to iodine.) Add 2 tsp. of Lugol’s iodine 2% Solution to 1

quart of very warm water (giving you 4 doses). Administer enema slowly and hold internally as long as


2. Enzyme Enema: Mix a capsule of digestive enzymes with plain enema water.

3. GREEN Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength Enema: Add 1 to 4 tsp. of Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength to 1

quart of very warm water.

Dr. Clark Handy Enema Tips

Sanitation is important. Spread out a large plastic trash bag on the bathroom floor; also have handy plastic grocery

bags and a paper plate. Set a chair nearby, too.

Wipe away the lubrication grease the manufacturer has put on the end of the hose. You don’t want this to enter

your body. Use olive oil or soap instead.

After filling the bucket with enema solution, run some through the tubing until the air is out of it and close the

pinchcock. Place it on the grocery bag.

Lie on your back. Insert the applicator tube as far as you comfortably can. Then lift the container with one hand

while opening the valve with the other. The higher you lift it, the faster it runs. Take as much time as you need to

run it in. You may wish to set the container on the chair. Very warm liquid is easier to hold. Don’t force yourself

to hold it all. At any time you may close the valve, withdraw the applicator, and place it on the grocery bag.

Hold the liquid as long as you can. You get better with practice.


Consider the whole apparatus contaminated.

First, wipe the applicator tube.

Fill the Enema Bucket with water and run it through the hose into the toilet. Repeat until it appears clean.

Fill it with water again and add Lugol’s iodine until water is golden brown, run a little bit of Lugol’s water

through the hose. Store solution in Enema Bucket and hose for 3 minutes. Empty then air dry Enema Bucket.

Throw away all the plastic bags, making sure nothing spills. Then wash your hands with sanitation spray.

If all went well, you may risk taking the next enema on your bed. If not take a shower and stick to the floor location.

Usage Warning: Consult a healthcare Professional before starting this cleanse if taking medication, or if you have a medical condition.

Do not take this product if you are pregnant, nursing or below the age 18. If you have adverse reactions or symptoms, discontinue taking

product and seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional. A woman who is pregnant or nursing, or who might become pregnant,

should consult a health-care practitioner before using this product.

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© 2012, Self Health Resource Center (SHRC)

Dr. Clark Digestive Aid and Colon Cleanse

Formulated by Hulda Clark Ph.D, Master Herbalist*

Many people equate the digestive system with the

colon. Hence the popularity of “Colon Cleanses.”

The fact is that the function of the colon is closely

dependent on the stomach, liver, kidneys and


For example, if your stomach does not produce

enough Hydrochloric Acid (HCL), which is the most

common age related cause of impaired digestive

function, your food will not be sanitized properly

before entering the colon and digestive enzyme

production will be lacking. This results in poor colon


When it comes to digestive health, don’t focus only

on the colon, focus on the entire digestive system. Consider This: 60-80% of the body’s energy is used

on digestion. The remaining systems in your body

(immune, respiratory, reproductive, cardiovascular,

nervous, and muscular) share only 20-40% of your

total energy. So guess what happens when one or

more of these systems are challenged? Your body

“steals” energy from the digestive system.

This is why a digestive problem is often the first clue

that there may be a problem in another system. This

is also why Dr. Hulda Clark always started with

supporting the digestive system, no matter what the

problem was.

You should pay attention when you experience the

following digestive functions can indicate that the

culprit is somewhere else entirely.

If you put up with any of the following discomforts,

you may benefit from both the Parasite and Colon


Acid Reflux

Food Cravings


Gas & Flatulence

Occasional Diarrhea

Occasional Constipation

Heartburn & GERD


Irritable Bowel (IBS)

Leaky Gut

Yeast & Itching

Liver Toxicity


Weight Gain

Low Energy

Dry/Oily Skin



Brain Fog

When the body “steals” energy from the digestive

system, it can’t balance the stomach acid or produce

enough enzymes for a smooth operation.

Many people are unaware of this connection between

the digestive system and other systems of the body.

Supporting the digestive system has two main

purposes: First, to improve digestion, and second to

free up energy to be used elsewhere in the body. By

supporting your digestive system, you are in fact

allowing your body to spend sufficient energy on all

the other systems in your body.

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© 2012, Self Health Resource Center (SHRC)

Stomach Acid Secretion Betaine HCL supports your stomach’s acid requirements for proper digestion. Stomach acid is essential in maintaining a healthy

digestive system by allowing the body to break down proteins and activate enzymes. Dr. Clark finds that acids are important because

they help sanitize food in the stomach before it enters the colon, thereby maintaining a balance of microorganisms and flora in the

colon. Contrary to popular belief, excess stomach acid is not the typical cause of indigestion. Often, it is a lack of stomach acid that

triggers this occasional discomfort.

Too little acid in the stomach leaves food to putrefy, causing excess gas to expand into the esophagus, producing indigestion, and that

feeling of heartburn. In the case of occasional heartburn take more Betaine HCL with meals. Turmeric and Fennel support the

optimal balance of good flora and microorganisms in the colon. Cascara Sagrada should only be used when experiencing occasional

constipation. Avoid products that mix that herb in formulas as it is habit forming. For optimal results, please use the Digestive Aid

simultaneously with the Dr. Clark Para Cleanse.

Contrary to popular belief, stomach acid secretion

tends to decline with advancing age. This graph

shows mean stomach acid secretion from the

second decade to the eighth decade. (From “Why

Stomach Acid is good for you.”) By J. Wright,

M.D. The human requirement for vitamins,

minerals and other nutrients remains relatively

constant throughout adult life. Unfortunately, our

ability to properly digest food and absorb vital

nutrients declines with advancing age.

Surprisingly, one of the most common age-

related causes of impaired digestive function is

the reduction of hydrochloric acid production in

the stomach.


There are many theories about why constipation occurs, ranging from psychological stress to interference of microorganisms in the

colon and lack of dietary fiber. Each one of those theories have merits. However, Dr. Clark maintains that interference of

microorganisms is the primary culprit. Her theory is that neurotoxins from microorganisms interfere with neurotransmitters

(acetylcholine and epinephrine), thereby causing fecal matter to stay longer inside the colon. In other words, the microorganisms trick

the body into delaying bowel movements. This is good for bacteria but bad for you. This is a theory of Dr. Clark has not been

researched and we don’t expect it to be researched. However this phenomena of neurotoxins is well known in nature.

Oskar Thorvaldsson

Owner, SHRC

No one takes quality control more serious than Self

Health Resource Center. We have endeavored to

perfect our skills in this area since 1993. I am confident

that no other company can systematically achieve higher

purity than us.

All of our raw materials are inspected and tested three

times for identity and purity. They are tested first by our

vendor, then by our lab (using standard laboratory

methods detailed below) and finally with Dr. Clark’s

Syncrometer Testing Methods by Carmen Myers and/or


We follow a production protocol called cGMP as well as

Dr. Clark’s specific requirements. Our products are

tested for microbes, heavy metals and other toxins using

government accepted methods; following standards set

by United States Pharmacopeia (USP), NSF (National

Sanitation Foundation) and California Proposition 65, the

most stringent regulation when it comes to maximum

limits of total heavy metals.

Heavy metals are found naturally in plants in two forms,

plant based and metallic. Dr. Clark was only concerned

with metallic versions of heavy metals which she

identified using Syncrometer Testing. However in order

to bring you the safest products available we have

invested in a laboratory device called ICP so we can test

herbs for both metallic and plant based heavy metals to

identify those with the lowest amount possible according

to ICP.

SHRC is the first and only facility in the world with a

dedicated manufacturing facility specifically for Dr. Hulda

Clark’s products, per her protocols. Everything

manufactured is made in-house; nothing is


Our dedicated facility never uses excipients, binders or

fillers in any of Dr. Clark’s products. Manufacturing

processing agents like: magnesium stearate, stearic

acid, calcium stearate, palmitates, FD&C food colors,

sodium benzoate, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, etc.

have never enteredpp the doors of our facility.

When you buy Dr. Clark Purity brands from us, you can

be certain they are free of these harmful synthetic

chemicals from inception to encapsulation.

We caution you to think twice before buying OTHER

brands bearing Dr. Clark’s name, especially at “fire sale”

prices and discounts, those products are most likely

manufactured in contract manufacturing facilities that

have limited or no understanding of Dr. Clark’s purity

protocols. These facilities generally use processing

agents in their facilities and those products may contain


Dr. Clark’s name alone does not give you any guarantee

of quality or purity. Only products bearing our name and

logo guarantee purity.

Dr. Clark was adamant about everyone having access to

healthful supplements.

To this end we do everything to keep cost down without

compromising quality and purity. When you purchase

our products you can be sure you are getting the best

quality Dr. Clark brand products available backed by our

Five-Star 100% guarantee.

Oskar Thorvaldsson

February 6, 2012

Original Dr. Clark Cleanse Directions and Proposition 65 Notice These enclosed cleanse directions and Proposition 65 warning are provided for California customers only, in order to comply with the

California “right to know” law commonly known as “Proposition 65.

This law, which applies only in California, is the reason that many buildings, including government office buildings, display the sign,

“WARNING: This building contains chemicals know by the State of California to cause cancer.” Of course people continue to work in

and use these buildings, but under Propositions 65, they have the “right to know” that they are being exposed to chemicals in excess of

very low, statutory “safe harbor” levels. As you might guess, it presumably is safe to enter and work in these buildings, or they would

be closed.

Proposition 65 applies to traditional herbal supplements as well as building materials, but not foods and water, which may contain

much higher levels of lead. This law does not apply to small supplement companies, 9 people or less and does not apply in the same

capacity to most large supplement manufacturers that with pricy lawyers negotiated higher rates of contaminants. In fact SHRC is the

only manufacturer of Dr. Clark Cleanses that has to post this notice.

Many herbs when consumed in traditional quantities may contain naturally occurring lead at very, very low levels. This is due to both

natural geologic lead in the soil and the millions of tons of lead that have been removed from the earth and dispersed in the air, water

and soil as a result of industrial manufacturing and gasoline production during the 20th Century. More than 300 million tons of lead

that was mined from 1920 - 2000 was distributed into the air via combustion of gasoline or applied to residential and commercial

buildings as paint and insulation. (How Herbs Become Contaminated with Heavy Metals,, Lead Content of Soil, Plants, Foods, Air and Chinese Herb Formulas,

The warning label required by Proposition 65 does not mean that taking the product as directed is likely to cause cancer or reproductive harm.

The requirement for a warning label is triggered when the amount of a regulated substance in a product exceeds a baseline regulatory level,

which is very low in the case of lead and possible reproductive harm - a warning must be given if the total daily lead intake exceeds just 0.5

micrograms. This level, known as the “maximum allowable dose level” (MADL) is so low it is difficult to express. The California Environmental

Protection Agency (“CEPA”) explains the health risk at the MADL level as the level at which the chemical would have no observable effect on

reproduction assuming exposure at 1,000 times the baseline exposure (0.5 micrograms). The baseline (“No Significant Risk Level”) exposure

assumes one excess case of cancer in an exposed population of 100,000, assuming lifetime exposure. Thus, the risk of possible reproductive

harm would be in the range of one in one hundred million.

Note that even at the higher dosages recommended by Dr. Clark, no products sold by the SHRC exceed the “No Significant Risk Level” for

potential carcinogenic effects of lead content. (Proposition 65 Safe Harbor Levels: No Significant Risk Levels for Carcinogens and Maximum

Allowable Dose Levels for Chemicals Causing Reproductive Toxicity, September 2011, Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Branch,

California EPA.

WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.

Because the “Maximum allowable dose level” relating to possible reproductive harm is so low, we are unable to be under the limits that would

allow us to forgo a warning at the traditional dosage levels for Dr. Clark Cleanse Kits that involve a combination of many products, even with

the best suppliers and comprehensive testing. While we are at this time unable to source these herbs below the MADL at traditional cleanse

dosage levels, the daily exposure during the course of a cleanse is below internationally recognized standards. The daily exposure from the

once weekly Parasite Cleanse Maintenance Dose is under the Proposition 65 limit, but still because the way the law is written we have to post

this warning.

Humans have evolved over millions of years in perfect harmony with plant based heavy metals which are minerals that plants have broken

down to colloidal minerals. Our body has even learned to make use of those minerals; it for example uses lead to regulate the transcription of

genes, according to Sugimoto N., PubMed.

Regardless, at Dr. Clark Store / SHRC we minimize even the plant based minerals using both conventional laboratory

techniques and Dr. Clark’s Syncrometer testing methods.