PAF Notes

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of PAF Notes

2009 80 people gathered to perform Positive Thinking2010 90 people gathered to perform EMF and Positive Thinking2011 200 gathering in 11 Sep in Acupressure, EMF and Positive Thinking

The Power is within You. Since 1998Bryan is a certified Crystal Color Therapist and PositiveAffirmations practitioner trained and approved by Andrew J Wright speech therapist in 1997.

Up to date: Given Speech to more than 7000 students on Positive Affirmations and 12000 blog readers . Invited to HKK, BKK .KL and TAIWAN to share on positive thinking in an Asian Way

How are you feeling today?

Neck Tension?Stomach Bloated?Arms pain?Headaches?SBPC?XZZ Symptoms?TGG Symptoms?LBDLGBDG Symptoms?Work until Sianz?Family Issues bothering?

Keys to Better Life and Health

Clearing Blockages;Diary Method (proven)[ Taiwan RICH]SunLight and Wind Method (2011)Affirmations TipsGrounding exercise [ MUST DO]Energy Meridians Tapping CorrectlyPAF PosturePAF finger emotionalPAF Butterfly AROMA BalancePAF CLEARING NEGATIVE

PAF Is all About+ Clearing Blockages+ Grounding+ Raising Frequency (using Aroma Oil)+ Numerology 6 and Numerology 9 Energy+ Shield

PAF Posture ( Crucial Moments)

Create negative stagnationBlock Universe Energy

Affirmation = Raising Frequency= [ Essential Oil ]

1. Human healthy frequency is within the range of 62-72 Hz

2. Diseases like cold and flu 58 Hz, were more likely to appear.

3. Lower levels (42 Hz) Cancer appeared in quite may humans.

4. Depression/Lost of interest can result in lower frequency or low in frequency.

Auric Field and Surrounding

Aroma Oil Simple Techniques

Aromatherapy OilFrankincense , Sandalwood, Rose: frequency for growth and relisation

Lavendula, Geranium rose, Lemon, Bergamot: frequency for emotional balance

Peppermint, Ginger, Marjoram: frequency for physical ailments

Butterfly Dance 2001: MUSIC:>>>>>

Blockages Clearing.

A) Clear Blockages with Claps

B) Observing Body 3 Energy Point which obstruct things from manifesting in life.(MUSIC tEST)

Releasing and Clearing the Past

A) Psoas HealthTrauma Recovery Protocol and Tension Clearing Relaxing.

B) Clearing the past/ Negative


Clearing with Wind Exercise (Master S. direct to Bryan 2009)

Clearing (once a week with 5 element oil)

Wind Method : Deep breathing and blow away issue by issue

3 times and say I let go and I thank you.

Clearing and Energizing Heart with color Therapy Bryan:>

Energizing the Heart: Visualize Heart brighter and brighter Or Visualize a golden ball in front of the heart.

Nothing Negative can get near the SUN

Best BMST for clearing Negatives Energy

Vibrational --- AHiiiHa Sing . (Taiwan )

Especially , Heart, Stomach.

--- Bryan Lao Shi 2013 Body Movement Sound Therapy

Vibrational Frequency Activates the Law of Attraction

1) Use daily affirmations to help set your positive intentions. 2) Daily affirmations are one of the fastest, easiest, and dynamically effective ways to become a happier and more positively focused being. 3) Positive statements help you set your intentions, and they immediately raise your vibrational frequency.

Touch Therapy to Success: Rose Balm/ Healing Trees

The Medulla Oblangata is known as the "Mouth of God" by the Masters of the past. A well activated and open flowing medulla is needed for great health and well being. It is the nervous system center. By the use of the will one can absorb the cosmic energy and energize any part or his whole body. There are masters of the past who would go days without eating because they were eating from the cosmic energies. This attunement triggers the memories and opens and activates the medulla oblangata with ease and grace.You will also be shown how to use this activation.

•4 Hz or less: Deep sleep but without dreams. These are considered delta waves.•4-7 Hz: Deep meditative state. The body is completely relaxed and NREM sleep takes place. These are known as theta waves.•8-12 Hz: These are known as Mu waves and have been linked to the learning and development of motor skills.•7-13 Hz: Pre-sleeping stage. The body is completely relaxed while it is awake. REM sleep occurs as well as dreaming. These are known as alpha waves.•13-29 Hz: The mind is very active at this frequency. It is often associated with a cluttered mind or anxiousness. Some even experience paranoia. Concentration is high in this stage, however. These are called beta waves.•40 Hz and above: High activity. Known as gamma waves, high frequencies help the mind with problem solving and improve perception. It is also associated with consciousness.


Anywhere is paradise; it's up to you. 

You control ur brain waves

Clearing Past and Welcome New Energy

1) Tapping


A) Rate your problems from 1 to 10.

B) Even though I have this [insert problem here], I deeply and completely accept myself.

C)Tap on the required area saying [Problems]: EYE BROWS,

D) Right hand hold left wrist say: I truly love and accept myself]


Power of words: Wordswordswordswordswords…


Focus and give the right energy to the universe to attract what you want.Telling Universe what you want but don’t add your own Subtitles of negative;

Affirmation Brings Happiness

Happy peopleare more

successful,have better

relationships,are healthier

and live longer.

Isn't it time tolearn how tobe happy?

Affirmation Procedures:

Before affirmations: 1) EFT or Grounding or Breathing exercise2) Say: “I let go 3 times”3) Say your favourite affirmations from the list.4) Say anytime u want daily for 21 days.

Extra Tips: U can print out in a nice postcards.

Affirmations Dos (3 days/ 21 days)

Immediately upon waking in the morning.  Immediately prior to going to sleep.Immediately after breathing exercise,meditations, EFT

Power Affirmation 200 Energies ( Learn to Laugh)

I am shielded with light in my physical, emotional and etheric bodies and no darkness whatsoever will penetrate my energy I achieve my highest values in loving, wisdom, health and wealth. Wealth is my constant company. My radiance constantly gives me a happy disposition and brightens up every dark corner of life. When people sees me, talk to me or touches me… be well and be happy. Joy and peace of mind opens my mind to intuition and beauty. I am emotionally and mentally balanced and all my endeavors flow smoothly. I transform all energies into what is good. I am a child of fortune. I open myself totally to laughter.