PacFactory User Manual

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PacFactory User Manual

Transcript of PacFactory User Manual

  • pacFactory User Manual



    01 Re





  • Rev. Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A. 2013 All rights reserved.

    Tabla de contenido

    Tabla de contenido

    1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 6

    1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 6

    1.2 Application ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

    1.3 Nomenclature ................................................................................................................................................ 7

    1.4 Start screen .................................................................................................................................................... 9

    1.5 Project Factory ............................................................................................................................................ 10 1.6 List of IEDs ................................................................................................................................................... 11

    1.7 Main window ................................................................................................................................................ 16

    1.8 Status bar ..................................................................................................................................................... 17

    1.9 Menus and static tool bar ......................................................................................................................... 18

    1.10 Access menu to functions and browser trees ..................................................................................... 24

    1.11 Data window ................................................................................................................................................. 27

    2 Data monitoring ....................................................................................................... 28

    2.1 Reports: Signal status ............................................................................................................................... 28

    2.2 Reports: Measure status ........................................................................................................................... 29

    2.3 Reports: Protection events ...................................................................................................................... 29

    2.4 Reports: Faults ............................................................................................................................................ 31

    2.5 Reports: Statistical data ............................................................................................................................ 32

    2.6 Reports: Maximeters and Minimeters .................................................................................................... 33

    2.7 Logs: Measure record. .............................................................................................................................. 34

    2.8 OSCILLOGRAPHY: Comtrade File Editor. ............................................................................................ 35

    2.9 OSCILLOGRAPHY: Comtrade viewer. ................................................................................................... 36

    3 Setting configuration .............................................................................................. 37

    3.1 Setting type. ................................................................................................................................................. 37

    3.2 Show secondary settings. ........................................................................................................................ 42

    3.3 Difference control. ...................................................................................................................................... 43

    3.4 Settings Standard Management. ............................................................................................................. 44

    4 Communications ..................................................................................................... 45

  • Rev. Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A. 2013 All rights reserved.

    Tabla de contenido 4.1 IEC 61850 server configuration ............................................................................................................... 45

    4.2 Dataset configuration ................................................................................................................................ 48

    4.3 Report configuration .................................................................................................................................. 52

    4.4 Transmission Goose configuration ....................................................................................................... 54

    4.5 Reception Goose configuration .............................................................................................................. 56

    4.6 Gooses Subscription Editor (E3 type) ................................................................................................... 57

    5 Config CF Data ......................................................................................................... 60

    6 Device model ............................................................................................................ 62

    7 IPRV Configuration ................................................................................................. 63

    7.1 Client configuration tab. ............................................................................................................................ 64

    7.2 Goose/Server configuration tab. ............................................................................................................. 65

    8 Display configurator ............................................................................................... 67

    8.1 File menu ...................................................................................................................................................... 69

    8.1.1 Show file ............................................................................................................................................... 70

    8.1.2 Export file ............................................................................................................................................. 70

    8.1.3 Import file ............................................................................................................................................. 71

    8.1.4 Delete configuration file .................................................................................................................... 71

    8.1.5 Close ..................................................................................................................................................... 71

    8.2 Configuration menu ................................................................................................................................... 72

    8.2.1 Alarms................................................................................................................................................... 72

    8.2.2 Graphics ............................................................................................................................................... 75

    8.2.3 Screen order ........................................................................................................................................ 89

    8.2.4 Graphic screen order ........................................................................................................................ 91

    8.2.5 Screen order (IP cover) ..................................................................................................................... 92 8.2.6 Funtional Keys .................................................................................................................................... 93

    8.3 Tool menu .................................................................................................................................................... 94

    8.3.1 Send by FTP ........................................................................................................................................ 95

    8.3.2 Alarms and Events............................................................................................................................. 95

    8.3.3 Check data ........................................................................................................................................... 97

    8.3.4 Configure Front Panel ....................................................................................................................... 98

    8.3.5 Update IP .............................................................................................................................................. 99

    8.3.6 Return to class configuration .......................................................................................................... 99

  • Rev. Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A. 2013 All rights reserved.

    Tabla de contenido 8.4 Option active screen ................................................................................................................................ 100

    9 PROCOME slave protocol configuration .......................................................... 101

    9.1 XML Format ................................................................................................................................................ 104

    9.2 Options ........................................................................................................................................................ 106

    9.3 Options on table that appear on right-clicking .................................................................................. 107

    10 DNP slave protocol configuration ...................................................................... 108

    10.1 XML Format ............................................................................................................................................ 111

    10.2 Options .................................................................................................................................................... 114

    11 Logic editor ............................................................................................................. 115

    11.1 Logic ........................................................................................................................................................ 115

    11.2 Protection logic ..................................................................................................................................... 115

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    1 Introduction

    1.1 Introduction

    This document describes the possibilities of the pacFactory protection management software, which allows for the configuration and monitoring of equipment based on the IEC 61850 Standard. pacFactory is an application that is included in the energyFactorySuite (INGESYS eFS) engineering environment developed by INGETEAM S.A. for the management of devices based on the IEC 61850 Standard. The pacFactory application allows for the following functions:

    Installation Management

    Equipment monitoring:

    o Status

    o Statistical data

    o Measurement

    o Protection events

    o Fault reports

    o Measurements log

    o Interferences (oscillography)

    Setting configuration

    Communication configuration

    o IEC 61850 Server (DataSets, reports, Goose messages)

    o Other protocols:

    Protocol Procome Slave

    Logic configuration

    Local display and front button configuration

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    1.2 Application

    The pacFactory configuration application is designed to manage ingeteam EF platform-based protection and control equipment. However, some of its functions also mean that it is possible to configure the configuration part associated to IEC 61850 based on the Ingeteam IH platform or even third-party equipment. All of the functions previously described and developed n this document are available for Ingeteam EF platform-based equipment. Functions applicable to IH platform-based equipment:

    Installation management.

    Import/Export of ICD/CID configuration file.

    Configuration of settings and export to CID for sending via FTP (no partial setting changes sent).

    Communication configuration:

    o IEC 61850 Server (DataSets, reports, Goose messages).

    Functions applicable to thirty-party equipment:

    Installation management.

    Import/Export of ICD/CID configuration file.

    Communication configuration:

    o IEC 61850 Server (DataSets, reports, Goose transmission messages).

    o Note: The configuration of Goose reception messages is not defined in the standard.

    1.3 Nomenclature

    ACSI: Abstract Communication Service Interface.

    ANSI: American National Standards Institute.

    CID: Configured IED Description.

    DA: Data Attribute.

    DO: Data Object.

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    Introduction FCD: Functionally Constrained Data.

    FCDA: Functionally Constrained Data Attribute.

    GSE: General Substation Event.

    GOOSE: Generic Object Oriented Substation Event.

    GSSE: Generic Substation Status Event.

    ICD: IED Capabilities Description.

    IEC 61850: International Standard IEC61850.Communication Networks and Systems in Substations.

    IED: Intelligent Electronic Device.

    INGESYS eFS: INGESYS energyFactorySuite.

    LD: Logical Device.

    LN: Logical Node.

    RCB: Report Control Block.

    SCD: Substation Configuration Description.

    SG: Setting Group. Settings table

    SGCB: Setting Group Control Block.

    SNW: Subnetwork. Local communications subnetwork.

    SCSM: Specific Communications Service Mapping

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    1.4 Start screen

    The following options are provided on the pacFactory start screen:

    Fig. 1.1 PACFactory start screen

    While no installation is active, the start button will remain disabled. Information on the status bar:

    Language (configurable); option allowing for the pacFactory language to be changed.

    Active User.

    Active Installation.

    Type of installation (demo, INGESYS eFS or Ingesys IT).

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    1.5 Project Factory List of the different installations or projects:

    Fig. 1.2 Project factory form

    The active installation is colored green on the eFS icon and the text is in bold and is at the bottom of the form (Current project). Inactive installations are colored grey on the eFS icon and the text is not bold. The following options are available:

    New: Create a new installation or project.

    Activate/Deactivate: If the active project is selected from the list, this offers the option to deactivate it. If the non-active project is selected from the list, this offers the option to activate it.

    Export: It allows make a backup of the installation. It is only available for the active installation.

    Import: It allows retrieve a backup installation.

    Delete: It allows delete an installation. An installation can only be deleted if it is not active.

    Description: Edit the description of the installation.

    The Master equipment, Control Panel and Autobackup do not apply to pacFactory software and are only used for energyFactorySuite software.

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    Introduction 1.6 List of IEDs

    The list of IEDs for the active facility is accessed using the Start button. A list of all configured IEDs is displayed.

    Fig. 1.3 List of IEDs

    The following options are available in the menu and the button bar:

    Refresh list of IEDs

    Import IED from a file: This allows for an IED to be created from its ICD or CID configuration file.

    Export CID: This allows for the CID configuration file to be exported from the selected IED.

    Export All CID files: Export all CID files from the active installation.

    Detect equipment: Auto-detection of equipment in network.

    o Allows for the Ingeteam equipment to be auto-detected over the Ethernet.

    o A list of the different equipment detected is displayed, indicating data such as the equipment type, the IP address or the MAC address.

    o The Refresh button performs new equipment detection.

    o The Ip Config button displays the current network configuration.

    o Select one equipment from the list for the following options: (See Note)

    PING: This performs a ping to the equipment to check whether IP access to it is available.

    Change IP: This changes the IP address of the selected device.

    Import ICD to PC: This retrieves the CID configuration file from the equipment and save it in the selected directory.

    Import IED to DB: This retrieves the CID file from the equipment and imports it automatically to create an IED in the database.

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    Delete an IED: This deletes the selected IED from the facility database.

    Options from the context menu of right mouse button:

    On the voltage level

    o Rename

    o Duplicate

    o Create bay

    o Delete

    On bay level

    o Rename

    o Duplicate

    o Create IED

    o Delete

    On IED level

    o Rename

    o Duplicate to other IED

    o Move: Move the IED to other bahy and/or tension level.

    o Delete

    Note: For access to the following options, the computer must be connected to the same Ethernet and the network adaptor must be configured with an IP address in the same range as the equipment.

    There are two options to load the environment when working with an IED:

    Select the IED from the list and press the Continue button.

    Double-click on the IED.

    Selected the IED from list, the following message is displayed:

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    Fig. 1.4 Load all data model

    Click on 'Yes', when data or configuration values have changed in IED from other tools as, iedFactory/substationFactory, or after import the CID file that has modified the data model IED. Click on 'No'; if there are no changes in data model, and run the application quickly.

    Importing an IED to a facility

    Fig. 1.5

    There are two options to load an IED to a facility;

    Fig. 1.6

    Import the IED from a file. It is not necessary to be communicating with any equipment for this option.

    Automatic equipment detection in network. Import the IED directly from the equipment. This last option detects the equipment connected to the network. A screen such as the one shown below is displayed:

    Fig. 1.7 Detection of equipment connected to the network

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    Introduction First see whether the equipment is within the range of the PC subnet for correct communications with it.

    To do so, either add the equipment subnet to the PC network card or change the IP of the equipment so that it belongs to the PC subnet. This last option is possibly the fastest and easiest, wherever possible. To change the IP of any equipment, select it and click on the Configure IP button, indicate the IP and mask with which the equipment is to be configured and send it. Refresh automatic detection to confirm the change and you can now work trouble-free. Once you have confirmed that communications with the equipment are possible, the IED is imported to the facility using the Import IED to DB option. The following screen is then displayed for both options - import from a file or from device. The first thing to check are the data types over the existing installation.

    Fig. 1.8 Data Types

    By clicking on the tab 'Create New IED',

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    Fig. 1.9 Import ICD/CID

    Select/create a voltage level and a bay and press Import.

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    1.7 Main window

    When an IED is selected, the main screen of the application is displayed.

    Fig. 1.10 PACFactory start screen

    The main window is divided into 3 areas:

    1. Menus and tool bars

    2. Access menu to the different functions and browser trees by the device data model

    3. Data window, in which different tabs can be open.

    4. Status bar.

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    1.8 Status bar

    Status bar

    Fig. 1.11 Status bar

    en-EN: Language Information. The language can only be modified from the initial welcome screen.

    Fig. 1.12 Current user information

    Fig. 1.13 Current installation

    Code: Commercial code information from device.

    Fig. 1.14 Information on the active table in the device and in the PC and the total number of tables existing. The information on the active table in the device is only displayed once you have communicated.

    Fig. 1.15 The active table is changed using this option in the menu toolbar

    Communication status:

    Fig. 1.16 Communicating: There are communications with the device.

    Fig. 1.17 Communicating: Communications with the device are not possible.

    Fig. 1.18 ON LINE: Transitory mode between OFF LINE and communicating, until the application establishes communications with the device.

    Fig. 1.19 OFF LINE: Mode selected by the user to work without communications.

    IP address of the active installation

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    Commercial code

    If there is communication with the device, be displayed in the central part of the status bar the commercial code that has the device. If the commercial code is modified in the device, this can occur at discharge or disable input and output cards, be detected and displayed a message indicating that the code is detected on device other than having the database application. It gives the user the option to replace the existing database code detected by the new device or else 'cancel'. 'Cancel' put on the application to Offline mode, so will stop to communicate with the device, be considered is communicating with an incorrect device, or the ip address is incorrect.

    1.9 Menu and static tool bar

    Menus and static tool bar

    Fig. 1.20

    The available menus are as follows:


    o Off line / On line working mode: This allows for the programme to be switched to Off-line mode so that communications are disabled. This mode is designed for when you do not want to send or receive any communications message via Ethernet. It is also necessary to retrieve and view the reports downloaded in USB from the device.

    o Close: This closes the active tab of the data window.

    o Close all except this window: This closes all tabs except for the active one.

    o Exit: This closes the application.

    Reports: Each option allows for access to the corresponding report screen.

    o Signal status.

    o Measurement status.

    o Protection events.

    o Faults.

    o Statistics.

    o Maximeters and Minimeters.

    o Measurements Record Log.

  • Introduction

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    o Comtrade File Editor.

    o Comtrade viewer.


    o Protection Settings.

    o Control settings.

    o Logics settings.


    o IEC 61850 Server.

    o Display.

    o Logics.

    o Protection logics.

    o Procome Protocol.


    o IED Properties: Information corresponding to communications (IP address, subnet mask and OSI parameters.

    Details: Such as the name of the IED, the type of device, the access point or the description.

    AP1 (Access Point 1): This contains the IP address, the network mask, the Gateway and the IP address for the SNTP server. As well as being able to edit the IP address, users have a button next to its checkbox to Auto detect the IP addresses of the Ingeteam equipment connected to the communications network and allowing for one of them to be selected.

    o Send FTP: CID configuration file export process and its sending to the equipment via FTP.

    o Ping. Perform a ping to the equipment to check whether IP access to it is available.

    o Calculator: Access to Windows calculator.

  • Introduction

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    o Password (Password change): This changes the password to access the ftp of the device.

    o Synchronization: Sending of date and time to the equipment. This allows for sending of the current PC date/time or a specific date/time indicated by the user to be selected. (Note: If the option to send a different date/time to that of the PC is chosen, the PC time will not be modified).

    o View backup: This displays the report files downloaded to USB from the device.


    o Direct accesses to different tabs open in the main window.


    o About...: Information on the programme version.

    A static tool bar is available:

    Fig. 1.21 Static tool bar

    The different options can be disabled depending on the current tab. The static tool bar includes the following options:

    Save: This saves the changes made by the user to the PC database. It is only enabled in the settings tabs.

    Save IED: This saves the data received from the IED to the PC database. It is only enabled if settings have been received from the equipment.

    Export: This allows for the CID configuration file to be exported from the equipment.

    Standards: This opens the standard management dialogue box (see Section 5.1.1). It is only enabled in the settings tabs.

    Read Settings: This requests the settings from the IED. It is only enabled in the settings tabs.

    Send Settings: This sends the settings changes to the IED. It is only enabled in the settings tabs. To be able to send settings to the device, they must have been previously requested.

    Active Table: This sends the change to the active table. It is also possible to make changes to an active table in terms of the information saved in the database without it being sent to the device.

    IED Properties: Information on the equipment configuration in the PC, which includes:

  • Introduction

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    o Details: Such as the name of the IED, the type of device, the access point or the description.

    o AP1 (Access Point 1): This contains the IP address, the network mask, the Gateway and the IP address for the SNTP server. As well as being able to edit the IP address, users have a button next to its checkbox to Auto detect the IP addresses of the Ingeteam equipment connected to the communications network and allowing for one of them to be selected.

    Send FTP: CID configuration file export process and its sending to the equipment via FTP.

    Ping: Perform a ping to the equipment to check whether IP access to it is available.

    IP: To change the IP in use.

    Commercial Code: Through the commercial code get the type of equipment (only protection, control and single control or protection).


    View report backup

    This option allows for all reports downloaded from the protection to a USB device to be viewed in offline mode. To do so, by enabling the Offline Work Mode in the main menu, the View backup option is enabled in the tool menu.

    Fig. 1.22

    By selecting the option, you will see that the options no longer available are disabled in the left-hand menu and access to the reports has a new icon.

    Fig. 1.23

    The windows that no longer apply due to the option selected are also closed, such as protection settings, logics settings, etc.

  • Introduction

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    Fig. 1.24

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    Fig. 1.25

    To return to online work mode and return to the active project, select the return to the active facility option from the tool menu or untick the Off line work mode option directly in the File menu.

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    Fig. 1.26 Fig. 1.27

    1.10 Access menu to functions and browser trees

    Access menu to functions and browser trees


    o Signal status

    o Measurement status

    o Protection events

    o Faults

    o Statistics

    o Maximeters and Minimeters


    o Measurement record


    o Comtrade Editor

    o Comtrade viewer

  • Introduction

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    o Protection settings

    o Control settings

    o Logics settings


    o IEC 61850 Server

    o Config CF Data

    o Display

    o Logics

    o Protection logics

    o Procome Protocol

    o DNP Protocol

  • Introduction

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    Fig. 1.28 Menu

  • Introduction

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    1.11 Data window

    This window displays the different information tabs requested from the access menu shown in the previous section.

    Fig. 1.29 Data Window

  • Data monitoring

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    2 Data monitoring

    2.1 Reports: Signal status

    The status report indicates the current status of protection and displays instant values. The information is constantly updated. The following information is provided on this screen:

    Equipment date and active settings table

    Measurement status

    Signal status, classified in different tabs

    Different command buttons are available:

    o Measurements: Values with the reset option have a button next to them so that they can be initialized.

    o At the top of the signal status:

    Acknowledge Fault

    LEDS off

    Relays off

    Fig. 1.30 Signal status

    See the EF platform user manual for detailed information on the status report.

  • Data monitoring

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    2.2 Reports: Measure status

    The analogue measurement values acquired by the equipment are displayed. The information is constantly updated. The date (local PC date) on which the latest values were received is indicated on the red report title bar. This report indicates the primary measurements of the metering transformers with the transformer ratio applied. Maximeter information is that used for the maximeter reports. Values with the reset option have a button next to them so that they can be initialized.

    Fig. 1.31 Measurement status

    See the EF platform user manual for detailed information on the status report.

    2.3 Reports: Protection events

    The list of events saved by the equipment is displayed. The tab is divided into three areas:

    Tool bar: This includes the following options:

    o Refresh data: Request for data from protection. The events are only requested on request by the user.

    o Last update: The local PC date and time at which the data was last updated are indicated on the red report title bar.

    o Delete data: A form is opened to delete events. All events can be deleted or a selection made between dates.

    o Delete selection: This allows for the events selected from the list of events to be deleted.

    o Export to excel: This allows to export all the list of events to an excel sheet.

  • Data monitoring

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    List of events:

    o List of events received from protection.

    o The date, time, description and event status (On/Off) are indicated for every event.

    Measurement details:

    o This displays the measurements associated to the event selected from the list of events.

    o The current, voltage and frequency values are displayed.

    Fig. 1.32 Protection Events

    See the EF platform user manual for detailed information on the status report.

  • Data monitoring

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    2.4 Reports: Faults

    The list of faults is displayed, along with all detailed information on each one. The tab is divided into three areas:

    Tool bar: This includes the following options:

    o Refresh data: Request for data from protection. The faults are only requested on request by the user.

    o Last update: The local PC date and time at which the data was last updated are indicated on the red report title bar.

    o Delete data: A form is opened to delete faults. All events can be deleted or a selection made between dates.

    o Delete selection: This allows for the faults selected from the list of faults to be deleted.

    o Export to excel: This allows to export the detail fault selected to an excel sheet.

    List of faults:

    o List of events received from protection.

    o The date, time, duration, start-up type and trigger type are indicated for every event.

    Selected fault details:

    o This displays the detailed data on the fault selected from the list of faults.

    o The Settings button displays the active settings at the time of the fault.

  • Data monitoring

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    Fig. 1.33 Fault Report

    See the EF platform user manual for detailed information on the fault report.

    2.5 Reports: Statistical data

    This displays all information on statistical data calculated in the equipment: currents, actuation times and meters. The tab is divided into two areas:

    Tool bar: This includes the following options:

    o Refresh data: Request for data from protection. The statistical data are only requested on request by the user.

    o Export to excel: This allows to export the report to an excel sheet.

    o Last update: The local PC date and time at which the data was last updated are indicated on the red report title bar.

    Statistical data:

    o Statistical data received from the equipment.

    o Values with the reset option have a button next to them so that they can be initialized.

  • Data monitoring

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    Fig. 1.34 Statistical data

    See the EF platform user manual for detailed information on the statistical data report.

    2.6 Reports: Maximeters and Minimeters

    This displays the maximeters and minimeters built into the equipment. The tab is divided into two areas:

    Tool bar: This includes the following options:

    o Refresh data: Request for data from protection. The maximeters and minimeters are only requested on request by the user.

    o Export to excel: This allows to export the report to an excel sheet.

    o Last update: The local PC date and time at which the data was last updated are indicated on the red report title bar.

    Maximeter and minimeter data:

    o Statistical data received from the equipment.

  • Data monitoring

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    Fig. 1.35 Maximeter and minimeter data

    See the EF platform user manual for detailed information on the maximeter and minimeter report.

    2.7 Logs: Measure record.

    The tab is divided into two areas:

    Toolbar: This includes the following options:

    o Refresh data: Request for data from protection. The measurement records are only requested on request by the user.

    o Last update: PC date and time of the last data update.

    o Delete data: A form is opened to delete records. All records can be deleted or a selection made between dates.

    o Delete selection: This allows for the records selected from the list to be deleted.

    o Export to excel: This allows to export the report to an excel sheet.

    List of records:

    o List of measurement records received from protection.

    o The date and time are indicated for each record.

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    Record details:

    o This displays the measurements associated to the records from the list of events

    o By selecting a record from the list, this area displays the data on this record.

    o The minimum, maximum and average values are displayed for each measurement recorded.

    Fig. 1.36 Measurements log

    See the EF platform user manual for detailed information on the measurements log record.

    2.8 OSCILLOGRAPHY: Comtrade File Editor.

    The oscillography of the EF platform equipment is saved in binary Comtrade format, with a CFG configuration file and a DAT data file being available for each oscillo. This option retrieves all of the oscillography files stored in the equipment and saves them in a PC folder in the installation.

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    Fig. 2.1 The stored files are displayed in a list so that they can be edited. Double-click on the selected file to edit it directly using the IngeViewer.

    2.9 OSCILLOGRAPHY: Comtrade viewer.

    This menu is used to start the Ingeviewer Comtrade application, the INGETEAM Comtrade file viewer. This application allows for any Comtrade file to be graphically viewed and for its measurements and harmonics calculation to be viewed, etc.

    Fig. 2.2 See the xxxx user manual for detailed information on the application.

  • Setting configuration

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    3 Setting configuration

    3.1 Setting type.

    Note: The following setting type classification applies only to Ingeteam EF platform-based equipment. All settings are dealt with as protection settings for the remaining families.

    Protection settings

    Events masks

    User curves

    Logic settings

    Control settings

    Unlike protection settings, control settings are always single table settings and, therefore, do not involve any of the options associated to the different tables of the equipment. Difference control has the same options as those indicated in the previous section for protection settings.

    General Treatment of Settings.

    When any of the settings tabs is displayed, a browser tree is displayed in the left-hand menu that contains all of the settings available.

    The browser tree is a private definition of Ingeteam EF platform-based equipment. Where equipment of type other than the EF Platform is edited or where the imported file does not have this private definition, a classification tree will be displayed containing the logical devices (LDs) and the different logical nodes (LNs) within each one.

    The GGIOs nodes are crossed out and not accessible if they are in the definition icd but not in the detected device commercial code. To change this behavior, from the toolbar in the 'Config Grid', activate the check in 'GGIOs View'.

  • Setting configuration

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    Fig. 1.37

    The settings are displayed in the settings tabs in grid mode, grouped into functional units called Logical Nodes (LNs). One or several settings tables can be viewed at the same time, depending on how the grid is configured.

  • Setting configuration

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    Fig. 1.38 Settings Screen

    Two columns are displayed in each settings table, one with the settings received from the equipment and the other with the settings from the PC database. These are identified by the names Dev_SGx and PC_SGx, where x is the settings table number. Users can only edit the settings in the PC_SGx column. Static tool bar options related to settings treatment:

    Fig. 1.39 Tool bar related to settings treatment

    Save: This saves the changes made by the user to the PC database. The settings edited in the PC_SGx columns are not saved to the PC database until this button is pressed or the settings sent to the device, in which case they are saved automatically in the database.

    Save IED: This saves the data received from the IED to the PC database. I.e. it saves the values received from the equipment in the Dev_SGx column to the PC_SGx column.

    Read Settings: This requests the settings from the IED and completes the Dev_SGx columns. Communication with the equipment is required.

    Send Settings: This sends the changes to the settings to the IED once the user has made the modifications to the PC_SGx columns. To be able to send settings to the device, they must have been previously received.

    Active Table: This sends the change to the active table. It is also possible to make changes to an active table in terms of the information saved in the database without it being sent to the device. When settings are requested from the equipment, the active table indicated by the equipment is displayed. The active table is indicated in the settings editing area on a green background.

  • Setting configuration

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    There is a specific tool bar in any of the settings tabs (Protection Settings, Control Settings or Logic Settings).

    Fig. 1.40 Specific tool bar for each setting

    The following options are available in the tab bar:

    Fig. 1.41

    Show Setting Group: This enables you to select the table to be edited in the edit window.

    Config Grid.: This allows for the columns to be displayed in the setting edit table (or grid) to be selected.

    The values in menu option Config Grid can be configured as follows:


    o SP SG: Type of setting (SP: Single table settings, SG: Table settings).

    o Type: Value type (Boolean, integer, enumerated, etc.).

    o Min: Minimum setting value possible

    o Max.: Maximum setting value possible

    o Step: Valid setting increment

    o sAddr: Private setting configuration value


    o Display active table

    o Select several tables to display at the same time

    Setting view:

    o Show setting disable: This option show all the settings, even those are disable in the device.

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    GGIOs view:

    o Show all defining in icd. The default settings are displayed for the GGIOs defined according to commercial code model device detected.

    Fig. 1.42 Column selection

    Note: The SP type settings are displayed in italics and the SG type settings are not. Click on the setting description to display a window containing information on the IEC 61850 reference for the setting, its minimum and maximum values and stepsize.

    Copy Setting Group: This allows for copies of complete settings tables to be made by selecting the source and the target tables.

    Export to Excel: Export the contents of the settings grid to Excel with the fields currently displayed.

    Setting difference control between equipment and PC:

    Differences: This button enables or disables the checking of differences between the settings received from the equipment and those configured in the PC database.

    Filter: This button enables or disables the filter for the differences detected. When disables, reset both filters and difference selection to display all of the settings once again.

    Scrolling through the detected differences:

  • Setting configuration

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    o Go to first difference.

    o Go to previous difference.

    o Go to next difference

    o Go to last difference.

    Search text: This allows for a search to be made for a text in the setting descriptions. Using the previous buttons (Filter and Browsing), it is possible to scroll through the elements that comply with the filter, filter to see these elements only or delete the filter.

    The button pad will be displayed alongside the differences button and the search button, depending on the option selected.

    Fig. 1.43 Fig. 1.44

    3.2 Show secondary settings.

    Fig. 1.45 Show secondaries

    The settings are classified in ICD as main settings or second settings. The main settings are always visible and the button 'Show secondary' can choose to display the settings defined as secondary, which by default are hidden from the user.

  • Setting configuration

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    3.3 Difference control.

    A difference control is available to identify the different values between the equipment settings and the PC settings: Differences: This button enables or disables the checking of differences between the settings received from the equipment and those configured in the PC database.

    The differences are marked with the following icon together with the settings values.

    Fig. 1.46 Icon marking the differences

    Furthermore, if the difference check is enabled, the settings texts are marked on a yellow background.

    Fig. 1.47 Differences marked yellow

    The following case may also arise when the differences are displayed;

    Fig. 1.48 This means that there is a difference on one of the settings tables that is not currently visible

    Fig. 1.49 This means that there is a difference on one of the settings tables that is not currently visible

    Filter: This button enables or disables (See all) the filter for detected differences, displaying only those in which differences are detected in the settings edit area. Scrolling through the detected differences:

    Go to first difference.

    Go to previous difference.

    Go to next difference

    Go to last difference.

  • Setting configuration

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    3.4 Settings Standard Management.

    Standard management is accessed using the Standards button in the main tool bar.

    Fig. 1.50 Standards Screen

    The following options are available:

    Save a settings standard:

    o Save as an *.icd/*.cid file: The application generates a complete .icd or .cid file containing the entire equipment data model and the settings values. The name of the file and the directory in which it is to be generated can be selected. This option is the same as exporting the .cid file using the Export option.

    o Save as an *.xml file: The application generates an .xml file containing the device settings values. The name of the file can be selected but they are saved to a pre-defined directory.

    Retrieve a settings standard:

    o Import an *.icd/*.cid file: The application retrieves the settings values from a complete .icd or .cid file containing the entire equipment data model and the settings values. It only retrieves the settings values from the existing data model and the data model is not imported.

    o Import an *.xml file: The application retrieves the settings values from an .xml file.

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    4 Communications

    4.1 IEC 61850 server configuration

    The IEC 61850 server configuration can be accessed from the Configuration menu of the menu bar and from the function access menu. When the IEC 61850 Server tab is displayed, the equipment data model browser tree is displayed on the left of the application.

    Fig. 1.51 Communications Menu

    This browser tree displays the different logical devices (LDs) and the different logical nodes (LNs) within each one. The data sent by the equipment (Reports or Goose messages) is configured in two steps in the IEC 61850 Standard:

    The set of data to be sent in the Report or Goose message, known as DataSets, must first be defined.

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    Secondly, a control block (Report Control Block or Goose Control Block) must be configured, in which the characteristics of each Report or Goose message are configured.

    According to the IEC 61850 Standard, the DataSets and the control blocks are created at LN level and, therefore, the LN in which they are to be created in the browser tree must first be selected. If there is no LN selected, the DataSet, Report Control Block and Transmission Goose configuration buttons will be disabled. Once DataSets, Report Control Blocks or Transmission Gooses have been configured, they will be displayed in the browser tree as branches of the LN in which they have been created. The following is provided in the IEC 61850 server configuration tab:

    A button pad with the following options:

    o DataSet: Access to DataSet configuration (see Section

    o R.C.B: Access to Report Control Block configuration (see Section

    o GOOSEs: Access to Transmission goose message configuration (see Section

    o GoosesRx: Access to Reception goose message configuration (see Section

    o Collapse/Expand: This allows for the data in the tab to be collapsed or expanded.

    Fig. 1.52

    Configured data grid:

    o The configured data is displayed grouped together into DataSets.

    o In each DataSet, the Report or Goose control blocks for that DataSet are displayed.

    Fig. 1.53

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    Configuration can be accessed as follows

    From the buttons in the tab: DataSet, RCB, GOOSEs and GoosesRx.

    From the elements in the browser tree by right-clicking on them:

    o Clicking on an LN allows for:

    Access to DataSet and Reception goose configuration.

    Create new DataSet or Goose.

    o Clicking on a DataSet allows for:

    Properties: Access to configuration window.

    Delete: Only available if there is no associated control block.

    o Clicking on a Report control block allows for:

    Properties: Access to configuration window.


    o Clicking on a Goose control block allows for:

    Properties: Access to configuration window.


    From the elements in the tab

    o Clicking on a DataSet allows for:

    Properties: Access to configuration window.

    Delete: Only available if there is no associated control block.

    Create new Report or Goose control block.

    o Clicking on a Report control block allows for:

    Properties: Access to configuration window.


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    o Clicking on a Goose control block allows for:

    Properties: Access to configuration window.


    4.2 Dataset configuration

    The DataSets configuration dialogue box allows for sets of data to be defined and configured, the values of which can be notified by the IEC61850 server using the services defined in the IEC61850 Standard. These sets of data are called DataSets. The elements of a DataSet are a series of references to IEC 61850 model data (defined in Part 7-2 of the IEC 61850 Standard). These references can be:

    FCD (Functionally Constrained Data): This selects a group of attributes from data with the same FC (Functional Constraint).

    FCDA (Functionally Constrained Data Attribute): This selects an attribute within data.

    Functional Constraints (FC): This is a classification made by the IEC 61850 Standard of the different data according to its use. These are defined in Part 7-2 of the Standard. Some examples are: ST: Status information, MX: Measured (analogue values), SP: Set point, SV: Substitution, CF: Configuration, DC: Description, SG: Setting group, Etc.

    Fig. 1.54 DataSet Configuration

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    The dialogue box is divided into two main parts. In the first, located at the top, there is a viewer that displays all of the DataSets configured in the current LN, as well as a set of buttons to perform different actions on the DataSets. The lower area of the dialogue box is the specific configuration part of the DataSet selected in the viewer at the top, displaying a list containing all of the FCDA (IEC 61850 data references) currently included in the DataSet. This area also contains an additional tab that displays the dependencies of the current DataSet and a series of buttons to perform all of the possible actions. The actions for the upper part of the dialogue box (the list of DataSets for the Logical Node current displayed) are as follows:

    New: this creates a new DataSet in the current Logical Node. When pressed, a dialogue box is displayed where the name of the new DataSet is entered.

    Rename: this button allows for the name of an existing DataSet to be modified. This option will be disabled if the DataSet is linked to a control block.

    Duplicate: this creates a new DataSet that is identical to an existing one. When pressed, a dialogue box is displayed where the name of the new DataSet is entered.

    Delete: this deletes the selected DataSet from the current Logical Node. This option will be disabled if the DataSet is linked to a control block.

    Copy: this copies the contents of the selected DataSet to the clipboard.

    Paste: this creates a new DataSet from the one located in the clipboard (after selecting another DataSet and pressing the Copy button). This option will be disabled if there is no data or if there is incorrect data in the clipboard.

    The actions for configuring and editing the selected DataSet, which are located at the bottom of the dialogue box, are as follows:

    New: this option allows you to add a new FCDA (IEC 61850 data reference) to the current DataSet. By clicking on this option, an explorer is displayed that allows for the item to be added to the model hierarchy to be located. This item can only be a Functional Constraint, Data Attribute or Basic Type.

    Delete: this option deletes the selected item or items from the current DataSet (it does not modify the model, only the list of FCDAs included in the DataSet).

    Up: this moves the selected FCDA to the next position up in the DataSet.

    Down: this moves the selected FCDA to the next position down in the DataSet.

    Select repeated: this selects repeated FCDAs in the DataSet.

    Copy FCDAs: This allows for the DataSet references to be copied and then pasted in another DataSet or in Excel.

    Paste FCDAs: This allows for previously copied references to be pasted in the DataSet.

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    Editor: this opens the DataSet Editor for more detailed editing of the DataSets (it allows for several items to be added at the same time and for the details of each item to be displayed, etc.). Go to the DataSet Editor section linked to the end of this document for further information on the DataSet Editor.

    Fig. 1.55 FCDA Editor

    The Dependencies tab displays the DataSet dependencies on other items such as Reports and Gooses. I.e. it shows whether the DataSet is associated to a Report or Goose control blocks, etc. Detailed editing of a DataSet is accessed using the DataSet Editor button, allowing for several items to be added or deleted. The dialogue box is divided into three main sections: At the top are filtering and display options, such as the filtering by data type combo, the filtering by FC (Functional Constraint) combo, filtering by text and configuration of favourite filters. To the left is a tree that displays the hierarchy information model on the current IED. In the centre is the current list of FCDAs for the DataSet being displayed, which shall now be known as Expander.

    WARNING: On pressing on the Accept button, the current DataSet will be updated with the list of FCDAs existing in the Expander of the DataSet editor. Any previous configuration for the current DataSet will be lost.

    The process of adding items to a DataSet is as follows: The first step involves selecting the filtering options: type of item references to be added (in this case, only Functional Constraint, Data Attributes and Basic Types are available), Functional Constraint of the items and a text filter for the items to be added must be compliant with their reference.

    The Expander also allows for ladder expansion, i.e. not only will the items that comply with the filter be added, but also their "parents" (provided they meet the remaining filtering criteria). Once the filter has been adjusted, drag and drop the source item required from the tree and the Expander will add all of the items complying with the filtering options to the list. Items are deleted from the contextual menu by selecting one or several items and clicking on the "Delete selected" option from the contextual menu.

    The selected items can be deleted by pressing the "Delete" button. To delete all of the FCDAs existing in the DataSet, press the "Delete All" option in the contextual menu (WARNING: this operational is irreversible!) Normal criteria in DataSet configuration: The FC normally used to send Reports and Gooses are as follows:

    ST : For signal configuration

    MX: For measurement configuration.

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    When a DataSet is configured to send Reports, the Functional Constraint filter is normally used. By using this filter, the data reference that will be a structure including the data, its quality and the timestamp are included in the DataSet.

    For example:


    This would be a structure including the following data:




    When DataSets are configured to send Gooses, the Basic Type filter is normally used. Using this filter, the attributes are included in the DataSet one by one, as the timestamp is not normally sent in Goose messages.

    For example:



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    4.3 Report configuration

    Fig. 1.56 RCB Configuration

    This dialogue box allows for the Report control blocks (RCD) to be modified and/or associated to the selected Logical Node according to the IEC61850 Standard.

    Details Tab.

    o The fields to be configured for the selected Report Control Block are as follows:

    Name: read-only field that displays the name of the Report Control Block.

    DataSet: DataSet to be sent in the event generated by the selected Report.

    RptId: read-only field that displays the reference of the Report Control Block.

    Description: editable field containing a brief description of Report Control Block.

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    IntgPd: record generation and sending period for the integrity period mode.

    ConfRev: revision of the associated DataSet, indicating the number of times the DataSet configuration has been modified.

    BuffTim: Value of the Buffer Time setting for reports with buffer.

    Trigger Options and Optional Fields Tab

    o The following can be configured in this tab:

    Report Type (with or without buffer)

    The report sending options (known as Trigger Options):

    Dchg: Sending per data value change.

    Qchg: Sending per data validity change (quality)

    Dupd:Sending per data update (this option is not handled in Ingeteam equipment).

    Period: Regular sending according to IntgPd setting.

    GI: Question mark enabling.

    The optional fields that may or may not be included in the report.

    ReasonCode: Reason for report generation (Dchg, Qchg, Dupd, Period, GI).

    SeqNum: Report index. This is a counter that increases with each report.

    TimStamp: Date and time the report is generated.

    DataSet: Reference of the DataSet associated to the report.

    DataRef: Reference of each data sent in the report.

    EntryId: Index identifying each data sent in the report.

    ConfigRev: Counter indicating the number of times the configuration of the DataSet associated to the report has been modified.

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    4.4 Transmission Goose configuration

    This dialogue box, which is always associated to an LLN0, allows for a Generic Substation Event (GSE) to be configured, as defined in the IEC61850 Standard. According to this, a DataSet of previously configured values is required in the LLN0.

    Fig. 1.57 Transmission Goose Configuration

    At the top of the dialogue box is a list that contains all of the GSEs configured in the selected LLN0 and below this list are buttons to perform the possible actions on the list. At the bottom of the dialogue box, the GSE Control block selected from the list can be configured using three tabs with different configuration parameters.

    The actions possible on the list are as follows:

    New: this creates a new GSE Control Block in the current Logical Node. Once pressed, a dialogue box is displayed where the name to be given to the new GSE Control Block is entered.

    Rename: this button allows for the name of an existing GSE Control Block to be modified.

    Duplicate: this creates a new GSE Control Block that is identical to an existing one. Once pressed, a dialogue box is displayed where the name to be given to the new GSE Control Block is entered.

    Delete: this deletes the selected GSE Control Block from the current Logical Node.

    Details Tab

    o The main fields to be configured for the selected GSE Control Block are as follows:

    Name: read-only field that displays the name of the GSE Control Block selected.

    Description: editable field containing a brief description of GSE Control Block.

    DataSet: DataSet to be sent in the event generated by the selected GSE.

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    Type: there are two types of GSE: GOOSE and GSSE. The GOOSE type is triggered by changes in the values associated to a DataSet, whereas the GSSE is caused by status changes in the digital values.

    IntgPd: record generation and sending period for the integrity period mode.

    Note: Although the application allows for either of the two types of message to be configured, the Ingeteam equipment only implements GOOSE type messages.

    AppID: ID of application (device) that is sending the event.

    ConfRev: revision of the associated DataSet, indicating the number of times the DataSet configuration has been modified.

    Access Point Tab

    o This tab allows for the data defining the access point to the virtual LAN used for GSE communications to be configured in the associated IED.

    o The first control in this tab is the 'Enable' checkbox that defines the status of the Access Point. This checkbox must be enabled in order to edit the remaining fields.

    o The following fields are to be configured:

    Subnetwork: name of subnetwork used to send GSE messages. The combo will only display the subnetworks configured for the current IED that support the selected GSE.

    AP Name: name of the access point assigned for selected GSE messages.

    MAC-Address: routing of the MAC (Media Access Control) sublevel. Multicast address to which the generated Goose message is to be sent.

    APPID: ID of the application used to distinguish between different Goose messages.

    VLAN-PRIORITY: virtual LAN priority from 0 to 7, in accordance with IEEE 802.1Q.

    VLAN-ID: ID of the virtual LAN where a network configuration with VLANs is used.

    MinTime: minimum time in milliseconds. (pending)

    MaxTime: maximum time in milliseconds. (pending))

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    4.5 Reception Goose configuration

    Subscription to Goose messages sent by other equipment can be configured in this dialogue box.

    Fig. 1.58 Reception Goose Configuration

    To automatically subscribe, the IED sending the Goose message to which you want to subscribe must have been previously imported in the same installation.

    The dialogue box is divided into two windows:

    One displays the list of Goose messages to which you have subscribed.

    The other displays the different IEDs of the installation. By selecting the Goose control block (GSE) to which you want to subscribe in the IEDs, the 105 button generates the subscription. The -> button delete a subscription.

    Other dialogue buttons:

    Update: This refreshes the dialogue box data.

    Accept: Exit the dialogue box.

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    4.6 Gooses Subscription Editor (E3 type) Tool: substationFactory.

    Levels: IED selected (type IngepacEF).

    Toolbar: Ingeteam T&D Tool.

    Summary: Subscribing to Gooses is performed on logical nodes of type LGOS.

    Fig. 1.59 Subscription Gooses LGOS Form

    Each subscription to a Goose message is done on a node, so you can have as many subscriptions as there are nodes in the model LGOS data.

    To make subscription it must be set:

    Parameters: configuration data message that we want Goose to subscribe.

    Data Mapping: Each Goose received data message can be assigned to a given node LGOS on which copies the message data Goose.

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    MAC: MAC multicast of Goose message.

    o Rango de 01-0C-CD-01-00-00 a 01-0C-CD-01-01-FF

    APPID: Field value of the message APPID Goose. Numeric value.

    GoCBRef: Reference Goose Goose Control Block message. Text value.

    o Sample: eFCTRL/LLN0$GO$GSE_GooseTx1

    GoDatSetRef: Message reference dataset Goose. Text value.

    o Sample: eFCTRL/LLN0$DS_GooseTx1

    GoID: Message-ID goose. Text value.

    ConfRev: Revision number of the configuration. Numeric value.

    These values must be consistent with the message received in the Goose.

    Data Mapping:

    The index of each element indicates the data of the message you want to use Goose. The data InRef1 correspond to the first data message Goose the data InRef2 with the second and so on.

    For each item there is a button to access a window where you select the reference data within the LGOS node on which you want to copy the data received at the Goose.

    To make the assignment should know the format of the data from the Goose that will make the subscription and the data within the node chosen to back LGOS should be in the same format:

    o Boolean: Data Indx

    o Dbpos: Data DPSIndx

    o Measure: Data AnInx

    Goose If the message is received validity information signals (Qualities), should be set to one more fact about the data q of any data node LGOS.

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    For example, for the node in the data LGOS1 InRef1 is set to the value Ind1.stVal the first data message would be copied on Goose LGOS1.Ind1.stVal data (if data formats are the same, otherwise your subscription give an error).

  • Configurate CF Data

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    5 Configurate CF Data

    You can access the configuration data from both CF "Settings" menu in the menu bar, and from the Access menu functions.

    Only CF type data will be shown that they had a measure (sAddress type M, or GM or LM) or a set order (type sAddress CO or LO).

    Fig. 1.60 Configurate CF Data

    It shows a list of the different nodes CF to modify. If the measure or order selected has no CF data a message will be shown. If CF node exists a screen that allows us to modify these values will be shown.

  • Configurate CF Data

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    Fig. 1.61 Update CF Data

  • Device model

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    6 Device model

    Tool: substationFactory.

    Levels: IED selected (type IngepacEF, type IngepacDA).

    Toolbar: Ingeteam T&D Tool.

    Summary: Through the commercial code identifies the family computer.

    Fig. 1.62 Get Device Model

    The factory each device will have (in the private part of the CID) of the commercial code which set only considered the first 3 letters that identify each family (so that the CID is unique for all models of this family).

    From this form we can configure 4 parameters (extended control functions) and 5 parameters (format).

  • IPRV Configuration

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    7 IPRV Configuration

    Application: iedFactory, substationFactory, pacFactory.

    Levels: Ingepac-type IED, IngepacDA-type IED


    Summary: Configure 61850 server. There can be only one such node for IED. First tab is for configuring the server access 16 client and the other tab general aspects of the server.

    Fig. 7.1 AddIn that allows to configure IPRV node in IngepacEF, IngepacDA

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    AddIn that allows configure IPRV node.

    Fig. 7.2 Form to configure general aspects and access to 16 potential clients server

    7.1 Client configuration tab.

    Fig. 1.63 Form to configurate the server access 16 prospects

    Values to configurate per each client:

    dirIP: Client IP address you want to configure. The address refers to all IPs.

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    CommandEna: Indicate order execution permits of client orders. Yes, you run this client orders, No, not to run customer orders.

    ReportEna: Indicate enabled permits in this customer reports. Yes, this customer to enable the reports for which references are given in Client#.ReportList, No, not to enable this customer reports and All, which allows enabling all existing reports to this client.

    Report [1..6]: It only makes sense when we configurator reportEna to Yes. They identify the report you want to allow.

    7.2 Goose/Server configuration tab.

    Fig. 1.64 Form to configure general aspects 61850 server

    Values to configure:

    Gooses Devices: Possible device for gooses.

    VLAN: Mode gooses. 0, gooses with or without VLAN tag, 1, gooses with VLAN tag; 2 gooses without VLAN tag.

    Local time in events: Yes/No.

    Maximum number of clients: the value of simultaneous connections the 61850 server accepts. The default value is 5.

    Disconnection timeout: Period of time in seconds after which if you have not received an MMS message to the connection closes it.

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    Server Type: The default value is Normal server.

    Authentication required: Yes/No.

    IPRV mode: Defines the mode associated with the limitations imposed on reports IPRV nodes and controls. Permissive, the rest of IPs configured on any node IPRV have all permissions, Restrictive, if an IP is not configured on any node has no rights IPRV reports and controls. Default permissive.

    Reject connections from not configured IPs: Yes/No.

    * If the IPRV node is configured in an earlier version, IPRV mode and the option reject IPs configured connections are disabled.

  • Display configurator

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    8 Display configurator

    Application: iedFactory, substationFactory and PACFactory.

    Levels: IngepacEF-type IED, IngepacDA-type IED


    Summary: Using the Display Configurator Add-in, an XML file is generated that contains sufficient instructions to handle the Display and the menus in the equipment. The configuration part of the Display is saved as another node in the private part of the .cid.

    Fig. 8.1 AddIn that allows for the Display to be configured

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    Fig. 8.2 Display Configurator Start Form

    Before opening the Configurator checks the type of equipment (only protection, only control, control and protection). If it does not exist show a message, if it exists show or hide the different forms depending on the type of equipment. If there is no previous configuration file the first time you enter the Configurator, the following message is displayed No Display Configuration file. Import a previous file? If you select the No option, you will enter the Configurator and a configuration file will be created from scratch. If you select the Yes option, you will be given the option to import a previous configuration file. Furthermore, if there is a graphic screen, this is displayed by default on opening the configurator.

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    Fig. 8.3 Default Graphic form on opening the Configurator

    8.1 File menu

    The File Menu has five submenus:

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    8.1.1 Show file

    Displays the private part of the file Icd including DISPLAY_EF node. That way you can view the XML data in our current configuration file.

    Fig. 8.4 Example content node DISPLAY_EF

    8.1.2 Export file

    You can export a display configuration file (. Xml) to a selected location on the PC.

    Fig. 1.65 Form to export a file

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    8.1.3 Import file

    You can import a configuration different from what we have, or do not have it, both import a new one. Cid or from a file Xml.

    Fig. 8.5 Form to import a file

    8.1.4 Delete configuration file

    This allows for the Display configuration node to be deleted if it exists and if you want to start from scratch.

    8.1.5 Close

    This closes the configuration application and returns to the Substation or PacFactory, as applicable.

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    8.2 Configuration menu

    The Configuration menu has several submenus to configure the Alarm clock, create graphic screens, defined menu orders, etc., among other options. Each of these submenus is discussed in further detail below.

    8.2.1 Alarms

    The Alarm Clock can be configured from this screen. The option is disabled until the model data has been fully loaded.

    All of the signals to which an Alarm-type value can be assigned are displayed on the left of the screen. Three columns, reference 61850 and the description associated to the data in Spanish and English are displayed.

    There are three signal display tabs, the classified signals, the list of signals and the signal tree. The tab with the list of signals is displayed by default.

    These signals can be filtered by entering text in the field corresponding to the selection and pressing the Apply button. By default, this filtering check that the text entered is contained in the description field of the table with the set of data. Filtering by other criteria is possible, e.g. by reference 61850.

    On pressing on the next button, the criteria by which signal filtering is possible are displayed:

    Fig. 1.66 Filter selection

    Fig. 1.67 This displays the filters that can be used

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    The right of the screen displays the title of the Alarm Clock and the alarms configured to date. Both the title and the table containing the configured alarms are editable.

    There are three data in the table containing the configured alarms, the page number where the alarm is to be displayed, the text on line 1 and the text on line 2.

    The central buttons enable you to delete a previously selected alarm () in the selected position of the table of configured signals.

    The Insert Blank line button enables you to leave gaps in the Alarms panel where indicated.

    The Save button saves the changes made to the Alarm Clock.

    The Exit button closes the form. No changes will be saved if the Save button has not been pressed.

    The Up button enables you to move the selected alarm one position upwards.

    The Down button enables you to move the selected alarm one position downwards.

    Fig. 1.68 Form to create, edit, delete or preview Alarms

    The Preview button shows you how the alarms will be viewed in the Display. The [< > >] options are used to move around the different pages of the Alarm Clock (start page; previous page; next page; last page). If there is only one page of Alarms to be displayed, the [< > >] buttons will be disabled.

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    Fig. 1.69 Alarm Preview Form

    Remember that the changes must first be saved before you can view all of the changes in the preview (a warning message is displayed).

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    8.2.2 Graphics

    You can create or edit the Display graphic screens from this screen. It is possible to create up to 10 graphic screens with live points, measurements, fixed symbols, etc.

    Fig. 1.70 Main Graphic creation form

    The different palettes of fixed symbols created by the user are displayed on the left of the form. These palettes are located in the directory C:\Operator OCS\Bin\eFS\IngeteamTD\Palettes. As many palettes as the user requires can be created with the symbols the user wants to include. How this is done with the option Palettes and Symbols:

    The following form is displayed on selecting this option.

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    Fig. 1.71 Palettes and Symbols creation form

    The first menu contains the main palette creation and deletion and symbol creation and deletion options associated to these palettes.

    New Palette: this allows for a new palette to be added to the Display configurator with the name indicated.

    Add Symbol: this adds a new symbol created in the active palette or selected at that time (this is the palette that displays its symbols. In the previous example this would be the Symbols palette).

    Delete Symbol: this deletes the selected symbol (in the previous example symbol 00 would be selected, as it is selected).

    Delete Palette: this deletes an entire palette. A warning message is displayed before it is deleted. The default palette, the SYMBOLS palette, cannot be deleted.

    The menu with the design options will be discussed in terms of the Graphics form, as both screens operate in the same way. The Graphic form configuration options are discussed again below.

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    At the top of this form is the Display Menus bar and below it two other bars, the first containing the General graphic design options (save, create new screen, open existing screen, etc.) and the second containing the tools that can be used to design graphic screens.

    Fig. 1.72 New

    New, create a new graphic screen.

    Fig. 1.73 Open

    Open, displays a list of the existing graphic screens. Double-click on the one selected to open it.

    Fig. 1.74 Select Screen

    Fig. 1.75 Save

    Save, allows for a new screen or the changes made to an existing screen to be saved. If the screen does not exist, a form is displayed in which a description of the screen can be entered.

    Delete Screen: displays a list of the existing graphic screens (as in the new option). Double-click on the one selected and the following message is displayed Delete selected values?. If you selected Yes, the selected screen is deleted. If the option selected is No, the list of screens closes without deleting any.

    Change Description: displays a form used to change the description of the current screen. If there is a previous description, this is displayed and can be modified. If there is no previous description, an empty box is displayed in which the required description can be entered.

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    Fig. 1.76 Change Description

    Fig. 1.77 Undo

    Undo an action

    Fig. 1.78 Redo

    Redo an action

    Select element(s). This allows for all of the elements of the current graphic screen to be selected.

    Fig. 1.79 Cut

    Fig. 1.80 Copy

    Copy allows you to copy the selected element(s) in the design diagram.

    Fig. 1.81 Paste

    Paste allows you to paste the previously copied element(s).

    Fig. 1.82 Delete

    Delete deletes the selected element(s) in the current graphic screen.

    Fig. 1.83 Groups

    Groups allows for groups of symbols to be created for the active installation from the next screen:

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    Fig. 1.84 Group Creation Form

    All of the images saved by default in the application are displayed to the left, along with the images that the user has included for new groups. From here, a new group can be created or an existing one renamed, duplicated with another name or deleted. This can only be done with the user-defined groups. The default groups that the application contains cannot be modified.

    Fig. 1.85 Add image to user group

    Add image to user group. This opens up a form that allows for a .jpg image to be selected from your PC and included in the image group (User Group). The images to be imported can be a maximum size of 74x74. Where the image size is larger than this, a warning will be displayed.

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    Fig. 1.86 Select a .jpg image from your PC

    Fig. 1.87 Delete User Group image

    This displays a screen containing the list of images inserted by the user. The images selected in this list will be deleted from the user image group once the Clear button has been pressed.

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    Fig. 1.88 List of User-inserted Images

    Fig. 1.89 Get priorities

    Show the var symbols on a screen based on the configured priority. Activate a var symbol each time ending at the last priority configured.

    Having discussed the general menu options, the design options will now be seen individually.

    Fig. 1.90 Element Selection tool

    Fig. 1.91 Insert text in current screen

    Fig. 1.92 Draw a line

    Fig. 1.93 Poly line tool

    Fig. 1.94 Rectangle tool

    Fig. 1.95 Round tool. Rounds off the edges of a rectangle

    Fig. 1.96 Ellipse tool

    Fig. 1.97 Curve tool

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    Fig. 1.98 Closed curve tool

    Fig. 1.99 Polygon tool

    Fig. 1.100 Pencil tool

    Fig. 1.101 Spline tool

    Fig. 1.102 Bezier tool

    Fig. 1.103 Insert image tool

    Once the area in which the image is to be inserted has been selected, a dialogue box containing the file tree will be displayed so that the image to be inserted can be selected. Images in different formats can be inserted, .bmp, .jpg, .gif, etc.

    Fig. 1.104 This opens a form that allows for the measurement to be created to be configured

    Fig. 1.105 Measurements Form

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    The Save button saves the measurement values entered. The Exit button closes the form and the Select. Type button opens a new form that displays the possible measurements that can be selected.

    Fig. 1.106 Form with the possible Measurements to be selected

    In this last screen, as well as being able to select the measurement, you can exit without selecting any data or filter measurements by description or reference 61850 in order to find the data sought more easily.

    Fig. 1.107 This opens a form that allows for a live point to be configured

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    Fig. 1.108 Form with the 1st tab active

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    Fig. 1.109 Form with the 2nd tab selected

    The Associated Data, Order, 2nd Associated Data, Unplugged, Extracted y Outage buttons can be used to associate the different signals or orders to the live point to be created. A form that is the same as the measurements form indicated above is opened, with the possible signals or orders, where applicable, that can be selected.

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    Fig. 1.110 Form with the possible Signals to be selected

    To complete the Control, Extracted, Outage and Unplugged options, the corresponding checkbox must be ticked. If the buttons to associate data are not ticked, these fields will be disabled. To enable the Order button, a priority must be entered that is different to zero. If the selected signal type does not match the number of images from the group selected, a warning will be displayed.

    This live point form also contains a Selected Group combo to select the group to be associated to the signal. A group of images with their associated statuses (signal of 2 statuses, 3 statuses, 4...) can be associated to each live point. There are default groups (these cannot be modified, deleted or new images added to them) and user-created groups. Both types of Groups are displayed in the list.

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    Fig. 1.111 Shows the groups to select

    The See button that appears next to the combo of the group to visualize the elements that have the currently selected group.

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    Fig. 1.112 See Groups

    Fig. 1.113 Zoom Tool

    Fig. 1.114 Turning tool 90 in the direction of clockwise.

    Fig. 1.115 Rotating tool 90 in the opposite direction clockwise.

    Fig. 1.116 Horizontal flipping tool.

    Fig. 1.117 Vertical flipping tool.

    Fig. 1.118 Flip both.

    Fig. 1.119 Group tool.

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    Fig. 1.120 Ungroup tool.

    Fig. 1.121 Align left.

    Fig. 1.122 Align down.

    Fig. 1.123 Align center.

    Fig. 1.124 Aling middle.

    Fig. 1.125 Align right.

    Fig. 1.126 Align up.

    8.2.3 Screen order

    From this screen you can define the order of the screens to be displayed on the display. Here are two menus, the main menu, where the most are frequently used screens and a menu that will hold the remainder Summary screens. The order in which you want to display screens and its location in one or another menu is defined in this form.

    Fig. 1.127 Screen Order

    In the list on the left appear different screens to order. On the right are two lists, the first to define the order in the main menu display and the second to the order of display in the Summary menu.

    If a screen is included in either list on the left disappears from source list. That avoids the duplication of data.

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    The button with the arrow to the right to add an item on the list is about. The button with the left arrow removes the selected item from the list and includes it again in the list of possible screens to order.

    It is also possible, within each list or summary Main Menu, change the order of the elements with the up and down buttons.

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    8.2.4 Graphic screen order

    As in the previous point is possible to define the order of presentation, but in this case the existing graphical displays. A list with the order defined for the selected graphic. Buttons and up and down arrows have the same functionality as the previous point.

    Fig. 8.6 Graphic Screen Order

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    8.2.5 Screen order (IP cover)

    This screen lets you set the Special Order. This order is for equipment that has a methacrylate cover on the front with just one button accessible. Indicates that screens are displayed on each keystroke.Their operation mode is equal to the definition of previous orders.

    Fig. 8.7 Screen Order (IP cover)

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    8.2.6 Funtional Keys

    Fig. 1.128 Functional Keys

    The functional keys are keys that allow you to run commands or orders over the computer. Each functional key can be associated with an element that in turn has an associated status signal and two controls.

    From this screen you can configure these commands. Depending on the selected front function keys are displayed 5, 7 or 14 to complete. There are 4 different types of front:

    1- Type 1 HMI with 5 functional keys.

    2- Type 2 HMI without functional keys.

    3- Type 3 4U's HMI with 14 functional keys.

    4- Type 4 4U's HMI with 7 functional keys.

    There is a screen to choose or change the type of front we will see later.

    As in the form of