P2 what makes a good presentation

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Pointers on creating effective presentations.

Transcript of P2 what makes a good presentation

What Makes a Good Presentation?

Multimedia Presentations

The Basics

Interesting Material

Know what you are presenting

Presentations support your material

Keep it simple

5x5 rule

Write in points, not sentences

Limit the use of effects:




Keep it simple - Bad

This slide contains too many words for a presentation slide. It is not written in point form, making it difficult both for your audience to read and for you to present each point. Although there are only 3 points on this slide, it looks much more complicated. In short, your audience will spend too much time trying to read this slide instead of listening to you.

Keep it simple - Good

Show one point at a time:

Will help audience concentrate on what you’re saying

Will prevent audience from reading ahead

Will help keep your presentation focused.

Keep it simple - Bad

My name is Michele Petersen. I teach at German and Multimedia Presentations at Harding Fine Arts Academy in Oklahoma City. I have been married for 8 years and I have 3 kids. Zoe is 12, Mario is 8, and Zachary is 3.

Keep it simple - Bad

Michele Petersen

Harding Fine Arts Academy


3 kids

Why are you here?

To run the clicker?

To look pretty?

To provide information?

Make it easy to read

Simple Backgrounds





1 to 2


Easy to Read - Bad

Zoe and Zach

Can you see my kid’s names?

Easy to Read - Good

Zoe and Zach

Easy to Read - Bad


Social Studies


Foreign Language

Easy to Read - Bad

Harding Fine Arts Academy

275 Students

6th year of operation

Core and Arts classes are equal

Easy to Read - Bad

Harding Fine Arts Academy

275 Students

6th year of operation

Core and Arts classes are equal

Edit, edit, edit



Interest Level


Be sure you have one

A short recap


Introduce yourself

6-10 slides

Must demonstrate the concepts in this presentation

Be prepared to give feedback to your classmates

Presentations are this Friday.