P R 0 C I G S ANNUAL CONVENTION · partisan ch01·a.e ---but other than that he"a go:tq etrong. 1...

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Transcript of P R 0 C I G S ANNUAL CONVENTION · partisan ch01·a.e ---but other than that he"a go:tq etrong. 1...

P R 0 C E E D I N G S




Tuesday, October 12 , 1965

The Washington Hilton Hotel Washington, D. C.

MARTIN (. JOHNSON REPORTING SERVICE, INC. Hearings • Conventions • General Reporting

ONE PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016 MUrray Hill 3-69 29






MR. SlMMOlfB: President Dueker, melllbera of the

N.A,R.D., lac:t1es and gentlemen~ and h"ienda: It is a great

hono:st ud a d1st1act pleaeure and a pr1 vUege to have the

opportunity to p~ee-ent to y-ou the Vice-Prea1dEtnt of the l.tnit.ed


ADl>USS l3J 'THE HONOJABLJ l«1lmftT li. HUMPHRB'f # vta£-.PDSI~ OlP ·TJ:m UHITED S'IA'rES .

'ml VICE,...P~t ~ you very much. Thank you.

Ulard. I waa just noticing here on the pod1wn;t be had two

sheets of laudatory remarktl about me, and didn lt have the

courage to make :tt. I ~1st and aek unan1Jnous conaent that

these laude.tor7 remar~ be made a part of the reoorcL, (Applauee.)

P~eaident :OU.eker and ottieera ot the N.A.a.n., and my

warm I.U'ld good i"l'1ends of mtulY' yean• etud!ng -- and with parti­

eulal' reference to tho&e dear trie ds trom baek home that have

stood w1 tb tn& in good days anti bad# etmehine and Winter and

rain ~- I want to especially thank my good trieftd George

Wilharm, Brank Moudr • Angus Taylor • just to mention a tew

that were out he~ to eay hello to ~e as I came in the door ot

this hotel.

have bee• hearitls abou.t your visit to our nation's oa.pi tal. le/11

Henna.a KD w and# who was outside to say hello to me, an eld



fi'iend., whispered in my ear, "You are gotns to find a great

audi nee 1n there.» X ea14.- nwell. they cugbt to be· in aOOCS

abap because I know Jttr'1!7 J'ord' e been ovett here tun1q them

up .. " (Appltu~.Se.)

X notice the 'bopio ot my ••teemed good Mend~ the

nori t,. Leader ot the Rous-e of lepre•entat1 vee -· an4 be is

good fr1 n4 ~4 he'e a tine gentlemani beta a good American

and be•a a tue Representative" Be hal one sllortoomil18 -- hia

partisan ch01·a.e --- but other than that he"a go:tq etrong.

1 not1oe be spoke on tbe subject~ "Ealanoe 1n Gove~­

ment." And I must eay that tb1B wae an appropriate top!o u

tbe balaac-e ia just perfect right .now. I d!dn • t lQ\ow I • d .ever

get J~rx.-, to admit 1 t. Jbt he' e the kind ot a m<m. that .makes

you apptteo1a te the wnftdera ot American democracy, because

d-eepite the taat that we 4Q have two pol1t1cal part1ee1 t think

it 1 a fail' to aay that there ien~t a man or a womatL1n th1&

ovenunent that doeen.' t put hia o:r hel' eotmtr7 first; putts the

ne-e4a ot our nation 1'1rat. (Applauee.)

And X fol' one want to take this opportunity to

ot thie 89th f:O)l~s, ot both p,olttieal parties,. that baVl!!

made poasible the greatest# tbe moat outatandUlg reo-ora ot

l•g1alat1ve achievement 1n ~be h1&t0%7 ot this republ1o 1 and 1 t





could not have been done unleea thcn.•e ha.d 'be cooperation

between the ma'ority and the mi.nor1ty. So we attlute both.

\fell~ thie ia the 67th anntULl eottve~tion. fJ.'here

ian't a Pft'SOn here. that loo'b ov.r 29, and I'm teeliftS $bout

36 tn7eelt at thia parttcul.ar hoar. I <tame here, fortunately

tot" you. w1tb. no prepared speech~ 1 just decided I want:e:d to

oom over. Yeste~y ...... well., 1 should. so back a 11ttle while -­

Villard Slnanons has been in tou{lh with me ~ time to time in

the past t~w montha, hoping that l might be able to come by to

the oonvent1on. He knOws that this convention 18 very dear to

my heart, I ht\V been at N.A.tt.D. eoavent1ona tor so SllllllY years

x•m almbat a p1oAeer, a charter membe~. I atart~d go~ng to

ago, but I know that l wae e:o young that my mothe~ thought I .

ought not to attend. and yet, she ~hought .1 t tn!ght be a good

idea to have a young aon al.ong with dad. Mathe" waa a ve"'!Y Wise

So the H.A.R.n. 1• not Just another convention. !t•·e

not Juet another organ!~ a t1on. It' • a part ot my f'amily ~ and

7 'm very, ver'3 pro\14 to be a part or this family. Tb1 is a

great organization or proteseional men and wom~n. It'& a peat

orgMaation or goad Americans, and X ltallt to e:ay that the

pt~~acyprofeasion 18 toreve~ 1n4ebte4 to the Nat1o~l





A8aoe1at1on of fteta1~ ~gg! te tor the ~k that you have done

at local level, state levels and tederal level&; ~w what JOU've

dono tor th1 :proteaa1on and for the country.. Aftd I come her&

to thMl-t you. (Applaun.}

Well, Willa~ said, t Hube_rt, 1 wis.h you 1 a come <m

ov P to t.h · conventi-on. •• Atl<l I aa1d4 «x &tmpl:r can 1 t J t have a

verrr heavy aah$dttlt; 1 • d made aome $&l"Uer oommi tmeatl. u

l ea1d, "Maybe l ean ~P by on Sunday n1gbt or somet1me ma,-be

Ju•t tor a moment. But don't book me; don't oh d\lle me. '1 And

tbe.h# a.e you lalow, o1.1.r Pre 1dent i~.raed the nation hen l as

thaft a week &eo that he was, sotaa to the hoep:S. tal tor D~Utseey.

1 itmnediately aatleelled all of my outside enpsemeatJ,. .Qd sata

I tJhall retna.1ll here in Washington to attend to what d\.lttee l

can.. to help our Pt"eS!d.tJnt w re l can, and to 1Y. · Vai.lable to

the members of the Cab1net and the Oovernm•t at any time that

I might be needed ..

The Preaident • a .Progress is just retnarkable... 1 tell

you. 1 euppos~ now T.aae Will ola1tn taate~ recovery tor 1 to

p ople than any oth•r t~tat.e. t, he•$ doing ~i.'tlgly well.

1 td.lbt add.- ho\lleVer,. that 'ntoat of his dootos-e are bom the

Mayo Clinic 1n M!nneaota. '!'his trexA8-Minneaota ana 1a all


J»t the other day I wae with the Prea1dent _,.. 1ft tact A



y-eoterday at).d lu:Ade.7 # aad X talked W1 th him th1a mofting -· artd

1 eaid - the ?reaidat and one or h1a esi•tanta. that 1 telt

a little bit downeaat, a little b1t unhappy.. And one ot the

!UUsi11tant. aud, well, why 18 that? Why d.o you feel th1a waJ'

I eaid., well,- ot oourae, fi:rat it always won!ea ua when our

Preaidertt t soin& through an,- medical care and. aay particulaJi

euraery. But, I aa14, his reel)-.rGry 1a so sood .. 1t ien•t the\t

tnat·ta catUS1ft8 me~ any woJtTy. What eeem . to be gpeett!n& Jne,

I e•1d to Ml'. Moyers, the Pr•as Seoretary1 1a 'the tact that as

I l;te~en to your preae rev.1ew an.d yot:U- prems ooDrerenoee, 70u

ar• alwa'J'ts lllak1n& 1\0te with b!.ograph1cal f.Jketohes of the

dOctore that are he~ .,._ and tbe7 are t1ne and outatab.d.'UC

doctora -- th• oardiologiat, the radiologist, the ahe8thet18te,

th& internal snedic1ne ~ .. the 8\.U'gecm•, you even l1at out a.ll

the nune.a, the t-eebn1o:1l11\8, even the orderl1ea; eve:r1bOdY is

ment10D.e4. And I eaid# I thitlk 1t'e wonderful. J3ut1 I aa1d,

I wallt you to knOw that th1a 1a the tS.r&t admi#is-t:ration in the

h11ttory cr th1s republic that ha$ l.te own bu1lt-1.ft pharmao1at,

attd here I am. (Applauae.)

And I'm happy to say that aa of :v&:ate:-day t.bia ead

om1aa1.on in the revQlat1on ot the medical team was ~onecte4.

And ae ot yeatel'd.ay., the prea• earned proper notice that the

p~ats ~ the pharmacy prof'eaaion, 1a tully repreJJented. 111




tbe healing arts team. (Applause .. )

Mow, 1~ all ae;riouaneaa,. I am ,.,.,.,. .. ve'f!T proud to be

a pharmacist, Ve~ proud that ill a humble wa7 that lt•s been

my pr1v1lege to have been a•eoe1ated With thie great prof'eae.s.on

8.1\(J th1a great :ttetul bUflineas. I'm ao happy to be able to tell

J'O\l to4a1'• too, in all ser1ouaneeJS, tbat JOl;lr Prea!4ellt 1e well

on the road to a full and complete and haPPY' recov l'1· (Applauae.)

\fi ll. Ylhatever ltm about to say will be aa big a .

aurpri.-•e to 1DU aa 1 t is to tne. Dlt :I ha.ve a couple ot things

I \fant to sa7 to you& And then I'm going to let you set onto

your lllhoheon an4 ,you.r bU:atnees.

I happened to pick up the lew Y~rk Ttmea ~• the way

com1ttg here 1n the back nat ot my ca-r _..,. the Ooto'Wr 12th taeue .......

it'• aboUt th• onl.y one theytve bad reoentl7" An4 I picke4 UP

the t1nanc1al aect1on -- l happene4 to notice the financial

aeetion. And 1t ea1d1 Sto(}k prteea aurge to l"eeord 011 9.6

million •hare volume. Dow 3'onea average apuri»s bJ" 4 .. 33 to a

b1ator1o high.

Ladles ua gentlemen.l a 11 ttle less than two J'e$.1'8

ago that :Dow Jonea average waa just aliglltly a.bov 700. Today

1 t liJ ov~r 940. I'm not sure what thoee ttpre:e tnean 1n terms

ot b1ll.iona or dOl~ ot 11\c:rea. ed aaeete, bu.t tb 7 run into

the mal\71 many bUl1ons.



J was oonsul t1 g w1 th the eha1rman of the Council

ot lconotn1e- A~viaore oa the tel~hone 1n my eal' ju.at a-a 1 came

here.. l aid, translate theae 1n.dex f1gurea tol' me, 1t rcu

please, 11\to the vallle and the 1naree.eed va1ue ot th•• atooke

and bonfb tat th• Hew York Stoek Jxehrmge, in the DGw Jonea

average. Atl4 rather than to 81Ve YC>t.l any m1aintomat1on,

becauae I oa.a• t be speo1.1'1c. let me say that they just run into

the terta ot b1ll1ona o.t dollars or 1n<n-ea.eed aaeeta tor our

oouatl:ty,· toY our tree enterpl'iae ayat$., tor our oonomy.

And ladies and gentleme.n, thie 1en 1 t Gomethl-ng that

1 Just a Noent bappentng,. It :lan't a. little- apo11$.dic burst,

a bubbl.e .so to speak;. Theee f1f5Ure~J that ! ?e.ad to 1ou repre­

aent eontinuoue oo~structive growth. Your nat1on 1n the last

56 montha haG had 56 aonaeoutiv months of continued eoo~omio

~ an4 elq)ana1oa -... 56. Tht:re is no periO-d or human hie tory

that !'ecorde suob a,n eeonotnio advqce. There ia ao country

in the :recoN.ed atm.ale ot history a1nue the t1r$tpaee ot historr

waa wr1t:t$n, . that '"veala auob economic aon.tim11ty of progreat~

and gowth aa X have juet cited to you.

0\U'- ~ea. our fl:'ee Am&rioa~ our capitaltcst Ameriea~

our" .free enterpriae ll'lle:r1ca, our demoera.ey ~ hal reoord that 1e

ot almost Wlbelievable p~~1on.e 1n teralB ttt its eeonc:utty and

ot ita eeonolll1c expana1on,. or ita eoonom.ie protJp :rit,.._ You mow




it and :t kl'low 1 t •.

te•l a pinch; there ~e ~ot momenta When there 1a a variatio~

or an adjue~t 1n til$ market. This 1e not to say that $Very­

one i Amer1oa 1e doing beautituily. It 1-s to aay, however#'

tb&t more people today- in Amerioa are doing well economicallJ.,

tnore worke%'S are doing well• m~re professional people are doing

\t'el1, than ever before J.n the hie~ ot thia eountey. And

~h-ey•ve been <!oing 1t a11d pttj,ng better artd ehJoying more

proeper1 ty O:ver a lollger pertod ot t1me than ever before 1n

our hiet~ey or the his torr o:f &nf oout1try ..

DOn't take it tor granted. Xt iJJn•t an &OQ.14ent ..

It 1e' t a. miracle.. Itt 8 the product ot work, the product e>t

thoUShtJ. tbe prodUct ot c:ooperat1on., the pl"'dllet ot our a~te.m,

the pro4uot o.t a partne~1p between sovernment and the private


l o.oul4 cite the tigur ~. tater on tb1s \!leek I'm to

g.o to the bu111nea11 eouneil at Hot Spr1n&Jh Virginia~ The

President asked me yesterday tc keep that engagtmtent.. I'm golng

to talk to the1Se top bt.us111eea ac!Viaon to our gov~t; take

a meaaace to them. I wcuJ.d. be the last peraon to tell you that

eftllythlfta ia juat wonderful; that there are no probletlla tn the




toreaeeable tutt.tre.. I can110t gu.,:t-antee you that th1a expana1011

W111 alway contiaue. I can on1J say that • 've leamed a lot ..

We have learned a gRat deal. We've learned mu.ch about our

eoonom;,. An4 it we continue to clo a& well ae we have done in

these past montna, theee put 56 months, almost tive years now,

we • re go1ng to 1-eara more tn1d lfe' re going to be' able to have an

e,en better record.

Protita? Jirot ot all.- the Qroae. National Product 1e

at an all time h1gb. And it will# shortly. break t~ the

700 billion dollar f1gux'e. Not tlhi!J year, but in a ver;r ~hort

per-iod of' time. It 1s not tantn.&t1o t~ apeak ot a trillion

dolltut eeuOlly # beca.nae 1 t 18 1h the offing 1.t we but tud to

out'- bwsi~tess# it we bu1= ahow some aelf•d1ac1p.11ne, and some

emblenc.e ot .con.f:Utenoe and nspOM1bili ty. Prot1 te are higher

than eve%) betore atad after taxea ..

Truce• ha¥-e bee redu¢e4 in the paJt two and a halt ye8l's

by over 17 b1ll1ona of d-ollan at the l'ederal level, And yet

with the re®ct1on in the corporate a4 the income tax rates -­

and thank goodn.es the excise t~ ia at loq laat, ot~t (~plauee}

-- daep1.te thele ~eduot1ons, my :t«tllow Americana. the Pederal

Oovernment 11 ~eee1v1ng more revenues than ever betor • And the

revetmea 1narea• at the ttate ot approximately 1 billioa dollars

a year. Why? Becan a• we are building a bigger aad a better



Ataer1c ; bec.auae 1fe are releaaing the great clyaami.c .forces of

our .enterp:r1ae antem.; l>ecawse more ~ple are doins more tb1ngs

and JntJre people are conautning more thtnga thatl ever befotte;

and l>e~\\ee there ia a. deaign, at le-.et tbere 18 a ph1loaophJ,

betwee sove~nt. a.n<l b\aine.se - an agreed upon ph!losophJ ......

tbat it we work together ill eooperatJ.on:~ 1n un4eretandirtg, 1h

respe-ct. rather than 1n euJp1c1on .and a:l1mO itJ', tbat we can

continue to build our -coun,ry and to make 1 t yet an well 'better

plaoe 1n \1h1eh to 11 ve,. an e.vttn lllOre powerful force fo1! Jtat1.oe

and .freedom 1n th1• world.

So I een Ju•t swnmar1ee 1v by »elling you, ·qutela.y,.

the arose Nat10l'lal Product ot your C®nt'IT todAy is hal:t ~ th-e

to~~ produot1on or the world.. We 195 millj.on Atnerieana pro•

du.ce goode ~d a:erncea ove1:' 50 pe.ro.ent ot all the goods and

ervieea pl'Od.Uoed a1l over the worl.d. (Applauae.)

The othe~ 3 b1ll1on plu• J)%lociuce the other 50 pe:rce»t.

1fage;e? lletter t.Mn eve~. PJtof1 ta? IH.sher- than ever.

D1 vtdends? Better than ever. And l:eae pric xr1ae over a.

eont.1ttu0ws peJ'104 at time of the economic expfmtion than any

othet'l economy on the face ot the earth. I wut to emphaa1Ze

that the Who.le prtoe 1ndex in the United Statea has been mor

stabl• by tar than .anJ' countt7 in. recorded history. lfhore is

alwap,. or ooune. a ~oncertt of 1ntlation. And ttn7b0d7 that baa




aay coneern tor his country muat be on oonetut ;uard to see

t.hat 11\flatiol\ doet not dea:tro,- that wh1eh we have built.

We all have a etake 111 this ..,_ wottker,~ pro4u-ce3:"., btmker.,

.tiaancin., manufacturer. proteaaio.nal me ..... 1aflatiotl 11 good

tel' no one.

And that a Why your govemnent has aought to eetab­

liah what w~ call "guid4a11nun in the e le.l'Se lab0r-J1lanagement

rolat1onahipa eo that the prio-e structure end the wage structure

etoeen 't get out of l1ne. And I ~ul4 bEt t-exni&l here 1n my ®t7

and p~ivilege: as Vie -Preatdent of the Un1ted States, 1f I

didn t t OJU.l' a&ab. ~recus tbanka and appre0--18. tiOn o-n th& part

ot the people ot thu eountry and tbe government or this

cou.ntry # Md-~ 1nde$~ et thG wbole rree world~ to labott and

mana.genwm.t in the steel criea.; when the men of the steel

il\dl.tetry, poweJ~ful; huge .industry, sat down w1 th tbe leadeV1!J

ot the Ste l Wor-kers Union, right here in your natJ.onf& oap1tal1

Wlthout any toroe; wtthout any eompul&ion, Without any forced

8l'bi trat1on.. jwst sat down in a room just one floor above where

:r ottiee a in the Exe~ut1ve Otfioe Bulld1ag. Ah<i after eev ...

e~l daJS or disouesi~n and negot1at1oh. the repreaentativeG ~t

the comps:td.&a and the repreacntta.t1vea of the Unton ..... Mr. Cooper­

repres.nt!ng the companies,. and M¥t. Abel representing the U!don -­

walking out ot that or!1oe and coming over to the ?l'ea1dent ot




the Unit~ sta.tee Dd saying tbat 1n th spirit of tree,

c.olleet1Y~ barga1JUns.., Mr. President .and na fellow AmerioaMs

e have at yed Within the economic gu1d l1nee and we have a

nttlement _.

lfbat atateemaasb1p! lihat pat1ot1eml You owe them

~thins; I owe them SOJB(Jth1ng. Beca\l e had thoa negotiations

gottekl out of bend .. a apiral of 1ntlat1on c.ould have tak~n o£r

1a th1e .country and 1 t wou14 have hlft"t every 1l\de.Pead'$11t

butineaBnUU'l, every worker• eveJ!7 tanner, every Child, even

mother, 1n this natiOn.. So • X aalute theltt"' and tha)lk t-hem.

(Applause. )

att now. quickly, tr1ends. we're not only !nte:rested

in wealth and lt1011$Y and power. We have ucred1ble weal.th. tar

beYQbd the 1mag1nat1on ot a.nyotte. We nave power tba t 1a be7Qnd

almOttt human oompreheneioa. And make no tn1at ke about 1t.

Let m reassure 1Q1.1 here tb1a morning. Don • t you leave your

:n_ation' • e.ap1 tal wtthoul1 th1e tuseurance. You are. a ei ti2:en ot

a country that lovelJ. peace. You ue a citteen of a country

that, eke no eon~eat.. You are a aittzen o£ a country ~hat

haa been 11'10re generoua tllat an~ country- itt reoOl:'ded history.

You are a c1t1•en of a OOQntry tbat 1• the moat ~owerfUl nat1on

on the taee or the earth,. and yet seeks not to ue tbat power

fer CloJninat!Ofl., but rather to use that powr tw pea.ee and.

juatice qd decency d treedom in this world. Jllt make no

mistake about 1t: We have the power" the envy ot the world.


But What we eeek 1 a good lite to~ ourselves and,

1.ndeed., tor other • And that' a wilT we emphae1z opportun1t1.

That's Why we empha81z Juat1c • Don tt be ashamed. ltl1 fellow

Americana. that th1a country 1e concerned about the needy.

Don' t con.ider 1 t a a1gn ot we4krlea or lack or moral tiber

that we're concerned about little ch11c1ren, old people, the

e1ck, the poor, the hungry !he prophets of ~1e Old Tes~t

and the Lord ot the New Teetament W'fl8 equally ooneemed, or

more ao. What' wrong with cOJ.ltPaeaioa? What•e lf%'01\8 with

hutnahitar1anie? Nothing. It' 8 what we ar · here tor. We a:re

h r to eerve. e are here to make poe ible the tult1llJnent ot

juet1ce., ot the good 11fe1 ot a lite mean1ngtul# of lite of

enr chment.

And that•• what we mean when we talk about the Great

Society. We are not o1ng to get what we call the Gnat Society

by th W1ah1na tor 1 t. We are not going to get 1 t tOJnOrrOw.

l3ut we are a nation ot people that haV hopes and goals and

a.ap1rat1ona~ and thb 1 what k epa us moving. We have 1ncen ...

t1v a; we have motiv tiona. Arid no country and no economic

yatem e<l no pol1t1oal &11Jtem, hae ever done eo much tor ao


lftlln7 tn •uoh a abort per1o4 or t!Jne u tbia eountrr. 'l'bie 1s:

l't.Ot to bGat our brea~ta in ~docio; 1t i.e merely to •tate a


~t know that even thou8h Jll\lOh has 'beel'l done,

muoh moM ee4& to 'be done, We know that werever thel.'"e 1.8

1111 teracy there i.e weakneaa and d1epa1r. ·ve know that where

1ckneea -etr!kea someone ®'Wn, thex. 1e bertaohe, d.iemay and

ma~ economic di.rtioul ty. We kllOW' that whe~e a peraon is

den1ed an opportW11ty t() &erve on tbe baais ot tnertt1 o-r Where

a p(UtltOl'l 1 deM.•d an_ oppwtunitT to serve be-eauae at Me raee.,

ol' h1a eolor, or h1a x-eli810l1; we know that that hurt& Amen-ea..

We know that that hurta the eauae or h~ 41gntty. We knOW'

that that weakens . ua. And we know that 1 t ie a die&ex-viee.

Indeed# 1 t 18 &. orael blow to the 1nd1 vidual denied.

SO ,-our eountrJ1 with all ot ita proepez"ity -- an4 we

1l'ltend to do ~verything 1n our power aa !ncU v1daale- and ae a

government to maintain th18 economic srowth,- to do 1tt in partne~ ...

ohip, to do it in c¢operation.., not With coc:l~an.: to do it with

cotlfidenoe ar.d not With dot1bt ... we al80 know that What ta truly

imPot-tlU'lt is that eve.ry 1n41v1dual 1n tbia cOW'lt:r,- hae hie. chanee#

a ohaAce to make sometb1ng out af his lite.

A!lel &o we are btteily $11J&ged 1n op-enin8 up the pathwa71

ot opport\mit,.. I'm not at aU sure that once thoae pathways are



~ved. onoe thtJ- J'O&.d or opJWrtunity 1s olean 4tld elea~-

% 'm not aure tha-t ev~ne Will walk .CO.wn 1 t. I'm not .eure

that everyone Will make the moat o-f thia opportuni tr. SGtne xna7

aquandef' it. at.t thie l am eure ot: Ev~d!' 1 · ~titled

t.o an opportuhity in ·th1a count:Ify. {Applau.ee.)

'J.1ba t' e What we tll"e trY'1ng to tnake p.o1$81ble. ~ t' .

whJ' w aek your help u education. No nation ever ballltrUpte4

1t&el.f educat1ng 1te people. I ~ a tory- here the other day

1..~ ou of OUJt large 'bue:1neae Jourrta.l• showing where the modem

corporation. .today, 'betQre it mov-ea uto a eommun1ty1 aee:ka to

tmd. out, t1rst. What ·o.~ 1te eduo tional tae11itie.,~ Wbe.t 1e \

the literacy atande.l'da 'ot 1te ~ople? What 1.8 the quality ot


E4ueatioh 1rJ the beat investment a nation eve~ made,

.Md we't'e goug to tnveat in it. we•~e gO:lllE' to 1nveet 1n :tt,.,

aM. uve•t 1n it. alld 1t will r-etum 11.8 tlith diVidettde of

almost unbel1evabJ.e propotttiotUJ ..

W know that a h althr Alne-r1ca is 1tnporttmt. We know

that when people ~e atrioken doWA. ~turely wtth heart <.U.s ...

eaae, Oal\cer, or st!'Oke,. which the doetore and the e-conomists

ot' thi n tion esttmate to coat u• over 40 billion doll~. in

Ol'lf.' year in lo t income, to aa:r no thinS or th~ patn and the

' '



heart ehe and tbe au.tfe:r1ng ~ We know that When tho-_e:e things

b unchecked.,. when we c do sOJllethtns about them, that thia u moral.ly wroq and eeonomioally wrens. So your government r.as

la.tm.ehed hUg-e propaJn~S:~ with the med1.oal professiOft, w!tb rou,

1n reaea-"oh• ext n41JlS the ~at knowledge of tned1e1Jle and

heal~ng to people 1n the tar way placee or th1 ooun~#

etablishtng regi()rull eeJ'lttra or mediosl 1ntonnat-iott, llltl41eal.

ll.brarie • at~e~ our medica~ tchool - ~ Ol.tr schoQle ot

pharmao7, our acboole ot nu-raing, of dent1atry,. and .obhe~a.

Is th1a epend1ng'? Not on you lif'e. It• a tnve t1q ..

It 1~ntt spending Wh$n you help fOUr aon go through med1cel

ao.hool or pharmacy school~ lt1 a tnveating. He'll earn more;

he'll be bett-er. We can shOw# f'or eDtnPle, juat one silnpl

t1gure: That a eohool drop out that dl"opa ou.t betove htt tiniahea

MSh school., w1ll earn one-half the !~ome that a b1gh. sobool

graduate etU't\"8 11'1 a 11fet.1trt$. The moat co.atl.y th1ll« in your

eomuni t7 ia tbe eehool dropoqt. lie' a pool:" eeonomi¢ £actw.

Now eome, ot cou-ne#' tnake tttemendoua progr•ut&l ome u-:e fD"eat

aucce.-sea. But in the days ahead When mat1 comp-etees with

lUMh1ne• and automa.tio"·' eduoat1tni 1$ a.a 1ruportant tor that boy

aa ;:ood health~ Education 1 u illlPOl'tant tor that ~i'l as

goD4 biaal..th, aa a pod hom$. To be Without a1\ edu.aat1.on t · to

oe a cripple, to be c11 · abled_. at1d we•r oing to edueate in tb1s




country. And we•re coinS to make ~1oa known hot e.a a nat1o _

ot wa:rr:tQt-a .. ..., even t~ ve have power -- but u a nation ot

bealere, aa a nation ot edacatons, a.s a natto of bui.ldera aad

net deat;royer&. That'a ot1r hope, and that•a What we aak rou to

help ua do. (Applauae~)

P1nall7# 1et me juat talk a little shop with you and

then l'm going to leave. We p.aaaed a 'btll here known us the

Medloa" all.. lt'e th& law ot the land. IQ\d it ba(S ovel'Wbelm ...

1ng support by tbe elected x-eprdentat~vea of the people o~

thie country. It • a. a good program. How_, many people bad thei%1

dO\lbte about thie pr'opam. 'Dd.a ta the way that a dcnoel:'acy

like ours works. We go tlu'tough the ~nner'• 1'1N ot oontro­

veray, discu8Cf10ll tmd debate,. and tUtally• dec1eion. ':he

a&c1 ion he.a been ma4e: Medicare they c.all it. Med1o~ -­

hotPital ari<1 nur ·tns home care lor t~ elderly. An optional

plan ot lBedica.l and eurpcal .serv1c$a along w1th n\U'Sil'l hotae

and ho p~ tal care tor the eld~rly, and drugs.

I want you to kno that your otn~a have been iJ1

eloee contaot With the Departmeat ot Health~ lduoat1o~ Welfare.

I want you to know thab the drug ~eets of thta legislation

1a going to be earef\llly tStud1e4 and wat.ehed inao.rar aa ita

applicability ia eoncet'ned aa to ta ettect1veneas, as to wbat

1 t mean~ to the patieht.



bd my tellow druggiata.~ 1 have a aussestion to.r JOU.:·

Why don•t f0\1 le~ aa f!lUch a you oao about tb1e legtele:t1oh.

team what 1 t 1• • not what eomebody eap 1 t 1o. 'lui t call in&

1 t namea and .start to uniieratand 1 't.. It 1a on the books and

I don't think 1 t t a ever aoifts to b . rep aled ~

And. therefore, tn7 suggest-ton to fellow pro1"eee1onal

1 ; Leam. about 1t; know about 1t. You have reacf the propaganda;

now it 1~ time to read the law, and know the l.aw. (Applau.a-e.)

Your cttetOltlertt re go1A& to aak you about 1t. Why

abould. •ve170ne have to go to the Social Securc:t ty ortioe to f'1nd

out about th1a? Wh7 don•t ~ou. aa a retail pbarmac1at1 ~o

nbout 1 t? Whr don 1 t you be abl-e! Wh3' ·lhOUl.dn 1 t you. b a'bl to

anew r the queat1ona? Why •boulda' t YQur d.X'ug a tot-~, ~·

phamacy be the 1ntonna.t1on center? It ought to be the health

center or eve:%7 oommun1ty,. 'rhU ia the wa:r that we upgrade our

p%'1)feaa1on. Malt youl.' pha.rmacy the health oenter. thfJ health

1ntonnation center, ot ,-our community. I know ot no better wa7

to wtthJtand predatory pricing practice than to upgrade the

·&erv:l¢e and tbta proteaalonal oompetel:tee and the protess:Lonal

repu:tat1oa ot p~ey. That*o the way to do it.. (Appla\la.e.)

And 7fOU li1U be doing a aerv1ce to'l! you-r euatomer8.

tor ~ur OOllllltl$1 t:r. for 10u~ countl?Y. And by tbe wa7., 1QU' U

knew a peat deal about this leg1el.atton and be able to make 11ome




cra4t1cal aug&Qtio~ tor it• adJuatm.ent, 1t revi 1ona, or 1te

1snprov•ent. EVe%'J' law goea tbrough that atage. lfe' 11 b$

watchU\g and stud)'ing Medicare in the next "T! ar t-o eee how it

worka, to •ee l ta l1tn1 tatJ.D • -- ana l 'm au.re 1 t hae ~• _.,.

to see mat it wtll do irt tenna ~>t aen1cea, to ttnd out lfhethet'­

or not we did what wtt should have done.. And an;r man ~hat ~id

that he bad all the a~U~W$ra 1& obVioualy a vetty Preehman member

ot gov~t and the COngreu.

l went through that ~r1:$Jlce. I can tell you th&t

the~ 1e a lot be learn ~roun.d this town. And I can tell J:OU

that governmat 11 a CGQPlex bllainult-1 and eo 1a the leg11!lla­

t1ve proeeaa. so bt1 knowledgeable; be informed) be constwct1\J'e.

Pind out how this legiela~1on tits 1nto your o~erat1on. Make

~aelt the tr1end or the elderly. ~ youraelf the friend

ot the ee1nor o1t1-een. 'Jtftow ever)"thing that 1a being done tor

b"hem1 join them. they eed your help; 'b-e a part of them; be

tr:t.end to thent.. Ai\d tey' to help them g~t the kind ot soe1a.l

eeonomlo poliey 1n th1e country# publ1o and p~1vate. that 1•

worthy ot our eldwly. ot our eenio~ oi ttzena.

'fhat1 & m:y advfoe to you today. I thiilk that it you

do that., you fU'e going to aee tM.t we c_an do muCh that wlll be

not only bel~tul to thfll people tor Which the leg1elat1on ie

de•tgned, bUt also to tnoae Wh() ue l\ })art of the apparatus of


~ng tho le;lelat1on ertective.

My t'ellow d:Nggiete, th•re. 'tlaa a time when. peopl tal<l

70\1 to reeiet, ana JOU d.i~ rea1att, usd yoa almost cot lett out.

while others got i.n that we-re tel.l.in8 you to re•1 t. l sugest.

now that u take a com.truct1ve and healthy lcok at it. Where

the health legislation oE ,ou:r govemrnent aeena in wrona.. Me.me

in error, tell ua. You are ;reape,e ta4. Mit'. S1tnmona, 701.1~

pre•ldeftt_ theae a1re men that are .respected. ll'he•o are men

that have ent~ee iato thia a.dlniniatrat1on or any other adm1ll1-

strat~on. They have mat'\,. h'J.enda ia the CongreJJa; the,- ar&

knoWn by the t>~ea1d:ent. Your Bxeout1Ye Seoreta17 1s a peso.nal

friend ot the President of the Ua1te4 statees my triend;

tr1encl of the Secretary or- Health, iduoation & Weltar., and of

the Undet- Secret&rJ. Never· 1& a. door elo-aecl to :rouJ every door

1e open to you.. 'tou are reapectea, and the re~pect will be •ll

the poeater when tbe oOltB11fm.tary i.l eolllttructive, when it is

designed to hell) and not to hinder~

w~u, 1t1e sure been nice to be with you. I hoptt to

join 10U tor a few fetti v1 tiee tb1e evening. l muat so back

to tnJ' duties. X want to thank you -- thie 1a the tir&t time

I' '11$ had a chance to thank aEmle of ,-ou. I know that tnartY' ot

70\1 bolted th• party line ....... I know that TilM7 of you, carne and

otfeJ-ed the hand f/J.t uaiatanae., the han~ ot t'ellowshi» a tew

• ..



fQOilthe ago .. an4 t•m not the k1nd that .f>Ol'Sflta. 'fbat•a one

Jtepubli.ee tl'a~t that l have and l Wln1t 70U to know that.


So;, my fellow AtnertQt.UJ.e,. Republiean or Democrat,

I~topend.ent ,_,; wbatevw you may be# you honored Jne, ~ ot tou,

by J'<)ur tx-ten4ahi.p and your helptulneea wbe1l I nee4e4 1 t ant1

wh~• the ?re-a1dent ne$ded 1t. What ve eek ttJ dO fOX' 1QU, an4

llhat yot~;l' Preatdelit seeka to do ror you, 1a to ael'\fe now IJ.ll

ot the people. Yeu 're Mt eleGted to ~ve Jui!Jt a party. OUr

duty and our pr-.1 \Tilege ie to be Preaideat or th-e- t1n1 ted Sta tea

as :ta Pre•1dent LyndOn d'~blmon ~ the t1lti tfl4 Statea or America,.

Viee-~tden:t o-r- the Un3;ted States .as is V1oe ... Jrea1det\t HUbert

Humphrey, V1ee-D~ts1-d(V!!lt or all o£ the peopl• ot the United

Statea. And 1n that ep1r1t et love o.f couatry.~ the 4ea1re to

aorve. aad or gratefUl appreciation# I thank tou tor letttns me

aome to JGU. today to say tht~u'e worde. Tha.ftk 70t1. (Appl.auee.)

MR. JlOOtah l'e will now rece&a ·until s:uoo p.m ..

(LUncheon receiB at 12s25 p.m.)

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