P ISSI TEAM MARCH · 2012-06-07 · interface, as well as EUV data from several solar instruments...

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Spatial and temporal studies of the heliospheric interaction with the local interstellar medium from SOHO/SWAN UV, IBEX neutral atom, and ACE and STEREO pickup ion observations.


The heliosphere, created from the interaction of the magnetized environments of the solar wind and the interstellar medium, presents the outermost shield of the Earth against cosmic rays. We propose to use a combination of Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) and Solar Wind Anisotropies (SWAN) results to study the 3D global heliospheric interaction with the interstellar medium, and the variability of the heliospheric structure due to the temporal variations of solar activity. SWAN backscattered Lymanα full sky maps obtained throughout the past solar cycle that provide an insight of the solar wind mass flux in all directions (longitude and latitude) will support the interpretation of the IBEX observations. The SWAN data are the only available complement/substitute to the 3D data of Ulysses spacecraft since its end of operations. Also, SWAN and Ulysses confirmed results on the interstellar neutral flow parameters will help interpret and constrain the new IBEX observations of the interstellar neutral species. Detailed information on the interstellar neutral composition and its spatial distribution in the inner heliosphere is also available from ACE and STEREO pickup ion observations. Kinetic hot models describing the interstellar neutral distribution in interplanetary space and hybrid models of the outer heliospheric interface, as well as EUV data from several solar instruments (SOHO, TIMED/SEE, SDO) will be used to connect the IBEX results of the outer heliosphere with the SWAN data and in situ measurements (with ACE and STEREO) in the inner heliosphere. This combination will lead to a synergistic understanding and data product that provides the spatial and temporal response of the heliospheric boundary to variations of the solar wind, and more constraints on the local interstellar medium parameters.

The team proposed for this ISSI project includes ten scientists whose combined expertise will allow achieving the main goals of the proposed project. Rosine Lallement, Eric Quémerais and Dimitra Koutroumpa are working on analyses of SOHO/SWAN data and kinetic modeling of the interstellar neutral in the heliosphere. E. Quémerais is also an expert in the radiative transfer modeling that is crucially important to correct interpretation of Lyman α data. David McComas is the principal investigator of IBEX and along with Eberhard Möbius, Nathan Schwadron and Harald Kucharek assure the IBEX data analysis and interpretation. George Gloeckler is one of the world leading experts on pickup ions. Finally, Vlad Izmodenov is working on the global modeling of the heliospheric interface structure and Maciej Bzowski is known for his 3D time dependent models of the interstellar H atom distributions in the inner heliosphere that are complementary to the global heliospheric interface models. Dimitra Koutroumpa will serve as the team coordinator with Vlad Izmodenov coleading the team. The work of this team is a natural continuation of several highly successful ISSI teams and is also relevant to the FONDUE (Fully ON-line Datacenter for Ultraviolet Emissions) working group led by E. Quémerais (2008-2010). List of Confirmed Participants: Maciek Bzowski (Poland) George Gloeckler (USA) Vlad Izmodenov (Russia) - Co-Leader Dimitra Koutroumpa (USA) - Co-Leader Harald Kucharek (USA) Rosine Lallement (France) David McComas (USA) Eberhard Möbius (USA) Eric Quémerais (France) Nathan Schwadron (USA)


SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE The heliosphere and interstellar wind The Sun is moving at a velocity of ~25 km/s through a tenuous, 20 to 30% ionized interstellar (IS) cloud [Lallement & Bertin, 1992; Bertin et al. 1993; Lallement et al. 1997]. The interaction with the IS plasma forces the solar wind to turn back and confines it within the heliosphere, whereas the IS plasma is diverted around the heliopause [Zank et al. 1999]. IS neutral species separate from the plasma, cross the heliospheric interface, and reach the inner solar system, forming the so called IS wind [Bertaux & Blamont, 1971]. The H and O flow consists of primary IS atoms, i.e. atoms that reach the inner heliosphere without any charge transfer collision, and of the so called secondary atoms, former IS H+ and O+ neutralized by charge transfer with neutrals in the outer heliosheath. Since IS plasma is decelerated diverted around the heliosphere during its approach of the heliopause, the newly created H and O atoms have dynamical properties of these interactions with the heliospheric boundary. Indeed, the average H flow has been found to be slower (by about 4 km/s) than the IS helium flow. Helium atoms are unperturbed because they have a much smaller charge exchange cross section with protons and helium ions. Also, first IBEX observations indicate a secondary component in the neutral O flow (Möbius et al., 2009). The velocity dispersion of H (an average temperature of 13,000K [Costa et al. 1999]) also reflects the existence of the two flows, while IS helium keeps its initial external temperature of about 6,000K [Witte, 2004] (as is also measured towards nearby stars). However, the H flow has also been found to deviate by a few degrees relative to the He flow, interpreted as the signature of an inclined IS magnetic field and its interaction with the outer heliosphere [Lallement et al. 2005; Izmodenov et al. 2005]. Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENAs) Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENAs) are born in charge exchange collisions between energetic ions and background neutral gas. ENAs are pervasive in the heliosphere and planetary magnetospheres, and their energies range from a few eV to >100 keV. Contrary to charged particles, ENAs can travel long distances with minimal disturbance. Thus ENA observations present a powerful tool to remotely study the plasma environment of the outer heliosphere. The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) The Interstellar Boundary Explorer Mission was launched October 19, 2008, with the central objective to discover the global interaction between the solar wind and the local IS medium [McComas et al. 2009]. The spacecraft was injected into a highly elliptic orbit with an apogee near 50 Re and a perigee relatively close to Earth (~2.3 Re). It has two sensors, IBEX-Lo and IBEX-Hi, capable of measuring ENAs with energies ~0.01 - 2 keV and ~0.3 - 6 keV, respectively. When the spacecraft is well outside the magnetosphere, the sensors observe fluxes of ENAs from interaction of the solar wind with the local IS medium. The sensor FoVs point perpendicular to the spin axis, which toward the Sun and is reoriented each orbit (of 7-8 days). The spin period is ≈15 sec. Therefore, during each orbit the sensors view a great circle on the sky, and over six months they obtain a map of the entire sky in ENAs. The main difficulty in creating maps is the presence of backgrounds due to impinging solar wind ions, energetic ions, and magnetospheric ENAs. For both IBEX-Lo and IBEX-Hi, it is critical to identify time periods when observations are relatively devoid of backgrounds. The first global maps of the heliosphere in ENAs were presented in 5 papers [McComas et al. 2009b; Schwadron et al. 2009; Fuselier et al. 2009; Funsten et al. 2009], and the first measurements of the IS O and H flow were also provided [Möbius et al., 2009]. The maps showed striking differences between observations and predictions from models [Schwadron et al. 2009]. The presence of a narrow ribbon (~20° wide) of elevated emissions was found that forms a circular arc centered on ecliptic coordinate (≈long. 221°, lat. 39°), likely near the local IS magnetic field (LISMF) direction. In fact, based on comparisons between models of the compressed plasma in the outer heliosheath, the ribbon appears to line up well with directions in the sky where the line of sight is roughly perpendicular to the compressed LISMF. One of the surprising features of the ribbon is that the spatial distribution appeared to be relatively independent of energy after subtracting the distributed emissions outside the ribbon. The energy spectral slope of the observed fluxes appeared to be ordered predominantly by ecliptic latitude. The second set of IBEX maps has been recently analyzed and the ribbon appears largely stable, but with some time variation [McComas et al. 2010]. The overall stability of the ENA ribbon and the existence of time variability provide important information on the true source of this feature. Also, a reduction in the overall flux at all energies is observed from the first to the


second six month map, qualitatively consistent with a known reduction in the solar wind flux over the recent solar minimum [McComas et al. 2008; Schwadron et al. 2008]. Although it is established that there is a close connection between the shape of the ribbon and the topology of the local ISMF on the heliospheric structure, the exact source of the intense ENA flux and the distance of the ribbon (termination shock, heliopause, or beyond) is not yet determined. Several models [McComas et al. 2009b] have emerged following the publication of the IBEX results, but none has been validated with certainty yet. The ENA ribbon could well consist of several components, for instance, a static component whose source is deeper in the heliosheath or beyond and a dynamic component that is close to or at the termination shock. IBEX data show that the peak energy is around 1 keV, which strongly indicates a close association with the solar wind, i.e. either bulk ions or entrained pickup ions. Also, models have been proposed using a distant source well beyond the heliopause that extend over several hundred AU into the interstellar medium, in which pickup ions from neutral solar wind produce ENAs by charge exchange. Such a model could produce the observed ribbon structure, but temporal variations would be difficult to explain, since ENAs created in those regions would require extremely line-of-sight integrals. It is one of the major motivations behind this proposal to investigate the variability of the IBEX results in correlation with temporal solar wind variations. Retrieving the solar wind mass flux from the backscattered Lyα interplanetary emission The interplanetary glow was first observed at the end of the 60’s by two instruments aboard the OGO5 mission [Bertaux and Blamont, 1971; Thomas and Krassa, 1971]. This emission is caused by resonance scattering of solar Lyman α photons at H atoms in the interplanetary medium. The existence of H atoms in the inner heliosphere had been predicted before this first observation [Blum and Fahr, 1970]. The Solar Wind Anisotropies (SWAN) experiment [Bertaux et al. 1995] on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite is mapping the interplanetary glow. The instrument is composed of two identical sensors units positioned on the +Z and –Z sides of the spacecraft, thus allowing full sky mapping of the Lyα glow with 1°x1° resolution. Most of the interplanetary H glow is generated within 10 AU from the Sun. The H atoms, which come from the interstellar medium, can either be ionized by charge exchange with solar wind protons or by solar EUV photons. In both cases, the ionization rate is proportional to the flux from the Sun and varies inversely with the square of the distance from the Sun. Ionization by electron impact may also occur, but the rate of this third mechanism is significantly lower than those of the other mechanisms [Rucinski et al., 1996]. Therefore, the H distribution and the Lyα brightness pattern reflect the ionization of the neutral gas by the solar wind (the main effect) and UV radiation. Thomas (1978) published the classical hot model, which describes the H distribution in the heliosphere under the influence of ionization effects, solar gravitation and radiation pressure. Lallement et al. (1985) modified the classical hot model to include a possible dependence of the ionization rate on heliographic latitude. These authors showed that anisotropic ionization fluxes from the Sun could strongly modify the interplanetary glow pattern. From the early results by Lallement et al. came the idea that the Lyα glow could be used to derive the heliographic dependence of the ionizing fluxes or in turn the solar wind mass flux at all latitudes [Bertaux et al., 1995]. Bzowski et al. (2002), and Bzowski (2003) added time dependence of the ionization rate and radiation pressure to the hot model. Subsequently, Bzowski et al. (2003) and Quémerais et al. (2006) retrieved the solar wind anisotropy for the time period of SWAN observations, i.e. over the past solar cycle (Figure 1; Lallement et al. 2010).

Figure 1: Interstellar H ionization rate from 830 SWAN intensity maps obtained from 1996 to 2009. Most of the ionization is due to charge transfer with solar wind ions. High speed (low flux) winds from coronal holes appear in blue and green, low speed (high flux) winds in red. The rate here is normalized to the equatorial value. Figure extracted from Lallement et al. (2010).


The deep connection between SOHO/SWAN and IBEX The IBEX investigations are focused on the global interaction between the solar wind and the IS medium. These studies can be summarized in the following major (but not exclusive) questions: 1 What is the global strength and structure of the termination shock? 2 How are energetic protons accelerated at the termination shock? 3 What are the global properties of the solar wind flow beyond the termination shock and in the heliotail? 4 How does the IS flow interact with the heliosphere beyond the heliopause? 5 How does this global picture change as we progress toward solar maximum conditions? In order to gain deeper insight into these questions, knowledge of the 3D solar wind conditions over time are crucial. With its full sky Lyα maps, SWAN is the only instrument at L1 to provide a comprehensive view of the 3D distribution and temporal variation of the solar wind. It also gives us the only information about the solar wind outside the ecliptic after the Ulysses mission ended.

The SOHO/SWAN measurements can be used to directly connect with the IBEX observations. First, of great practical importance to understanding the penetration of neutral atoms into the heliosphere, SOHO/SWAN measures the Lyα radiation that provides a substantial radiation pressure for incoming lower energy H atoms. Even more importantly, the SOHO/SWAN measurements can be used to derive photoionization rates and sky maps of the solar wind flux over the entire solar cycle. Based on SWAN data, we will use hot models of the H distributions to derive the 3D spatial and time dependence of the combined photo- and charge exchange ionization rates of penetrating low energy IS neutral H and higher energy penetrating ENAs that IBEX measures. Continuous EUV observations that are available in the ecliptic at 1 AU will be used as proxies for photo-ionization. This information is available from SEM on SOHO, via, SEE on the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) mission, and EVE on the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO). The derived ionization rates, in turn, provide the survival probabilities of ENAs, which are critical for transforming the fluxes measured by IBEX into the incident ENA fluxes from the outer heliosphere. The time variations measured by SOHO/SWAN also provide a direct connection to IBEX data. In particular, SOHO/SWAN measurements provide the high latitude solar wind fluxes and their variation with time. This provides a unique connection to IBEX, since the IBEX field of view sweeps through the poles in every spin. Therefore, the pixels near the poles provide direct information on the time variability of heliospheric ENAs that arrive from the poles. A direct comparison of these polar ENAs and SOHO/SWAN derived high-latitude solar wind fluxes will provide detailed information about the line of sight (LOS) lengths and the distance to ENA emission regions near the poles. We will use past Ulysses observations in conjunction with present SWAN observations to validate our method, taking advantage of Ulysses cross calibration and usage for the first set of maps that were produced before the end of the Ulysses mission.

Solar wind protons on average reach the termination shock in one year. Depending on their energy, ENAs produced at the heliospheric interface would cross back the distance to the inner solar system within a few months or in more than a complete solar cycle. For example, a 1 keV neutral from the heliospheric termination shock requires one year completing a trip from the shock to the inner heliosphere. Neutrals with energies of the order of 10 eV would take approximately one solar cycle (11 years) to complete the trip. This would translate into a delay as a function of ENA energy for the IBEX maps versus solar wind measurements (via the SWAN maps for example), and would offer a great way to validate our method by looking at the evolution of features that we relate to solar wind changes through ENA energies. One method of validating our results on the solar wind flux would be to correlate SWAN results along the ecliptic with ACE, SOHO, and STEREO observations (averaged over longitude to compare to SWAN). With its capability to observe simultaneously, the neutral IS flow at 1 AU for H, He, O, and also Ne, including secondary components for O and He, IBEX provides another deep connection for this study [Möbius et al., 2009]. The combination of simultaneous IBEX neutral gas, ACE [Gloeckler et al., 2004] and STEREO [Möbius et al., 2010] pickup ion, and SOHO SWAN Lyα observations allows a direct comparison with the comprehensive determination of the local interstellar parameters carried out before [Möbius et al., 2004], now with several interstellar species in the neutral flow and with pickup ion


observations over one full solar cycle and distributed in ecliptic longitude. The IBEX neutral observations also provide the tools to probe the outer heliosheath for the deflection of the interstellar flow in this region through the secondary flow components. In turn, this will provide an independent assessment of the large scale shape of the heliosphere and its distortion due to the surrounding interstellar magnetic field that also appears responsible for the imprint of the ribbon. GOALS, TIMELINESS AND RELEVANCE TO SPACE PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS The aim of the proposed team is to combine UV observations, in situ measurements of the IS flow and resulting pickup ions, as well as remote sensing by ENA imaging to study the global interaction between the heliosphere and the IS medium over time. The main goals of our project are summarized as follows: 1. Understand the time variability of IBEX observations in terms of temporal changes in UV/solar wind properties.

We will support the IBEX data analysis as the observations cover different phases of the solar cycle. The SOHO/SWAN dataset covers a complete solar cycle of observations and is still operating as we approach the new solar maximum. With SWAN’s archived and new data we will be able to correlate the time variability of the IBEX results (namely the ribbon variability) with variations in the solar wind properties, and provide estimates for the evolution of the heliospheric structure throughout the solar cycle.

2. Provide a combined analysis of the IS flow parameters from multiple instruments and support the IBEX data interpretation.

We will use well established data sets from SWAN, ACE and STEREO in order to support the interpretation of the new IBEX measurements of the IS flow parameters and investigate possible time variations or discrepancies.

3. Understand the global (3D) solar wind heliospheric interaction by combining IBEX, SOHO/SWAN data.

We will use the unique capability of the SOHO/SWAN instrument to monitor the solar wind outside the ecliptic as a complement to the 18year long Ulysses mission dataset that has now ended. The SWAN data analysis and modeling will support the IBEX data interpretation in terms of the penetration of IS neutrals in the heliosphere and the production of ENAs at the heliospheric boundary. In support of the data analysis, we will use time dependent models of the heliospheric interface [Izmodenov et al. 2005, 2008] along with hot models of the IS atom distributions in the inner heliosphere [Lallement et al. 1985; Quémerais 2000] in order to extrapolate in time and space between the various data sets. In this project, by making the connection between the IBEX, SWAN and pickup ion measurements, we derive a more fundamental understanding of a critical source of variability in the space environment, namely, the global heliosphere. This is a unique opportunity because IBEX and SWAN are the only two active data sets (missions) that can provide 3D sky maps. Understanding the solar wind and IS environments and the interaction between them is necessary to understand the short and long time variations of the heliosphere and their effect on the near Earth environment. In the end of our project, we will be able to compile a rich data product of IBEX, SOHO/SWAN and in situ (ACE, STEREO) measurements that will contribute to our understanding of the Sun’s influence on the global heliospheric structure and the solar wind interaction with the IS medium. By combining multiple data sets, together with heliospheric modeling, we should get such an analysis product. This data set will then be provided to the science community for future investigations and to enhance the science return of all the current missions involved. Timeliness The proposed research has become prominent with the launch of the IBEX mission in 2008 and the exciting new results that this mission is producing. Also, the SOHO/SWAN instrument has obtained more than a complete solar cycle of data that can be used to interpret the IBEX findings and test new


models of ENA production at the heliospheric interface. As the solar cycle evolves toward maximum activity, this project will provide predictions for the evolution of the heliospheric structure in that period based on a long follow up of solar wind data. More importantly, following the cross calibration of multiple UV instruments by the ISSI working group FONDUE, final products of the SWAN calibration will provide unparalleled precision in the data analysis and model results. Also, time dependent and 3D models of the heliospheric interface are now ready to be used for the interpretation of the available data [Izmodenov et al. 2005, 2008].

Feasibility This proposal team has the expertise and proven record (see scientific publications of the team members) in all the areas important for the proposed work. We have access to all required observational data directly or indirectly by personal contacts of our team members.

Expected output As a result of the proposed team project we expect to have at least 3 original papers published in refereed scientific journals (most probably in A&A, JGR or ApJ). One paper will be focused on correlating the time variability of the IBEX results with variations in the solar wind properties, and provide estimates for the evolution of the heliospheric structure throughout the solar cycle. Another paper will focus on testing new models of ENA production based on the IBEX and SWAN correlated data. Another paper will deal with the interpretation of the new IBEX observations of the interstellar neutral species (H, He) based on confirmed results on the IS neutral flow parameters from previous missions.

ISSI as an implementation site for the team activities ISSI is an ideal place for this collaborative research for the following reasons: • The objectives of the project fits to the main goal of ISSI, namely: “analysis and evaluation of existing data from several (SOHO, IBEX, STEREO, ACE, Ulysses) spacecraft and integration of them with theoretical models”; • The project objective requires a session of joint collaborative work of all team members relieved and detached from the everyday hassle, with a free access to facilities needed to do an effective scientific • Work in a team: Internet and well equipped library access, printing/presentation facilities etc. Such a session will be preceded and followed by research done by the team members in their home institutions, after which another joint session for a wrap up of the results is needed; • Most team members of the proposed team have already participated in one or several ISSI teams or workshops. Therefore, they have experience with the collaborative work style and ISSI requirements; • The project suggests combining efforts of scientists from different institutions of different countries (France, Poland, USA and Russia) and ISSI is an ideal place to bring all these experts together. Schedule of the project We plan to have two or three 7-day meetings of the whole team that can be scheduled in fall 2011 and spring 2012. Facilities required No special equipment is required. An access to the Internet and to computer and overhead projectors is highly desirable. Financial support requested of ISSI The financial support of ISSI is requested in accordance with general ISSI policy as stated in the “call for proposals 2011”. References Bertaux, J. L., Blamont, J. E., A&A 11, 200 (1971) Bertaux, J. L. et al. Sol. Phys. 162, 403 (1995) Bertin, P., Lallement, R., Ferlet, R., VidalMadjar, A. JGR 98, 15193 (1993) Blum & Fahr, A&A, 4, 280 (1970) Bzowski, M. Astr.Ap. 408, pp 11551164 (2003) Bzowski, M. et al. Astr.Ap. 408, pp 11651177 (2003)


Bzowski, M., et al. JGR 107 No A7, 10.1029/ 2001JA00141 (2002) Costa, J. et al. A&A 349, 660 (1999) Fuselier, S. A., et al. 2009, Science, 326, 962 (2009) Funsten, H. O., et al. Science, 326, 964 (2009) Gloeckler, G., et al. 2004, A&A, 426, 845 Izmodenov et al. A&A, 429, 1069—1080 (2005) Izmodenov et al. Adv. Sp. Res. 41, 318 (2008) Lallement, R., J. L. Bertaux, and V. G. Kurt, JGR 90, 1413 (1985) Lallement, R., Bertin, P., A&A 266, 479 (1992) Lallement, R., Ferlet, R., A&A 324, 1105 (1997) Lallement R. et al. Science 307, 5714, p1447 (2005) Lallement R. et al. Twelfth Solar Wind Conference, AIPC, 1216, 555 (2010) McComas, D. J., et al. Sp.Sc.Rev., 146, 11 (2009a) McComas, D. J., et al. Science, 326, 959 (2009b) McComas, D. J., et al. JGR (Space Physics), 115, 9113 (2010) McComas, D. J., et al. Geophys. Rev. Lett., 35, 18103 (2008) Möbius, E. et al. A&A 426, 897 (2004) Möbius, E. et al. Science 326, 969 (2009) Möbius, E. et al. Proc. of the 9th Astrophys. Conf., in press, (2010) Quémerais, E., A&A 358, 353 (2000) Quémerais, E. et al. JGR 111, IDA09114 (2006) Rucinski, D. et al. Sp.Sci.Rev. 78 No 1, 7384 (1996) Schwadron, N. A., & McComas, D. J. ApJL, 686, L33 (2008) Schwadron, N. A., et al. Science, 326, 966 (2009) Schwadron et al. in prep. (2011) Thomas & Krassa, A&A, 11, 218 (1971) Thomas, G. E., Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 6, 173 (1978) Witte, M., A&A, 426, 835 (2004) Zank, G. P., Space Sci. Rev. 89, 413 (1999)



LIST OF CONFIRMED PARTICIPANTS WITH ADDRESSES AND SHORT CVS ⋅ Maciej Bzowski Polish Academy of Sciences, Space Research Center Bartycka 18A, PL 00-716, Warsaw, Poland Phone: +48.22.840.3766, Fax: +48.22.836.8961, email: bzowski@cbk.waw.pl

⋅ George Gloeckler University of Michigan 2455 Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143 Phone: +1.734.647.3660, email: gglo@umich.edu

⋅ Vlad Izmodenov (Co-Leader) Space Research Institute (IKI) Russian Academy of Sciences Otdel 53, 84/32 Profsoyuznaya Str, Moscow, 117997, Russia Phone +7.495.333.3012, Fax +7.495.913.3040, email: izmod@iki.rssi.ru

⋅ Dimitra Koutroumpa (Co-Leader) NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center Code 662, 8800 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA Phone: +1.301.286.8401, Fax: +1.301.286.7230, email: dimitra.koutroumpa@latmos.ipsl.fr

⋅ Harald Kucharek University of New Hampshire, Space Science Center Morse Hall, 8 College Road, Durham, NH 03824 Phone: +1.603.862.2948, Fax: +1.603.862.0311, email: harald.kucharek@unh.edu

⋅ Rosine Lallement LATMOS (CNRS/IPSL) 11 Boulevard d’Alembert, 78280, Guyancourt, France Phone: +, +, email: rosine.lallement@latmos.ipsl.fr

⋅ David McComas Southwest Research Institute, Space Science and Engineering Division P.O. Drawer 28510 San Antonio, TX 78228-0510, USA Phone: +1.210.522.5983, Fax: +1.210.520.9935, email: dmccomas@swri.org

⋅ Eberhard Möbius University of New Hampshire, Space Science Center Morse Hall, 8 College Road, Durham, NH 03824 Phone: +1.603.862.3097, Fax: +1.603.862.0311, email: eberhard.moebius@unh.edu

⋅ Eric Quémerais LATMOS (CNRS/IPSL) 11 Boulevard d’Alembert, 78280, Guyancourt, France Phone: +, email: eric.quemerais@latmos.ipsl.fr

⋅ Nathan Schwadron University of New Hampshire, Space Science Center Morse Hall, 8 College Road, Durham, NH 03824 Phone: +1.603.862.3451, email: n.schwadron@unh.edu



Institution: Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences Education: M.S Astronomy, Department of Physics, Warsaw University, 1985 Ph.D. Astronomy, Department of Physics, Warsaw University, 1992

Habilitation in Geophysics, Space research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2006

Professional Background: Astronomer, 1985-1987, Space Research Centre (SRC) PAS; research assistant 1987-1993 SRC PAS, research associate 1993-2006, SRC PAS, associate professor and head of the laboratory for Solar System Physics and Astrophysics, SRC PAS; Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (SCSR) Grant Co-I: 4 projects 1993 – 2002; SCSR Grant PI: 2002 – 2007; SCSR Grant Co-I: 2006 – present Head (Poland) Joint Polish – German PAS-DFG cooperation project on heliospheric research (2002 – present, formerly since 1988:Co-I); NSF International Cooperation Project Distribution of interstellar neutrals and pickup ions in interplanetary space (1993 – 1997) Co-I; equivalent of ~18 months of research at the Institute of Astrophysics, University of Bonn; Co-I on a HST GO Program Cycle 9; elected member of Scientific Board of SRC PAS (presently: fifth term). Relevant Experience: Dr. Bzowski is currently head a SRC lab doing heliospheric research, having served as PI and Co-I of a number of heliospheric research grants from the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (focused mainly on studies of neutral atom populations), Co-I in the Science Team of the NASA SMEX mission IBEX, and Co-I of a few Working Groups of International Space Science Institute (Bern, Switzerland). His research interests focus on modeling of neutral interstellar gas, mainly its time-dependent and latitude-dependent variations, and consequences on derivative particle populations, as pick-up ions and ENA, and heliospheric EUV glow. Developed a successful kinetic model of I/S H gas distribution in the interplanetary space including time- and latitude dependent effects (with extensions on other elements, including helium and oxygen). His research is conducted in close international cooperation, including groups from UNH, AIUB Germany, FMI Finland, Service d’Aeronomie, France, UMD. Authored more than 60 publications on interstellar neutral gas and derivative populations in the heliosphere. Relevant Publications: 1. S. Grzędzielski, M. Bzowski, A. Czechowski, H.O. Funsten, D.J. McComas, N.A. Schwadron – 2010,

A possible generation mechanism for the IBEX ribbon from outside the heliosphere, Ap.J.Lett. 715, L84-L87

2. E. Möbius, P. Bochsler, M. Bzowski, et al. – 2009, Direct observations of interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer, Science 326 No 5955, 969-971

3. S. Tarnopolski, M. Bzowski – 2008, Detectability of neutral interstellar deuterium by a forthcoming SMEX mission IBEX, A&A, 483, L35-L38

4. M. Bzowski – 2008, Survival probability and energy modification of hydrogen Energetic Neutral Atoms on their way from the termination shock to Earth orbit, A&A 488, 1155-1164

5. M. Bzowski, E. Möbius, S. Tarnopolski, V. Izmodenov, G. Gloeckler – 2008, Density of neutral interstellar hydrogen at the termination shock from Ulysses pickup ion observations, A&A 491, 7-19

6. H.J. Fahr, M. Bzowski – 2004, A kinetic control on the heliospheric interface hydrodynamics of charge-exchanging fluids, A&A 424, 263-278

7. G. Gloeckler, E. Möbius, J. Geiss, M. Bzowski, S. Chalov et al. – 2004, Coordinated observations of local interstellar helium in the heliosphere.Observations of the helium focusing cone with pickup ions, A&A 426, 845-854

8. E. Möbius, M. Bzowski, S. Chalov, H.J. Fahr, G. Gloeckler, et al. – 2004, Coordinated observations of local interstellar helium in the heliosphere. Synopsis of the interstellar He parameters from combined neutral gas, pickup ion and UV scattering observations and related consequences, A&A 426, 897-907

9. D. Ruciński, M. Bzowski, H.J. Fahr – 2003, Imprints from the solar cycle on the helium atom and helium pick-up ion distributions, Ann.Geophys. 21, 1315-1330

10. M. Bzowski, T. Mäkinen, E. Kyrölä, T. Summanen, E. Quémerais – 2003, Latitudinal structure and north-south asymmetry of the solar wind from Lyman-α remote sensing by SWAN, A&A 408, 1165-1177

11. M. Bzowski, T. Summanen, D. Ruciński, E. Kyrölä, – 2002, Response of interplanetary glow to global variations of hydrogen ionization rate and solar Lyman-α flux, JGR 107 No A7, 10.1029/2001JA00141


12. M. Bzowski, H.J. Fahr, D. Ruciński, H. Scherer – 1997, Variation of bulk velocity and temperature anisotropy of neutral heliospheric hydrogen during the solar cycle, A&A 326, 396-411

13. D. Ruciński, M. Bzowski –1995, Modulation of interplanetary density distribution during the solar cycle, A&A 296, 248-263


Current Position: Research Professor, Department of Oceanic, Atmospheric and Space Sciences, University of Michigan

Distinguished University Professor (Emeritus), Dept. of Physics and IPST, Univ. of Maryland Education: B.S. Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago IL, 1960 M.S. Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago IL, 1961 Ph.D. Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago IL, 1965 Professional Background: Research Assistant, 1961-1964; Enrico Fermi Fellow, 1964-1965; Research Associate, 1965-1967, all at the University of Chicago, Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies; Assistant Professor, 1967-1973; Associate Professor, 1973-1978, Professor, 1978-1986, all at the University of Maryland (UMd), Department of Physics and Astronomy; Professor, 1986-1998; Distinguished University Professor, 1998-present, all at UMd, Department of Physics and Institute of Physical Science and Technology; Research Professor, 2006-present, University of Michigan, Department of Oceanic Atmospheric and Space Sciences. Relevant Experience: Principal Investigator: IMP 7 and 8 Explorers--Ions and Electrons, 1968-1982, Ulysses--SWICS, 1978-present, ISTP/Wind--SMS Investigation, 1989-present,; Lead Co-Investigator: Voyager 1 and 2--LECP Experiment, 1971-present, ISEE 1 and 3--Nuclear and Charge Composition, 1974-1993, AMPTE/CCE--CHEM Spectrometer, 1978-1991, ISTP/Geotail--EPIC Experiment, 1987-present, ACE--SWICS/SWIMS, 1991-present; Co-Investigator: ISTP/SOHO--CELIAS Investigation, 1988-present, ISTP/SOHO--UVCS Investigation, 1988-present, Cassini-- MIMI/CHEMS, 1991-present, MESSENGER, 1999-present. Chair, Solar Probe Science Definition Team, 1997-1999; Member, Sun Earth Connection Advisory Subcommittee (SECAS); IACG (Inter-Agency Consultative Group) Working Group 1 (Science), 1993-1998; Space Science Working Group, 1982-present; Fast Pluto Flyby Particles and Fields Study Group, 1993; Committee on Solar and Space Physics, National Academy of Sciences, 1985-1988; Management and Operations Working Group, Solar and Heliosphere Physics, 1982-1985; Star Probe Study Group, Particles and Fields Panel, 1980-1982; Secretary, Cosmic Ray Section, AGU, 1980-1982. Elected, National Academy of Sciences, 1997; Member for Section 1 (Basic Sciences) of the International Academy of Astronautics, 2007; University of Chicago Professional Achievement Citation, 1997. COSPAR Space Science Award, 2008; NASA Pre-doctoral Fellow, 1962-1964; Enrico Fermi Fellow, 1964-1965; Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 1969-1971; Senior US. Scientist von Humboldt Award, 1977-1978; NASA: Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal (Voyager), 1981, Group Achievement Award (Voyager), 1981, Special Achievement Award (AMPTE Mission), 1986, Group Achievement Award (Uranus Encounter, Voyager), 1986, Group Achievement Award (AMPTE Mission Operations), 1990, Group Achievement Award (Voyager Science Investigation), 1990, Public Service Group Achievement Award (Ulysses Mission), 1992, Group Achievement Award (Ulysses Jupiter fly-by), 1993.; Fellow, American Physical Society, 1982; Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 1990; ESA Certificate of Valuable Contribution to Ulysses, 1991 Selected Publications: 1. Gloeckler G. and J. R. Jokipii, Solar modulation and the energy density of galactic cosmic rays,

Astrophys. J., 148, L41-44, 1967. 2. Gloeckler, G., Characteristics of solar and heliospheric ion populations observed near earth, Adv. Space

Res., 4, 127-137, 1984. 3. Gloeckler, G. and D. C. Hamilton, AMPTE ion composition results, Physica Scripta, T18, 73-84, 1987. 4. Gloeckler, G. and J. Geiss, The abundances of elements and isotopes in the solar wind, in Cosmic

Abundances of Matter (Ed. C. J. Waddington) AIP Conf. Proc., 183, 49-71, 1989. 5. Gloeckler, G., Ion composition measurement techniques for space plasmas, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 61, 3613, 1990.


6. Gloeckler, G., et al., Detection of interstellar pickup hydrogen in the solar system, Science, 261, 70-73, 1993.

7. Gloeckler, G. and J. Geiss, Abundance of 3He in the local interstellar cloud, Nature, 381, 210-212, 1996.

8. Gloeckler, G., L. A. Fisk, and J. Geiss, Anomalously small magnetic field in the local interstellar cloud, Nature, 386, 374-377, 1997.

9. Gloeckler, G., et al., Interception of comet Hyakutake’s tail at a distance of 500 million kilometres, Nature 404, 576-579, 2000.

10. Gloeckler, G., Ubiquitous suprathermal tails on the solar wind and pickup ion distributions, in Proceedings of the Solar Wind 10 Conference, Pisa, Italy, June 17 - 21 2002, AIP 0-7354-0148-9/03, 583-588, 2003.

11. Gloeckler, G. and J. Geiss, Composition of the local interstellar medium as diagnosed with pickup ions, Adv. Space. Res., 34, 53-60 doi:10.1016/j.asr.2003.02.054, 2004.

12. Gloeckler, G., Fisk, L. A., Lanzerotti, L. J., Pickup Ions Upstream and Downstream of Shocks in "The Physics of Collisionless Shocks", AIP Conference Proceedings, 781, 252-260, 2005.

13. Gloeckler, G. and Fisk, L. A., Anisotropic beams of energetic particles upstream from the termination shock of the solar wind, Astrophys. J. 648, L63-L66, 2006.

14. Gloeckler, G., and Geiss, J., The Composition of the Solar Wind in Polar Coronal Holes, Space Science Reviews 130, 139-152, 2007.

VLADISLAV IZMODENOV Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University Head of Laboratory on Theory and Modeling at Space Research Institute (IKI) Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Education Dr. Sci. (space physics), Space Research Institute (IKI) Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007 Ph.D. (physics), Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1997; M.S. (physics), Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1994. Employment history -Professor (January 2011 - up to now), Department of Aeromechanics and Gas Dynamics, School of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. -Head of Laboratory on Theory and Modeling at Space Research Institute (IKI) Russian Academy of Sciences (part time; March 2005 - up to now) -Associate Professor (August 2002 – December 2010), Department of Aeromechanics and Gas Dynamics, School of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. -Assistant Professor (July 1998 – August 2002), Department of Aeromechanics and Gas Dynamics, School of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University -Research Scientist (July 1997- July 1998), Lomonosov Moscow State University Academic Honors, Awards and Grants -COSPAR Zeldovich Medal 2006 -Principal Investigator of Russian Foundation of Basic Research grants # 07-02-01011, 04-02-16559, 01-02-17551 -Russian Principal Investigator of CRDF grant RP1-97-612 -Team Leader of international project “Physics of the Heliotail” supported by International Space Science Institute in Bern (2002-2004) -Postdoctoral NSF/NATO Fellow in Science and Engineering (July, 1999 - June, 2000) -Co-Investigator: NASA Research Grant NAG5-10989 (PI – Pradip Gangopadhyay); Co-Investigator of INTAS Project 01-270 "Physics of the heliosheath plasma flow and structure of the termination shock" (PI- Reinald Kallenbach) (2002-2005); Co-investigator of INTAS-CNES (France) Cooperation project: "The heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Cloud" (01/01/99-01/01/01); Senior Visiting Scientist Awards of International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland, in 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003. -Co-Investigator: Theoretical Research Programs, the Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 1995 - present -Post-doctoral Fellow, French Ministry for National Education, Research and Technology (01/18/98 -01/18/99); -Young Visiting Scientist, International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland, 09/01/1997-12/31/1997


-Visiting Scientist, Institute for Astrophys. and Extraterrestrial Res., Bonn Univ., Germany, May 1997 -Visiting Scientist, Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sci., Warsaw, Poland, December 1996 -Soros Graduate student Fellow, 01/01/96 - 12/31/96 -Co-Investigator, Grant, International Science Foundation and Russian Government 01/01/95 -12/31/95 List of selected publications (from more than 100) 1. Izmodenov, V.V., Malama, Y.G., Ruderman, M.S., Modeling of the outer heliosphere with the realistic solar cycle, J. Adv. Space Res. (2008), Volume 41, Issue 2, p. 318-324.

2. Izmodenov, V. V., Filtration of Interstellar Atoms through the Heliospheric Interface, Space Sci Rev (2007) 130: 377–387.

3. Wood, B.E., Izmodenov V.V., Linsky J.L., Aleksashov, D.B., Dependence of heliospheric Lyman-alpha absorption on the interstellar magnetic field, Ap J. V. 659, Issue 2, pp. 1784-1791, 2007.

4. Wood, B.E., Izmodenov V.V., Linsky J.L., Malama Yu.G., Lyman-alpha Absorption from Heliosheath Neutrals, Ap. J. V. 657, Issue 1, pp. 609-617, 2007.

5. Izmodenov, V., D. Alexashov, A. Myasnkov, Direction of the interstellar H atom inflow in the heliosphere: role of the interstellar magnetic field, Astron. Asrophys. 437, L35–L38 (2005).

6. Alexashov, D. and V. Izmodenov, Kinetic vs Multi-fluid models of the heliospheric interface: a comparison, Astron. Astrophys., A&A 439, 1171-1181, 2005.

7. V. Izmodenov, Yu. G. Malama, M. Ruderman, Solar cycle influence on the interaction of the solar wind with Local Interstellar Cloud, Astron. Astrophys. 429, 1069-1080, 2005.

8. 8. Izmodenov, V., Malama,Y., Gloeckler, G., Geiss, J., Effects of Interstellar and Solar Wind ionized Helium on the Interaction of the Solar Wind with the Local Interstellar Medium, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 594, Issue 1, pp. L59-L62, 2003.

9. Izmodenov, V., Gloeckler, G., Malama,Y., When will Voyager 1 and 2 cross the termination shock?, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 30, Issue 7, pp. 3-1, CiteID 1351, DOI 10.1029/ 2002GL016127.

10. Izmodenov, V., Gruntman, M., Malama,Y., Interstellar hydrogen atom distribution function in the outer heliosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, A6, pp.10681-10690, 2001.

11. V. Izmodenov, B. Wood, R. Lallement, Hydrogen wall and heliosheath Lyman-alpha absorption toward nearby stars: possible constraints on the heliospheric interface plasma flow, J. Geophys. Res. -Space Physics, 107(10), 2002.

12. V. V. Izmodenov, M. Gruntman, Y.G. Malama, Interstellar Hydrogen Atom Distribution Function in the Outer Heliosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 106 , No. A6 , p. 10,681-10,690 (2000JA000273).

13. V. Izmodenov, Velocity distribution of interstellar H atoms in the heliospheric interface, Space Sci. Rev., 97 (1/4): 385-388, 2001.

14. V. Izmodenov, M.Gruntman, V. Baranov, and H. Fahr, Heliospheric ENA fluxes: how sensitive are they to the ionization state of LIC?, Space Sci. Rev., 97 (1/4):413-416, 2001.

15. V.V. Izmodenov, R. Lallement, J. Geiss, Astron. Astrophys. 344, 317- 321, 1999. 16. V.V. Izmodenov, R. Lallement, Yu. G. Malama, Astron. Astrophys. 342, L13-L16, 1999. DIMITRA KOUTROUMPA Education: 2007 PhD in Astrophysics, Pierre & Marie Curie University, France 2004 Master in Astrophysics, Pierre & Marie Curie University, France 2003 Physics Diploma, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Positions held: 2008 - 2011 NASA Post-Doctoral Fellow, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, US. 2007 - 2008 Teaching Assistant, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Service

d’Aéronomie, France. Research activities: -Interests: Solar Wind, Heliosphere, Interstellar Medium, Diffuse UV/X-ray background, Planetary Exospheres -Modeling: Kinetic Hot models of interstellar H, He in the heliosphere; Charge Exchange X-ray emission (heliosphere, planetary exospheres) -Data analysis: X-ray observations from space (XMM-Newton, Suzaku, Chandra); UV data (SOHO/SWAN); Solar wind data (SOHO, ACE, Ulysse, STEREO, Wind)


-Laboratory measurements: Operation of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT); Data acquisition & analysis with the EBIT Calorimeter Spectrometer (ECS) -Co-Investigator of NASA’s Diffuse X-ray emission from the Local galaxy (DXL) rocket mission. Selected publications: 1. Koutroumpa, D., Smith, R. K., Kuntz, K. D., Edgar R. J., Plucinsky, P. P. & Snowden, S. L., XMM-

Newton observations of the MBM 12 cloud: more constraints on the Local Hot Bubble and Solar Wind Charge Exchange emissions, 2011, ApJ, 726, 91

2. Lallement, R., Quémerais, E., Koutroumpa, D., Bertaux, J.-L., Ferron, S., Schmidt, W., & Lamy, P., The Interstellar H Flow: Updated Analysis of SOHO/SWAN Data, 2010, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 1216, 555

3. Koutroumpa, D., Collier, M. R., Kuntz, K. D., Lallement, R. & Snowden, S. L., Solar Wind Charge Exchange Emission from the Helium Focusing Cone : Model to Data Comparison, 2009, ApJ, 697, 1214

4. Koutroumpa, D., Raymond, J. C., Lallement, R. & Kharchenko, V., The solar wind charge-transfer X-ray emission in the 1/4 keV energy range: inferences on Local Bubble hot gas at low Z, 2009, ApJ, 696, 1517

5. Quémerais, E., Lallement, R., Bertaux, J.-L., Koutroumpa, D., Clarke, J., Kyrölä, E. & Schmidt, W., Interplanetary Lyman α line profiles: variations with solar activity cycle, 2006, A & A, 455, 1135

6. Quémerais, E., Lallement, R., Ferron, S., Koutroumpa, D., Bertaux, J.-L., Kyrölä, E. & Schmidt, W., Interplanetary hydrogen absolute ionization rates : Retrieving the solar wind mass flux latitude and cycle dependence with SWAN/SOHO maps, 2006, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, A10, 9114-+

7. Lallement, R., Quémerais, E., Bertaux, J.-L., Ferron, S., Koutroumpa, D. & Pellinen, R., Deflection of the Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen Flow Across the Heliospheric Interface, 2005, Science, 307, 1447

8. Koutroumpa, D., Lallement, R., Bertaux, J.-L., Quémerals, E., & Ferron, S., SOHO-SWAN Hydrogen Cell Data Analysis: Method Description, 2005, Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16, Connecting Sun and Heliosphere, 592, 811

HARALD KUCHAREK Education: B. S. in Physics, 1984, University of Regensburg, Germany M. S. in Physics, 1986, University of Regensburg, Germnay Ph.D. in Physics, 1989, Technische Universität München, Germany Employment: Research Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire, 2006 - present Research Scientist III, University of New Hampshire, 2001 - 2006 Senior Scientist, Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik, 1993-2001 Research Scientist, Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik, 1990-1993 Research Interest: - Injection and acceleration of ions at the Earth’s bow shock, in interplanetary space, and the termination shock. - Solar wind dynamic and composition. - Data analysis, data interpretation. - Large scale numerical simulations for micro-physical processes at shocks and at ion beam instabilities. - Instrument design, testing, and calibration. Current Missions and Role:

• IBEX, Instrument Scientist

• SOHO/CELIAS Associated Scientist

• ACE/SPEPICA, Team Member

• CLUSTER/CIS, Co-I Honors and Awards: NASA Group Achievement Award for CLUSTER 2001. ESA Group Achievement Award for CLUSTER 2001. Selected publications: (out of more than 80 refereed and non-refereed articles in articles and books) 1. Moebius, E.; Bochsler, P.; Bzowski, M.; Crew, G. B.; Funsten, H. O.; Fuselier, S. A.; Ghielmetti, A.; Heirtzler, D.; Izmodenov, V. V.; Kubiak, M.; Kucharek, H.; & 9 co-authors, Direct Observations of Interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer Science, Volume 326, Issue 5955, pp.


969- (2009). 2. Schwadron, N. A.; Bzowski, M.; Crew, G. B.; Gruntman, M.; Fahr, H.; Fichtner, H.; Frisch, P. C.; Funsten, H. O.; Fuselier, S.; Heerikhuisen, J.; Izmodenov, V.; Kucharek, H.; & 11 co-authors, Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer Observations with 3D Global Heliospheric Models, Science, Volume 326, Issue 5955, pp. 966- (2009).

3. Fuselier, S. A.; Allegrini, F.; Funsten, H. O.; Ghielmetti, A. G.; Heirtzler, D.; Kucharek, H.; & 9 co-authors, Width and Variation of the ENA Flux Ribbon Observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer Science, Volume 326, Issue 5955, pp. 962- (2009).

4. Kucharek, H.; Möbius, E.; Li, W.; Farrugia, C. J.; Popecki, M. A.; Galvin, A. B.; Klecker, B.; Hilchenbach, M.; Bochsler, P. A., On the source and acceleration of energetic He+: A long-term observation with ACE/SEPICA J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 108, No. A10, 8040 10.1029/2003JA009938

5. Kucharek, H.; Möbius, E.; Li, W.; Farrugia, C. J.; Popecki, M. A.; Galvin, A. B.; Klecker, B.; Hilchenbach, M.; Bochsler, P. A., Relative abundance variations of energetic He+/He2+ in CME related SEP events, AIP Conf. Proc. 679, 648, 2003.

6. H. Kucharek, M. Scholer, Origin of diffuse superthermal ions at quasi-parallel supercritical collisionless shocks, J.Geophys. Res.,96, 21195, 1991.

7. M. Scholer, K. J. Trattner, H. Kucharek, Ion injection and Fermi acceleration at Earth's bow shock: The 1984 September 12 event revisited, Astrophys. J., 395, 675, 1992.

8. J. Giacalone, J.R. Jokipi, R.B. Decker, S.M. Krimigis, M. Scholer, H. Kucharek, Preacceleration of Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the inner Heliosphere. Astrophys. Journal, 486,471,1997

9. M. Scholer, H. Kucharek, C. Kato, On ion injection at quasi-parallel shocks, Phys. Plasmas, 9, 4293, 2002.

10. H. Kucharek, M.Scholer, and A.P. Matthews, Three-dimensional simulations of the electromagnetic ion/ion beam instability: cross-field diffusion. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 7, 167,2000.

ROSINE LALLEMENT Academics 1994- Habilitation : "The solar environment" Paris Pierre&Marie Curie University 1983- Ph. D. in Astrophysics Paris Pierre&Marie Curie University 1974- Master in Physics Paris Pierre&Marie Curie University 1971- 1975 Graduate from "Ecole Normale Supérieure" (Paris) Professional activities 1996-present CNRS Research Director (equiv. Professor) at Service d'Aéronomie 1986-1995 CNRS Research Associate (equiv.. Assistant Professor) at Service d'Aéronomie 1984-1985 Computer assistant at Astrophysical Institute of Paris 1976-1983 Teacher (public high school) Research Topics Solar Wind, Solar Wind-Interstellar Medium Interaction, UV diffuse background, Interplanetary medium Local Interstellar Medium: ground based observations, UV, EUV, X-ray observations from space. About 135 publications in refereed journals Main scientific results -First measurement of the Solar Wind mass flux decrease in coronal holes (1985) -First Measurement of the interstellar hydrogen flow heating and deceleration at entrance in the heliosphere, determination of the ambient interstellar electron density (1986-1999) -First identification of the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC) surrounding the Sun, and first measurement of the LIC pressure that confines the heliosphere -First computed maps of the boundaries of the Local Interstellar Cavity (Local Bubble), (1999-2003, with B.Y. Welsh) and first computed 3D maps of the local interstellar gas and of the local dust (with J.L. Vergely) -First determination of the local interstellar magnetic field direction and its imprints on the heliosphere (2005) -Modeling of the heliospheric X-ray emission due to solar wind charge transfer: determination of the contamination of the diffuse X-ray background (2004-2008) -First measurement of Galactic Lyman-alpha with Voyager 1/2 Participation to Projects


Space missions: SOHO/SWAN (in operation), TARANIS/CNES (in preparation), BEPI-COLOMBO/PHEBUS (in preparation); ground based: GYES spectrograph at CFHT UV-EUV data analysis Analysis of UV spectra recorded on board: Voyager 1&2 interstellar mission, Prognoz 5&6, Pioneer-Venus, Mariner 10, Spacelab1, Atlas1, SOHO/LASCO, and SOHO/UVCS Interstellar medium Observing Programs (Ground) Since 1983, P.I. and co-I of High Resolution Spectroscopy Programs for Local Interstellar Medium Studies: Observatories in France, USA Lick, Kitt Peak, Anglo-Australian and European (ESO) Observatories (La Silla, VLT/Paranal…): about 30 observing runs. Interstellar medium Observing Programs (Space) Spectroscopic Studies of the Local Interstellar Medium (P.I. or co-I): Hubble Space Telescope (HST) (8 programs), Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) (2 programs), Space Shuttle/IMAPS (1 program), Far-UV Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) (3 programs+ one legacy project, P.I. B. Welsh) Distinctions French Academy of Science "Antoine d'Abbadie" prize (2000) CNRS Silver medal (2004) Foreign Associate of the U.S National Academy of Science (2003-) Associate member of the International Academy of Astronautics and Aeronautics (2006- ) DAVID J. MCCOMAS

Short Biography: David J. McComas is Assistant Vice President of the Space Science and Engineering Division at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas. He is also an Adjoint Professor in the joint University of Texas, San Antonio - Southwest Research Institute (PhD & MS) graduate program in Physics, which he helped to establish in 2004. From 1998 through 2000 Dr. McComas served as the founding Director of the Center for Space Science and Exploration (CSSE) at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He was concurrently the NASA Program Manager at Los Alamos and served as the Group Leader for Space and Atmospheric Sciences (NIS-1) from 1992-1998. Dr. McComas received his B.S. Degree in Physics from MIT in 1980 and Ph.D. in Geophysics and Space Physics from UCLA in 1986.

Dr. McComas is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He was honored with the AGU’s prestigious James B. Macelwane Award for outstanding young scientists in 1993 and also received Distinguished Performance Awards from Los Alamos in 1989, 1990, and 1995 as well as numerous NASA, Los Alamos, and other achievement awards.

Dr. McComas is the Principal Investigator for NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Mission, the Two Wide-Angle Imaging Neutral-Atom Spectrometers (TWINS) Explorer Mission-of-Opportunity, the Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (ISIS) on Solar Probe Plus and the Ulysses Solar Wind Observations Over the Poles of the Sun (SWOOPS) Experiment; he is also the lead Co-Investigator for the Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (SWEPAM) instrument on the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), the solar wind analyzer for the New Horizons mission to Pluto (SWAP), and the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE) on the Juno spacecraft that will orbit over Jupiter’s poles. Prior to moving to Southwest, he was the Principal Investigator for DOE’s series of 10 Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA) instruments at geosynchronous orbit. Dr. McComas is Co-Investigator on NASA’s Medium Energy Neutral Atom (MENA) instrument on the IMAGE Midsized Explorer, the plasma instrument for the Cassini mission to Saturn (CAPS), the GENESIS Discovery mission, ISTP Polar spacecraft’s Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment (TIDE), the Cluster plasma electron instrument (PEACE), and is a team member on the New Millennium Plasma Experiment for Planetary Exploration (PEPE).

Dr. McComas currently serves on the NASA Advisory Council (NAC) Science Committee and has previously served on numerous committees and panels for NASA, AGU, the National Academy of Science’s National Research Council, the University of California, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the State of New Mexico. This service included chairing NASA’s Sun-Earth Connections Advisory Subcommittee (SECAS) and Solar Probe and Solar Probe Plus Science and Technology Definition Teams, as well as serving as a member of NASA’s Space Science Advisory Committee (SScAC) and on the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter Science Definition Team.


Dr. McComas has invented a variety of instruments and missions for space applications and holds six patents. He is an author of over 400 scientific papers in the refereed literature spanning topics in heliospheric, magnetospheric, solar, and planetary science as well as space instrument and mission development (see Publication List). These papers have generated over 10,000 citations, with h=54 (ISI Web of Knowledge citation database).

Selected Publications: 1. McComas, D.J. et al., Electron Heat Flux Dropouts in the Solar Wind: Evidence for Interplanetary Magnetic Field Reconnection?, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 6907-6916, 1989.

2. McComas, D.J., J.L. Phillips, A.J. Hundhausen, and J.T. Burkepile, Observations of Disconnection of Open Coronal Magnetic Structures, Geophys. Res. Lett., 18, 73-76,1991.

3. McComas, D.J., S.J. Bame, W.C. Feldman, J.T. Gosling, and J.L. Phillips, Solar Wind Halo Electrons from 1-4 AU, Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 1291-1294, 1992.

4. McComas, D.J. et al, Ulysses’ return to the slow solar wind, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 1-4, 1998. 5. McComas, D.J. et al., Solar wind observations over Ulysses’ first full polar orbit, J. Geophys. Res., 105,

A5, 10419-10433, 2000. 6. McComas, D.J. et al., The interstellar hydrogen shadow: Observations of interstellar pickup ions beyond Jupiter, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A02104, doi: 10.1029/2003JA010217, 2004.

7. McComas, D.J. and N.A. Schwadron, An explanation of the Voyager paradox: Particle acceleration at a blunt termination shock, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L04102, doi: 10.1029/2005GL025437, 2006.

8. McComas, D.J. et al., Understanding coronal heating and solar wind acceleration: Case for in situ near-sun measurements, Rev. Geophys., 45, RG1004, doi: 10.1029/2006RG000195, 2007.

9. McComas, D.J. et al., Weaker Solar Wind from the Polar Coronal Holes and the Whole Sun, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L18103, doi:10.1029/2008GL034896, 2008.

10. McComas, D.J. et al., IBEX – Interstellar Boundary Explorer, Space Sci. Rev., doi 10.1007/s11214-009-9499-4, 146, 11-33, 2009.

11. McComas, D.J. et al., Global observations of the interstellar interaction from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), Science, 326, doi: 10.1126/science.1180906, 959-962, 2009.

12. McComas, D.J. et al., The evolving outer heliosphere: Large-scale stability and time variations observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A09113, doi: 10.1029/2010JA015569, 2010.


Current Position: Professor & Department Chair, Physics Department & Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire (UNH)

Education: Albertus-Magnus-Universität, Köln, 1969-71; Diploma Physics, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany, 1973; Dr. rer. nat. Physics, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum (RUB), 1977.

Professional Background: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Research Associate, 1974-78; Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Research Scientist, 1978-1988, Senior Research Scientist, 1988-1990; UNH, Associate Professor of Physics, 1990-1995, Professor of Physics, 1995-present, Department Chair, 2008 - present.

Relevant Experience: Dr. Möbius’ research is centered around the acceleration of particles in and their transport through space with the help of state-of-the-art instruments on spacecraft. Related topics include acceleration in the surrounding of the Earth’s magnetosphere, in the sun’s atmosphere and in interplanetary space, with crucial information about space weather that has direct effects on our technological society. This research is equally relevant to particle acceleration in many astrophysical settings, such as supernovae. Most recently, he is involved in the exciting studies of interstellar gas outside the solar system, a sample of cosmic material that is distinct from the sun and its planets as well as the interaction between the heliosphere and the surrounding interstellar medium.

He has been collaborator for the data analysis on IMP-8, ISEE-1 and -3 and Co-Investigator on AMPTE-IRM and Equator-S. He is Co-Investigator on Cluster/CIS, SOHO/CELIAS, FAST/ TEAMS, STEREO/PLASTIC, and IBEX, as well as Lead Investigator for ACE/SEPICA. He has served NASA’s Solar Probe and Interstellar Probe Science & Technology Definition Teams, chaired and co-chaired numerous symposia, has been leading several international teams at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland, and is on the NRC Decadal Survey Panel for Solar and Heliospheric Physics. He holds the UNH Class of 1940 Professorship, has been named UNH Distinguished Professor 2009, and elected AGU Fellow in 2010.


Relevant Publications from more than 280 in Journals, Books, and Conference Proceedings

1. Möbius, E., Y. Litvinenko, L. Saul, M. Bzowski, D. Rucinski, Interstellar Gas Flow into the Heliosphere, COSPAR Coll. Series, 11, 109, 2001.

2. Möbius, E., et al., Charge States of Energetic Ions Obtained from a Series of CIRs in 1999 – 2000 and Implications on Source Populations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 10.1029/2001GL013410, 2002.

3. Möbius, E., et al., Synopsis of the Interstellar He Parameters from Combined Neutral Gas, Pickup Ion and UV Scattering Observations and Related Consequences, Astron. Astrophys., 426, 897, 2004.

4. Möbius, E., R. Kallenbach, Acceleration in the Heliosphere, The Heliosphere and Beyond/10 Years of ISSI, J. Geiss and B. Hultqvist eds., ISSI-SR003, 165, 2005.

5. Möbius, E., M. Bzowski, H.-R. Müller, P. Wurz, Effects in the Inner Heliosphere Caused by Changing Conditions in the Galactic Environment, Solar Journey: The Significance of our Galactic Environment for the Heliosphere and Earth, Ch. 8, P.C. Frisch ed., Springer, 209, 2006.

6. Möbius, E., From the Heliosphere to the Local Bubble - What Have we Learned? SSR, 143, 465, 2008. 7. Möbius, E., et al., Diagnosing the Neutral Interstellar Gas Flow at 1 AU with IBEX-Lo, Space Sci. Rev., Online First, 10.1007/s11214-009-9498-5, 2009.

8. Möbius, E., et al., Direct Observations of Interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer, Science, Express, 10.1126/science.1180971, 2009.

9. Möbius, E., Elemental and Charge State Composition in the Heliosphere, Heliophysical Processes, N. Gopalswamy, S.S. Hasan, A. Ambasta, Eds.; Springer Lecture Notes, 153-170, 2010.

10. Möbius, E., et al., He Pickup Ions in the Inner Heliosphere - Diagnostics of the Local Interstellar Gas and of Interplanetary Conditions, in: Pickup Ions throughout the Heliosphere and Beyond, J. A. leRoux, V. Florinski, G. Zank, and A. J. Coates eds. AIP Proc 978, 37, 2010.

ERIC QUEMERAIS -Ingénieur diplômé de l'Ecole Polytechnique, 1989 -Doctorat de l'Université (PhD) Paris 6 (Jussieu), 1993 -Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, 1993 to 1994. -Chargé de recherche au CNRS, Service d'Aéronomie, (since 1995) -Directeur de recherche au CNRS, LATMOS, (since 2010) Research experience: - Co-Investigator of the ALAE experiment on-board the ATLANTIS shuttle Mission. - Principal Investigator of the SWAN instrument on-board the SOHO mission. - Co-Investigator of the SPICAM instrument on the MARS-EXPRESS mission. - Co-Investigator of the SPICAV instrument on the VENUS-EXPRESS mission. - Co-Investigator and Instrument Scientist of the PHEBUS instrument of the BEPI-COLOMBO mission. Relevant publications: 1. Quémerais E.; 2000, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 358, 353. Angle Dependent Partial Frequency Redistribution in the interplanetary medium at Lyman alpha.

2. Quémerais, E., Bertaux, J.L.; 2002, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 29, n. 2, 10.1929, p. 5-1. 14-day forecast of solar indices using interplanetary Lyman a background data.

3. Quémerais, E., Izmodenov V.; 2002, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.396, p.269-281. Effects of the heliospheric interface on the interplanetary Lyman alpha glow seen at 1 AU from the Sun.

4. Quémerais E., Bertaux J.L.; Lallement R.; Sandel B.R.; Izmodenov V.; 2003, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 108, Issue A10, pp. LIS 4-1. Voyager 1/UVS Lyman $\alpha$ glow data from 1993 to 2003: the hydrogen distribution in the upwind outer heliosphere

5. Lallement, R.; Raymond, J. C.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Quémerais, E.; Ko, Y.-K.; Uzzo, M.; McMullin, D.; Rucinski, D.; 2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.426, p.867-874. Solar Cycle Dependence of the Helium Focusing Cone from SOHO/UVCS Observations: Electron Impact Rates and Associated Pickup Ions.


6. Lallement R., Quémerais, E.; , Bertaux J.L., Ferron S., Koutroumpa D., Pellinen R.; 2005, Science, Volume 307, Issue 5714, pp. 1447-1449. Deflection of the Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen Flow Across the Heliospheric Interface.

7. Quémerais E., Lallement R., Ferron S., Koutroumpa D., Bertaux J.-L., Kyrölä E. and Schmidt W., Interplanetary Hydrogen Absolute Ionization Rates: Retrieving the Solar Wind Mass Flux Latitude and Cycle Dependence with SWAN/SOHO Maps, Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 111, Issue A9, CiteID A09114, 2006.

8. Quémerais E., Lallement R., Bertaux J.-L., Koutroumpa D., Clarke J., Kyrölä E. and Schmidt W., Interplanetary Lyman α Line Profiles: Variations during Solar Activity Cycle, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 455, Issue 3, September I 2006, pp.1135-1142.

NATHAN SCHWADRON Current Position: Associate Professor of Physics, University of New Hampshire Education: Ph.D., Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1996 B. A., Physics with honors, Oberlin College, 1990 Professional Background: 2005-2010, Associate Professor, Boston University; 2005 Staff Scientist, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio; 2003-2005, Principal Scientist, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio; 2002-2003 Senior Research Scientist, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio; 1998-2002 Assistant Research Scientist, University of Michigan; March-April, 1999Senior Research Scientist, International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland; 1996-98, Research Fellow, University of Michigan; 1992-96 Research Assistant, University of Michigan; 1990-92 Teaching Assistant, University of Michigan Relevant Experience: 2005-present, EMMREM PI; 2007- present, Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), Co-I, IBEX Science Operations lead; 2005- present, New Horizons, team member of the Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) experiment; 2002 – present, Ulysses solar wind team member; 1996 – 2002, Ulysses Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer Team Member; 2005 – present, Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) solar wind team member; 1996 – 2000, Wind data interpretation and analysis of pickup and suprathermal ions; 2006 – present, Cassini data interpretation and analysis of pickup ions; 2006-present Lead for the Earth Moon Mars Radiation Environment Module.

2002, Member, NASA Sun-Earth Connections Roadmap Team; 2003-6, Member, NASA Sun-Earth Connection Advisory Subcommittee (SECAS); 2004, Member, NASA Solar System Exploration Hazards Roadmap Subcommittee; 2004-5 Co-Chair, NRC’s Solar and Space Science Subcomittee on Priorities for Space Science Enabled by Nuclear Power and Propulsion (NUCLEAR); 2005-present Lead-organizer, New England Space Science Consortium; 2005-6, Member of Living with A Star Steering Group; 2006-8 Member NASA HelioPhysics Subcommittee (HPS); 2007 Member of the Editorial Board of Space Science Reviews; 2008-present, Member of the NASA Heliophysics Mission Planning Working Group

1994-1996, NASA National Graduate Student Research Fellow; 2001 UM/AOSS Department Outstanding Achievement in Research Award; 2005 Ulysses Achievement Award – 15 Years in Orbit; 2008 NAS Group Achievement Award to as member of the New Horizons Spacecraft Development Team; 2009 One of the lead authors for “The Solar System Beyond Neptune”, which one first place in the cosmology/astronomy category of the American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE Awards). Publications (from 140) 1. Schwadron, N. A., and T. I. Gombosi, A unifying comparison of nearly scatter free transport models,

J. Geophys. Res., 99, 19,301, 1994. 2. Schwadron, N. A., L. A. Fisk, and G. Gloeckler, Statistical acceleration of interstellar pick-up ions in co-rotating interaction regions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 2871, 1996.

3. Schwadron, N. A., L. A. Fisk, and T. H. Zurbuchen, Elemental fractionation in the slow solar wind, Astrophys. J., 521, 859, 1999.

4. Schwadron, N. A., and D. J. McComas, The Dynamic 3D Heliosphere: Implications for and New Sources of its Energetic Particles, Advances in Space Research, 32/4, 531-542, 2003.

5. Schwadron, N. A. and D. J. McComas, Solar Wind Scaling Law, Astrophys. J, 599, 1395, 2003.


6. Schwadron, N. A., D. J. McComas, H. Elliott, G. Gloeckler, J. Geiss, Solar Wind from the Coronal Hole Boundaries, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A9, 4104, doi:10.1029/2004JA010896, 2005.

7. Schwadron, N. A., and D. J. McComas, Modulation of Anomalous Cosmic Rays beyond the Termination Shock, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, 10.1029/2007GL029847, 2007.

8. Schwadron, N. A., M. A. Dayeh, M. Desai, H. Fahr, J. R. Jokipii, and M. A. Lee, Superposition of stochastic processes and the resulting particles distributions, Astrophys. J. Lett., 713, 1386, 2010.