Overview of US and Japan's Digital Diplomacy

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Overview of US and Japan's Digital Diplomacy

US Government’s Digital Diplomacy

-- History, Success and Challenges -- (+some thoughts about Japan)

Makaira KK Ko Fujii


Public Diplomacy During the Cold War to Pre-Social Media Era

Two super powers trying to influence each other’s public via mass media● VOA:Voice of America

○ Since 1942 -- Started with Radio, TV in the 80’s

○ Using technology to reach○ audiences

behind the Iron Curtain> Operation Vagabond

Public Diplomacy During the Cold War to Pre-Social Media Era

● Cold war ends -- a period of identity loss for US public diplomacy

● USIA (US Information Agency) merged into the State Department (1999)

● The world splinters -- 911 (2001)● Failure of “Shared Values Initiative”

ads-based, but some attempt at social media >> Al Hurra (2004)

● Evolution of Web2.0 but not yet fully embraced “Reinventing Diplomacy for the Information Age” (1998 CSIS)

Public Diplomacy in the 2010s Networked World

● “New Public Diplomacy”(multiple actors; interactive)

> “Public Diplomacy 2.0” (digital)> ”21st Century Statecraft” - Alec Ross (social media)

● “Americac’s Edge: Power in the Networked Century” (2009 Ann Marie Slaughter)

-- “the measure of power is connectedness”● Social media is NOT a simple replacement for

international broadcasting

● Social media becomes necessary because the

landscape of diplomacy is changing

Success and challenges of 21st Century Statecraft

Arab Spring (2010)

● Success: e.g. connecting with

Egyptian entrepreneurs

● Failure to establish stability

● Alec Ross: “Social media is not

good at governance. Good at

tearing things down. Not good at

building things up.”

>> ISIS, Iran, Syria… how will US

engage with these issues?

ISIS use of Information Technology

ISIS actively uses social media for its recruiting jihadists

● Open communication: Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, video streaming

● Closed communication: Kik, Surespot, Telegram, etc

ISIS: Decentralized media approach

● A broad base of individual supporters who develop and publish content.

● Even an e-book tour guide of the Islamic State -- published by a young British Jihadist

US Countermeasures -- effective?

USA/IRAN: Attempt at positive engagement using social media

● Iran leaders active on Instagram● Mohammad Javad Zarif, Minister of

Foreign Affairs, has 388k followers on Instagram

● US officially opened the “Virtual U.S. Embassy Tehran” despite the lack of diplomatic relations

● White House opens Twitter account @Irandeal to pitch the deal to opposition -- (the line between public diplomacy and public affairs?)

Iran's Rosh Hashana Twitter diplomacy

Positively engaging the world -- country branding, culture and education

● Virtual Exchange Program

● Digital complements real

● “Brand USA” Initiative● US no.3 in Soft Power

ranking (Portland Communications ranking)(Japan no.8)

Digital Diplomacy in 2010s -- becoming more visual, emotional, and viral

● Penetration of P2P / Pictures and videos

○ Rapid and rich information flow: not only mass media but also Instagram

and Vine

○ More emotional: eg. picture of a refugee boy washes ashore in Turkey

○ Amplified empathy: find the image through your friends’ share and see it

with comments

● Reputation management on digital is a critical issue in this networked era

History of Japan’s public diplomacy● Mainly cultural exchange since the 70s:

○ Japan Foundation established in 1972, JET Program started in 1987● Advocacy and country branding started in the 2000s

○ Advocacy: End of Cold War, global instability, relationship with neighboring countries

○ Country branding: Economic down, rise of “Cool Japan”, Great East Japan Earthquake (311)

Challenges● Organizational -- siloed ministries, lack of concerted efforts● Human resources -- language, skills to engage in policy discourse● Culture -- too risk averse? ● Vision -- Do we have a strong vision? Too reactive? (US has philosophy.)

Japan’s digital diplomacy and its challenges

So many websites...

Advocacy: territorial issues, history...Country branding: “Cool Japan”, “Visit Japan”, “Invest Japan”, “MICE Japan”...

PM and Cabinet: Looks great but limited influence

Twitter Facebook YouTube

USA(WH) 7.55M 4.76M 595K

JP 169K 66K 1.4K

Pitching “PM Abe”, “Abenomics” and Japan’s other strength to the world.

PM and Cabinet: Facebook & Twitter


● Follower: 169K, Follow:19

● Contents: conference information and PM



● Fan: 66K

● Contents: conference information and PM


PM and Cabinet: YouTube

● Subscription: 1.4K

● Average Views: 400~600

● Contents: PM speech, Dignitaries visiting

Japan from overseas, Culture & People,

Japanese Cuisine, Travel & Tourism, Health

& Education, Slice of life in Japan and

International Contribution of Japan

● Top Contents: Robot (472K views) and

Washoku (285K views)



● Fan: 53K

● Content: activity updates


● Follower: 25K, Follow: 37

● Contents: activity updates


● Subscription: 15K (but mixed


Embassy of Japan in USA: still web1.0?

US Embassy NZ @usembassynz 8月30日On @nzherald by Marie Damour: Changes affecting the health of oceans: http://goo.gl/FKcVkd #SIDS2014 #oceanacidification #OurOcean2014US Embassy NZ @usembassynz 8月29日US & NZ are working to educate the public about the effects of #oceanacidification: http://youtu.be/k8CEcyZippA #islands2014 @eAsiaMediaHubUS-UN Mission Vienna @usunvie 8月28日@StateDeptOES "Learn more about #oceanacidification: http://goo.gl/5f6chq " You can also check out our video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gulab5GhHo&list=UUx6l9vXrvV4DJAUp4OJMTdQ …US Embassy NZ @usembassynz 8月27日"We cannot forget the human side of #oceanacidification." Rachel Allen, leading marine scientist, Jamaica at @samoasids2014 #OurOcean2014 StateDeptOES @StateDeptOES 8月27日#oceanacidification workshop begins in Samoa. Solomon Islands gov't minister says "workshop is just the start of our campaign" #islands2014

Japan not good at engaging -- using # and @

Citing other media

Mentioning other agencies

Linking to a video produced by a non-profit

Linking to an official video

Tweet-casting the event

Using theme-based and events-based hashtags

How US agencies engage: 2014 International Conference on Small Island Developing States

Israeli Embassy’s Shalom-chan German Embassy’s Cat

Embassies in Tokyo localizing content to fit Japanese taste

Finnish Embassy in Tokyo Finnish Embassy in DC

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マカイラ株式会社 | Makaira K.K.藤井宏一郎 | Ko Fujii 


Thank you.