Overview of LINK Project and outcomes 31 March 2010 Project funded by the European Commission, DG...

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Transcript of Overview of LINK Project and outcomes 31 March 2010 Project funded by the European Commission, DG...

Overview of LINK Project and outcomes

31 March 2010

Project funded by the European Commission, DG MOVE

- no acronym

but a symbol

- to be taken literally

Project LINK

Funded by DG MOVE (formerly TREN) 2007-2010

Consortium: 17 partners in 13 countries(research, consultants, operators, NGO)


● Fostering “intermodality” as user oriented principle for policy, planning, operating

● Creating a European Forum on intermodal passenger transport

Focus & relevance

combined use of different modes of transport on

long-distance trips (>100 km), partially cross-

border travelling, including first & last mile

few trips , but accounting for many person-km

Few people travelling long distances(10% population – 50% trips)

Considerable differences across EU

Competing first against car, second aviation

Barriers on European Level

| 5

No (powerful) lobbies /fragmented stakeholder interests

Lack of awareness of policy makers

Little institutionalisation

| 5

EU objectives

Low carbon transport

More environmentally sustainable transport

Safe, secure and high quality transport (user focus)

Multimodal and fully integrated networks

Innovative transport services and technologies

Developing the human capital

Smart prices

Liberalisation of markets (transport)

Technological progress/ information society

Related to EU policies

Action Plan Urban Transport (Sep 2009)

Action Plan ITS (Dec 2008)

Action Plan Airport Capacity (Jan 2007)

White Paper Future of Transport (expected end 2010)

Green Paper Revision of TEN-T

Research: FP7


-screening of existing research results Virtual library~350 intermodal research works

Good practice database (70 cases)

Needs for further Research e.g.

● How shall we make the best use of new IT solutions?

● Willingness to pay for additional services, e.g. information

● How shall we overcome cross-border discrepancies?

See according Report 23a and Report 23b [click directly on link]

LINK’s research

Exchange● 3 Europe-wide Conferences

● Numerous events on national level

The Working Groups

Aims: ● Bringing together a wide range of European stakeholders :

administrations, operators, researchers, lobby groups● Elaboration of strategic recommendations on means to

enhance Passenger Intermodality in Europe 5 thematic areas

● Door-to-door information and ticketing● Intermodal networks and interchanges● Integration of long-distance transport and the “last urban mile” ● Planning and implementation● Context conditions

4 meetings - more than 100 stakeholders directly involved

First time of such a broad discussion on Passenger Intermodality in Europe

The “LINK Community”

Ownership of the forumMeeting people and informal exchange


19 recommendations along 6 fields of intervention

Policy and fundingDirectives and regulationStandardisation and technologyAssessment and planningInnovative products and servicesTraining and education

Assessment: Feasibility, cost, impact, timing, other factors

Description of concrete actions: Who, what, when, where?

Most relevant document

Full document “Recommendations and Strategies for Passenger Intermodality in Europe”

Summary document “at a glance”

available next to many other documents on


Key messages

Broad agreement among experts: Urgent need for further integration of transport modes to

● increase the efficiency of the overall transport system,

● tackle environmental challenges and

● improve the service quality for the long-distance traveller.

Feasible ways to address the challenges do exist

EC with core role to initiate discussion and co-operation among relevant stakeholders and to set right framework ( new Transport White Paper)

Selected Recommendations:

White Paper for a European journey planner & ticketing / part of wider themed White Paper

Directive: transport operators to provide minimum content and quality of travel data to journey planners

TAP-TSI standard for long distance electronic ticketing compatible with local fare management

Study/ Roadmap how to technically roll out a journey planner

TAP-TSI on long distance rail ticket distributors providing joined up information on door to door ticketing (later: coach)

TAP-TSI standard for basic tariff and timetable information provided to transp.authorities

European intermodal door-to-door journey planner

Selected Recommendations- EU Funding for intermodality

Passenger intermodality funding phasing-in

Preparatory actions and first demos

Marco Polo II (freight)


(EUR 450 Mio.)

EU Intermodal Transport Funding Programme for Freight & Passenger Sector

2014 - 2021 Administrative handling by EACI


Marco Polo III (freight)

Vasco da Gama I (passengers)

Monitoring and evaluation

Selected Recommendations- Passenger rights

Awareness, information and knowledge are fundamental prerequisites for pass.rights Improving quality and transparency of pass.rights info

● by each operator

● by European platform: • all relevant information about pass.rights • covering intermodal and international trips• set of (minimum) information about different

modes, countries or contact details

cooperation of institutions:● National enforcement bodies● Conciliation bodies

Sound EU intermodal passenger rights strategy

LINK plus continuation after funding

LINK project has produced valuable outputs and network Desire to continue a stakeholder forum with a wide range of

coordination and technical activities● Workshops, conferences, networking● Good practice documentation● Creating EU policy position papers● Preparing and developing pilot projects● Supporting development of the European research agenda

Little interest from stakeholders in substantially financing such a broad reaching European activity

Problem to find organisation willing to drive continuation of LINK without funding or sufficent policy motivation

Most realistic option - pursuit of external (EU) funding ● short / medium-term opportunities : STEER, INTERREG, FP7● conditions of funding dictate what can be funded ● none of them covers full range of proposed LINK agenda

Patrick Hoenninger (co-ordinator)

ILS - Research Institute for Regional & Urban Development/ Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung

Deutsche Straße 22-24, 44135 Dortmund, Germany


phone +49 (0)231 9051-121

