Overview of Downscaling Approach. Hybrid Delta Downscaling Method Performed for each VIC grid cell:...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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WRF Daily Downscaling Method WRF output is first regridded to 1/16 th degree Then, for each VIC grid cell: WRF Daily Time Series WRF Daily CDF Historical VIC Daily CDF Bias Corrected Daily Time Series The storm size distribution and time series behavior of the simulations comes directly from the daily WRF simulations.

Transcript of Overview of Downscaling Approach. Hybrid Delta Downscaling Method Performed for each VIC grid cell:...

Overview of Downscaling Approach Hybrid Delta Downscaling Method Performed for each VIC grid cell: Hist. Daily Timeseries Hist. Monthly Timeseries Historic Monthly CDF Bias Corrected Future Monthly CDF Projected Daily Timeseries yr window Base Case WRF Daily Downscaling Method WRF output is first regridded to 1/16 th degree Then, for each VIC grid cell: WRF Daily Time Series WRF Daily CDF Historical VIC Daily CDF Bias Corrected Daily Time Series The storm size distribution and time series behavior of the simulations comes directly from the daily WRF simulations. Snohomish River Near Monroe, WA Testing Monthly Streamflow Precipitation Extremes Temperature Extremes Resolve issues related to mapping of extremes (in progress) Create a Raw WRF product (no bias correction) Downscale reanalysis run and compare to ECHAM5 historical runs (free-running GCM vs. reanalysis intercomparison) Downscale additional GCM scenarios. Remaining Downscaling Tasks Preliminary Flood Results for Selected Watersheds