Overview of agile

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Overview of agile

Overview of

Agile Methodology

Prepared By : Parul Malik

In brief, history of Software Development Processes

Waterfall Development

The Waterfall model is a sequential design process, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards through the phases. Need to complete one phase before moving to the next phase.

It is a traditional approach to software development

But, Limitations of Waterfall approach….

This approach is more costly, highly risky and

less efficient than Agile approach as any

change within the requirement would be

the costly and time taking.

Agile is not a process, it’s a concept or a set of principles.

Agile Manifesto

• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools• Working software over comprehensive documents• Customer collaboration over contact negotiation • Responding to change over following a plan• Continuous planning, testing & continuous integration

Agile Umbrella

Scrum Works….

Things we do in Scrum:

• The project/Product is described as a list of features : the backlog.• The features are described in terms of user stories.

• The scrum team estimates the work associated with each story.

• Features in the backblock are ranked in order of importance.

• Do not limit yourself to one tool

• Mix and match tools as you need

• Dynamic changes in projects

• Retrospective – Continuous improvements

• Agile manifesto (individuals and interactions over processes and tools)

Final Outcome : Will get a roadmap with the priority list

Daily Scrum Meeting to discuss the progress, plan of the day, any obstacles?

No changes during sprint

SprintInputs Tested Code

ChangePlan sprint durations around how long you can commit to keeping change out of the sprint

So instead of a large group spending a long time building a big thing, we have a small team spending a short time building a small thing.“But integrating regularly to see the whole.”

Kanban is a Lean approach to Agile Development

• Visualize the workflow• Limit the WIP (Work in progress)• Measure the Lead Time• Manage the length of the queue• No fixed timeboxes iteration• You can choose when: a. Planning b. Release c. Retrospective (Continuous improvements)

Scrum VS Kanban

Kanban Board Illustration

Thank You