Overview JavaScript

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Overview JavaScript. (Recommended Reading : Programming the World Wide Web, 4 th Edition, Robert W. Sebesta , Chapters 4, 5 – available at Steely Library). Brief History. Originally developed by Netscape: Named LiveScript In 1995, Netscape & Sun Microsystems joined forces: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Overview JavaScript


Overview JavaScript(Recommended Reading : Programming the World Wide Web, 4th Edition, Robert W. Sebesta, Chapters 4, 5 – available at Steely Library)

Brief History Originally developed by Netscape:

Named LiveScript In 1995, Netscape & Sun Microsystems joined forces:

For marketing purposes, renamed it JavaScriptBUT IT IS NOT JAVA!

Microsoft countered with VBScript and JScript European standards group ECMA (European Computer

Manufacturers Association) created a standard specification for JavaScript in the late ‘90s; approved by the ISO (International Standards Organization)ECMAScript → the official name of the standard language Several versions existSupported by Firefox, Internet Explorer etc.


Purpose A general-purpose programming language Could be used for:

Client-side programming – a collection of objects supporting browser control and user interaction

Server-side programming – a collection of objects that make the language useful on web servers, ex. for communication with a DBMS

General programming

In fact, used most often for client-side scripting:Adds programming capability to Web pagesValidate formsModify pages on the flyRead/write cookiesDoes not support however file operations, db access, networking


Implementation JS is an interpreted language

Not compiled into machine or byte codeSource code is read when it is to be run, interpreted and executed

Interpreters are part of the browserBrowsers implement different featuresBrowsers may implement the same feature differentlyVariations are greatest among older versions of browsers

JS vs. JavaJS has a different object model from Java:

based on object-prototypes, not on classes; objects are dynamic, their properties & methods can change during

executionJavaScript is not strongly typed:

vars need not be declared & are dynamically typed (=assigned values of different types)


JS code is embedded in XHTML using the <script> tag JS code can be directly embedded in XHTML document =

placed in-line up to </script> closing tag<script type=“text/javascript”><!--… Javascript here …



XHTML/JavaScript – Script Tag

XHTML/JavaScript – Script Tag– or – JS code can be indirectly embedded in XHTML

document = URL of a JS code file can be added as a src= attribute Still need the </script> closing tag

<script type=“text/javascript” src=“tst_number.js”></script>

Also need type=“text/javascript” attribute


Two locations for JavaScript code, different purposes: Script that executes only when requested (function definitions) or

that runs in response to an event (e.g. button push) can be put in the head section – the interpreter only notes the existence of these scripts, does not interpret them while processing the head

Scripts that are to be interpreted just once, as they are found, when page is loaded and interpreted, can be put in the body section

Various strategies must be used to ‘protect’ the JavaScript from the browser For example, comparisons present a problem since < and > are

used to mark tags in XHTML JavaScript code can be enclosed in XHTML comments JavaScript code can be enclosed in a CDATA section


Location of JavaScript Code

Hiding In-line JavaScript(1) If JS code contains recognizable XHTML tags (ex. <br /> in output

of JS code), need to hide it from XHTML processors (like validators) Use XHTML character data section → its content not parsed as XHTML

<![CDATA[... JS goes here ….]]> To hide this from JS interpreter, use JS comments:

<script type=“text/javascript”> //<![CDATA[ or /*<![CDATA[*/ ... JS goes here …. //]]> or /*]]*/

</script> The JS comment symbols do not bother the XML parser The JS comment symbols protect the CDATA markers from the JS

parser Note the JS comments are: // for line comments, /* */ for multiline


Hiding In-line JavaScript(2) A second technique is to use XHTML comments

Start in-line script with a comment <!-- or //<!--○ script is hidden from browsers that do not recognize the <script> tag and

from XHTML validatorsEnd script with a new line containing a JS comment followed by an

XHTML comment // -- > (same explanation as before for the JS comment //)

Code looks like:<script type=“text/javascript”>//<!--... JS goes here …. // a-- ?!// -->



Hiding In-line JavaScript(3)

Indirect reference to a JS file is the preferred approach.

What if no JS? Can use <noscript> tag to provide alternate content for users that have

disabled scripts in their browser or have a browser that doesn’t support client-side scripting.

All XHTML up to </noscript> is processed and displayed in this case. Could be warning message, link to a static page, etc.

<script type="text/javascript">…

</script> <noscript><p>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</p></noscript>


JavaScript Language JS is an object-based language, not an object-

oriented languageHas objects (that encapsulate both data and processing) and

references, like JavaNo general class definitionsDoes not have true, class-based, inheritance; polymorphism;

and subtypingHas prototype-based inheritance: its objects serve both as

objects and models of objects (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prototype-based_languages)

Has limited set of built-in objects; ex. objects that model documents and document elements

Can create “objects” on-the-fly11

Define names just like in JavaBest practice - start with a letter, not special

characterUse CamelCase notation = write compound

words in which the words are joined without spaces and are capitalized within the compound


JavaScript Variable Names

JavaScript Variable Names

Can’t use reserved words – a larger set than Java○ See


○ JavaScript names are case sensitive


Don’t have to be explicitly declared as in Java Can just start using the variable in the code, to assign it a value – will

be implicitly declared by the JS interpreter But probably not a good idea and a source of subtle bugs:

○ JS can’t distinguish a typo from a new variable name… All variables implicitly declared have global scope (=are global): can be

accessed anywhere in the same file Use keyword var to explicitly declare a variable

Variables explicitly declared outside functions are global Variables explicitly declared inside functions are local to the function

and hide global variables with same name This assures no scope clashes: if outer block declares variable foo, an

inner block that wants its own foo will use the value from the outer block if foo is not declared with var


JavaScript Variables

Note var doesn’t specify a type: var stop_flag = true, pi=3.14; Variables can “change type” as program progresses, depending upon

the value currently assigned to them → dynamically typed language A variable can have a value of any primitive type, or it can be a

reference to any object

primitive and

object storage

Programmer has to keep track of variable type if it matters15

JavaScript Variable Types

5 basic (primitive) types string numeric/number boolean undefined null

Note that these aren’t keywords to declare type as in Java! JS also includes predefined wrapper objects Number, String,

and Boolean; each contains only a property that stores a value of the corresponding

primitive type each provides useful methods to use with values of corresponding

primitive type JS converts automatically between primitive types and corresponding

wrapper objects → methods of String object can be directly used on a variable storing a primitive string value


JavaScript Variable Types

Other JS Primitive Types null

A single value, null: keyword, indicates no value, can be assigned! A variable that is used but not declared nor assigned a value has a null

value Using a null value usually causes a runtime error Ex. if foo has not been declared: var value = foo + 2;

undefined A single value, undefined; however undefined is not a keyword Is the value of a variable declared but not initialized Remains undefined until a value is assigned


Other JS Primitive Types Can find the current data type of a variable via

typeof operator(evaluates to “number”, “string” or “boolean” for primitive operand, “object” for object or null operand, “undefined” for variable that has not been assigned a value)var i = 3;var typeString = typeof i; // note no ( ) are necessary,

although can be used typeString will contain “number”


Declared with the const keyword

const RETIREMENT_AGE = 65; const SCHOOL = “NKU”;

Should be initialized when declared Can’t be changed


JS Constants

All number values are represented internally as double-precision floating-point values

Whole numbers will display as integers Can use exponent notation like Java: 1.23e45 Arithmetic operations that result in an error (ex. /0) or produce

a value not representable as a number return value “not a number”, displayed as NaN; use isNaN(…) function to check

Conversions:parseInt(…) and parseFloat(…) functions turn strings into

numbers○ They convert string up to 1st non-valid character

Other implicit conversions (called coercions)○ boolean to number gives 1 (true) or 0 (false)○ null to number gives 0○ undefined gives NaN (not a number)


Number Type

String literals = sequences of 0+ characters between pairs of either single or double quotesNo difference between ’ and ”, but end quote must match start

quote Can include escaped characters as in Java

E.g. \n, \”, \\, etc. + sign is string concatenation operator (as in Java) if either

side is a string Conversions:

toString() method of Number object turns numbers into stringsOther implicit conversions

○ JS attempts to convert to a string the non-string operator in a string concatenation operation; ex. “August” + 1977


String Type

Belong to String object, but JS automatically converts primitive string values to wrapper objects → can be used through string primitive values directly

charAt( ): “George”.charAt(2) returns ‘o’Given integer argument, returns one character (as string)Note character positions in strings begin at index 0

indexOf( ): “George”.indexOf(‘r’) returns 3Given one search string, returns its index or -1

substring( ): “George”.substring(2, 4) returns ‘org’Given start and end indexes, returns string

toLowerCase( ): “George”.toLowerCase() returns ‘george’ toUpperCase( )

Convert entire string .length: “abcd”.length is 4


String Methods and Property

Name in Upper Case



Two values: true and falseThese are reserved wordsNote – not “true” or “false” (strings)

ConversionsWhen boolean converted to string, get “true”

or “false”Empty string is considered false, all others

trueNumber 0 is considered false, all others trueUndefined, NaN and null are considered false


Boolean Type

Assignment statement uses = Statements don’t require semicolon at end

unless 2 statements on one lineHowever best practice is to terminate every line

like Java;


Operators and Statements

Operators and Statements

The interpreter will insert the semicolon if missing at the end of a line and the statement seems to be complete;

Can be a problem:return

x;If a statement must be continued to a new

line, make sure that the first line does not make a complete statement by itself.


Basically the same as Java Same numeric operators, including % Same unary operators (+, -; prefix or postfix ++, --) Same shortcut assignment operators (+=, *=, etc.) Same rules of precedence and associativity Same use of parentheses to create subexpression All numeric operations are done in double-precision floating point

division does NOT truncate integers:var i = 3 / 2; gives 1.5, not 1 as in Java

Operators (other than + operator) can be used with strings to get numeric results i.e. var value = “3” * “4”; gives 12; coercion done by JS interpreter


Arithmetic Expressions

Pretty much the same as in Java if(control_expression) { … } if(control_expression) {…} else {…} Use ..else if.. like Java switch

Same syntax as Java; control expression and case labels can evaluate to number, string or boolean value; case labels can be of different types

Must use break to end execution after a match case Best practice is to use Java-style indentation Also has Java-style conditional expression operator ? : Compound statement

= a sequence of statements delimited by braces Not allowed in JS to create variables local to compound statement → such

vars are visible either in whole document or function where are declared


Conditional Statements

JS uses same comparison operators as Java==, <=, !=, etc.If comparison mixes numbers and strings, strings

are converted to numbersi.e. 3.0 == “3.00” evaluates to trueIn switch, case 3.0 and case “3” are the same

In addition, uses === and !==“Strictly equals” (or not)In this case, no type conversion is done / allowedVariables must match in type and value


Conditional (Relational) Operators

Same as Java&& and || and !

As in Java, if 1st operand “tells the whole story”, the second isn’t checked = short circuit operators

Best practice is to put parentheses around each logical expression


Logical Operators

Basic loop statements same as in Javawhile(...) { ... }do {….} while(…)for(init_expr; continue_expr; update_expr) {….}



Iteration Also has for(variable in collection) {…}

statementin is a keyword herevariable is a varCollection is a set of values

○ Arrays, for example (covered later)○ Steps through the collection one item at a

time, assigning each value to variable


Window and DocumentThe Window object represents the browser window in which the

document containing the script is being displayedThe Document object represents the document being displayed

using DOMThe Window object is the default object for JavaScript, so properties

and methods of the Window object may be used without qualifying with the object name; window & document are properties of the Window object


Simple I/O

Simple I/O

To write to the current page, use write method of documentdocument.write(stringVar); will write the string on current page and (if proper

XHTML) display itThe code should be in body section executed &

displayed when loadedThe output written should be XHTML code = tags +




Three methods of built-in object Window are used to provide dialog box I/Oalert(string)

○ Puts up a dialog box containing the string & waits for dismissal

○ String is plain text, not XHTML!confirm(string)

○ Displays dialog box with OK/CANCEL and returns true or false depending on button pressed


Simple I/O


Simple I/O

prompt(string, defaultAnswerString)○ Collects a string of input from user, which

returns as its value; w/ OK/CANCEL○ Default is placed in text box

In all three cases, browser waits for a user response before JS interpreter continues



Create XHTML + JavaScript Output: a table of the numbers from 5 to 10 and their squares and cubes, using tables.




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