Overview - eCorner€¦ · Secure hosting and PCI DSS compliance ... Web designers can use CSS to...

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Advanced multi-supplier solution for IT Resellers eCorner - the smarter way to sell online

Overview (For Merchants)

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Version 6.16 – Commercial in Confidence Copywrite (c) 2018 eCorner Pty Ltd

Contents Resellerate – Advanced multi-supplier solution for IT resellers .................................................................. 3

Resellerate features summary .................................................................................................................. 3 ePages – Powering Resellerate eCommerce ................................................................................................ 5

Built-in eCommerce Features for Successful Sales ................................................................................... 5 Merchant controls – Features Settings ........................................................................................................ 7 Smarter Pricing – Smarter Selling ................................................................................................................. 7 Intelligent Content Creation and Management ........................................................................................... 8

Content helps sell products ...................................................................................................................... 8 Customer Groups – Business to Business Control........................................................................................ 9

Importing new customers ......................................................................................................................... 9 Price Lists – Manage Customer Margins ...................................................................................................... 9 Mark-up Rules – Get the Price Right .......................................................................................................... 10 Supplier Product Feeds and Suppliers ........................................................................................................ 11

Data Feed Import Order ......................................................................................................................... 12 Manufacturer and Supplier Management ................................................................................................. 13 Quotes Creator – Convert to Orders .......................................................................................................... 14

Advanced Quote Search ......................................................................................................................... 15 Negotiate with the customer .................................................................................................................. 16 Important information available at a click ............................................................................................. 16 Split Purchase Orders to Multiple Suppliers ........................................................................................... 17

All Content is Created and Maintained by the suppliers’ feeds ................................................................. 18 Create Categories ................................................................................................................................... 18 Create Products ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Manage Mark-up by Product .................................................................................................................. 19 Icecat data managed by product ............................................................................................................ 20 Manage Suppliers by Product ................................................................................................................. 20 New Advanced Product Search Features................................................................................................ 21

Updates and Upgrades ............................................................................................................................... 21 Secure hosting and PCI DSS compliance .................................................................................................... 21 Company Information ................................................................................................................................ 22

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Resellerate – Advanced multi-supplier solution for IT resellers

Resellerate from eCorner combines the power of ePages with great new functionality that allows a business to automate the management of product content and automate product management processes.

Resellerate features summary

Automated supplier data feeds to create and update products and categories help to keep your catalogue up to date

Automated data feeds maintain daily price and stock levels

Integrated Icecat – open catalogue management – quality product images and content

Price comparison across multiple manufacturers / distributors / suppliers (“suppliers”) to maximise competitiveness

Display of multiple prices in-store; including tax, excluding tax and Recommended Retail Price (RRP) all available

Display multiple supplier warehouses with stock availability and price

Display cheapest supplier and/or cheapest in stock

New Customer Groups and Mark-up rule management to simplify B2B pricing – tailor your pricing/discounts to your customers

Quoting system to allow for merchant or customer generated quotes, quote negotiation and communication

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Quote to order creation with multiple purchase orders to separate suppliers for drop-shipping

Note: In this document Supplier refers to supplier and/or manufacturer and/or distributor.

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ePages – Powering Resellerate eCommerce

Behind Resellerate is the powerful ePages eCommerce software. Resellerate has been built using the ePages software development environment and using the ePages APIs to ensure stability, maintainability and performance. Resellerate can be used in the ePages Mass Hosted environment, with ePages Enterprise as a dedicated solution or using ePages Multi-store solution for franchises or dropship solutions.

Built-in eCommerce Features for Successful Sales ePages comes with many great features that are all available to use with Resellerate. This makes the job of operating a complex and high volume online store simpler. Resellerate is updated for each new release of ePages to take advantage of new features in the ePages software.

Design – opening a new and innovative online shop is simple Create a shop very quickly. Neither design skills nor programming experience of any kind is required. Select one of many design templates and customise it for the user experience needed. Web designers can use CSS to make extensive modifications for a more personalised design.

Shipping and payment – numerous providers already integrated Allow customers to choose methods of shipping and payment. In addition to standard options such as payment via invoice or payment in advance via credit card gateways as well as shipping via Australia Post, a great many other shipping and payment options have been pre-integrated into ePages.

International e-commerce – 15 languages and most business currencies The ePages shop software supports 15 different languages and most of the international currencies ready to do business across borders.

Multi-channel sales - eBay, Amazon and Facebook and other social networks for success Thanks to the ePages shop software, setting up to sell through an eBay, Amazon or Facebook shop is quick and simple. With just a few clicks you can add Facebook, Google+ and Twitter feeds or buttons to the online shop.

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Quality content and SEO – ensures customers find your shop via Google and search engines A high ranking in search engine results will boost online shop revenue, so you need search engine optimisation (SEO). The SEO Cockpit in the ePages shop software will help you improve the store rankings in search engines and sell more.

Customers can shop on smartphones and tablets – Google mobile friendly designs More and more customers prefer buying via mobile devices. ePages online shops provide both responsive designs or a special mobile view for smartphones; when viewed on tablets, the shop automatically scales to the correct dimensions.

Marketing – allow customers to shop smarter The online shop software by ePages makes it easy to communicate with people and persuade them to make purchases. Distributing newsletters and coupons, using Google AdWords, and selling via eBay and Amazon are achieved with minimal effort. Add products to Google Shopping and let ePages manage the updates. The “Own portals” feature allows merchants to quickly create a product data feed for any shopping or price comparison portal.

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Merchant controls – Features Settings

All the settings that control the Resellerate features can be managed through an entirely online administration back office. This puts the power to tailor the system in your hands. Resellerate is fully integrated into the ePages administration system. Each of the powerful features of Resellerate can be controlled simply by the merchant. Every company selling online has different needs and requirements. Resellerate is customisable by the merchant so that it can best fit your business requirements.

Smarter Pricing – Smarter Selling Resellerate shops work with the prices that are provided by the suppliers in their data feeds, so all products and categories can be created by the data feeds. If desired, however, additional products and categories can also be created and maintained by the merchant. Any supplier data feed can be supported and will automatically be accessed daily (or less often if required) and will update, add and delete the content that is available. Feeds are available within Resellerate for a wide variety of suppliers and new supplier feeds can be added easily. This means that the merchant has the ability to have multiple wholesale prices available to choose from so that the best margin can be guaranteed. Customer-facing pricing can be managed with intelligent mark-up rules to keep you competitive. Prices can be shown both inclusive and exclusive of tax. The system can detect the cheapest offer prices, sort and present results based on the cheapest price to make your offers very attractive. This all helps conversion while still showing the recommended retail price.

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Intelligent Content Creation and Management

Resellerate enhances the very best features of the ePages CMS to make the management of millions of products and thousands of categories fast and simple. Resellerate provides efficient automated and scheduled supplier data feeds. The system will find the data feed, validate the data and then use that feed to create or update the content in the ePages database quickly and efficiently.

Content helps sell products When dealing with thousands or millions of products it is often difficult to get the product content you want and the images that you need. This is solved by:

▪ Creating shared product images libraries and ▪ Integrating icecat – “the open catalog”.

The content for most products is updated from the Open Catalogue – icecat, which contains information on millions of products. Icecat is an independent worldwide syndicator of ecommerce product content and product statistics. Icecat has produced millions of product data-sheets in most world languages. Icecat analyses the performance of thousands of brands. Its statistics are based on billions of annual product data-sheets downloaded by the tens of thousands connected ecommerce websites: online shops, ERP systems, comparison sites, purchase systems, rating portals, and other applications. Open Icecat is an open catalogue, part of Icecat`s full catalogue, via which the product content for 300+ top technology brands is distributed free of charge.

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Customer Groups – Business to Business Control

In your Resellerate enabled shop, the prices that you provide to your customers come from your supplier’s data feeds. The merchant can manipulate those prices so that different customers, or groups of customers, can see different prices. There is always a Recommended Retail Price (RRP) but typically you will provide a price to your customer that is ‘marked up’ from the supplier’s price to ensure you are as competitive as possible. In order to set the correct price, you can create Customer Groups around which different discount (or mark-up) levels will apply. The merchant can create as many customer groups as they want and can name the customer group any name they want. In the example below the Customer Groups have been created as: Default, Silver and Gold.

The Customer Group that has the highest mark-up rate can be set as the default for New Registrations and also for New Orders without Registration.

Importing new customers Most businesses that will use Resellerate will be established businesses with an established customer base. So it is important that all existing customer information including the associated customer group and mark-up policy be moved from any old system to the merchant’s new Resellerate online store. Resellerate provides an automated capability to import the important customer information and make it available in the back office of the new Resellerate online store.

Price Lists – Manage Customer Margins

Price Lists are the basic method of determining the mark-up rate for each Customer Group. As many Price Lists as needed can be created and allocated names by the merchant. Price Lists can be set to be active within specific periods so that there is complete control to ensure that Price Lists are valid and correct.

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Each Price List is allocated or assigned to a Customer Group this is the way that the system determines how much to mark-up the supplier price for the customer. Each individual customer can be allocated to any customer group. Price Lists can be assigned to multiple Customer Groups for complete flexibility.

Mark-up Rules – Get the Price Right

Unlike normal discounts where there is a price reduction from the recommended retail price most supplier data feeds provide a wholesale price. To get to the price for the customer a mark-up percentage based on a mark-up rule is applied to the wholesale price based on the Customer Group.

The merchant sets the mark-up levels for each Price List. The mark-up percentage rates can be tiered within a Price List. The mark-up rate is set up for each Price List in the mark-up Rule as in the example below.

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Supplier Product Feeds and Suppliers

All products and categories will be created from the suppliers’ data feeds. The supplier needs contacting in order to get the required credentials for adding the supplier feed to the Resellerate product manager. Data feed credentials can be tested using the ‘Test’ button. This will not retrieve that data from the feed but it will check that the information to be added is correct. Some feeds will be sent to an email inbox which will be checked for the data feed files. These mail boxes can be POP or Microsoft Exchange Server inboxes to give maximum flexibility.

Data Feed Import Order The order in which the data feeds are imported can also be set by the merchant. The first feed imported will be used to create products and categories and will be used as the base feed. This ensures that the most suitable supplier for each merchant can be used to setup defaults.

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Manufacturer and Supplier Management

After the data feeds have been imported for the first time Resellerate automatically creates all of the supplier and manufacturer information. These are associated to default suppliers but the system offers the flexibility to change the supplier to manufacturer default relationship. You can select the supplier for each manufacturer and you can also elect to ignore any manufacturers.

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Quotes Creator – Convert to Orders

Resellerate provides an easy to use summary that allows the merchant to get to the right quote every time. Every new quote that is created by a customer triggers a notification that is sent to the merchant. So the merchant should never miss a new quote. Quotes are listed by each administrator who creates quotes and each customer who has created a quote will be listed separately. History is kept so that the merchant has total control.

Once a quote is selected all of the relevant information is visible on one screen allowing the merchant to better manage the negotiation with the customer.

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Advanced Quote Search There may be 1000’s of quotes that are started and kept in the system and finding the right quote is essential. The Advanced Quote Search capability speeds up the process.

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Manage Profit Margins by Line Item The profit margin is always visible and you can manage the margin for each line item in the quote. The margin can be managed by a fixed amount or by a percentage of the product price.

Negotiate with the customer You can update the quote and it can be immediately viewed by the customer online. A quote can also have unique terms and conditions applied at the time that it is updated. A quote can be sent to customers via email as a PDF. Once everyone is in agreement you can create an order and can send the order to the customer to complete the sale.

Important information available at a click Each quote can be modified in real time and margins compared to make the most profit. You can select the best price or the best stock availability. An alert is presented if the price plus mark-up exceeds the recommended retail price.

With thousands of products to choose from making sure that the correct product is added is very important. Product information is immediately visible for every product to ensure that the correct product has been added to the quote.

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Split Purchase Orders to Multiple Suppliers Once a quote has been agreed you can convert the quote to an order. Quotes can contain products from many different suppliers. Some products might be available only from a single source while others will be available via multiple suppliers. The customer can add multiple products to the quote, as such, the order may need to be fulfilled by multiple suppliers. You can choose to source specific products via different suppliers to get the best margins. Resellerate offers the ability to create multiple Purchase Orders that will automatically be sent to each supplier in the order all with one click. Individual Purchase Orders can be independently updated with information like shipping costs.

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All Content is Created and Maintained by the suppliers’ feeds

Create Categories All categories and products in the shop are created by the data feeds from your suppliers.

You can also create new categories and products manually these will not be maintained by the data feeds but must be maintained manually.

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Create Products All products created by the supplier data feeds are updated daily automatically.

Additional products can be created by you and assigned to a category of your choice, these created products will not be maintained by the data feed.

Manage Mark-up by Product

All products that are created by a data feed will initially be assigned to the default Mark-up rule. Mark-up rules can then be changed on an individual product basis to improve or manage margins as needed.

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Icecat data managed by product Icecat data can automatically be created and set-up in a product based on the manufacturer product number. However, you may want to manage some product content yourself and so the information can be overridden on a product by product basis.

Manage Suppliers by Product Each product has a tab for suppliers. The ‘Suppliers’ tab shows all suppliers that have that product in their data feed. A default supplier can be set for each product that will override the general default.

Warnings will be shown when products from a particular supplier are not updated in the daily data feed.

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New Advanced Product Search Features Products can be searched for using the Supplier and Manufacturer filter.

With thousands of products in each online store finding the right product for administration might be difficult. Resellerate has enhanced the already powerful ePages search by adding a filter for both Supplier and Manufacturer.

Updates and Upgrades

Resellerate is constantly being improved with new features to support the many business requirements of complex B2B and distributor environments. eCorner updates Resellerate in line with the important new releases and versions of ePages. New versions, updates and upgrades are completed and tested by eCorner to ensure that a reliable business solution is delivered for the merchants who use Resellerate.

Secure hosting and PCI DSS compliance

All Resellerate enabled online stores are hosted in eCorner’s Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard v3.2 compliant secure cloud environment. You can be assured that your online store is hosted in our enterprise grade environment for maximum uptime and reliability for your business.

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Company Information

eCorner is a leading provider of secure eBusiness and eCommerce solutions. We deliver a range of technology and services to our customers and partners. Our services are wide ranging from general business consulting to specialised eCommerce advice. We undertake projects for our customers and partners to deliver Information Technology Solutions to meet changing business needs.

Contact Details eCorner Pty Ltd (ABN # 25 107 795 568) Head Office: Mailing Address: 5/310 Victoria Road PO Box 938 Gladesville NSW 2111 Gladesville NSW 1675 AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA Freecall Australia: 1800 033 845 Freecall New Zealand: 0800 501 017 International Phone: +61 2 9494 0200 Fax: +61 2 9817 8975

Enquiries email info@ecorner.com.au

Corporate Website www.ecorner.com.au

LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/ecorner

Facebook www.facebook.com/eCornerStores