Overseas France short summary

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Overseas France short summary

1. French Overseas Territories Study the map and know where they are located 2. Statistics 3. Population of Overseas France Metropolitan (European) France accounts for 82.2% of the land territory, and 95.9% of the population of the French Republic. The five overseas departmentsMartinique, Guadeloupe, Runion, French Guiana, and Mayotte have the same political status as metropolitan France's departments. Overseas collectivities/territories have more autonomy (freedom to make their own laws). Metropolitan France = 63 million 4. Runion 5. Guadeloupe 6. Martinique 7. Saint Pierre and Miquelon 8. New Caledonia 9. Mayotte 10. French Polynesia 11. Saint Martin 12. Representation in the French National Assembly In the 13th Legislature (2012-2017), the French overseas departments and territories are represented by 27 dputs, or 4.7% of the 577 dputs in the National Assembly: Runion: 7 dputs Guadeloupe: 4 dputs Martinique: 4 dputs French Polynesia: 3 dputs French Guiana: 2 dputs Mayotte: 2 dput New Caledonia: 2 dputs Saint Pierre and Miquelon: 1 dput Saint Martin: 1 dput 13. Representation in the French Senate Since September 2011, the French overseas departments and territories are represented by 21 senators in the French Senate, or 6.0% of the 343 senators in the Senate: Runion: 4 senators Guadeloupe: 3 senators French Guiana: 2 senators French Polynesia: 2 senators Martinique: 2 senators Mayotte: 2 senators New Caledonia: 2 senators Saint Martin: 1 senator Saint Pierre and Miquelon: 1 senator 14. Though there have been independence movements, overseas France has generally decided to stay part of France For example: Maritinique 80% against more autonomy in 2010. Mayotte voted not to be independent in 1976 New Caledonia politics ruled by the anti- independence party. Guadaloupe's strong independence movements in the 1970s and 1980s lead to more autonomy and now few want full independence. 15. Martinique 16. Benefits of staying with France Stability Newly independent countries often have long periods of unrest, threat of a dictatorship coming to power. Being part of France is safer. Economy Countries under French rule enjoy economic support from the EU and generally better living standards than their neighbor countries. French Identity Some countries have closer ties to France than to neighbor countries. 17. Guadeloupe, during the 2009 Caribbean General Strike 18. Negatives of staying with France Less autonomy Only have little or no representation in many laws that govern them. High cost of living French prices, local wages. Inequality similar to colonial system 2009 Caribbean General Strikes Violent riots that shut down the tourist season. Anger about cost of goods. 1% of the population, the white French descendants, own most of the industry. Result: Increased minimum wage, compromise with France.