Overcoming challenges in Mounting Metrology · PDF Overcoming challenges in Mounting...

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Overcoming challenges in Mounting Metrology Equipment Subsea

Aberdeen June 2014

Peter Major

Sonardyne Survey Support Group


Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle



• Summary of metrology data collection

• Why there is a requirement for an industry standard metrology connection point

• Specific design features of the Sonardyne stab and receptacle


Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Why the requirement for an improved solution

• Metrology systems mounted on structures using a physical connection point

• No standard in place - connection points determined:

– late in design process

– or after manufacturing has begun.

• The precision and repeatability of docking into this connection affects accuracy and time

• Due to uncertainty, the estimated error determination is complex.

• Reducing QC checks saves time


• The most common method of collecting metrology

measurements uses a form of LBL acoustics.

• Acoustic transponders are mounted onto structures

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

What measuring equipment is used


What’s missing from this field?


Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Summary of Metrology Measurements


1) Horizontal Distance

2) Vertical angles

or difference in

elevation (depth)

3) Pitch of the two


4) Seabed


5) Horizontal connections

require the accurate

measurement of

horizontal angles

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Summary of Metrology Measurements


Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Step by Step to Acoustic Metrology

• Deploy Compatts in stands to seabed as part of an array

• Perform depth loops between structues and seabed array using

handheld depth sensor

• Place metrology Compatts/GyroCompatts in structures

• Rotate the Compatts usually to all four quadrants measuring pitch and


• Possibly install other Compatts in structures for heading

determination or collect heading measurements from GyroCompatt

• Collect baselines

• Perform metrology calculations


The spool design modelling will consider a number of variables

• Construction and material composition of the connector

• Expansion capabilities of the connector

• Environmental loading on the connector from current and waves

• Friction between spool and seabed

• Connector design life

• Tie-in flange misalignment

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Improved Error Budgets


The spool design modelling will consider a number of variables

Tie-in flange misalignment is derived from metrology error budgets

• Acoustic baseline measurement (inc SV measurement),

• Dimensional control errors,

• Inclinometer sensor error,

• Depth sensor error,

• Heading sensor error

• Errors in mating the metrology instruments with the structure

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Improved Error Budgets


The spool design modelling will consider a number of variables

Tie-in flange misalignment is derived from metrology error budgets

Error budgets are not clear if precision of mating between sensor and structure is uncertain

Better appreciation of this precision will improve error budgets - resulting in the better determination of required tolerance

Higher tolerances require greater care and possibly money

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Improved Error Budgets


Reducing the requirement to rotate Compatts for attitude measurements could save much time

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Time savings

Activity Time

Deploy Stand C6 to seabed and position 45

Deploy Stand C6 to seabed and position 45

Deploy Basket to Seabed with Hub C6s 15

Install Hub 1 Beacon 10

Install Hub 2 Beacon 10

Depth Loop (4 beacons) 20

Depth Loop (4 beacons) 20

Depth Loop (2 beacons) 10

Inclinations and Ranges (2 Beacons, 1 Quadrant) 30

Inclinations and Ranges (2 Beacons, 1 Quadrant) 30

Inclinations and Ranges (2 Beacons, 1 Quadrant) 30

Inclinations and Ranges (2 Beacons, 1 Quadrant) 30

Inclinations and Ranges (2 Beacons, 1 Quadrant) 30

Array Calibration 10

Recover Stand C6 15

Recover Stand C6 15

Recover Hub C6s and Basket 15

Total 380

6hrs 20 mins


Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Different stabs and receptacles


• Yes – stabs and receptacles have been used for a long time

• However, they are never to the same standard so error budgeting problems remain.

• Contract to do metrology may be awarded very late in the project

• The structure may already be designed or even on the deck of a vessel heading offshore

• How can we tackle these problems?

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Practical problems typically encountered


• The key is to have a standard receptacle transition piece

• Included in the structure design and dimension controlled survey.

• A known point to connect measuring equipment to.

• with known precision and offsets to hubs to use in the error budget.

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Receptacle Transition Piece

Standard 125LW Pipe Flange


• Receptacle bolted into this transition piece

• Ideally installed prior to dim con for optimum results

• Or installed ‘last minute’with alignment between receptacle and transition piece verified dockside

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Metrology Receptacle


• Our proposed stab

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Metrology Stab


• Stab bolted onto the measuring equipment and surveyed in by the

survey company

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Stab Attached to Measuring Equipment


• The stab can then be

mated into the

receptacle subsea

• A tell-tale flag ensures

it’s docked fully

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Stab and Receptacle Mating


• The tell tale

• 45 degree cone

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Receptacle Features


• The bar in the slots gives a

larger distance to enable

better heading alignment


• O-ring helps mating


Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Stab Features


Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Complete Installation


• Sonardyne Baseline article: Technip in Egypt

• Used GyroCompatts with precise stabs and receptacles. Soon found no

requirement to perform attitude measurement rotations. Time saved!

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Practical Example


• Design has been optimised for acoustic transponders

• But as long as receptacle transition piece has been installed, other

bespoke receptacles can be bolted on

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Other Measuring Tools


• The next step is to get industry agreed and then ask the structure

designers to build this receptacle transition piece into all structure

designs on suitable parts of the structure

• Better communication between those designing connectors and those performing metrologies could result in designs that are easier and cheaper to measure and install

Do we all agree?


Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle

Greater co-operations in industry



• Summary of metrology

• Why there is a requirement for an industry standard metrology instrument connection point

• Specific design features of the Sonardyne stab and receptacle

• Practical example

Sonardyne Metrology Stab and Receptacle




Are there structure design engineers in the audience who we can contact

to make this happen?

Peter Major

Sonardyne International Ltd
