Over protective parents

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of Over protective parents

Over Protective Parents Preventing Developmental


A Presentation by

Richard Schall

Harvy Clarizio & George McCoy

“dependency, anxiety and insecurity, aggressiveness, and achievement motivation

are factors that are commonly involved in child and adolescent problems.”



Dependency may involve child-adult relationships in which the child is often seeking help and physical contact, engaging in

attention-seeking behavior, and maintaining physical proximity to

the adult.



Over Protective Parent

Seen as contributing to a child's

overdependence and interfering with the

move toward greater independence

Remember that Erikson proposed an 8 stage theory of psychosocial

development, from infancy to old age

Stage Two: 18 Months To 3 Years

Autonomy vs Doubt This stage focuses on self control and self confidence and Erickson

points out that this is the stage where an overprotective parent can do the most damage. The

child wants autonomy. We’re all familiar with the two hour wait because they have to tie their

own shoes. We wait because in this stage, failure to reinforce

these efforts will lead the child to doubt themselves and your trust

in them.

Preschoolers with restrictive,

overprotective parents =

shame & self-doubt

The overly dependent child is more likely to become a passively dependent individual.

Maturing children become less dependent on their parents, with a

resulting decrease in the dependent behaviors,

and become more dependent on peers for approval and attention.

The uniqueness of adolescence has long been recognized as a key

crossroads in human development.

Robert HavighurstThe mastery of eight developmental

tasks is critical to adolescent adjustment

1.Achieving new and more mature relations with age-mates of both sexes.

2.Achieving a masculine or feminine social role.

3.Accepting one`s physique and using one`s body effectively.

4.Desiring, accepting, and achieving socially responsible behavior.

5.Achieving emotional independence from parents and other adults.

6.Preparing for an economic career.7.Preparing for marriage and family life.8.Acquiring a set of values and an ethical

system as a guide to behavior – developing an ideology.

Adults occasionally find it hard to "let go" of their children. They want  to keep their children with them far beyond any reasonable


This will lead to the prevention of……..

1.      Selecting a mate 2.      Achieving a masculine or feminine social role 3.      Learning to live with a marriage partner 4.      Starting a family 5.      Rearing children 6.      Managing a home 7.      Getting started in an occupation 8.      Taking on civic responsibility 9.      Finding a congenial social group  

Contributes to a child's overdependence

Interferes with the move toward greater independence

It creates shame and self-doubt

Prevents progression in later Developmental Stages
