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ISSUE No: 31 WINTER 1995


EDITORIALIt was with some trepidation that yourCommittee decided to operate a "public"raflle this year, instead of, as previously,one held only at the Annual Dinner. Butwhat a magnificent success it has been.Over f2500.00 was raised and after prizeswere paid, leaves over 11500.00 to supportfuture functions, Our sincere thanks to allthose who participated and especially toPeter (Pop) Ellis for organising andrunning the raffle for us.The Regimental Dinner in September wasalso a great success. The venue, dinner andservice were exemplary. The spirit ofcamaraderie flowed and our thanks must

go to all those who attended for making itsuch a fine evening. Particular thanks must

go to Tommy Grifliths for arranging thevenue at such a reasonable rate, to TerryOatt for the initial organisation and toMike Leach for the final organisation.(Further details elsewhere. )It is with sadness, that we record the deathin Harare of Peter Sherren, ourCommissioner from 1973 to 1978. It ispleasing to note that the present Police HQstaff visited him regularly in hospital and

attended his funeral, where both the BSAPand the ZRP flags flew side by side, a markof the high regard in which Mr Sherren washeld.Another sad note is that Terry Oatt hasresigned from your Committee, as he hasreturned to Africa. His sense of humour andhard work on your behalf will be sorelymissed, but we wish him every success inthe future. Peter Phillips, who stood do&vn atthe last AGM, has been co-opted to replaceTerry on the Committee and we welcomehim back.It may be of interest that the UK Outpost isten years old this year. Elsewhere is the first"Editorial". Throughout this time we havemany members to thank for creating andnurturing this very valuable means of"contact". On behalf of all our members wesalute you.Xmas is coming - do not forget thegathering at Trenchard House, London onthe 1st Tuesday, 5th December 1995. Wehope to see as many of you as possible. Itonly remains for your Editor, AdrienneGibbs and the production and distributionstaff of the Outpost, to wish all our readerswherever they may be, a good and merryXmas and a very happy, peaceful andprosperous 1996.

The Chairman and Committee of the British South Africa PoliceRegimental Association, United Kingdom Branch, wish all members a very

Happy Festive Season and a Peaceful and Prosperous 1996

ROLL OF HONOURObituary by Hugh Phillips of Central Branch

It is with deep regret that we advise the death onThursday. 17th August of Peter' Dems %ray' RichardsSHE~N 3862 GLM CLM OLM PCD, Commissioner ofthe BSA Police from 1974 to 1978. Mr Sherren was born inFrance in 1920 and came to South Africa in 1937, joiningthe BSAP in August two years later. His first posting was torural Victoria District where he saw service on severalstations before being transferred to Que Que. In 1944 MrSherren vvas seconded for service with thc British Militaryadministration based in Palestine. His duties embraced theliberation of the German occupied Dodacanese Islands andin this task he was a police commander, magistrate,controller of customs and ref gee camp adminis'trator as well MR SHERRY

as having to perform many other multi-faceted tasks. On his return to Southern the heart of a problem, to give wise and

Rhodesia, Mr Sherren was, as a sergeant, unbiased counsel and always to remain

member in charge of Shamva, Beatrice, controlled, considerate and "unflappable"

Bndura, and Wankie; the latter a qualities that had stood him in good

particularly "hot potato" in the 1950's. stead throughout his police service.

From there he was seconded in 1950 and Francesca, his wife of 49 years, has been

1952 for duties in Bechuanaland, and in a cheerful and untiring tower of strength

1953, Nyasaland. Commissioned in 1956, to her husband whilst in their three sons,

he was successively SDO in Gwelo, Stafl Stephen, Anthony and Michael, he and

Officer to Commissioner Spurling, Francesca found a pleasure and

commander of Umtali District, then of fulfillment which was both unique and

Victoria and lastly of Matabeleland rewarding. No obituary of Mr Sherren

Province. He held positions of would be complete without reference to

considerable responsibility during the his sporting prowess on the tennis

Royal Tours of 1953 and 1957. In 1968 courts, and which dates back to his

Mr Sherren moved to Police having been a Junior Wimbledon

Headquarters as Chief Staff officer competitor in 1936. Many were the

(administration); tvvo years later he trophies he won and even when the

became Deputy Commissioner (Crime going was tough, he seemed to be able to

and Security) and finally in February of find the time for the challenge of that

1974 assumed the mantel of game. Mr Sherren was a sportsman, he

Commissioner. Upon his retirement from was a distinguished officer and he was a

the Police in 1978, Mr Sherren became gentleman. Perhaps the closing words

chairman of the Censor Board and a should come from "the boys" and their

member of the Police conditions of short but poignant notice in the

Service Board. In these positions he newspaper, "The Anal game, set and

demonstrated a unique ability to drive to match. "

Page 2

"Jock" ZU/tA O'SKI 7922 inAustria has informed us of thedeath of his brother-in-'law, AntonJosef "Toni" BRANDL who died inJohannesburg on 3rd Ocotbcr fromcerrebral malaria. Toni grevv up inSanyatwc and was educated atUmtali Boys High. He did servicewith the Police Reserve at Inyangatogether with his late father Sepp, aformer member of our branch. .

'I'he Eastern Cape Branchadvise that 4437 Philip StuartMURRAY passed away in PortElizabeth during June 1995. Philserved 33 years in the BSAP from2nd May 1949 until his retirementas Deputy Commissioner on 1stMay 1982.

G. S. 'Bert ' SELLEI' 4586advises that he has only recentlylearnt of the deaths of thefollowing former members:-

4395 Gordon Francis 'GeoII"STOAKES passed way some timeago in Somerset 4666 GeoAreyFRANCIS

4607 F.W. R. V. 'Bill'JACQUES who apparently afterleaving the Force, joined the RAFand was killed whilst trying toavoid a school when his Jetcrashed. Bert does not recall seeingan 'obituary'.

The July /995 Fatal Outpostadvises the deaths of:-

3520 Edrick Wynne BLYTHEon 23/6/95

5984 Harold Russell (Rusty)LATHAM at Eshowe Early 1995

8103 / 9333 Donald CampbellPEACOCK at Bloemfontein 4/5/95

Zimbabwe advise the deatjt of:-W'; '"Rill" PERKINS who

passed away in August in Mutareand the branch has lost a popularand much respected member. The

funeral was well-attended,including senior members of theZRP. As a wonderful and verytouching gesture, a "fly past" wasarranged as a final tribute to onewho, over many years, put greatefforts into the PRA W. (HughPhillips)

3427 Henry Roper COOKE.Henry served from 15/11/34 to16/11/54 following which he was'Enkeldoorn' for many years.

P/r 3188 Andy JOHNSON whopassed away at the age of 83, on16/8/95. Andy will be rememberedby many as one of the 'Caterers'with the Queen Mary Canteens andalso at operational bases.

We have been advised of thedeath of 5230/7246 John WilliamROWE, who passed away inMafikeng, South Africa on 3/8/95follovving a short illness. Deepestsympathies to his wife Thelma whohas now returned to Zimbabwe.

Gerry Paxton advised us thatthe following members passed awayin South Africa recently:

5192 Stan J HANCOCK, whodied following a serious operation.Our sympathies to his family.

We were also sad to learn thatWill COURT, died in a motoraccident recently.

FINAL FAREWELLSWe sadly advise the death on

11/5/95 of . ' ~~~6, widowol' the late "3't) "Leii""Jouning, ather home in Tonbridge Wells, UK.

and in Harare of MargotWRIGHT, widow of the late 3837Basil WRIGHT

and Avril, wife of P/r 6935Colin H. GIBSON, on 24/10/95following a long illness bravelyborne.

Page 3


Tommy GRIFFITH 4212 kindly openeda fcw doors for the Branch and 4829 TerryOATT and 5479 Mike LEACH arrangedthat the 1995 Annual Dinner was held atthc Regents Park Hilton in London onFriday 29th September at a more thanfavourable rate! Some 98 members andguests sat down to a magnificent 6 coursemeal for 625! The evening consisted of 8memorable hours of reminiscing overcopious &vines, beers and spirits. BrianGibbs, the Branch Chairinan gave theRoyal and Loyal Toast. Rupert Pennant-Rae, a former financial journalist and wellknown in Rliodesian and latterly the UKbanking circles gave an excellent speechwhich included some amusing and topicaltales in his Toast to The Regiment whichwas responded to by 8009 Peter Butler vvho

traditionally toasted "Absent Friends". Wewerc fortunate to be able to put wine on thetable at the generosity of Wines of SouthAfrica who supplied us with a mix of mostpalatable wines which loosened thelarynxes suAiciently to enable TommyGRIFFITH to entertain us with severalChalapalapa stories, 4184 Peter BOSLEYgave us his rendition of the HippopotamusSong, and whilst 7391 Alan TOMS sang aballad not too well known by many,everyone joined in ivith the RegimentalSong! Nuff Said! Dave RILEY had locatedoriginals of the Players Cigarette Cardsdepicting, amongst others, Trooper Baxterof the BSAP. He had the four cardsappropriate to Rhodesia mounted and

framed, and auctioned this at the dinner,

which 6883 Tim SOMERSETT-WEBBsecured making a handsome donation ofE,300 to Branch funds. The new format ofthe Raflle has been well received by the

membership especially those who wereunable to attend and who wished to supportthe Branch by contributing andparticipating in the event. 7125 Pop ELLISably organised the whole event ensuring

the legality of our actions and we owe ™our considerable appreciation. Thc rafIIe

was split into two sections; firstly,those who attended and purchased tickets

on the night, the ivinners were 6264 Paddy

FLYNN who chose for his first prize a set

of 'Rhodesian' stamps presented by 4711

Brian CHALK, 4158 Tim WEIMER took

home f25, whilst 5761 John FAIRER-

SMITH won an Ainsley China Mug.

Thereafter all tickets sold were entered

into The Grand Draw with the first prize

of f750 being won by Associate Membe~

Bruce STROUTS tson of 6049] of Nailsea

in Avon. The second prize of f, 100 went to

a Mr D, C, HILTON of Paignton, Devon

who obtained his ticket through P/r 3376

Wally PRATT; and the third prize of D5was won by Mrs J. WALCH in

Bournemouth, who obtained her ticket

through 7460 Ron GOOD. The Committee

would like to express their grateful thanks

to all members who entered into the spirit

of the occasion by taking tickets in the

draw which raised over K2,500.00 gross.Those attending were (alphabeticaliy):-Tony ANDREW 3799, John BAKER

3941, John BALCHIN 4278, PercyBARNES 2906, Charles BENNETT111679, Peter BIDDULPH 7211, Ken

BOND 7716, Ken BOND Guest, Jack

BOND 4567, Peter BOSLEY 4184, Tonv

BRADSHAW 5044, Jack BROWN 4837,Mike BURMAN 4934, Peter BUTLER8009, Roger CAPPER 5936, ."Ray

CHEETHAM 5685, Robert CHEETHAMGuest, Eric COLLIER 3948, Sid COOPERP/r 4891, Will CORNELL 6388, DickieCOX 4413, Ted CRAWFORD 6449, PeterDANCER'i4882, ' Nighean DARLASTONGuest, R. DERRY Guest, StewartEDWARDS 5755, Peter ELLIS 7125, BillELLWAY 4728, John FAIRER-SMITH5761, Paddy FLYNN 6264, KatherineFLYNN Guest, John FOSTER 6100, TelGALLOWAY 4046, Sheila GAULT W/p

129, Brian GIBBS 6050, Adrienne GIBBSAssoc, Colin GIBSON P/r 6935, Avril

GIBSON Guest, George GLIBBERY6629, Tony GRANGER 9086, Tommy

Page 4

GRIFFITHS 4212, Dave HALLWARD4730, Bill HAND 8962, HankHANKINSON 5703, Bob HARDY 5803,Si HARTLEY 6605, Dave HAWKS 7544,»m HAZLETT 6630, ChristineHAZLETT Guest, Dave HEPPENSTALLGuest, Brian HODSON, Martin HOWELL5242, Alan LANE 5248, Mike LEACH5479, Nigel LEAKEY 8115, CliffLOVETT 4938, Allen LUCAS 4393,Lummy LUMHOLTZ 3385, BillMACKENZIE 4782, Terry MANN Guest,Jim MANN 9448, Tom MEEKIN 5615,Joe MERCER 4572, Stanley MILLSGuest, Wilfred MOLE Guest, M. MORRISGuest, Peter . ~SON 4/08,


GeorgeNICHOL Guest, Paul NICHOLLS Guest,? O*HIGGINS Guest, Jim PAINE 4382,Hywel PARRY-JONES 6609, RupertPENNANT-REA Speaker, TIm POTTER5398, : Sally PRESTON W/p 97, FredPUNTER 4853, Dick RAY 5075, DaveRILEY 5098, Noel ROBERTSON 4196, S.ROBERTSON Guest, Cliff ROGERS4735, Jim RUDDICK 8176, EdSHARROD Guest, Peter SHORT 4332,Bob SLADE 4061, Dick:, SMALLSHAW:~391 Tim SOMERSET-WEBB 6883,Randy SYMMONS 6130, Stuart.THOMPSON 7964, Alan TOMS 7391, D.Van BLERK Guest, J.C. WAKEFORD7963, N. WALLER Guest, BrianWALTHEW 7851, N. WEAKLEY NSPO,Tim WEIMER 4158, Rod WILSON 4933attd''Mick yORK 5358,:

HOOK RKVIKW"What the hell am I doing here' ?"Travels with an occasional warcorrespondent,

by Dr. Paul Moorcraft.

My first reaction to reading the 29pages that covered "Rhodesia" from 1976to 1981 and the 8 pages that mentionedhow Zimbabwe was progressing in 1987,was "What the hell WAS he doing there?"I feel that his coverage was shallow, withno real depth, no real expression ofpersonal feelings, and somewhatpatronising. There was the usual broadstatements about the attitude of whites toblacks and vice versa. I regret that thisbook has little to recommend itself to astudent of Rhodesian - Zimbab weanhistory. It is one man's very personal viewand certainly leaves the reader wonderingwhat he really was doing there! He coversother "wars", I cannot comment about hishandling of those, his reporting ofRhodesia and Zimbabwe coloured myattitude. Published by Brasseys and on salefor f.19.95 UK only.

PLEASE HELPSid Cooper left his camera at the

Hilton Hotel after the dinner and it isnow lost. If anybody can help, pleasecall Sid on 01980 610141.

THE INTERNETOur Association has moved into the

21st Century with it's appearance on theWorld Wide Web. We have our ownpage in close conjunction with the RWWpage, maintained by Alistair Honeybunin Australia at no cost to us. The addressis http: //metro. turnpike. net/R/rhodesia/bsap. html. Your Branch Chairman,Brian Gibbs has an address which isINTERNET: 100127.3073Qacompuserve. corn

Andy DOUGALL is also on the netINTERNET: 100757.3622@acompuserve. corn

Fred White in Canada is onINTERNET: fhwhitega, mars. ark. cornWhen using the addresses make sureyou type them exactly as they appearhere.

Surf the WWW and drop us ane-mail - it is quick, cheap and a lot offun. Once you are on all the addressescan be circulated.

Page 5

Ted THOMAS 5037 who has moved tothe Isle of Wight, ( See Changes ofAddress) would like to thank all membersinvolved in the production of the Outpostwhich brings considerable nostalgicpleasure, and occasional sadness, even to a"three years only" man! (Ted's commentsare similar to many received frommembers. We thank you for your kindappreciation Ted, and the many othermembers - MLL)

Bob BERGER 3363 still writesregularly from Bulawayo. Althoughmissing his local AGM due to a bout of flu,Bob keeps fairly well!

David PEAPLE P/r 19565 wrote from"Headlands". That is his house namewhich is situated in Rhynie, Aberdeenshire.He echoed the views of Maurice FEW inthe Spring edition concerning the inabilityto support. David confirms that it isHealth, Distance, Time and Money whichprevent his physical support. But despitethis, he loyally supports the Association, itsofticers, and is thankful for the effort putinto the publication of the Outpost which ishis own very pleasurable communicationwith the past.

Johnny JOHNSON 6739 made contactduring a summer visit to the UK from theCape. He passed on greetings and wishedto be remembered to all his shamwari'shere.

Peter CURRIE 8602 sends greetings tohis colleagues from Manoora, Australia.Peter having been made redundant fromthe Hotel group, has gone back to school to

study accountancy whilst Lorraine reverts

to nursing to keep Peter in beer money

His brother Jim is moving to El Paso,

Texas, when Sun International Hotels

complete their new casino. Peter had great

faith in 9361 Andy YOUNG's gift of the

gab in extricating himself from his ordeal

in Sierra Leone, and was delighted to hear

that he came out of it so well. Saddened to

learn of 6615 Alan FERGUSON's death,

Peter recalled his first posting to Mrewa

when 4946 Fats WALLER was I/c and

Alan his number 2. Also there were 6603



Brian FLORENS who later swapped with

8476 John MORRIS-SMITH who was

deported from Nyamapanda. Peter and

9191 Dave BERRY represented the BSAP

by parading in the ANZAC DAY parade.John BALCHIN 4278 met with 4284

Sid HUBBARD during Sid*s visit from

Canada John had not seen Sid for about

30 years; not only were they squad mates,

but they were also at school together. John

hopes that the Association continues to

flourish, albeit not quite so vigorously asin the past. We may be a dying breed but

we remain a proud one! Sentimentsechoed by us all John!

Jim PAINE 4382 took a summer trip to

visit 3010 H C "Jim" RUSSELL-GOGGSat his home near Lymington. J. R-G. whois now 89, has a very clear recollection ofnames, places and characters of Buhera in1925! He produced photographs which he

had printed himself,using a DIY ContactPrinting Kit which wasavailable in those days: ' '

which was suitable forhis 6/20 film from hisBrownie Box Camera.The snaps of Chiwonaand Matendere Ruins of himself mountedfor patrol with rifle bucket and rifle

properly in place are a tribute to Jim' s

care. I noticed that Jim was vvearing'Leopard' skin gloves and he told me that

they were an affectation of the Troopers in

Page 6

Griffin Travel Ltdin conjunction with Alex and Brenda Aldridge ("Flame Lily")

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It is essential to quote "Flame Lily" when making enquiries orbookings to obtain preferential fares.

Page 7

the Charter District as it gave them thechance to 'put on a bit of side'. JimPAINE's own photos of Buhera of the55-56 era seem far less interesting than J.R-G's!! Jim was there with WallyWILTON, Jock THOMPSON, and JohnSHIRES, and he sends his regards to themwherever they may be, and to the manyothers he served with at such posts asNuanetsi, Zaka, Gutu, Mtoko and Kariba!(Was PGHQ trying to tell Jim something?)

Lummy LUMHOLTZ 3385 wrote in thesummer that he was looking forward tomeeting his comrades at this years AnnualDinner, but not the trip to London. Hevisited the capital to go to Wimbledon

tennis and found it "Stinkinghot; a seething mass ofpeople of all colours, shapes,size and languages; exhaustfumes making breathingdifficult and cyclists wearinggas masks! What with theappalling cost of a beer or

even a grapefruit Juice, I could not getback to Cumbria quick enough!"

Keith HOLSHAUSEN 901559 inZimbabwe is into his third year compilingdetailed documentation in respect of BSAPGallantry Awards, including the Silver andBronze Baton. As this forms a veryimportant part of our history and a copy ofthe final document will be housed in our'Museum Exhibit', members who havereceived such awards are asked to contactKeith to confirm the data he holds, and ifnot included, to ensure your details arenoted. Keith's address is 17 Shottery Road,Greystone Park, PO Borrowdale, Harare,Zimbabwe. Keith had been unable to locatethe RGN/Gazette or even the Force Orderwhich promulgated the use of The PoliceBaton. He thinks it was about the sametime as the "Pick" in 1970. Can anyonehelp?

George HICKINBOTHAM 6087 isexpanding his business empire. In additionto the general store, George and Clarissahave now taken over the local Post Officeand are State Lottery Agents! Business is

so good, it is affecting the Bowls so he has

taken on a full time assistant. (Well gone

George, hard work does pay off - MLL)G. S. "Bert" SELLEY 4586 had

visitors at the end of January. The first

was Pete PEGRUME a former Signals

Offiicer in Kenya, probably known to those

who went on detachment there during the

Mau Mau troubles. Within a couple ofhours of Pete's departure 4663 Henry"John" SAVAGE dropped in. John and

4582 John JANNAWAY who now has a

service station in Mutare, were members

of both Football and Boxing teams during

their service. They were all were together

in the 1952 Remount squad under 3921'Bill' EARLE to whom John wished to be

remembered. Also in that same remount

squad was 4655 Henry WRIGHT ofWright's Wines in Australia!

John ROBERTSON 4916 has finally

retired, but like the razor advert, he likes

the district so much that, even though he

could not buy the place, he has decided to

remain in the Chicheley Area, moving

into a local farm cottage.Ernie ODENDAAL 3671 is still in

Forfar.Mike CUNDY 8457 is now working

for an International company that

specialises in the transportation ofvaluable commodities. He is currently

setting up an office in Uzbekistan! Mike

has met with 7158 Doug STANYON who

works for the same group in Australia and

met with 5075 Dick RAY in Sierra LeonePhil BANISTER (Widow of the late

3993 Tom BANISTER) acknowledgedreceipt of the Outpost, returning her raffle

tickets as an excellent idea, and sends her

regards to all her former friends and

associates.Bruce GATES 4428 continues to work

in the UAE where he has a work permit

until January 1998. Although unable to

attend this years dinner, Bruce hopes to be

with us in September 1996. During his

annual leave in January 1996 Bruce hopes

to visit his brother-in-law 4014 SpikeHUGHES who suffered a stroke in August

Page 8

which has left him almost blind and withslight paralysis (We wish you a speedyand complete recovery, Spike - MLL]Bruce congratulates all involved in theconsistently high standard of our Outpostwhich he says "is eagerly awaited. It isgood to hear how old friends andcomrades are faring and one only wishesto make the time to catch up with them allfor a beer and a chat. Perhaps when onpension I will be able to do it!"

A. Bruce FINDLAY 7920 is anIndependent Distributor for QuorumInternational (UK) Ltd working from hishome in West Ferry, Dundee.

John TURK 4809 in Haslemere hasdecided that as there are so few calls onthe Trust Fund, he will make his donationto the Association for the foreseeablefuture. Members are asked to get in touchwith a member of the committee if theyknow of any member who may be in need.The Trust is there to help and it can all bedone anonymously.

Neal ARDEN 3004 has a clash offunctions which inhibits his attending theAnnual Dinners, but he sends his regardsto all, and especially to our OldestMember at 987 He comments "I await myturn" but I suspect that if Edgar has anysay in it, Neal's turn will never come!

Dave WALKER 7022 enjoyed the lastedition of Outpost and really didappreciate the "Get Well Message". Dave,we hope you continue to improve, take lifeeasy and make a speedy and completerecovery.

In news from Central in our lastedition, 4804 Lyn HOWARD was seekingthe whereabouts of WPO Lorraine AMOS.Well, Sue PERKINS advises that Lorraineruns a number of small shops at VictoriaFalls and can be contacted c/o theSprayview Hotel there.

A.A. 'Tony' GRANGER 9086 has hitthe news in the Financial World. Anarticle in the Financial Adviser of 20/7/95reveals that Tony is the author of a


Page 9

FLARES IN VOGUE?Gerry Paxton and George Glibbery

number of books and he has degrees in lawand commerce. He has now beencontracted by Random House, (The thirdlargest publishing house in the world) towrite a book on 'corporate wealthstrategies'. The book, "Wealth Strategiesfor Your Business" which will cover 500wealth-building strategies isdue to be published early in1996 and will cost K14 inpaperback form. The bookwill be essential reading forindependent financialadvisors, marrying businessbenefits and personalw e a 1 t h - c r e a t i n gopportunities and is applicable for both thehighest paid director as well as the lowestpaid employee.

John NEALE 4996 received hisSummer Outpost to coincide with a minordisaster in his garden shed. Thecoincidence was that in clearing up thegarden shed he came across RhodesianMemorabilia of 40 years + thought to havebeen lost yonks ago. Regrettably the photosare not suitable for printing but theyinclude [a] Guy Storry with John's dogBoots and Taffy Morgan with his dogBruce at Rusape Police Station of 1953/54,[b] Goofy LAWRENCE, Robbie


taken next to their transport en route to

Gorongoza in 1954, [c] John himself o"horse patrol and also in Rhyalls Bar(where else?) in Blantyre 1959! and finally

[d] The Rusape Constabulary of 1954:Jacko JACKSON, Ron DOWLING, Sgt.

Bill HODGES, Malcolm 'Death'MURRAY, Charlie ALDRIDGE and John

himself. Although John finds difliculty in

attending our functions he remains very

active with the IPA being Vice Chairman

of the Surrey Region With 40 years service

with the IPA he has now held one

committee post or another for the last 26

years!John has also remained in contact with

Chief Inspector Joe Frost, a "Brit Bob" at

Independence. Joe retired last year as

Deputy Chief Constable of Gwent

Constabulary but continues as Director ofInternational Police Studies at Bramshill.

He is in liaison with 7852 David BLAKEnow Deputy Commissioner (Personnel)who is one of 5 remaining BSAP

personnel still with the ZimbabweRepublic Police.

Cliff LOVETT 4938 has retired from

his MOD post and hopes to spend more

time with his family in Germany where

his two daughters live.Mike DAY 5132 has made contact

from Sunningdale in Durban, RSA. where

he has spent the last 11 years with BeaconSweets as Security Manager. Also with the

same company are 6695 Peter LYES and

7635 Noel KENNEDY and 7464 TonyMcKAY. As 65 looms, his retirementhome may well be influenced by his one

daughter in Johannesburg and another in

Afghanistan! Sadly their eldest daughter

died 3 years ago.Mike 4595 and Hazel BROOKES have

comfortably settled into their home in

Nerja, Spain, which they have now called"Jacaranda". Mike has made the effort tovisit Gerry WINCHCOMBE who makes

slow progress in his recovery. (Thank youMike for the update - MLL.) Mike's

lifestyle is so comfortable that he has been

Page 10

able to reduce his blood pressure tabletstrength by 50%. Mike and Hazel hope tobe in the UK in August/September 1996wlien they will visit Trenchard House andineet up with old friends and colleagues.

Mike "Kudu" TAYLOR 5653 visitedhis mother-in-law, Stella COULSON inEsigodini (Essexvale) in May this year.Also in the area were 6847 Tim CHERRYone-time Magistrate and now an Advocate

Bulawayo, Rex KILLICK also aMagistrate, Squaki GARROD, (ividow ofthe late 4551 Ken) and Pam ADDISON(widow of the late 3788 Vic), who arekeeping well. Vic ADDISON was Mike'sfirst Member I/c at Kezi in 1957. The Sgtwas 4874 Roy Merricks, and the other'Troop' was Ian HOGG. It is reputed thatVic was the member who had the mostCharges during his 20 years service! Mikenow lives in Hillcrest, Durban, and oftenmeets up with 6422 Lionel BAKER and91116 Brian NEEL both working forHuletts Sugar in Durban and 6559 BarryDYKE former BSAP and RRAF whoworks in Queensborough. (Thanks for thenews Mike - MLL)

Mike EDDEN has joined forces withlan 'Tufty' BATE (Ex Army) andpui'chased a personnel recruitment firmwhich they call "Curriculum" inBraamfontein, Johannesburg where Mikeis also Managing Director of BusinessSupport And Promotions. (Where do thoseinitials come from?) Mike is preparing toput together a team of former BSAP andArmy personnel for a contract with UnitedNations in Rwanda. Whilst CID and SBwill have a high priority, administrativeback-up will also be needed. The salariesivill be very attractive, and they are notlooking for the "Young and Active". Mikeis very mindful of the lot of our moreelderly colleagues in early retirement, andsome international companies from time totime seek Temps or Locums which couldprovide well-paid short term employmentin South Africa, Europe and othercountries. If you would like Mike to getyou onto his books, why not drop him a

line at P.O. Box 2564, Johannesburg,2000, RSA stating a preference for thetype of work you may require. It couldhelp you!

Another who sent apologies for thisyears dinner - "due to the exchange rate"-was 4599 Ken HUMPHREYS from PortElizabeth. Ken was one of the PEcontingent who travelled to Grahamstownto attend the funeral of 4437 PhilMURRAY at the beginning of August.7157 7 Reg GRAHAM and 3368 RolandGRIMES were also there but apologieswere noted from 4747 Gerry DAY and4525 Wally BARBER.

Roger BARNARD 7015 is with theBedfordshire Police at Luton Airportwhere he met 7002 Andy DOUGAL who"recruited" him. Roger has in turn passedon details of former members associated tohis constabulary which include 5954 JohnWRENCH, 6800 Keith BLACK, 7960Mike BUTT (recently retired), 8182 DaveAINSWORTH and 8685 Rcx PRATTEN.

David "Dutch" WILSON 6813 hasbeen "surfing the internet" inCanada making contact withmembers, If you are seekingto locate someone in Canadaor N. America. why not makecontact with Dutch, he willput his "means" to the test.

Dave BERRY 9191 has made contactfrom Cairns, Australia where their Julyand August have been the wettest onrecord, when compared to ours withsoaring temperatures and droughtmeasures. Dave is currently researching"The Seige of Eland's River/Brakfonteinduring the Boer War, in August 1900.Dave believes that amongst those fightingthe Boers werc probably some BSAP andif anyone can assist him with Names, Unitor any other details, please contact himdirect at P.O. Box 7036, Cairns, 4870,Australia.

Clive TAPPER 4703 was one of manyoverseas members who although unable toattend the annual dinner, welcomed theopportunity to support the Branch through

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our Raffle and in common xvith the rest,hoped to win the first prize!

Eddic MATCHETT 4789 enjoyed thelast Outpost and recalled his visits as aFarrier to R.H. Jackie at Inyanga in the late'50's when Guy STORRY was stationedthere (The Member I/c was 3976 TaffyMorgan and the Hon Sec the JuniorTroop! ). Eddie, many thanks for thedonation to t.he Trust Fund in memory ofGuy! (Donations in memoriam are alwaysaccepted whenever your funds allow you tomake the donation!) Eddie had his"quarterly dinner" vvith 5615 TomMEEKIN in July when copious ale wasquaffed and memories relived.

Richard WARWICK 4240 sent hisapologies for the dinner from Wyre Piddleand was sorry not to meet up with his oldcomrades 4413 PRM 'Dickie' COX fromCanada and 4239 Guy TODD.

Mick SERGEANT 6906 was trying tobuy some Castle or Lion in a Bottle Storein Sandy vvhen he met with Fred PUNTER.Mick is with Group Four Security andmembership forms have been sent to him.

Barry HENSON 5662 @PM has nowretired from the PNG Police and is a ChiefSecurity Officer for the UN for that regionof the world.

Peter PHILLIPS 6905 in the course ofhis work met with Josh ZWIMBA, aMashona brought up in Matebeleland. Heis working in this country as a Missionary.(There's a turnabout for you!) Josh hasrecently come over from the old countryand comments "The old place is not thesame you know!" Indeed we do!

John NEALE 4996 was purchasing hisdaily paper when the newsagent told himthat a chap had been in the day before whohad a relative in the Rhodesian Police. The"relative*' turned out to be MauriceCOOPER- JONES. A telephone callascertained that the "chap" was in factJohn FORBES, brother-in-law of Mauriceand also of Bill BOYD. Both Maurice andBill are in Zimbabwe and reported to bewell.

The September issue of Volume I

(being the First Edition!) of Outpost USA

has been received. Our congratulations to

6388 Will CORNELL This is an excellenteffort and ave are impressed by your LogoWill. May this become a regularmagazine/newsletter. From the USA

OUTPOST it is reported that 8158 D.G"Vic" EDWARDS PCG has moved from

Peterborough in the UK to Sparks, in

Nevada. We await his making contact and

advising of his new addressIan DUNBAR 5998 sent thanks for the

last edition of Outpost and stated "It is

always sad to read the obituaries, whether

or not they refer to someone who was

known personally, but the mention of DocStrover's passing brought back memories

of Fort Victoria in 1959 when he was the

SMO. He was certainly someone who

deserved to be called the 'Salt of the

Earth'. Ian, like many other members was

pleased to see the raffle extended to those

who cannot make it to the dinner, and

hopes it is a success."Jock" ZURA WSKI 7922 sent

apologies from Austria for this years

dinner. Jock has spent all his money (not

to mention leave and changingemployment) on his new car number-plate"BSAP 7922" A photo is awaited! Has any

one else got an unusual number-plate/John SCOTT 5254 has recently moved

home, but remained in Cambridgeshire.Now fully retired due to medical reasons,he enjoys our Outpost which keeps him in

touch although he has to admit to not

being a Good Member. John at least you

keep in touch and that is Good!Andy BRYANT 4358 MBE sent his

apologies for the Dinner, and comments"It took me 37 years to join the

Association after leaving the Force and

now I know how much I missed during

those years. I can't tell you how much I

enjoy reading each new Outpost. It takesme back many many years when I see all

the names of chaps I served with. GeorgeKAY at one time allowed me to ride R.H.

Fancy, and during a Saturday afternoonpatrol with Fawcett-Phillips we ended up

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the Borrowdaleracecourse. Fancy gotmore and more excitedwhilst I got less and lessin control. Finally shebolted down the racecourseand into the distance,much to the delight of thepunters! Whilst many names flooded back,we certainly seem to have spread ourselvesaround the four corners of the globe. TheBSAP was a wonderful training groundfor so many things and I am both proudand grateful to have been a member. "

Ian BEATTIE 5942 has returned to theUK (See Changes of Address) and foundthat a change in the rules, means he cannot pass the "habitual residence test" andis being denied benefit. He wonders ifothers have experienced similardiffticulties/obstructions or whether it isJust his local area being difficult.

Don SCARFF 6509 enjoyed thesummer sunshine on the local beach andnow sports a real Rhodesian sun tan.(Didn't he always?) He hopes to spendChristmas in Toronto, and that his son,Colin. who is at college in Austin, Texas,will join the family there.

Tony ANDREW 3799 drew attentionto an item in the Daily Telegraph whichadvised that a statue to "The Lady InWhite" was being unveiled in Durban.The "Lady", Perla Siedle Gibson was asoprano with a formidablevoice who died, aged 83,in 1971. She strode alongthe dockside 'belting out "popular songs' through amegaphone to alliedsailors, soldiers and airmen as theysteamed through Durban en route to thebattle areas. She never missed a convoybetween April 1940 and VJ day. Thearticle certainly revived nostalgicmemories for Tony, and he suspects it willalso to those who were "seconded" fromthe BSAP during World War II.

John TURK 4809 was overwhelmedwhen, in recognition for his services to

RWW in West Sussex and during a Braaion 13th August, there appeared a piper infull dress who gave a rendition of "Kum-a-Kye" Sadly Jolm had to forego thisyear's dinner due to family illness. John' sletter advocates the support he hasreceived from BSAP colleagues and speakswith pride of his service with the BSAPand the fact that "The Regiment LivesOn" John generously donated his dinnerticket to a well deserving cause. Manythanks for the kind gesture John, and foryou to be thinking of us during thisdifficult time. Our prayers and thoughtsare with both you and Barbara in wishingyou well.

Fred White 4090 in Canada has madecontact over the 'Internet" with his viewson the '46'ers reunion. "Having spent sixyears in the Force I obviously madeseveral friends who were not '46'ers andas a result would suggest that it not be aseparate function from the Annual Dinner.Instead I propose that the '46'ers be seatedat one table [allowing both an exclusivegathering and a social mix of friends] andif other functions were arranged thesecould be run in conjunction with theDinner. " Fred goes on to suggest that it beoutside of Greater London as he will fly into Manchester, and the thought of havingto drive a hire car into Bamba Zonkefrightens him. Point taken Fred, but themajority rule in this instance!

E. 'Joe' SAYER 3983 sent hisapologies for the annual dinner togetherwith salaams and appreciation for ourbranch 'Outpost'. Joe and his wife Maryseem to be responding to their newmedication, albeit life is a lot slower thesedays. Despite his worries, Joe sends goodwishes to 3920 Jim CARSTAIRS onTayside as Jim's wife Helen has not beentoo well of late. Joe also hears from 3982Ron "Shorty" REES whose son has visitedfrom New Zealand, and advises that Ronmay visit Bahrain in November. 3982Dennis ROSS also writes to Joe fromAmanzimtoti, Natal where he and his wifeVi are keeping well.

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Are you a Matabele Linguist? Associatemember Bernard TERRY is wondering ifanyone can give meaning to the name of aMatabele domestic called "Biwa Makalaga"Answers on a post card please to Bernardat Lickfold Cottage, Lickfold, Petworth, W.Sussex GU28 9DX.

P/r David JOHNSON has been unableto give up his love for the warmth and lifein the Tropics. Having only recently retiredfrom Uganda and settled in Cornwall hehas been remarkably lucky at the age of 58,to obtain a long term contract in WesternSamoa. (See Changes of Address. )

Mike MOSS 7023 took time off fromhis travels whilst in Australia to drop aline and wish us all well. Following theNatal Dinner he went to Namibia to linkup with his son. Then he decided to cutthrough the Caprivi Strip and see the Falls,but this was thwarted by Red Tape at theborder. Had he vvaited the week-end, avehicle permit would have been obtained,but two days in Rundu was not to hisliking. Their son has to "work" takingtourists to fly the Skeleton Coast" withsuitable four day breaks for horse trekkingand 4x4 riding - and he calls that vvork!Then it was off to Perth and Woy Woy(wherever that is!) where he vvill be untilChristmas. Hopefully Mike will join ushere at Trenchard House on 6th February1996 when his travels bring him to UK.

Mike D. 'Spike' WERNER 6344 is stillearning is crust in Lubbock, Texas andsends regards to all his comrades.

Norman READER 7304 made contactthrough the 'Internet' His applicationforms are to hand. Norman is a selfemployed building contractor in Courtenay,BC, Canada and he sends his regards to allwho may remember him. His letter says "atmy age my time with the Force becomesmore important to me. We are a part ofAfrican history good or bad, and we mustnot let it die before there is a strong record.I am putting together a book and gather Iam not the only one doing this [See the'Historian


and any anecdotes

about life in the force will be gratefully

received for inclusion.Edgar RICHARDS-EVERETT

sent his apologies for our Annual Dmner

but "I find it increasingly difficult to get

into a train or taxi! At 98years of age, one mustaccept limitations.

" Dickcontinues, "I use anelectric, four-wheeledscooter which allows meto nip around the seafront,footpaths and shoppingarea. Half a mile is mylimit for walking (!!)which gives me great

pain following a second world war wound,

on top of those received during the first

war," Dick continues "I enjoy life, and

marvellous health. I use a computer and

enjoy reading both light and intellectual

books. I keep myself busy with a great

deal of correspondence so I have no cause

to grumble - apart from not attending the

dinner! If the dinner were at Sidmouth I

would be there!" [I am speechless - MLL1

Dick concludes with an extract from the

Harare newspaper, "The crocodiles at the

zoo are fed at 4pm each day. Please bring

the children."

Jim CAVE 3531 was unable to attend

this year's dinner. Initially he had hoped

to be travelling, but these plans had to be

cancelled on account of renewed back and

abdominal problems. His large and

'Outstanding Docket' is being investigated

by the medics. We wish you well Jim.Another of our more mature members,

3010 H. C. 'Jim' RUSSEL-GOGGS has

been laid low with a bout of pneumonia.He is now back to good health and takes

his two dogs for a long walk every day - to

keep young! Jim is 89 years young!Dave ARNOLD 6028 has been in

touch (with his subs) from the USA where

he is an Associate Editor of the magazine'Handguns' published by PetersenPublishing in Los Angeles. Dave hopes

the day is not too far off when he can visit

the UK and make contact with many

former members and friends.

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by Tim Weimer 4158

A decade has elapsed since the firstissue of the United Kingdom Outpostdropped throught the letter boxes of themembers. Much water has rolled down theUmzingwane, the Makabusi, the Zambesiand indeed Old Father Thames in thattime. The world around us has seen muchchange and there has been change andadvancement in our own branch of theBritish South Africa Police RegimentalAssociation. Our membership hasincreased substantially, our records havebeen computerised, the BSAP TRUST hasbeen established and it has been able toassist a few members who have fallen onhard times.

The Outpost has advanced from itsmodest beginnings when it was typed,reduced on a photo-copier, stuck andPasted together and finally photo-copiedand passed to Brian Tindale and hisfamily who collated the magazine, putcopies in envelopes, affixed address labelsand finally posted them to members. Nowit is professionally edited, put together,Processed, illustrated and distributed bymembers of the Branch and commerciallyPrinted. The little acorn of ten vears agohas indeed become a fine oak! Thefollowing is a reprint of the first editorial."GENESIS

In common wi th branches of theAsociation throughout the world we haveendeavoured over the past few years since"The Outpost" experienced difficulties ofsurvival to keep our members informedprimarily of the fates and fortunes of thosewho like ourselves served in the BritishSouth Africa Police.

lot of time and effort has beende~oted to this much appreci ated"information service" and we have seenthe emergence of some very interesting

journals - the Natal Outpost, the BorderDespatch, The Algoa Bay Outpost to name

a few. IVe are not entering any form ofcompetition bv changing the style of theM Newsletter.

without further ado let us acknowledgethe help and assistance we have received-through Fred Mason (5934) the donationof the covers, the artistry of Bill Bowler(4787) who designed the cover and A1ikeLeach (5479) who acted as liaison tobring i t all to fruition. Finally wesincerely thank all those who helped in thereproduction of our athateur efforts atputting ajournal together.

It is our intention to produce threeissues each year - one to be publishedshortly before each of the tnajor "get-togethers" of members, namely the annualgeneral meeting - 1st Friday in May, theAnnual Reunion Dinner - last Friday inSeptember and Christmas Sundowner withthe NRP Association - lst Friday inDecember. "

The Editor.Whilst we have such dedication, the

fortunes of our branch are well protected,but as often has been said, the support ofALL members is vital to its continuedsuccess.

As a footnote we must point out thatthe annual general meeting is now held onthe third Friday in May and the ChristmasSundown (no longer in conjunction withthe NRP Association) is held on the firstTuesday in December.

(It must also be noted that Tim'smodesty inhibited him from metioningthat he was the Editor, typist and generaldogsbody for the first five years - thankyou Tim. ED)

HONOURS dk AWARDSOur sincere congratulations

are due to5662 Barry HENSON

awarded theQueen's Police Medal

in the lastBirthday Honours List

Page 15


George CROSS 3652 vvas admittedinto hospital in Dublin mid Septemberfor a serious operation. We wish you aspeedy and complete recovery George.

Cliff and Moira LOVETT aremaking steady progress under theirmedication. May their recovery bespeedy and complete.

Allen Day reported that 4182Chris SOWDEN has been in hospitalfor various tests. Hope you are on themend now, Chris, and able to enjoyyour holiday in South Africa later inthe year.

Barbara TURK, wife of 4809 John,was struck dovvn by a serious illnessin August. Happily as we go to press,John has advised some considerableimprovement in Barbara's condition.We all have her in our thoughts andprayers.

Rhodesians WorldwideAssociation Fund

After a recent meeting of the Chairmenof the Rhodesians Worldwide Association(which operates under the aegis of theRWAF), the Editor of RhodesiansWorldwide was asked to publish how aprospective applicant may requestassistance from the Fund. To begin with,those eligible for help are people (and theirdependants) in dire straits for one reasonor another, who lived in, and have nowleft, the country known as Rhodesia.Applying for help is simple; either writedirect to the Trustees of the RWAF (at theRW address) on your own behalf or onbehalf of another, or contact your BranchChairman and apply through him/her; theChairman will then channel the request tothe Trustees. Full details of the problemmust be given and in most cases theTrustees will send the applicant a form tocomplete and return. Obviously the

Trustees have to investigate each case verycarefully, and they will always ascertainwhether or not the applicant is receivingthe state benefits to which he/she isentitled. This is self-explanatory. There isnot much point in providing aid when the

prospective recipient could be obtaining it

from the government of the country in

which he/she lives. As the charity is small,

the Trustees can only consider cases where

the applicant is in very real need and has

exhausted other obvious channels of relief.However, the bigger the Fund gets, the

more folk in need of help can be

considered. Rhodesians are unbelievably

proud people, as evidenced by the fact that

only a handful of people have personallyasked for assistance over the last 5-6years; thc Trustees generally have to relyon word of mouth to ascertain that "one ofours" needs help. They know that thereare others out there who are in desperateneed but are too proud to ask for it. Theydo stress that this is your charity - manyhundreds of Rhodesians have donated andcontributed (and continue to do so) to theFund, for the express purpose of helpingthose in distress. The Editor of RW is theFund administrator and would be happy toanswer anv uestions about the Fund.


Mike EGLINGTON 6349 recentlyobtained a 1897 publication "TrooperPeter Halket of Mashonaland" by OliveSchreiner. The cover is inscribed"Sophie from Emily 1898". Mike asks

the questions: a) Who was PeterHALKET? (He is not on the BSA CoPolice Roll - nor the current BSAP roll-MLL) b) Who was Olive Schreiner? If itturns out to be an important book inrelation to our history, Mike will donateit to our Museum. On the other hand ifit is just a part of Rhodesian History,Mike is prepared to scil it to a collectorfor an appropriate donation to ourAssociation funds. Answers please toMike direct at I Poplar Close,Eccleshall, Staff ST21 6DY.

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CENTRALHugh Phillips' 50th Newsletter

celebrates 12 years of publication. Itstarted as a carry over from the OldComrades coluinn in the Outpost He starts«with an item from the land of Lomu!

"The 24-page Kiwi production is asmagnificent as ever and sports the usualcolour glossy photographic insert (taken atthe 1994 AGM and Dinner) of theattending members and their partners.Present were Gordon Batt, Bill Scholium,Peter Burridge, Ian and Shirley Winters,

Crisp, Eric McCrudden, TerryCottam, Greg McManus, Arthur Mould,Ron Pilborough, Trevor Whyte and DavidTurner. (Two of the group became«togenarians in 1994: congratulations toBill and Trevor. )

From New Zealand to the "FairestCape" and the 19th edition of DaveBlacker's historically oriented magazine.This time there is a picture of the Chargeof the Light Brigade gracing the cover - arenunder perhaps of mounted pass-outs.Jack Stevens 4932, ex Farrier staff is nowliving in Somerset West and Mike Loftus7463 has been a-visiting from Natal.Finally news that young Tony Dawson hasbeen appointed Head Boy of his school inBrisbane, Australia. Many will remember»s father, also Tony, an outstandingsportsman who played No 8 for theRhodesian Rugby side, captained theUnderwater Hockey team and, then anInspector, was killed in an ambush in1978 just before his first weddinganniversary. Should these words everreach young Tony, let it be said that yourfather was a fine man, a true gentleman

and is vvell rememberd by the many whoknew him and respected him. At the NatalAGM a few months ago, one gesturewhich must have brought a wave ofnostalgia was the gift by Bob Jones of aPolice flag, in memory of Keith Rawson.The flag will I'm sure, have pride of placein Rob Bristow's pub at Guard Force HQ.Other news of Natalians (earlier thanBranch reports which follow) is that BertCubitt 7359 serves with the KvvazuluPolice and lives in the village of Melmoth.I believe the surrounding coiintry to bevery scenic and for those who may betravelling to the North or South Coastsand using the Vryheid to Eshowe routethere is (apart from Bert) Dingaan's Kraaland the Piet Retief Monument in thevicinity. Terrie Brown (nee Clements) Wp133 lives in Kokstad close to the Transkeiand Lesotho borders and on the main roadbetween Pietermaritzburg. Her time istaken up with repairing antique clocks,catering for functions - and five children!Graham Nicholls 7958 is with a papercompany and fully involved with schoolsand junior chess administration. PeterMarshall 7892 lives in PMG and playsregular cricket as well as rearing orchids.Lee Crone 6786 is now in PMB with anEstate Agent - an occupation that could beof interest to house seekers in that area.Ant Crossley 6136 is based near"Smudge" Smith at Shongweni, RoyDavies 4977 remains the Biltong Man atGame City in Durban and is trying tocomplete a collection of Outposts datingback to 1934 (surely you mean 1954?HCP), Mike Day remains with BeaconSweets, Peter Dewe 7677 has a beachhome at Annerly about midway betweenHibberdene and Port Shepstone, .

Transvaal's annual Curry and Ricefunction was held on a wintry evening butthose attending had a thoroughly enjoyableevening. They were: Dick Glanville, Colinand Vanda Walker, Hank Hankinson,John Emmerson, Mike Abbots, LaurieIbbitt, Giff Reade, Alex Bundock and Dee(Intaf), Leon du Toit 6268, Roy and

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Shclagh Anderson, Pat Deasy, Roy Welch,Bog Boggis, John Sutton 7670, RogerMumford, Pierre Maurel„Peter Coolbcar,John Pirrett, John Thorne 5577, Eric Robb,Clive Murray 9765, Mary Hepburn andguests.

One morc B k B to add to the growinglist is in Port Elizabeth, where Mike andRoxanne Horner have opened their veryaccessibly placed home, Romiho Lodge at12 Grasvoel Street, Cotswold Extension.Telephone Port Elizabeth (41) 352680.That gives us BkBs in JHB, George,Capetown and PE, Anyone own a flat onthe front at Umhlanga?

Mutare held their AGM earlier thisyear and bade farewell to Bryn Williams(bound for Bulawayo) and Peter Quick(sent to Kadoma. ) Tony Gale remains inthe operating chair with Nigel Brent 7707as Treasurer and R. Ford, A. Hitchman,John Cooke and Jan Irvine as "crew".

Jack Bacon came upon an ex-memberwhom few of us have heard of and of thatvintage, few remember. He is 3653 DesDally who joined in April 1937 and left on1st May 1946. Among those joining inApril '37 were Harry Baldwin (OutpostEditor), Ken Flower, Alan Godwin andPeter Sylvester Jones. Desmond spent mostof his service in Matabeleland at Tuli,Beitbridge and later Victoria Falls. Laterhe lived in Spain and Morocco. If any ofthe '37 vintage want to get in touch ivithDes, both Jack and I have his address.

I was awed and amused to learn thatBill May, who has suffered two strokes andtwo broken hips (not to speak ofreplacements) was recently down in hisbeloved Zambezi Valley and managed tobag a couple of impala!

I must pay special tribute to AleeHampshire 3712 who joined in 1938(making him contemporaneous with CyrilScholium, Bill Crabtree, Paddy Kay, LarryTuke and Jimmy Spink). Alee recentlyspotted a couple of pieces of historicalmemorabilia on an auction sale andsecured them for the RegimentalAssociation. I collected them from his

offlicc and now have a framed autographedphoto of Captain F.C. Booth VC DCM,together with a rcsumc of his career (hejoined in 1912, regimental number 1630),a set of his medal ribbons and a replica(miniature) of his VC, With this came a

tapestry of the BSAP crest, presented by

Major W, J. Phillips, The Booth item»aspresented io the Potting Shed in Salisbury

Urban by Chief Inspector J.R. McBride in

January 1971; the history of the tapestry I

know noi, but both items are unique and

to a BSAP historian, priceless.And so to Peter Sherren vvho died on

Friday 16th August on his 75th birthday.

During his mercifully short illness, he was

visited on a daily basis by representativesfrom the ZRP Headquarters vvho broughtflowers and fruit to his bedside. Suchkindness, such thoughtfulness, must beregarded as a measure of a growingco-operation between the policemen of the

past and those of the present. Certainly

they reflect the universal admiration and

respect felt for Peter Denis Wray RichardsSherren. At his funeral, held in the PoliceChapel one week after his death, thechurch was packed out with friends and

colleagues; and officers of the ZRP led byDeputy Commissioner Mhike. The Policeofficers wore full dress uniform and all, atthe end of the service, paid theirindividual respects to the lateCommissioner. The pall bearers were MrSherren's three sons, Don Lane (who was

best man at Peter and Francesca'swedding), Charles Sparrow and DannyStannard (long time friends and tennis

partners. ) The Police Band was inattendance as also the Trumpeters(flawless as ever in their precision) for the

Last Post and Reveille, whilst eloquenttestimony to Mr Sherren's career was paid

by Danny Stannard and the PermanentSecretary for Home Affairs representinghis Minister. The proceedings were amoving farewell to Commisioner Sherrenand it was much appreciated that theService Sheet was headed by the crests ofboth the old BSAP and the present ZRP."

Page 18

CAPE TOWNA successful Ladies Dinner evening at

t"e Wynbcrg Officers Mess was he.d on«30th June and was attended by: 6743Bruce and Paddy Allen, P/r 5408C AleeAtkinson, 6368 and 7180 Eric and ReneBirrell, 5483 Dave and Hanni Blacker,6354 Dereck and Beverley Bothwell, P/r15414 Dave and Ann Brown, P/r Jack andElise Clews, 8895 Rod and AlexisEterman, 4895 George Farmer andpaitner, 5860 Doug and Di Grierson, 8755Alhn and Lesley Hadfield, 5192 Stan and

Hancock, 5217 Nigcl and AudreyHams, 5872 Winston and Felicity Hart,6596 Basil and Gail Harvey, 7310 Ed andClare Ions, 6780 Graham and PaulineJansen, A/r Eric Kerwin, 6969 Peter andCynthia Logue, 4691 Peter Lord, Cdt

Mays, 5880 Stan and DiedreMcMillan, 8819 Austen and partnerNewing, Tracey and Sally May Picton,5689 Gilly and Isabel Potter, 8060 DaveRoberts, 6226 Andrew and Ursula Stevens,4932 Jack Stevens, 7471 Joe Sirkont, 6222Rob and Lynn Trail, John and JennyVerster, 8314 paul and Mandy Weinel,Dave Heron, 4138 Sandy and WendySanderson.

This year's Annual Dinner was held atWingfield Naval Officers Wardroom forthe third year in succession. Some 92members and guests attended with theguest speaker being Mike Westcott exRBC and RTV and who now runs anadvertising agency in Cpe Town, It was»ce to see a former speaker, the Hon P.K.van der Byl who said grace for us inLatin. P/r 7213 Tom Constable probablymade a unique gesture in that he broughtwith him his triplet sons Alan, John andMichael. Also present were threegenerations of Bennyworths. MikeWestcott entertained with a selection ofstories and jokes ably followed up by moreJokes from the Master of Ceremonies.Ralph McCarthur as usual, piped everyoneto dinner and then gave an after dinnerrendition of pipe music followed by the

usual marchers in various stages ofintoxication. Those attending were; AllenBruce 6743, Allen Ernest NRP, Allen HoltNRP444, Andrews John V1985, AtkinsonAlee P/r 5408C, Barnes Alan (Guest),Bass Stuart 6558, Bedingham Bob 7880,Bekker Guy 7880(?), Bennyworth Dennis6093, Bennyworth Dirk (Guest),Bennyworth Garth (Guest), BennyworthHenry (Guest), Birrel Eric 6369, BlackerDave 5483, Bothwell Dercck 6359, BrewerSam 3589, Burke Colin (Guest), CassonWayne (Guest), Constable Alan (Guest),Constable John (Guest), ConstableMichael (Guest), Constable Tom P/r 7213,Crook Alan 7751, Digges Brendon(Guest), Donaldson Ian 6394, DowdColonel R. SAP (Guest), Dreyer Peter(Guest), Edwards Derek 4935, EtermanRod 8895, Farmer George Hon 4885,Fletcher John 4774, Forder John (Guest),Furhmann Thomas (Guest), GibbonsBobby V2050, Greene John P/r 24748?,Grierson Doug 5860, Hadfield Alan 8755,Hart Winston 5872, Harvey Basil 6596,Harvey Harry (Guest), Hogg Caroline Wpo328, Hogg Dave 5517, Ions Ed 7310,Jansen Graham 6780, Johnson Johnny(RM) 6739, Kirkham Ernie 6666, I.iveseyGrant (Guest), Logue Peter 6869,Macarthur Ralph P/r 21091Z, MackenzieAlistcr 7108, Maclean Rob 8244, MayBrian 5869, Mays Mike, McCormackScott SAS 5944, McDonald Trevor "Mac"6073, Mclnnes John P/r 23296, McMillanStan 5880, Meyer Wendy (Forensic),Millar Dusty 7364, Moisey Vic 3975,Moore Major Ian (Guest), Munro John8714, Nobel Noddy 8389, OberholsterBrian 6893, Odendaal Des 9520, PaxtonJerry (Guest), Peters Don 6158, PictonTracy 8811, Potter Gilly 5689, PrendergastJohn (Guest), Reid Robin (Guest),Robinson Tony 5665, Rowley Len P/r14754L, Sanders Sid (Guest), Sives JamesP/r 35781, Slabber Marius SAP (Guest)„Smith Box (Guest) Stevens Andrew 6226,Surkont Joe 7471/8850, Thomas Ken6763, Thorne Chris NRP 435, Traill Rob6222, Triggol Paul 9264. Van Der Byl PK

Page 19

(Guest), Van Diggele Steven (Guest), VanWoerden Carl 8897, Vickery Ted V3395,Weiner Paul 8314, Westcott Mike Speaker,Widdowson Jack (Guest), Zaayman PietSAP (Guest.

NATALThe Annual Dinner took place in

August at the Durban Contry Club and wasattended by 130 members incuding the HonSecs of the UK, Mike Leach; Central, KenStanford Smith; Western Cape, DougGrierson; East Cape, Alan Fabre; Border,D. McLoughlan; Transvaal, Dick Glanvilleand Natal, Mike Moss. Tony Watson, theformer Natal Rugby player was guestspeaker. John Haswell gave a witty andamusing reply. Those present were: N.Boniface 6014, W. Addison Wp 367, G.Albertson 8053, T. Albyn 5855, G.Alderson 8511, B. Allan 8261, P. Allanby7249, L, Baker 6422, Al Bailey 8464, J.Barritt 8961PR, D. Bennison 4258, G.Bennison 9101, P.Bishop 8626, J. Brett4243, R. Bristow 8303, C. Burger, S.Chomse (Guest), H. Clark 6283, R. Cloete10130, P. Colepeper 5836, T. Connolly8089, J. Copely 5647, W, Crabtree 3708,M. Crabtree 8507, N. Cuerden 5826, A.Cunningham 5931, R. Dale 7260, R.Davies 4977, De Bres (Guest), G. de Wit6170, C. Driver 7706, B. Eastes 7253, B.Pretorious 7552, Walker P/r7659, D. Lynn6872, A. Brent 7055, A. Fabre 9690, D.Flavel 335PR, C. Floyd 6383, P. Francis,G. Freeman, D. Glanville, N. Greg 9932,H. GriITtn A/F, D. Grierson, R. Hamilton7402, G. Hardy 10342, R. Hardy 7950, J.Haswell 6187, G. Hatton 5874, A. Hawley4556, C. Anderson (Guest), P. Hewson5663, H. Hobson (Army), D. Howse 7229,S. Hughes 7026, B. Hustler 4048, V.Hustler 4264, B. Hutchinson 8436, M.Irving 8273, D. Isemonger 5958, F.D.Janeke (A/F), B. Jarvis 9878, R. Johnson5087, C. Kerr 9465, D. Kerr 7033, G.King (Guest), N. Kurz 10264, J. Knoetze7639, B. Lane, C. Lathe 5520, J. Wright(Guest), M. Leach 5479, J. Lees 6454, T.Lewis, M. Loflus 7463, N. K. Macaulay

5480, G. McDade 96983, G. MacDonald5171PR, C, Mann (Army), L, ManniiigWp 158, R. Masters (Guest), DMcLaughlan, B. Timmer 9417, M. Moss7023, T. Naude 5700, G. Nicholls 7958N. Nimmo 7530, N. Noble 8389, P. Noble

Wpo 176, J. Papadopolous 14189PR, P.Papadopolous 14482PR, A. Parker (A/F)J. Parker 5794, M. Pelham (Army), OPenton (A/F), B. Perkins 8276, P. Petter-

Bowyer (A/F), J. Phelps NRP 1302,Philpot 8598, T. Potts 6597, Potts Sen3117, H. Pretorius, J. Rickson 7612, I.Reeves 1418PR, M. Sage 38032PR,Short Wp 303, M. Shute (Army),Sillius 5165, N. Smith 4254, H. Squires,K. Stanford-Smith 4549, D. Starr 4963, T.Steyn 9744, R. Stocker (Amy), S, Taunton8261, A. Taylor 6434, M. Taylor 5653, B.Timour, R. Reid (Guest), P. Trig g»(Guest), R. Vincent 5850, T. Watson(Speaker), R. Wentzel 8194, I. Wilkin10151, T. Wilson 5661, R. Wood (Armv),C. Wilkinson 6393, K. Wood 5802, D.Geel, T. Nero and M. Barnfield 8426.

On Saturday morning the HonorarySecretaries met to discuss the Associationas a whole. It was agreed that theAssociation is basically strong althoughthere was the need to keep memberstogether and to recruit the youngermembers who served in the late 70's. Mostbranches are financially sound but need toraise more money to really be able toassist members in need. Good work on thewelfare side is being done but basically theassociations can only provide temporaryrelief for those in need. The variousmuseums in the UK, Cape, Harare andNatal were discussed and the need to liaiseand swap extra items.

In the afternoon, the Secretaries andsome 40 odd members all spent adelightful afternoon at Kings Parkwatching Natal beat Transvaal. This wasfollowed by a braai in the park where it isthe biggest rugby braai/outdoor event inthe world. The BSAP flag was raised andan excellent braai and bar was run byTony Porter and Steve Taunton.

Page 20

ALGOAAt a very enjoyable Regimental

Dinner, Dave MacKenzie 992017 made aeloquent Master of Ceremonies,

"tiling in for his father (4782) Bill whowas enjoying a holiday overseas. OurGuest Speaker Mike Lindley 5312, had«avelled down from East London with hisfiance and amused us all with a short»story of the BSAPand reminded us inwhat good stead our training and servicewith the Force had stood us when we~migrated to SA and the diverse fields wehave adopted since.

Those attending were: 9690 AlanFabre & Marilyn, 6125 Mike Horner &Roxanne, 3249 John Wilkins, 16772 Chris+cCanlis, 8340 Dave Bailey & 205052GIs" Bailey, 5225 Jim Carse, 4599 KenHuniphreys, 8338 Mal Thurman andRozanne, 14664 Jimmy Mills & Priscilla,Guest Brenda Foster (nee Mills), 6687Alan Dickenson & Joan, C302 RoryHilton & Janice, 7157 Reg Graham andBrenda, 7425 Rick Nowell and Wp 137/28I Doreen Nowell, 5312 Mike Lindley &Ohven, 5922 Trevor Compton & Pat,92017 Dave MacKenzie & Carrie, 111107Alan Law & Karen van Gendt, 18339 DesKing & Noreen, 6469 Frank Pearmain &Pauline, 9791 Aubrey Ingram & Pat, 6671

Steenkamp & Felicity, 7061 PeterSaunders & Lyn, 8018 Alan Gordon &T~rry, 7890 Ed Holloway & Glynis,Associate Sean O' Neill & Fran, 4642David Hounsfield & Liz, Guest IainBarclay & Ingrid.

NORTH AMERICACulled from the excellent first issue of

Outpost USA, created, edited, printed andposted by Will Cornell 6388 is thefollowing report. After great difficulties,Will managed to meet up with JohnWalton 5040 in San Francisco. Johnspends about three days flying aroundmany western states for his firm. Thehotel where they met is well-known toJohn - not as a customer that frequently,

but because he used to represent abrewery! Both members were sportingdifferent identifiable BSAP ties. Johnbrought a selection of well-preservedphotographs including his squad passoutpicture. Names taken in vain includedQuin Zwicky 5041, Brian Shiers 4897 andPeter Honeyman 5119. John was veryenthusiastic about his recent visit to NewZealand where he met up with RonPilborough 4757. Outpost USA alsomentions that Professor Colin Baker of theUniversity of Glamorgan iswriting andaccount of the Stte of Emergencey inNyasaland in 1959. He would liketocontact anyone wh was part of the BSAPcontingent. If you can assist Prof. Baker,please write to him at "Mpemba", 55a LonY Deri, Rhiwbina, Cardifl; CF4 6JP, UK.


There have been some goodattendences recently with one or twovisitors from other branches. Thoseseen there between August andOctober were: Jonh Restorick, IanDunbar, Jack Brown, Pat Hogan,Sheila Gault, Nighean Darlaston(NRP), Maggie Wallis, Peter Phillips,Brian Gibbs, Jason Gibbs, StewartEdwards, 6097 Ted Painting (TVL),Chas Saich (Guest), Keith Scales, TimWeimer, Cliff Rogers, Roy Hunt,Josette & John Vye, Fluff Hawks, DanHughes, Bill Birch (Namibia), RickMay, Jim Cave, Jo Newman (Guest),Hank Hankin son (TVL), and LesHouse (Guest).

The Grand Xmas Gatheringtakes place on Tuesday 5thDecember at Trench ard House,Broadwick Street, London. We hopemany of you will attend with familyand friends to make it a bumperevening. Usual reasonable bar pricesand snacks will be served. Lookingforward to seeing you all there.

Page 21

Letter to the EditorDear Editor,I was interested and saddened to read of

the death of Roy Smart.In 1962, at driving school, I broke my

leg learning to ride motor-bike s. (Myinstructor was the late Terry Franklin, whotold me, on my third day on bikes, to doexactly what he did. I did, but didn' t!)

Roy very kindly offered to put uprecuperating single members at his ranch,Lesbury Estates. I was made very welcomeby Roy and his wife. I had a wonderfulfortnight, staying in the guest-wing (asgood as if not better than any hotel suite),free access to the games-room with full-size snooker table, tennis-court, swimmingpool, superb meals (even better than theDepot Mess) ~ Juliet and Claire (Roy'sdaughters) and a friend Heather Campbell,who came to stay.

I was fresh out from the IJK and duringthe long walk over the estate (shootingbaboons - not easy) I became very thirsty.Seeing the oranges being irrigated andconnecting water reticulation with purewater, I filled my belly, totally ignoring theripe golden oranges. Of course, the waterwas pumped straight out of the dam and Iwas as sick as the proverbial parrot. I wasalso too embarrassed to tell anyone how Icaught the bug! I was very green in thosedays.

Another member, Todd, was a littlelater recuperated by Roy and his family.He'd just had jaundice, which he passedonto Roy. I understand he was quite sickand was unable to offer his hospitalityagain. The other member was, not too longafter, sent to prison for four years, afterraping a female prisoner in SalisburyCentral cells. I remember Juliet telling meafter his stay that he appeared a "bit odd".

I lost touch with all the family andHeather, a year or so later, but I' ll alwaysremember their kindness in putting me upand giving me such a welcome into theirhome.

H. Parry-Jones (6609)






Tel: OS1 467 5755Fax: 081 467 S960


Take heart from 4071 DougWRIGHT, who was awarded his CPMon I/I/65. Whilst on Mounted Escorton 18/8/65 the stitching gave way andthe medal fell to the ground. Despite asubsequent dilligent search it was neverfound. Lo and Behold in July this yeara member of the Zimbabwe MedalSociety discovered this medal on salein a local antiques shop in Harare forZ$2, 000.00 They then took the troubleto check out the authenticity of themedal with Doug. At the time ofwriting, the 'vendor' has not beenidentified, but it brings home the point- Members seeing medals under thesecircumstances might like to note thedetails and have it checked out. Youcould be doing a former member agreat favour!

Page 22


Dave HALLWARD 4730 hopes thatt"ere is a member somewhere in the UKinvolved in the running of a Golf Club. Hewonders if the UK Branchcannot initiate its ownversion of "The RobinsonCup" held annually inZimbabwe. There must beplenty of you out there, sowhy not contact Davedirect with yourconstructive suggestions and support onTel: 01794 514693, Dave also noted thatCentral Newsletter recently made mentionof 4340 J.B.G. 'Bob' COLQUHOUN andDave recalls that Bob was the "Recruit"used in most of the photographs in "Blueand Old Gold".


Mail has been returned marked'Gone Away' in respect of theundermentioned:-

WILDING HLM of Epping,Essex

6712 Phil J. MILES Gone to RSA?8107 D. E. POULTNEY Gone to

France?P/r 28615 C. A. SAXBY of Totton,

SouthamptonThe "loss" of members was

discussed at length at the recent Summitof Branch Secretaries and all membersare asked to contact the Hon Sec. if theycan assist in tracing these members!


W. E. BAILEY 4741: 136 Welbourne,Wemngton, Peterborough, Cambs PE46NR. Tel; (H).01733 578311.

R. M, BARNARD 7015: 30 SquiresRoad, Marston Moretaine, Bedford, MK430QL. Tel: (H) 01234 767149 (0) 01582391339.

Nigel Roy CLEMENT S 10412: 3Brendon St, Brisbane, Queensland 4121,Australia. Tel: (HAO) 3892 4778,

Mrs S. M. GAULT Wp 129: 5Courtsknap Court, Birch Street, Swindon,Wiltshire SN I 5JL. Tel: (H) 01793431285 (0) 01793 511300.

W. P. HOGAN 4865: C/o 33 CheynePlace, Royal Hospital Road, Victoria,London SW3 4HL (Temporary untilfurther notice. )

Janet JOHNSON (Widow of 4892): 29Painters Field, Winchester, Hants

SO23 9RQD. S. McCALL 7887: 33 Ringwood

Road, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8SZ.Tel: (H) 01949 839287 (Bus) 0115 9438000.

Norman Geoffrey READER 7304: Site284, C37, RR2 Courtenay, BritishColombia, Canada V9N 5M9. Tel: (HkO)(604) 339 7110.

H. A. TAYLOR 6417: 81 Deerleap,Bretton, Peterborough, CambridgeshirePE3 9YB. Tel: (H) 01733 269512.

Assoc. B. TERRY: "Lockfold Cottage",Lickfold, Petworth, West Sussex GU289DX. Tel: (0 & H) 01798 861654.


SUBSCRIPTION S?The following letter was received by

your Hon Sec recently - if the cap fits-wear it!! "Dear M ~ L ~ (For I amunworthy to mention your name), Icrawl prostrated throwing dust andashes onto my shaven head! May thefleas of a thousand camels infest my 'Y'fronts and my sandals be filled withvipers if I ever let you down again! Ienclose a cheque for subs, somewhatbelatedly. .."

Page 23

GATHERINGSBroadway Braai

The Broadway Braai was held on thc12th August and 67 members attendedwith their ivives and families on a warmsummer evening. They &vere: 6479 E.M.Ayrcs-Hunt, 3941 J. Baker, P/r Bullock,4614 A.B. Bulman, 4478 A. Butler, 5305C. Carver, 3948 E. Collier, P/r 4891 S.Cooper (MSM), 5755 S. Edwards, 4584R.C. Fraser-Milner„4005 S. Forest, 4145M. E. Freemantle, 4046 E.B. Galloway,6050 B. Gibbs, Associate A. Gibbs, P/rC H. Gibson, P D. Gibson, 4730 D.Haliward, 8962 W.J. Hand, P/r C.Harding,5659 H. J. Hopkins, 4491 R. Irwin, 4995 D.Jones, 5951 J.R.Q. Lamb, 4393 A. Lucas,4468 F.R. Maquire, 6985 A.R. Mitchell,5311 A.J. Perigo, 6348 D.J. Poole, 5075R.J. Ray, 4494 J.M. Restorick, 4063 C.J.Sowter, A.W. Thomson, 4240 R.H.T.Warwick, 4158 T.E.W. Weimer, 9361A.L.V. Young. Everybody thoroughlyenjoyed themselves and our great thanksmust go to Dick Ray, Allen Lucas and theirteton for a great function.


Northwest held their regular gatheringon 9th September in bright sunshine toreward the 20 members and wives whoattcndcd the New Inn, Galgate. Present&vere 4041 Allen Day, 4327 A. Johnstone& Rona, 4572 C.M. Mercer, 4585 C. Raitt,4843 S. Strickland & Vera, 4933 R.Wilson, 4937 A.C.F. Jessop, 5479 M.Leach & Jan, 555 G.R. Thompson, 5639M. Hoggarth & Morag, 7022 D. Walker &Dorothy, 7084 F. Dearden & Margaret, P/r28844 A.H. Coleman & Terry. Mike Leachpresented the retiring landlord with a silverbadge of the regimental crest as a token oftheir appreciation for his hospitalitiy andwelcome over the seven years since he firstbecame their host.


CORNERCliff Rogers 4735, our official

chairman of thc Historical Sub-committee

says the collection for the first stage has

been highly successful. "A couple of items

are still required; a khaki helmet and

Rhodesia Served the Queen Part II. Otheritems such as printed matter and

photographs are open-ended and still

rquired.Stage two can now commence. We

know that many ex members andassociates have done valuable researchinto various stages of the regimental storyor have jotted down their own memoirs,descriptions of events and recorded namesof members who participated in theseevents. Elsewhere in this issue you ivill

read of the Associations intention in

promoting the writing of the sequel to theRegimental history. This could take timeto come to fruition and in the meantimematerial could be lost. We therefore appealto all who have something to contribute toallow the Asociation to lodge a copy oftheir work with the National ArmyMuseum, London. However, if you are in

the middle of a project, please let us knowthe details and scope, to avoid subsequentduplication of research.

The matter of copyright is protected.The Museum will allow any user of thereading room access to any printed matterfor research purposes but the source mustbe acknowledged. If the author is not alivethe copyright passes to the author's estate.If items are used in any publication forprofit the publisher has to negotiate a feewith the original author.

Let's make stage two as successful asstage one.

Our sincere thanks to all thosemembers who have contributed items sofar. Please keep it up - it is important.

Page 24

Peter Biddulph 721 1 reports on hisRETURN TO ZIMBAB%'E

We left UK on the 7th March andreturned on 1st April. The return "home""ad been in my future plans for every daysince leaving in June 80. Fifteen years isalmost a generation in time and I wasinterested to discover how much, if any,the country had changed.

We booked through Golf Africa (UK)»hich was advertised in the Outpost andorganised by Felicity Yoland who lives inChiselhurst, Kent. She was previouslyemployed in the tourist trade inZimbabwe. Booking Air Zimbabwe costmuch less which included all internalflights free providing one night' saccommodation was booked at each of thetourist centres of Hwange, Victoria Fallsand Kariba.

We actually stayed two nights at each.»rstly on arrival we wound down at the"ome of my dear friends of 30 years, Rodand Laura Finnigan then off to Hwange»here we stayed at the recently openedDetema Safari Lodge. All the bulding arethatched, clean and accompanied byexcellent service and good food is servedby I'riendly, helpful staff. The game driversand additional visits to "genuine" schoolsand African villages were excellent.

From there we went to the VictoriaFalls Hotel - 5* treatment as expected andt"e Falls remains a wonder of the world.

At the school we visited, theHeadmaster complained of lack of schoolbooks and writing pens. We purchased300 of each and sent them to the schoolfrom Harare. .

On from the Falls to Kariba where westayed at Caribea Bay which was a littletacky compared with our previousaccommodation but decent food.

Upon returning to Harare, I met thefollowing at the Police Club: Jack Bacon,Hugh Phillips, Wally Hammond, HarryKefford, Flash Firth (is he realy ACC?),Mike Rowley (Joe's boy ex Gwelo), DaveElder, Ron Warren, Spike Hughes, Jack

Hammond, Taffy Morgan and ShinerWright. At ZIM$4. 10 (35p) for a lager, Ifelt and lived like a millionaire.

Walking down First Street everythinglooked and felt exactly the same. Surethere are as many new buildings as thereare Africans making a living hawkingtheir wares in the city centre. I felt thesame friendliness and a jovial attitudetowards almost everything. Managers incommerce and industry all moan, but theydon't look as if they are starving!

As a tourist I have preached to manyof my friends on the benefits of a holidayin Zimbabwe. There cannot be a betterplace for a good but cheap holiday andafter paying your airfare, it is difficult tospend your money thereafter.

All those former friends and colleaguesare fit and well, not suffering from stressor the rigours of a UK lifestyle and takingall things into consideration, I believe theymade the right decision to stay; and we-well I chose to live in England BUT I stillmiss Zimbabwe!


The annual exercise for Tax Refundsfor our Trust has just been completed forthe last two years. Reclaims are now in theregion of f850 per annum, and theTrustees would like to thank those whosupport the Trust by covenants, andthereby increasing our funds in this way.The only request we make is that you areasked to please return all forms promptlywith the requested information. DelaysoAen mean additional correspondence andmake extra work as this year alone wesubmitted claims as far back as 1992 dueto thc late return of the Tax Forms. Ifthere is a problem with taxation please letour Secretary know - he may be able toadvise ways to sort these out. Regrettablythis year we have had to write off six'healthy' covenants which have nowlapsed, being over six years, without thereturn of the 'tax forms' and withoutresponse from the member!

Page 25


Close, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 ILQ. Tel (H)0181 756) 146)1

lan BEATTIE 5942: 10 Clements Road„Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire RG9 2HJ.Tel:(H) 01491 410144.

M. M, CUNDY 8457: C/o 4 ChurchWalk, Laxfield, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP138DL. Tel: 01986 798455.

P DAVIES 5612: "Tintagel" 3 GlenRoad, Grayshott„Hindhead, Surrey, GU266NE Tel: 01428 604187,

P.J. DEARLOVE P/r 25295: Flat 9, 20Priory Wood Drive, Leigh-on-Sea, EssexSS9 4DL. Tel: (H) 01702 510282.

His Honour Judge C R H HARDY5803: After 33 Cheyne Place add in"RoyalHospital Road, Victoria. "

All other detailsremain the same.

D.T. JOHNSON P/r now at "School ofAgriculture", Universih of the SouthPacific, P.Bag Alafua, Apia, WesternSamoa. Tel: +685 21671.

V. H. A. LAWRY Pir 25481: P.O. Box1179, Hilton, Kwa Zulu„Natal 3245,Republic of South Africa.

Assoc. R. LITTON; Now at 165Soberton Road, Leigh Park, Havant,Hampshire PO9 2EE. Tel; 01705 356317

L. R. MERRICKS 4874: "Chinefields"Coiwell Chine Road, Freshwater, Isle ofWight PO40 9NP.

C. R. MORTON 5329; 33 PyrlandAvenue, Taunton, Somerset TA2 7BD. Tel:(H) 01823 353036.

J. N. ROBERTSON 4196: Hill farmCottage, North Crawley Road, Chicheley,Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire MK169HQ. Tel: (H) 01908 611770.

C.A. SAXBY P/r 28615: 9 MagpieDrive, Totton, Southampton, HampshireSO40 8TE

John SCOTT 5254: "Care Free", 121Norwood Road, March, Cambridgeshire.PE15 8QF. Tel: (H) 01354 54822

J. E. SHIEL 5926: 44 Darlington BackI.ane, Stockton, Cleveland TS19 8TN. Tel:(H) 01642 570329.

Mrs Margaret STORRY (Widow of5125 Guy): 66 Upper Bristol Road,Weston-Super-Mare, Avon BS22 8DR

E. D, THOMAS 5037: 18 WoodsideAvenue, Alverstone Garden Village, Isleof Wight PO36 OJD. Tel: (H) 01983404695,


25 members from RegimentalNumber 5534 to 5558 joined the BSAPon 23/9/56 and 5537 Bryan LITTON isconsidering a re-union to mark the 40thAnniversary of attestation. If you werepart of this squad why not contact Bryan[even if you cannot attend] at Glyn AfonHotel, Llanberis, Wales LL55 4HA orphone on 01286 872528.


Alistair BULMAN 4614 and Liz spentthe Spring in Africa! In South Africa theystayed near East London with Jean andHamish HARVEY. The residence isliterally on the beach of beautiful sands,surf and no sharks! The Umfolozi gamereserve was perfection especially whencompared to the tourist trap at Hluhlwe,nearby. They were royally entertained byDoug Grierson and Dave Blacker at TimorHall, then went to Joburg for Lunch withLes YEOMAN before going North of theLimpopo for the next leg, sailing on LakeKariba on a 21-footer with Mike andHeather Harvey where it was only 105degrees at mid-day. There was plenty of"liquid" to make up the deficiency of theLake which was 15 feet down andSpurwing was no longer an Island!Alastair was impressed by theimprovements since his last visit fouryears ago, in the shops, quality of goods,and even cars for sale in Zimbabwe.Travelling 'Friends of the Springbok'included internal fares, when pre bookedand paid for in the UK.

Page 26

~ w) ) ~ ~ ii ~ ~ ~









FlRE FORCE PRODUCTS783, Yardley Wood Road,

Bllleeley,Birmingham B13OPT

ENGLANO - Phone: {O}121424-2781

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iiPage 27


BRANCHESNORTH AMERICAWill Cornell1834 E Bassett WayAnahiemCalifornia92805-5710, USA

NATALMike MossP 0 Box 22124GlenashlcyNatal 4022RSA

TRANSVAALDick GlanvilleP 0 Box 8389Johannesburg 2000RSA

BULAWAYORay Herran7 Essex RoadHillsideBulawayoZimbabwe

WESTERN CAPEDave Blacker121 Myburgh RoadDiep RiverCapeRSA

MANICAL ANDNeville BrentP 0 Box 880MutareZimbabwe

CENTRALKen Stanford-SmithP 0 Box UA9Union AvenueHa rareZimbabwe

HARAREAlan Rich27 Guest AvenueAlexandra ParkHarareZimbabwe

BORDERRob AndersonBox 7564East LondonRSA

EASTERN CAPEAlan FabreP 0 Box 27648Green AcresPort Elizabeth 6057RSA

NEW ZEALANDJohn Crisp45 Dale CrescentPakurangaAuckland 1706New Zealand

MASVINGODave RileyP 0 Box 846MasvingoZimbabwe

The United Kingdom Outpost is published by the United Kingdom Branch of theBritish South Africa Police Regimental Association and the B S A P Trust, the

Hon. Secretary of which is indicated below. Opinions and views expressed herein donot necessarily constitute the official views of the Branch or Trust.


Chairman: Brian Gibbs 6050 - 32 Whitethorn Lane, Letchworth, Herts SG6 2DL Tel (kI) & (0) 01462 484508Hon Secretary & Trustee: Mike Leach 5479 - 5 Winksley Grove, kiarrogate, N Yorks HG3 2SZTel (ki) 01423 565167 (0) 01423 530890Treasurer & Trustee: Tim Weimer 4158 - 5 Silverdale Road, Southampton, Hants SO15 2NG (H) 01703 638310Members:Stewart Edwards 5755 - Little Acres, Brimpton Road, Baughurst, Hants RG26 5JJ, Tel: (H) 01734 816572Peter Ellis 7125 - 46 Ford Street, Moretonhampstead, Devon TQ13 8NL Tel(H) 01647 440797 (0) 01363772137Jim Hazlett 6630 - 33 Hill Farm Avenue, Whitestone, Nuneaton, Warks CVI I 6TU Tel (H) 01203 343176(0) 01203 329900Dick Ray 5075 - Goodrich House Cottage, Goodrich, Ross-on-Wye, Hereford & Worcester HR9 6JATel (H) 01600 890432 (0) 01386 858585Alan Tonts 7391 - 6 Kings Road, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3XU Tel (H) 01959 74846Peter Phillips 6905 - 28 Cenunaes Court Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 ISU Tel: (H)01442 244919(O)0171 626 0184 (Co-opted member)Other Trustee:Allen Lucas 4393 - 7 Haysums Close, Chipping Campden, Gloucs GL55 6EH (H) 01386 841800(0) 01386 858585