Ourschool and city

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Viadana Mantua in Lombardy ITALY

Transcript of Ourschool and city

Our region is Lombardia. Lombardia is divided into three areas with different geographical characteristics. In the north there are the mountains (the Alps), then in the centre there is the zone “pedemontana” and in the south there is the Po valley (Pianura Padana) where Viadana is located.

Our province is Mantova, but Viadana, our town, is nearer to Parma (25 Km) and Reggio than to Mantova (42 Km).

Our school

We are a vocational / technical school and we provide courses in many sectors as Electronics, Mechanics, Social Healthy, Catering, Agriculture.

Photos of Viadana

Patron St. NicholasDay September 10th

The Viadana Rugby teamThe Viadana Rugby team was founded in 1970.In 1971 Viadana won the serie C (fourth division).In 1980 it was successful in serie B (third division).In 1993 it was successful in A2 (second division).In 2002 it won the Italian championship.In 2007 Viadana won the Italian Cup.

The most famous rugby players that have ever played in Viadana rugby are Tana Umaga and Kaine RobertsonIn Europe Viadana has played in Heineken cup and Euro Challenge Cup .

The stadium is called Luigi Zaffanella and has got 5000 seats.