OURNEY A H EART IKIDO Ó - Aikido of Santa...

Post on 05-Mar-2018

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Transcript of OURNEY A H EART IKIDO Ó - Aikido of Santa...


of AIKIDO”Linda Holiday Sensei, 6th dan

Chief Instructor of Aikido of Santa Cruz, CaliforniaLinda Holiday is the author of the recently published book, Journey to the Heart of Aikido, praised by leaders across the Aikido world. A combination of memoir, history, and re!ections on the heart of Aikido, Journey presents teachings of the founder of Aikido as conveyed by one of his direct students: Motomichi Anno Shihan, 8th dan. Linda Holiday is a close student and translator of Anno Sensei, and in 1973 was one of the "rst Westerners to live and train in the remote Kumano region of Japan, O-Sensei’s birthplace. Her Aikido seminars will include readings of brief excerpts from the book, as well as time for questions.

28.5.2014 – Akari Dojo - Vantaa (near Helsinki) – www.akari.! Tikkurila Sporthall. Läntisen Valkoisenlähteentie 52, Vantaa Contact: Miranda Saarentaus: mstaus@kolumbus.! , 20:00-21:30

30.5 -1.6.2014 - Suomen Budokeskus & Shinkukai Ry – in Riihimäki www.aikidoliitto.!/tapahtumat/details/1105 30.5 19.00-20.30 31.5 11.00-13.30 and 15.00-16.30 1.6 11.00-13.00 Riihimäen kamppailukeskus Teollisuuskatu 10, Riihimäki Contact: Timo Minkkinen: timo.minkkinen@kolumbus.!

“Anno Sensei guides us with a benevolent smile and the deepest humility to ‘the heart of Aikido’. His re"ections on all aspects of practice are very rich. Journey to the Heart of Aikido is also a beautiful testimonial to !delity:

that of student to teacher, and teacher to O-Sensei.” --Christian Tissier, 7th dan, Paris“An exceptional and vibrant Aikido book that encourages us all to go deeper into our own Aikido journey

on all levels.” --Jan Nevelius, 6th dan, Stockholm

May - June 2014 Seminars in FINLAND

For info about the seminars: please contact the dojos listed above. Info about the book: www.JourneytoAikido.com | info@journeytoaikido.com

“#is book is a treasure of wisdom from the heart of a true peacemaker.” --!ich Nhat Hanh, Zen master and author of Peace is Every Step