Our story - Who's In

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Our story - Who's In

Our Story

3 protagonists

N!"# L!$$%"#r

J#r#&' J!' Br#"" K#(()r#*

From our experience with various startup projects

We have an idea…

O+". 1, 2011

Utilize online technologies to connect people offline

We kick off our offensive by entering…

O+". 3, 2011

Idea 1 – Social bookmarking tool for places

“The Instapaper for Places”

O+". 3, 2011

We being to: Build prototype & Talk to everyone!

O+". 3, 2011

1st prototype designed & built in 21 days

O+". 24, 2011

Consumer research conducted in 21 days

O+". 24, 2011

236 surveys 72 interviews 6 designs tested

Research Learnings

O+". 24, 2011

Problem - 2/3 of people view organizing activities with friends as a “pain in the ass”

Solution - The info people find most useful is:

70%  of  people  found  most  useful  

Idea 2 – Social planning tool

“Easiest way to make plans with friends”

We re-brand from MarkGo to Who’s In

and secure www.SeeWhos.In

O+". 31, 2011

Over the next 2 ½ months we…

Design for mobile…

N,v. 8, 2011

Design for Facebook…

N,v. 10, 2011

D#+. 1, 2011

Prototype for Mobile…

D#+. 1, 2011

Prototype for Mobile…

D#+. 1, 2011

Create Demo Videos of Prototypes

Mobile Demo - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJTi49y6mVo

Facebook App Demo - http://www.youtube.com/


More Testing…

D#+. 15, 2011

usability testing beta tester interviews

J!*. 15, 2012

Research Learnings 1.  Hard to plan time sensitive activities via Facebook 2.  Our solution may only be slightly better than current

tools: text message, email, Facebook. Needs to be 10x better to change behaviors

3.  Users need content in the beginning of the product experience

Focusing on the communication between people wasn’t working…

We go back to the drawing board and re-think social

bookmarking, where we began…

F#b. 1, 2012

1. Focus on unlocking each others desires

Near term – places of desire

Longer term – any desire, a place…activity…adventure

2. Leverage SMS and email instead of creating a new communication channel

New Overview Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8xKFph3fAQ

Re-thinking Social Bookmarking

Back to bookmarking, but built around people and their desires. We focus on mobile first.

F#b. 15, 2012

We being exploring a visual experience for the web

F#b. 15, 2012

M!r+- 6, 2012

We test more, and learn…

We all have a list of desires…a new sushi spot, wine bar, music venue, or museum, BUT we can’t easily share these

with our friends and see their desires unless we’re talking with one another.

We all want to share what we desire with our friends, and

find out who’s in with us.

M!r+- 6, 2012

We’re ready for more beta testers

To expand our beta tester group above the 100 restricted accounts via Test Flight, our testing service, we submit to

the Apple App Store.

We’ll soon be in a better position to distribute our app to more people to further test product engagement.

M!r+- 14, 2012

New Vision

To help the world share their desires with the people who will help reach them

From the everyday desire of trying a new restaurant…to

the once in a life time desire to travel the world…

We help people find Who’s In

Much more to come…