Our Nepal Trip

Post on 15-May-2015

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The boys trekking up to Langtang 4900metres

Transcript of Our Nepal Trip


Billy and Ben McIntyreAugust 2008

This is a quick photo presentation of our trip to Nepal.

We did:• a trek from Kathmandu to the Langtang valley•Rafted down the Trisuli River•Saw the monkey temple and Durbar Square in Kathmandu

OUR HOTELThe Hotel Summit

Our Guide – Karma – was a sherpa from near Everest

Our porter – Gamka - our porters carried all our gear and were our good friends throughout the trek

Our other porter – Passang – notice how they carry our gear using their head

Our Guide and Porters

Visit the Boudhthanath Temple for good luck prior to our trek – there were so many birds, statues, prayer wheels and bells to ring for good luck.

The first day of the trek we climbed 1200 metres through endless steps and forests – seeing everything from gigantic slugs to waterfalls and birds.

During the trek it was pretty wet – hiking in the forest – but then the sun would shine and it would get steamy at lower altitudes.

Throughout each day we would come across small villages and tea houses – we drank tea or hot chocolate – and could get basic food for less than a dollar. Beds for the three of us cost a total of $2 a night. In the evenings we played cards with the guide and porters. Dad also used to sing and dance with the local kids.

These are some of the views from the 3rd day – when we had already climbed about 2000m to a total of 3300m - higher than anything in Australia. It seemed like we were on top of the world – above the clouds.

Along the way there were some beautiful flowers and mushrooms. We would often see a Yak, and even had yak and cattle jams on the trail!

We finally reach the Laurabena Pass – a total of 3300 metres higher than when we started

This pass was at 4610 metres – the air has half the oxygen in it at this level – and it was sometimes difficult to breathe – it affected Billy so much that the porters had to carry him every so often.

We finally reached Gossaikunde which is the religious Mecca for Hindu pilgrims in India – it is believed that Shiva rests in the lake – and this is his head

As we passed beyond Gosaikunda into the Langtang Valley – the whole Himalaya range from Annapurna in the west to Shishipagma in the East (both higher than 8000m) and heaps of mountains deep into Tibet could be seen. We even saw Mt Manaslu where dad is climbing

We finally got to Sing Gompha – which had a cheese factory, great food, excellent accommodation and we learned how to play Nepali Pool. We ate almost a kilo of cheese – and Billy was very sick.

The final days in the mountains we slipped and slid down 2000 metres of trails while seeing spectacular views and gorgeous little hamlets with spectacular views of waterfalls

On the way to the end of the hike we passed almost 100 waterfalls – many had prayer wheels turning in them. There were religious stupa’s. And we saw down a further 1300 metres in to the river below.

On the way home – we had to catch a number of buses – and walk across 2 major landslides – the road had been swept down into the river 1300 metres below. The bus was colourful, noisy – Indian music blaring – and it felt like a roller coaster – the rear wheels only partly on the road – the remainder hanging over the void.

Had to hop on the top of buses and trucks to get home the 6 hours to Kathmandu

We went river rafting

Got wet and dirty

Great rapids, great fun

Back in Kathmandu we visited the monkey Temple – which had great views over the city

Of course we saw monkeys

And we had Mahindra tattoos – which are made from henna – paste that stains the skin – and is very artistic – bringing good luck

Our last day was spent in Durbar Square – a series of over 80 Hindu temples in the centre of Kathmandu. So many temples, Stupa’s and offering plates. Of course there was heaps of shopping – and we got really good at bargaining.

Did we have fun – YES!