Our locations

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Our locations

Our Locations Shots

The band we have chosen to do the music for are a local Manchester band, so we decided that the prime location for the video would be shot all around Manchester city centre.

Music has always been a massive part of Manchester and we thought it would be fitting to include a long music store in the video, to remind people of Manchester rich history and also to show the bands local heritage.

Manchester is filled with places of interest for the public and well known buildings including the ‘Printworks’. By including these well known buildings from the city centre it allows the viewer to recognise the Manchester style to the video

Piccadilly Gardens is not only well known in Manchester but is a well known spot all around the U.K so that is why we have chosen to feature it in the video. By including every well known place in Manchester we are further emphasising the band’s Manchester connections.

Being British we thought it would be appropriate to include a bit of Royal history in our video so we our including this large statue of Queen Victoria in Piccadilly gardens. And as Mancunionsour Royal history is important to us.

All these locations are important for all different reasons either for linking in with the music or because of our British heritage. The purpose of using Manchester as our prime location was solely because the band are from Manchester and its where they got their inspirations from, as did we for our initial ideas for the video. The dynamics of Manchester’s city life fits well to the pace and meaning of the song.