Our Lady of the Snows Parishignoramos el chisme y rehusamos hablar a las espaldas de alguien; nos...

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Transcript of Our Lady of the Snows Parishignoramos el chisme y rehusamos hablar a las espaldas de alguien; nos...

Our Lady of the Snows Parish



Special Celebra ons Last weekend we welcomed this child who was bap zed: Julian Tapia. Valerie Rodriguez and Alyza Rodriguez were presented to the temple. Many blessings to them and their families.

Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women Scholarship Each year, the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women awards a four-year, $1,000 renewable scholarship to a young woman gradua ng from high school and con nuing her educa on at a college or university. This year’s deadline for submission is March 20. Click here to view the flyer in Parish Bulle n News, and visit h ps://accw.archchicago.org/accw-scholarship for the applica on and guidelines.

Dear Family and Friends, Brothers and Sisters of our Community:

On behalf of everyone at Our Lady of the Snows, I'd like to offer our deepest sympathies to all who are affected by the school closures. Words cannot express the heartache a community experiences when losing a school.

I can speak from personal experience how heartbreaking this situa on is for all who are involved. This experience shook my faith, made me angry, made me sad, and then angry again. I went through a whirlwind of emo ons and thoughts. Luckily, I found my forever home when I walked through the doors of OLS. Though losing a school was one of the most difficult experiences of my life, I found hope and peace in how welcoming OLS was to me. Now that I'm on the other side, I can see the silver lining in the storm cloud. I know the pain never fully goes away, but I also know all who are involved will find hope in a new "home."

Our Lady of the Snows con nues to pray for our friends affected. We are opening our doors and arms to all. We invite you to worship with us at our Family Mass on Sundays at 10:30am. We invite you to our Open House on Sunday, January 26 from 1Oam-2pm. We invite the students and families to join our mission groups or clubs. Finally, we invite all--students, parents, parishioners, teachers, and staff--to reach out to us to let us know how we can help during this difficult me and transi on.

We are in this together, united as one under God. Our prayers go out to all.

God Bless,

Eileen Sheedy, Principal Our Lady of the Snows School 773-735-4810 esheedy@ourladyofsnowschicago.org

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Two readings today refer to the northeast region of ancient Israel: “the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali.” Upon hearing these names, some of us might consult maps and determine exactly where these regions lie. Others might let the unfamiliar names dri by unno ced. If no maps are handy—but we don’t want to ignore the references completely—consider this: we might not know the la tude and longitude of Zebulun and Naphtali, but God does. We praise God for watching over every inch of land and sea, caring perfectly for each creature on the planet. While Isaiah celebrates the depth of God’s care with “abundant joy and great re-joicing,” Saint Paul begs us to remember how the Lord shows this loving care: through the cross. In today’s Gospel, Jesus calls Peter, James, and John to follow him. We follow too, confident that God accompanies us, wherever we are.




Querida familia y amigos, hermanos y hermanas de nuestra comunidad:

En nombre de todos en Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, me gustaría ofrecer nuestras más sinceras condolencias a todos los afectados por los cierres de escuelas. Las palabras no pueden expresar la angus a que experimenta una comunidad al perder una escuela.

Puedo hablar por experiencia personal de lo desgarradora que es esta situación para todos los involucrados. Esta experiencia sacudió mi fe, me hizo enojar, me puso triste y luego volvió a enojarme. Pasé por un torbellino de emociones y pensamientos. Afortunadamente, encontré mi hogar para siempre cuando crucé las puertas de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves. Aunque perder una escuela fue una de las experiencias más di ciles de mi vida, encontré esperanza y paz en lo acogedora que fue para mí esta escuela. Ahora que estoy del otro lado, puedo ver el lado posi vo en la nube de la tormenta. Sé que el dolor nunca desaparece por completo, pero también sé que todos los involucrados encontrarán esperanza en un nuevo "hogar".

Nuestra Señora de las Nieves con núa orando por nuestros amigos afectados. Estamos abriendo nuestras puertas y brazos a todos. Los invitamos a adorar con nosotros en nuestra Misa de la Familia los domingos a las 10:30 a.m. Los invitamos a nuestra Casa Abierta el domingo 26 de enero de 10am a 2pm. Invitamos a los estudiantes y las familias a unirse a nuestros grupos o clubes misioneros. Finalmente, invitamos a todos, estudiantes, padres, feligreses, maestros y personal, a comunicarse con nosotros para hacernos saber cómo podemos ayudar durante este momento di cil y esta transición.

Estamos en esto juntos, unidos como uno bajo Dios. Nuestras oraciones están con todos.

Dios los bendiga,

Eileen Sheedy, directora Escuela Nuestra Sra. de las Nieves 773-735-4810 esheedy@ourladyofsnowschicago.org

Dosis Diarias De Luz Jesús nos asegura: “Dios es luz y no hay en él oscuridad alguna” (1 Juan 1:5b). Pero cómo, exactamente, ¿la luz de Dios vence la oscuridad que todavía experimentamos? San Pablo nos muestra cómo: por medio de la cruz. La lectura de hoy de la primera carta de san Pablo a los corin os implora a los seguidores de Jesús a llevarse bien entre ellos, “conserven la armonía en el pensar y en el sen r”. Creemos que hace dos mil años, Jesús salvó al mundo y destruyó la oscuridad; pero hasta que Jesús vuelva otra vez, debemos unirnos como el cuerpo de Cristo para con nuar rechazar la oscuridad del pecado y la división. Como seguidores de Jesús, nos empleamos en contra de estos males en formas sencillas. Deliberadamente intentamos conversaciones genuinas con una persona que nos parece fas diosa; ignoramos el chisme y rehusamos hablar a las espaldas de alguien; nos hacemos amigo de una persona di cil y necesitada. Estas dosis diarias de luz nos traen esperanza a nuestro mundo, el cual es tanto a la vez redimido, pero no terminado. Jesús quiere nuestra ayuda. Como Pedro, San ago y Juan en el Evangelio de hoy, estamos llamados por Cristo a par cipar en la salvación. Jesús nos elige, nos llama y nos invita a acompañarlo, y a imitarlo, en donde vivamos, y esperamos por la Luz del Mundo.

4 JANUARY 26, 2020


Valen ne’s Day Dinner Dance Mark your calendar for our Valen ne’s Day Dinner Dance, set for Saturday, February 15th from 6:00p to 12:00a. Invite that “special” someone or bring your en re family for an evening of fellowship, great food, raffles, entertainment pro-vided by an eight member group called “Corcel” (variety), and cash bar. Tickets will be available in the near future ($35/adult, $15/child). This event is hosted by the Guadalupana Society.

Marque su calendario para nuestra Cena Baile del Día de San Valen n, programada para el sábado 15 de febrero de 6:00p a 12:00a. Invite a esa persona “especial” o traiga a toda su familia para una noche de convivio, rica comida, ri-fas, entretenimiento proporcionado por el conjunto "Corcel" (variedad) y barra de paga. Los boletos estarán disponi-bles pronto ($35/adulto, $15/niño). Este evento es patrocinado por la Sociedad Guadalupana.

Droga Rodzino i Przyjaciele, Bracia i Siostry Naszej Wspólnoty:

W imieniu wszystkich parafian Matki Boskiej Śnieżnej (OLS) chciałbym wyrazić nasze najgłębsze współczucie wszystkim, którzy są dotknięci zamknięciem szkoły (St. Jane de Chantal School). Słowa nie są w stanie wyrazić bólu serca związanego z doświadczeniem społeczności podczas utraty szkoły.

Mogę mówić z własnego doświadczenia, jak bardzo wszyscy są zaangażowani w tę sytuację. To doświadczenie wstrząsnęło moją wiarą, doprowadziło mnie do gniewu, zasmuciło mnie, a potem znów rozgniewało. Przeszłam przez wir emocji i myśli. Na szczęście znalazłam swój dom na zawsze, kiedy przeszedłem przez drzwi OLS. Chociaż utrata szkoły była jednym z najtrudniejszych doświadczeń w moim życiu, odnalazłam nadzieję i spokój w tym, jak przyjazny dla mnie był OLS. Teraz, gdy jestem po drugiej stronie, widzę srebrną podszewkę w burzy. Wiedziałam, że ból nigdy całkowicie nie ustępuje, ale wiem też, że wszyscy ci który są dotknięci tym przykrym doświadczeniem znajdą nadzieję w nowym „domu”.

OLS nadal modli się za naszych przyjaciół, których to dotyczy. Otwieramy nasze drzwi i ramiona dla wszystkich. Zapraszamy na wspólna modlitwę podczas naszej Mszy Rodzinnej w niedziele o godz. 10:30 rano. Zapraszamy wszystkich do naszej szkoły w czasie Otwartych Drzwi w niedzielę 26 stycznia w godzinach od 10:00 rano do 2:00 po południu. Zapraszamy studentów i rodziny do przyłączenia się do naszych grup misyjnych lub klubów. Na koniec zapraszamy wszystkich - uczniów, rodziców, parafian, nauczycieli i pracowników - do skontaktowania się z nami i poinformowania nas, w jaki sposób możemy pomóc wam w tym trudnym czasie i okresie przejściowym.

Jesteśmy w tym razem, zjednoczeni jako jedno pod Bogiem. Nasze modlitwy kierujemy do wszystkich.

Boże błogosław!

Eileen Sheedy Dyrektor Szkoły Matki Boskiej Śnieżnej 773-735-4810 esheedy@ourladyofsnowschicago.org

Seeking The Light In today’s readings we find ourselves being drawn more deeply into rela onship with Jesus. We are ge ng to know more about him as we see how he struggles with the news of his cousin John’s arrest. His first response is to withdraw, to leave Nazareth and go to Capernaum. There he is perhaps both consoled and challenged by the words of Isaiah that Ma hew quotes: “the people who sit in darkness have seen a great light, / on those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death / light has arisen” (Ma hew 4:16). Jesus contemplates his cousin’s death, perhaps his own death, and he seeks the light. Maybe it is these words of Isaiah that move Jesus out of his withdrawal and into ac on. He begins to preach, teach, cure disease and illness, and proclaim the gospel of the kingdom.




Weekly Parish Support Colecta Semanal

Tygodniowa Kolekta

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Offertory Collec on… $ 4,716.48

Budgeted Amount..…. $ 5,491.14

2019-2020 FISCAL YEAR DEFICIT : $ 15,245.20

The budgeted amount represents what we need to operate without a deficit. Thanks for suppor ng Our Lady of the Snows Parish.

El monto presupuestado representa lo que necesitamos para operar sin generar deficit. Gracias por apoyar a Nuestra Señora de las Nieves.

Kwota budżetowa ($5,491.14) reprezentuje ilość którą musimy otrzymać tygodniowo aby działać bez deficytu. Dziękujemy za wsparcie parafii Matki Bożej Śnieżnej.

Is your rela onship affec ng your health? Please call:

¿Su relación de pareja está afectando su salud? Por favor, llame:

Czy twój związek ma wpływ na twoje zdrowie? Proszę zadzwoń:

1 800 789 SAFE (7233)

Remember to contribute to our Church Remodeling Project. Please use the envelopes you receive by mail or in the back of the church. Thank you!

CARRY THE LOAD The chief thing is to take the burden on one’s shoulders. As you press forward, it soon shakes down and the load is evenly distributed. —St. John Bosco

CCW News The next Council of Catholic Women monthly mee ng is scheduled for Monday, February 3, 2020. We will begin with a Benedic on service at 7:00p, followed by our usual gathering in Kinsella Hall. As a change of pace, we have decided to have a “paint party” at this mee ng. The cost, if you wish to par cipate, is $20. There will be two Valen ne themed choices and you will be able to take your pain ng home! If you have any ques ons, feel free to reach out to Camille Ma his.

The CCW’s famous Valen ne’s Day bake sale is fast approaching, February 15th and 16th to be exact. We are also accep ng baked dona ons on this same weekend. Thank you for your support.

Krispy Kreme Sale We are now accep ng pre-orders for our upcoming glazed Krispy Kreme sale, set for February 9th. If you missed the insert in last weekend’s bulle n, no problem. Extra order forms can be found on the table in the foyer. Plenty of glazed donuts will be available on February 9th at $10.00 per dozen. All proceeds will benefit the Parish. Ahora estamos aceptando pre-órdenes para nuestra venta de donas glaseadas Krispy Kreme, para el 9 de febrero. Si no vieron el volante en el bole n de la semana pasada, no hay problema. Formularios adicionales se pueden encontrar en la mesa del atrio. Tendremos suficientes donas glaseadas disponibles ese día a $10.00 por docena. Todos los fondos beneficiarán a la Parroquia.


Mass Inten ons-Week of Jan 27-31, 2020

January 27 - Monday - St. Angela Merici, Virgin and Religious Founder - 8:15 AM: Inten ons of All Parishioners.

January 28 - Tuesday - St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church - 8:15 AM: Alessandra Fo (Family).

January 29 - Wednesday - Weekday - 8:15 AM: Richard Warren (Family).

January 30 - Thursday - Weekday - 8:15 AM: The Sick of our Parish.

January 31 - Friday - St. John Bosco, Priest - 8:15 AM: Rev. Mike Goergen (OLS Clergy).


Parish Office Phone ........................... (773) 582-2266 Fax ................................ (773) 582-3363 Emergency………...….…….(773) 852-7733

www.ourladyo hesnowsparish.org

Parish Staff Rev. Stanley Rataj, Pastor Deacon Franco Fo , Pastoral Associate/Director of Religious Educa on. Deacon Felix Pa ño Jane e Ayala, Business Manager Cooky Perez-Eraci, Director of Youth Ministry

Our Lady of the Snows School Phone ........................... (773) 735-4810 Eileen Sheedy, Principal Chris Bonolo, Custodian

Mass Schedule Weekday Monday-Friday 8:15 am (English) and 6 pm (Spanish) Weekend Saturday: 5:00 pm (English). Sunday: 7:30 am (English), 9:00 am (Polish), 10:30 am (English), 12:30 pm (Spanish), and 6:00 pm (Spanish) Holy Day: 7:00 pm vigil (English), 8:15 am (English) & 7:00 pm (trilingual)

Reconcilia on: Every Saturday 4:00-4:45 pm.

Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday: 8 am to 7 pm. Saturday: 9 AM to 1 PM. Sunday a er each Mass.

4810 S. Leamington Ave. Chicago, IL 60638

Blessing of the Throats

The Blessing of the Throats is a sacramental of the Roman Catholic Church, ordinarily celebrated on February 3, the feast day of Saint Blaise of Sebaste. It is also celebrated in some of the Eastern Catholic Churches, and in parishes of the Anglican Communion on the same day as a commemora on.

Saint Blaise was the bishop of Sebaste in Armenia during the fourth century. Very li le is known about his life. According to various accounts he was a physician before becoming a bishop. His cult spread throughout the en re Church in the Middle Ages because he was reputed to have miraculously cured a li le boy who nearly died because of a fishbone in his throat. From the eighth century he has been invoked on behalf of the sick, especially those afflicted with illnesses of the throat.

Details regarding the miraculous healing of the boy vary. One account relates that the miracle occurred during the journey to take Blaise to prison when he placed his hand on the boy's head and prayed; another that the miracle happened while Blaise was in prison when he picked up two candles provided to him and formed a cross around the boy's throat.

The use of candles for the blessing of throats stems from the candles that Blaise used while in prison. When an old woman's pig had been miraculously rescued from a wolf by Saint Blaise, she would visit him in prison, bringing him food and candles to bring him light in his dark cell.

We will be blessing throats at all Masses next weekend, in honor and through the intercession of St. Blaise.

Mass Inten ons - February 1-2, 2020

•Inten ons of All Parishioners •The Sick of our Parish •For an increase of voca ons to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life and holy matrimony. •Deceased members of the Haley and Morgan Families (Family) •Eternal rest for Anne, John and Tom Swies (Don Swies) •Deceased members of the Waschuck and Heim Families (Family) •Eternal rest for Stephen Waschuck (Wife Dorothy) •Maria B. Villarreal (Family) •In loving memory of Joanne and Janet Intrieri (Husband and Daughter) •Richard Warren (Arlene Nabor) •Ann Sikon, birthday blessings ( Be y Leonardo) •Carlota and Felipe Manzo (Family) •Dolores Swies (Lorraine Hanus) •Rich Sliwoski (Griseto Family) •Maria Consuelo Fairman (Aunt Maria) •Stefania and Kazimierz Dobrowolski (Daughter Mary Ann) •Marge Locke (Judith Bronke)


Please remember the sick of our parish in your prayers this week…

Mickey Be Dennis Baker Daphne Musser Maria Go ryd Miguel Herrera Ramona Reyes Charlene Wozniak Anna Ramirez Mark Rusin Shelli Hayes Cookie Anderson Rich Estrada Dolores Siepka Theresa Przybylo Virginia Cooke Hilario Chavez Quintana Victor R. Guerrero George Blaha Shanna Widera Michaeline Sokolowski Bernice Donato Madelene Pacana Bill Paler Ma hew Beuke Patrick Cooke Milt Saba Josephine Regnier Ann Holst Toni Talbert The Herring Fam. Irene Halac Giuliana Mandile Lore a Go ryd Carlos Hernandez Rose Rozich Paulina Romo Rosa Maria Santos Hilario Ramirez Helen Wilczynski Joan Saba Anita Aviles Teresa Griseto Rita Rodriguez Stanley Smola Madison Marx Joe Pawlikowski Marylynn Allison Tina Evans Cody Amedio Grace Raymond Erich Reich Mary Kay Koziel Donna Lillis Rafaela Aguilar Beverly Cascone Sabina Ksiezak G. R. Quintero Chester Skubiszewski Isaac Musser Sharon Alexander Valeria Valadez Jose Lopez Sharon Smola Fabian Ravelo

Liturgical Ministers

Saturday, February 1 5 PM, Presider: Fr. Stan Lectors: Terri Morgan, Jerry Sokolowski. Euch. Ministers: Rose Borik, Jerry Sokolowski. Altar Servers: Mark Hanacek.

Sunday, February 2 7:30 AM, Presider: Fr. Stan Lectors: Susan Staneart Euch. Ministers: Maria Villanueva Altar Servers: Victor Davila.

9 AM, Presider: Fr. Stan Lectors: Pzremek Latos, Anna Zborek. Euch. Ministers: Grace Barszcz Altar Servers: Peter Podobinski, Jasiu and Kasper Niznik.

10:30 AM, Presider: Fr. Stan (Deacon Franco) Acolyte: Paul Lantrip Lectors: Edith and LeRoy Gonzalez. Euch. Ministers: Maria and Jose Dimas, LeRoy Gonzalez, Irene Izquierdo, Juliann Murillo, Arlene Nabor, Tona West. Altar Servers: Jacob Gonzalez, Chris an Arroyo.

12:30 PM, Presider: Fr. Stan (Deacon Franco) Acolyte: Roberto Marquez Lectors: Lidia Brambila, Bertha Garza. Euch. Ministers: Miguel and Rossy Licona, Lourdes Flores, Gilberto Alanis, Genoveva Hernandez, Margarita Mendoza. Altar Servers: Marley and Hector Loa.

6 PM, Presider: Fr. Bruno Acolyte: Alfredo Roman Lectors: Lupita Guerra, Jesus Garcia. Euch. Ministers: Emma Licona, Elisa Arroyo. Altar Servers: Jessica and Miguel Sanchez.

Music Ministers: Iwona Rutkowski, Ramon Licona, Ron Koziel, Jose Mendoza, Fabiola Maldonado.

•Mike Hogan, on the 10th anniversary of death (Lore a and Michael Whalen) •Brian Whalen (Family) •Health blessings for Fabian Ravelo (Family)


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