Post on 20-Apr-2018

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Transcript of OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR - sspx.com.au · OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR AND ST. ... followed...





Served by the Fathers of the Society of St. Pius X 40 Ludstone Street, Hampton, Vic, 3188

Telephone: (03) 9598 3848 *Fax: (03) 9597 0858

Email: sspxhampton@tpg.com.au * Website: www.sspx.com.au





September 2nd – September 9th





02 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

Low Mass Low Mass





MON 03 7:15 a.m. Low Mass St Pius X, PC

TUES 04 7:15 a.m. Low Mass Feria


05 11:30 a.m.

7:30 p.m.

Low Mass

Adult Catechism

St Laurence Justinian, BC

Sacred Tradition and Scripture I


06 6:30 p.m.

Low Mass followed by the Novena


FRI First



6:30 p.m. Low Mass followed by Holy

Hour in Reparation to the

Sacred Heart



08 8:00 a.m. Low Mass

followed by Rosary & Benediction

Nativity of

the B.V.M. Comm. of St Hadrian, M


09 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

Low Mass Low Mass






Pilgrim Statue

September 2nd

Sylvia Talia September 9th

Sheeran Gordon


From time to time it is good to refresh our

knowledge on the details that surround our faith when it

is put into practice, thus it seemed beneficial to treat the

subject of visits to the sick and some of the aspects of this

work of mercy:

Visits to the

suffering Members

of Christ Or

“Sick Calls”

“I was sick and you visited Me.”

(St. Matthew 25; 36)

To visit the sick is an important corporal work of mercy,

imperative even to all Christians. Our Blessed Lord spent much

time among those who were ill, bringing comfort, His grace and

healing to them.

For the priest, his first obligation is to bring the Sacraments

and their graces to the sick, he cannot do all of the visits that may

be required of those who are ill or housebound. All the members

of Christ must mutually aid one another in their sufferings and

illnesses. These other visits fall to all Catholics to exercise the

virtue of charity and the works of mercy. We must think of these

things often and not allow the monthly sacramental visits of the

priest to be the only one that the sick receive. To visit the sick is to

cheer them and perhaps even to assist them with the small errands

that they themselves are unable to do.

A great discretion and a true spirit of faith are necessary,

along with gentle kindness when visiting the sick. Even should

the sick person seem completely withdrawn and unaware,

remember to speak to him; hearing is often the last sense to recede.

A visit need not be long, and most often should not be so; a simple

greeting, enquiry of any need the person may have, and then

perhaps a decade of the rosary, as an example, might be prayed


In addition, the faithful who visit the sick in order to perform

the works of charity may obtain a partial indulgence. (Pius VII,

Audience, February 28, 1778; S.P. Ap., February 16, 1932)

When illness strikes, we must think to notify

in time the priest of those who are in the hospital

with serious illness, or those who might be

housebound with chronic sickness or old age. It is

misplaced consideration and not at all an act of

charity to postpone the reception of the

Sacraments, especially Extreme Unction to those

who are in danger of death. Some have died while

the family was making a novena of prayers, and

although the prayers are good, the Sacraments

should be received in a timely manner, especially

when the patient is still conscious and can unite

himself with the ceremonies in the ministration of the Sacraments.

In case of necessity, do not wait; call the priest, the physician

of souls. Remember, one of the graces through the Anointing of

the sick is to receive healing should this be for the benefit of the

patient. Many graces of healing have been known in the

administration of the Sacraments. Waiting until the last moment

only limits, or cuts off entirely, the possibility of this grace – short

of a miracle, which, of course, we can never presume.

We should think to visit the sick, the infirm, the elderly

especially around the times of the great liturgical holydays such as

Christmas, Easter, Pentecost so that they might be better prepared

to receive Our Divine Lord in the visits from the priest. Remember

to keep the candles that are distributed at Candlemas so that they

might be used throughout the year in the rooms of those who

suffer or are ill. Sadly, this powerful sacramental has been largely


The visits of the priest must be prepared. God is entering the

house and He must be honoured. The place should be tidy and

clean showing due honour to the Divine Guest. Our Lord’s

Presence entering a house is not an insignificant event and it must

be prepared properly. It is a moment when your home is

transformed into a form of chapel, a place where Eternity and

grace will enter time through the Sacraments.

In the room of the sick person there should be a small

“altar” that is clearly visible to the sick person: a table covered in a

clean white cloth with two lit blessed candles and standing

crucifix. There should be also a small bowl of water in which the

priest may purify his fingers at the end of the rite of Communion

or the Anointing. A small bottle of holy water for sprinkling will

allow the priest to properly begin the ceremonies.

If the Sacrament of Extreme Unction is to be administered

there should also be a small plate or bowl with six cotton buds, or

one or two slices of bread and a slice of lemon (the citric acid cuts

the oil on the priest’s fingers). Afterwards the cotton, bread and

lemon must be burned and then buried.

These things should be ready

well before the priest arrives. In fact,

any Catholic household worthy of the

name will always have these items

respectfully set aside for just such


When we greet the priest at the

door we should do so with a lit

candle (this can be one of the ones

from the altar) and lead him to the room of the sick person. All

others in the house should be prayerful, and on their knees when

the Blessed Sacrament enters, showing no less reverence than they

would show in the church to the same Presence. Men should not

have their heads covered and women should be properly veiled.

Those in the house should not disappear, but should remain to

pray along with the ceremonies. Should there be a confession to

be heard, the priest will ask for all to withdraw, but otherwise it is

proper that all honour the arrival of the Divine Physician.

Needless to say, televisions, radios and all other commotion

should be silenced during the visit.

At the end of the ceremonies the priest may ask for the

others to withdraw if the sick person wishes to speak to him alone,

otherwise it is proper for one to accompany the priest to the door

that he might take leave. Should he still be carrying the Blessed

Sacrament, all the required respect and adoration must be shown

even once the ceremonies have concluded. The priest will usually

give a blessing with the Blessed Sacrament and then depart

immediately to visit the next sick individual.

Although quite secondary, relative to

the reception of the Sacraments, one should

remember that remuneration for the priest’s

travel is appropriate as a reimbursement

toward the church’s overall costs in the


A Prayer for the Sick to St. Camillus de Lellis

O glorious Saint Camillus, special patron of the sick, thou

who for forty years, with truly heroic charity, didst devote thyself to the relief of their temporal and spiritual necessities, be pleased to assist them now even more generously, since thou art blessed in heaven and they have been committed by holy Church to thy powerful protection.

Obtain for them from Almighty God the healing of all their

maladies, or, at least, the spirit of Christian patience and resignation that may sanctify them and comfort them in the hour of their passing to eternity; at the same time get us the precious grace of living and dying after thine example in the practice of divine love. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father.

A partial indulgence; plenary, under the

usual conditions,

if recited devoutly every day for a month.

(S. C. Ind., February 27, 1894; S. P. Ap., April 24, 1931)

*PRAYERS FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED: In your charity please pray for the souls of the faithful

departed, relatives, friends and benefactors of Our Lady’s

especially Beulah Armstrong, Ivan Rac, Jeffrey Holden, Jikka

Saaksjarvi, Rose Preston and Emmanuel Licari whose

anniversaries occur this week.

*SCHOOL RAFFLE: There will be a raffle for the support of St. Philomena’s

School in Brisbane:

St Philomena School raffle 2012 1st Prize $10,000

2nd Prize $2,000

3rd Prize $1,000

Tickets $200.

The Draw is on 20th October 2012, at the school Dinner Auction

(The regular Silver Circle is on hold this year )

Please call 07 3802 0348 or 0414928460 or

email pmassey@onthenet.com.au

<http://pmassey%40onthenet.com.au> to receive your entry form.

*SICK OF THE PARISH: Please pray for the sick, especially for those of the parish,

Josephine Hovens, John Craig, Loretta Payton, Nia Talia,

Geraldine D’Oliveiro, Emily Hendricks, Judy Hendricks, Violet

Imberg, Janene Wilson, Luke Paksa,

Judy Bosco, Barbara Wood, Pauline

Killeen, Mary Killeen, Antoinette

Howard, Lucas Gabriel, Ray Jacobs,

Lance Davies, Judith Wood, Marc

Draayers, Rob and Pat Stephens, Alfred

and Vilma Rosario.