OUGD504 Evaluation

Post on 24-Apr-2017

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Transcript of OUGD504 Evaluation






Module Code OUGD503!

Module Title Design Process



JAMIE PUDSEY!!1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do

you think you have applied them?!!The Design for Print brief allowed me to research fully in depth into different print processes, finishes, costings, formats and stocks. This was something that I really enjoyed and useful information that I will carry with me for the rest of my career. It's made me realise that graphic design is more than just sitting at a computer, and learning about these processes also gave me the opportunity to try some. I experimented with different binding methods, different stock finishes and embossing for this particular brief. Mike's Software sessions also allowed to pick up vital knowledge such as how to properly set up your documents for print and also applying spot colours just to mention a few. These are skills that every designer needs to know, and has really helped build my skill set to a much higher standard in the second year. !!For the Design for Web brief, the Dreamweaver Software package is something that I have never even thought about using. Simon's sessions were really useful and explained in a very simple way in order for me to finally get my head around coding. I really enjoyed coding the website for this brief and even went on to make another website for the Design For Print & Web brief which is constantly helping to build my skills in this area. The more websites i created, the better I will start to become. !!As for The Design For Print and Design for Print & Web briefs, were probably my favourite briefs as they allowed me to be a little bit experimental. I delved into areas and processes that I haven't properly tired before. Embossing, Laser cutting, Foiling, applying Spot Varnish, working with Glossy Vinyl and also creating three dimensional products that have applied design to them instead of working flat 2D, with publications and prints. Its important to learn how design for different products, not just something flat, so this is where a lot of gained knowledge might be underrated but it has definitely strengthened my skill set and will make me think a lot more about format and product range in future projects. !

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?!!During this module the most important thing I have learnt is to push the design and product range as far as I possibly can. I have learnt that it's important to try and apply a brand or design to as many different possible outlets. This could be a larger product range and/or making a smooth transition with your brand or product through print and web, so it covered in all areas seamlessly. It's also important to consider future technology, such as app design as this is where the biggest market is currently at.  I also feel that I have learnt different techniques that will be of great use to me in the future. It's important to use the correct process for the particular project, so this will help me do so in future.!

!!3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?!!I feel that particularly in the Design For Print and Web brief, Branding is something that I has been particularly successful for me. Branding is an area of design that I have been interested in before but never really had the chance to explore, So I am happy that this module has given me that chance, and I have really felt comfortable in creating a brand and applying to a larger product range. I think this Design for Print & Web brief is the one I have enjoyed the most, and in my opinion, the most successful. !!I am also pleased that I have started to experiment more with processes and I feel that this has been a strength for me throughout this module as it has helped give my work that extra touch This could also be a bigger strength for me in future projects, when I can apply the correct processes at the right time. !!I feel that I'm also starting to present my work in a much more professional way this year. Both when presenting to a larger group, or doing a spoken presentation and also through the use of design boards. Presenting work to a professional standard is so important to me as this could be the difference to get you a job or win a pitch in industry.!

!4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?!!Although I have thoroughly enjoyed Web Design this year, I feel as though I need to really push my skills in this area because it is a possible area that I would like to work in in the future.  I will build my skill-base by using the 'HTML Coding' book that I have bought and keep setting myself tasks, monthly to build different websites using different HTML, CSS and Javascript. !!I will also continue to experiment with product range and processes throughout the second year whilst i still have the chance to.!!!!!!!!!!5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?!!I will split my time equally throughout each brief in a module. I feel that particularly in this module, I got a little bit carried away with the design for print and web brief, and as this is good to explore and enjoy, it's also important to spend equal amount of time on each brief.  !I feel that printed products are important. An idea is nothing unless it has been made into a physical form. Physical Mock-Ups are also important as these give allow you to see how your design is going to translate from screen to print and allows to amend anything before it's too late. It's also easy to proof read copy this way.  !Carry on with more processes and printing techniques. I need to do this n the second year more while I still have the chance to experiment. This will give me more options in the future.  !Carry on working on my preparation skills and presentation skills to help become more professional when it comes to pitching my ideas or designs. I think this one of the most important things in the industry. You need to have confidence and you need to believe in what you present.  !!!!!!!!!


6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: !(please indicate using an ‘x’) !!5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

1 2 3 4 5

Attendance x

Punctuality x

Motivation x

Commitment x

Quantity of work produced x

Quality of work produced x

Contribution to the group x

The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.