Oticon's Listening Network of Hearing Aids

Post on 17-Mar-2016

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Visit us at http://hearing-aids-orangecounty.com Call (888)-498-7532 http://hearingaids-orangecounty.com Fortunately technology is improving every day and Oticon devices are combating the nuances by using a familiar feature in a nifty way: Bluetooth.

Transcript of Oticon's Listening Network of Hearing Aids


Listening Network

of Hearing Aids

People with severe

hearing loss don't have

the luxury of using many the luxury of using many

communication devices

that others take for

granted like mobile

phones, landlines, TVs

and radio.

Many people Many people

suffering from

this affliction

don't seek help

at all.

Fortunately technology

is improving every day

and Oticon devices are and Oticon devices are

combating the nuances

by using a familiar

feature in a nifty way.


The company has a device

called Connectline that

"expands on the potential of "expands on the potential of

Bluetooth" by using the

wireless protocol to establish

a direct link between your

listening device and your

mobile phone or HDTV to

watch the big game.

It's similar to the wireless

network in your home or network in your home or

coffee shop, but rather

than connect you to the

Internet, it connects you to

devices in your vicinity.

A listening network.

There is always a central

box involved and several box involved and several

child "streamers" that are

either paired with an

appliance, i.e. your

landline, physically or

wirelessly to broadcast the

incoming audio wirelessly.

Many find that it's a

small price to pay to small price to pay to

enjoy rich sounds.

And it just may

mean that Oticon is

the hearing aid

family for you.