Other Members of the Solar System

Post on 04-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Other Members of the Solar System

Other Members Of The Solar System

Objects Information

Natural Satellite

Objects that move around a planet All planets have natural satellites

except Mercury and Venus The Earth has one natural satellite

(The Moon)Asteroids Rocky objects that moves around the

Sun Most asteroids lie in a belt between

Mars and Jupiter which is called the asteroids belt

Vary in size from as small as dust to a few hundred kilometers in diameter

Comets Small pieces of ice and dust that orbit around the Sun

Revolve around the Sun in very large orbits

Spend most of their time out of the Solar System

Becomes visible when they enter the Solar System

One of the famous comets called Halley’s comet

Meteroids Small pieces of rock or metal floating in outer space

There are millions of meteoroids in the Solar System

Meteor Meteor that look like bright streaks of light in the night sky

Occur when meteoroids which enter the earth’s atmosphere due to gravity burn up