Osdc - Meteor Intorduction

Post on 10-May-2015

551 views 1 download



Meteor introduction - Blog post at - http://ayushnarula.com/meteor.html

Transcript of Osdc - Meteor Intorduction



What are real time web applications?

Meteor is a Javascript MVVM (Nested MVC) framework to develop Real-Time web Applications which uses a node.js container on the server.

What makes Meteor different?

Data on the wire - instead of HTML

One Language - Javascript

Database Everywhere - Both Client and Server

Latency Compensation

Full Stack - Reactivity

Embrace the Ecosystem

Simplicity = Productivity

One Language-Javascript

Write both the server and client part of your interface in javascript

Database Everywhere

Use the same Transparent API to access your database from the client and the server

Data on the Wire

Don’t send HTML over the network, Send data and let the client decide how to render it.

Latency Compensation

On the Client use Prefetching and Model Simulation to make it look like you have a zero-latency connection to the database

Cached-Synchronized data model

Comet programming instead of Ajax

Default Packages used

Handlebars Templates

MongoDB-document oriented NOSQL Database

To use Different Packages

Meteor supports Smart Packages (But doesn’t support Node Package Manager (NPM))

Meteorite is an independent Meteor Package manager - Had to be installed seperately

Atmosphere Smart Packages can be installed using Meteorite


Thank You