ORTHOPAEDIC AND SPORTS INJURY CLINIC - … Feb 2016 No 107.docx  · Web viewThe Municipal Hall in...

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Transcript of ORTHOPAEDIC AND SPORTS INJURY CLINIC - … Feb 2016 No 107.docx  · Web viewThe Municipal Hall in...

Black Mount BugleFebruary 2016 Issue 107


In this EditionNote from BMCC ChairmanNote from our Councillor Black Mount Social Group WI News Walston Primary School News 2015 Wreath Laying Bulk Oil Buying GroupsSliver Line ScotlandDates for your DiaryPuzzle Corner



Note from the EditorWelcome to the NEW LOOK Black Mount Bugle. Thank you to all the people who have contributed to this edition. We would love to hear from you and welcome new contributors as well as regulars. If you have any articles, events, photographs, puzzles, recipes etc. please send them to the Bugle email address provided below. The deadline for contributions to the May edition of the Bugle is 15th April 2016.

The Flower troughs at the public halls this year were particularly good.

Well done to Simone McKeand for planting them up for us.

Black Mount Community OnlineVisit the Black Mount Community website:www.blackmount.org



Contact the Bugle

Please send any articles, events, photographs, puzzles to:



Note from the BMCC Chairman

The weather these days always seems 'unprecedented'. We may have been spared the scale of some of the widespread disasters elsewhere, but we each have our own stories to tell about horrendous journeys, battered buildings, and damaged landscapes. And dealing day to day with the consequences just gets tiring.

The stream on our land runs down from the hills with pace and pressure after high rainfall. It flows down towards our neighbours' houses where it enters a small culvert. When it broke its banks and flooded a patch of woodland I resisted the obvious temptation to fix the problem by repairing the banks of the stream and keeping more water racing downhill.

In times of trouble we all have to deal with what happens 'downstream'. As always, I am proud of how people help each other around here and hope that it will continue to provide us with what the politicians like to refer to as 'resilience'.

Stay safe.Sam CasselsChair


Note from our Councillor –Hamish Stewart

Council Budgets

In previous Bugle articles I have written about cuts to the Council’s budget and I had hoped by now to be able to confirm details. However, at the time of writing, (3rd week in January) the Council still do not have final details of the settlement from the Scottish Government. Normally virtually everything can be agreed by the time of the Council’s Executive Committee in the last week of January with only minor details to be agreed in February, however this year it is very much the case that nothing can be finalised until February’s meeting with everything taking effect from 1st April. This is hardly an ideal situation.

Libberton and Walston Primary Schools

The new Libberton Primary was occupied by the children just before the Christmas break and I was lucky enough to be able to attend the school Christmas show. A packed house was well entertained and it was wonderful to see the children in their lovely new school.

I was also able to attend Walston Primary’s show in Biggar Municipal Hall. Again a packed and very appreciative audience were well entertained.

There are certainly a lot of very talented children in Blackmount and the staff at both schools had clearly worked very hard with the children to stage these splendid productions.


Note from our Councillor –Hamish Stewart

Recent Bad Weather

The worst effects of the recent bad weather fortunately missed this area though I know that there were some instances of flooding and I have been involved in trying to assist some of those affected to minimise the risk of future occurrences.

Contacting your Councillor

As always, if there is anything I can do to help with Council issues please get in touch by letter to the Council headquarters, by e-mail or by telephone.

Contact DetailsPhone: 07748 114 582

Email: Hamish.stewart@southlanarkshire.gov.uk

Post: South Lanarkshire Council, Almada St, Hamilton ML3 0AA.

Councillor Hamish Stewart


Black Mount Social GroupBonfire Night

November 5th was a washout so the Bonfire was postponed till Friday 6th. Again we had a wonderful fireworks display. Thanks to Brian Curle and John Hoskin for all their work. A good-going bonfire; thanks to the Kirklands team for building it.

Welcome soup and hotdogs and a good blether afterwards; thanks to Lee and Carnwath Estate for the use of the hall, to the Armstrong team for providing the generator for the lights, and to South Lanarkshire Council for a Community Grant to help with the costs.

Christmas Dinner

Christmas came early at Elsrickle!!Friday 4th December was the date of the Senior Citizens’ Xmas Dinner, when over 60 people enjoyed a lovely meal, and lively entertainment from the Dukes of Uke!

Thanks to Sevens Catering from West Linton for providing such a good turkey dinner, and to all the local people who: provided sweets; set the tables; decorated the Hall; washed the dishes; acted as waiters; and tidied up afterwards.

And thanks to all who provided raffle prizes and joined us to make the whole event such fun.

Next Event - Sports at Newbigging at the end of May.

Anne Hutchison


WI News

Dolphinton SWI Christmas Party

The Ladies of Dolphinton SWI hosted their annual Children’s Christmas Party in Dolphinton Village Hall on Saturday afternoon, 19th December. It was very well attended with over 40 youngsters enjoying the festivities.

A great time was had by all the children, mums and dads. A delicious tea provided by the members and parents was followed by an afternoon of games. The disco, supplied by Bill Elliot from West Linton, was a huge success, most notably for the Conga involving all ages which wound its way around the Hall and out into the fresh air and back, before settling tired, but happy children down for the visit from Santa. Thus, concluded a very enjoyable afternoon.

If you are interested in finding out more about the SWI in Dolphinton and making new friends please come along to one of our monthly meetings to see for yourself. We would love to meet you.

Forthcoming Meeting Dates for your diary:

Wednesday, February 17th – A Presentation by the National Trust for Scotland, Dolphinton Village Hall (19.15). Visitors are very welcome

Wednesday, March 9th – A Member’s Taste and Try Evening, Dolphinton Village Hall (19.15). Visitors are very welcome.


WI News

Saturday, March 12th – Annual Peeblesshire Federation SWI Bulb Show at Peebles Community (Drill) Hall, Walker’s Haugh, Peebles (10.00-16.00). Please come along and see the floral and handicraft exhibits and enjoy delicious homemade tea and cakes.

Wednesday, April 20th – A Presentation about Dementia Friends given by Alzheimer Scotland, Dolphinton Village Hall (19.15). Followed by our AGM. Visitors are very welcome.

Fiona HeghartyDolphinton SWI Secretary

Elsrickle SWI

The New Year got off to a great start with an excellent demonstration of baking from Mrs H. Storiar. She provided expert advice and recipes for four different tray bakes with a delicious tasting session at the end.

The members also had a post-Christmas meal at the Elphinstone Hotel in Biggar and everyone agreed it was an excellent social evening.

Elsrickle Rural meets every second Wednesday in the village hall and new members will be made very welcome.

Norma Love


Walston Primary School News

Upcoming EventsFamily Ceilidh - The Parent Council are holding a Family Ceilidh on Friday 19th February at the Municipal Hall, Biggar at 7pm-9pm. This is a fun evening with dances, songs and poems. Everyone is welcome. Tickets can be bought at the door £5 per person or £12 per family.

Daffodil Tea - On Wednesday 23rd March, the children are organising a Daffodil Tea in Walston Primary at 10am-11.30am. There will be home baking, plants and entertainment. Everyone welcome.

Ailsa Cairns recently won 1st prize in a national competition run by PLAY SCOTLAND to design a tartan.

In a clean sweep, Fiona Knight was 2nd and Declan McClelland 3rd. Congratulations to all. Not bad for a small school!


Walston Primary School News

Panto Pandemonium

On Monday 20th December the pupils of Walston put on their performance of PANTO PANDEMONIUM. The Municipal Hall in Biggar was full and the audience enjoyed the show as much as we enjoyed performing it. We met Aladdin, Jack and the Giant, Cinderella and her “beautiful” step sisters (Apple White and Magnolia), Snow White and the seven Dwarves, Moo and Tail, the three little pigs, the Dragon and Dorothy, Good Fairy, Wicked Witch, Spotty, Grotty and Boo and Hiss. Thanks to everyone who helped us to put this show on. It was amazing!

Mrs Ramsay


2015 Wreath Laying Service

On the eleventh day of the eleventh month at eleven o’clock over twenty people gathered at the SMALL memorial to honour, the three names declined to be appended on the Kirk memorial.

Once again, this year Aileen Campbell MSP attended to lay a wreath on behalf of the Scottish Government, Bryce McCosh (Quothquan) laid the Village wreath.

It was lovely once again to find a bunch of yellow roses had been laid prior to the event. It would be so much appreciated if the anonymous donor felt able to join us and lay this tribute along with the more traditional wreaths!

This was the largest attendance since the inception of the annual remembrance service to honour three soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

Police Scotland attended to ensure our safety by stopping the traffic for the 10-minute service. At the conclusion, coffee and mince pies were enjoyed and it was a great opportunity to welcome some new residents to meet their neighbours in this informal sequel to the important act of REMEMBERANCE.

David Taylor


Dolphinton & BlackmountBulk Oil Buying Groups

Our two local Bulk Oil ordering groups (Dolphinton and Blackmount) got together in December to place a joint bulk oil order for the area. We tested the market to see if there was any cost benefit for the groups to work together and on this occasion there was.

Both groups phoned around for oil quotes for their area separately and then asked the companies with the best quotes if there would be any cost benefit if we ordered together. Due to the postcodes being different (Dolphinton EH and Blackmount ML) some oil companies need to use a different tanker for each area, hence no further price drop was offered. However Johnston Oils dropped a further 0.4p per litre off their price and offered 25.45p which we snapped up. This equates to a further £4.20 saving if ordering 1000 litres.

Chris Fitzpatrick is moving out of the Blackmount area and will not be able to help negotiate the best prices going forward. We thank Chris for his great contribution to date and wish him all the very best with his move and new home.

Tricia (Dolphinton) and Catriona (Blackmount) have agreed to work together going forward to continue to negotiate the best possible oil price for all members.

Dolphinton & Blackmount13

Bulk Oil Buying Groups

Our sincere thanks to everyone who has placed an order with the group to date and we welcome all new members. If you’d like to join us or to discuss how the scheme works, then please contact:

Catriona BlackmountFuelGroup@gmail.com

Tel: 01555 841107

Tricia DolphintonBulkOil@btinternet.com

Tel: 01968 682319

Our next order is planned for the beginning of March and we will be contacting all members during the last week of February.

Best Wishes and a Very Happy New Year to all,

Tricia and Catriona


Anne Hutchison Chair 01968 682 256Suzanne Dunne Treasurer 01968 682 379Sheena Edwards Secretary 01968 682 615Brian Curle Bonfire co-ordinator 01968 682 294David Darling Community Council rep. 01968 682 387Duncan Veitch Entertainment co-ordinator 07988 894 727Mara Orr Sports convener 01899 810 219

New members are always wanted. If you are interested please get in touch!


Silver Line Scotland

Silver Line is a confidential helpline for older people, offering in-formation, friendship and advice, open every day and night of the year. It was set up in 2014 to help older people combat loneli-ness and isolation.

Apart from the 24/7 helpline (0800 470 8090) Silver Line offers the opportunity for more regular contact and new friendships through volunteer ‘Friends’ who can call or write on a regular basis.

The Silver Letters service is the latest befriending scheme. A volunteer friend is matched with an older person and they ex-change two letters a month. There is no cost involved in either service, as Silver Line provides free phone calls and freepost en-velopes for pen pals.

So, if you know of anyone who would welcome a regular friendly phone call, or letters do put them in touch with Silver Line. Also, if you would like to volunteer for Silver Line, they would be happy to talk to you. Call them on 0800 470 8090. Or check out their website - www.thesilverline.org.uk.

Pam Taylor

Sunday Worship

Church of Scotland, DolphintonMorning Service – Sundays 9.45 am

St Isadore's Roman Catholic Church, BiggarHoly Mass – Sundays 12 noon

Weekdays (Mon, Tues-Thurs, Fri) 9.30 am

St Mungo's Scottish Episcopal Church, West LintonSung Communion – Sundays 10.00 am

Said Communion – Wednesdays 10.30 am


Clydesdale Rural CommunityTransport Service

Do you need help with:

Hospital visits, Doctor Appointments, getting to Clinic, Dentist, and Optician or visiting Family in Care Homes?

We cover Biggar, Symington, Carnwath, Walston, Libberton etc…etc. A small mileage charge is made for each journey.

If you require more information please contact: 01555 895491





Installations & Repairs for Nat gasLPG & Oil heating systems

Installation of all types of gas/oil appliancesAll types of plumbing works undertaken

Maintenance packages available Fully Qualified Engineer & time served Plumber with 30 yrs experience

References available01501 785427 or 07766 020349

Kirkgreen Smiddy Email:services@resteasygas.co.uk


Remedial Massage

Back pain/sciatica Shoulder pain Knee problems

Pulled or torn muscles

Sports Massage Sheena Livingstone BSc, DMT, DARM, DipST

Diploma in Advanced Remedial Massage Diploma in Manipulative Therapy

Diploma in Sports Therapy Diploma in Remedial and Sports Massage

Diploma in Swedish Massage

Te l: 01968 661282





Diploma in Manipulative Therapy........ Diploma in Advanced Remedial Massage........ Diploma in Sports Therapy..... Diploma in Remedial and Sports Massage..... Diploma in Swedish Massage.... Diploma in Indian head Massage....

TEL : 01968 661282



Quercus Garden Plants

Nursery and gardens

A range of hardy and unusual plants for Scottish gardens

The nursery is situated at Whitmuir Farm on the A701 just south of Leadburn.  We are one of an exciting group of business here, including the

award-winning organic farm shop and restaurant, Dancing Light Art Gallery and The Wood Shack.

Spend an afternoon wandering around the nursery and gardens, see the animals and wildlife ponds on one of the farm trails, shop in the art gallery and The Wood Shack and enjoy good food in the

organic restaurant and farm shop .

Open 10am - 5pm Wednesday - Sunday

Quercus Garden Plants, Whitmuir 19

Farm, Lamancha, EH46 7BB01968 660708




Dates for Your Diary

Date Event Location Time1st Feb BMCC Meeting Dolphinton Hall 19:3017th Feb Dolphinton SWI –

National Trust for Scotland Presentation

Dolphinton Hall 19:15

7th Mar BMCC Meeting Dolphinton Hall 19:309th Mar Dolphinton SWI - A

Member’s Taste and Try Evening

Dolphinton Hall 19:15

12th Mar Annual Peebleshire Federation SWI Bulb Show

Peebles Community (Drill) Hall, Waker’s Haugh, Peebles

10:00 – 16:00

4th Apr BMCC Meeting Dolphinton Hall 19:3020th Apr Dolphinton SWI –

Dementia Friends Presentation by Alzheimer’s Scotland. Followed by AGM

Dolphinton Hall 19:15

2nd May BMCC meeting Dolphinton Hall 19:30

Do you need crockery and glasses for a large function or family event?

The social group have cutlery, plates and wine glasses available to lend for any local events or members of the community.

Please contact Anne Hutchison for more details on: 01968 682256


Puzzle CornerAnswers in the next issue

Where am I?I’m somewhere within the Black Mount Community, can you guess where I am?

Mind Gym Exercise

Can you complete this maths chain in under a minute:

17multiply by 2subtract 5multiply by 3add 12subtract 17divide by 2subtract 5multiply by 3divide by 6

Can you make a wordusing all the letters




The Bugle is published by the Black Mount Community Council but views expressed therein are not necessarily those of the committee.

The Community Council cannot accept responsibility for any errors printed in the Bugle