Organisms must balance the energy they use to obtain food to the energy gained from the food.

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Transcript of Organisms must balance the energy they use to obtain food to the energy gained from the food.

Energy Balance

Energy Balance Organisms must balance the energy they use to obtain food to the energy gained from the food.Gain, Loose or Stay the Same?ExerciseActivityResting CaloriesCalories ConsumedEnergy IntakeEnergy Expenditure

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Gain, Loose or Stay the Same?ExerciseActivityResting CaloriesCalories ConsumedEnergy IntakeEnergy ExpenditureThis still happens

Gain, Loose or Stay the Same?ExerciseActivityResting CaloriesCalories ConsumedEnergy IntakeEnergy ExpenditureHow animals balance energy expended vs. energy to obtain food:

HummingbirdsThey weight between 2 and 20 grams (a penny weighs 2 grams)

Their heart beats up to 1,260 times per minute.

A hummingbird will take about 250 breaths per minute WHILE AT REST.

Wings beat about 70 times PER SECOND.

Wings beat 200 times PER SECOND when diving.

Need to eat at least 7 times per hour for about 30-60 seconds.

A hummingbird can eat anywhere from to 8 times its body weight per day.

They will visit approx. 1,000 flowers per day for nectar.

They lap up nectar at a rate of about 13 licks per second.

Hibernating MarmotsHeart rate drops.

Breathe very slowly

Circulation of blood is reduced.

They live on fat reserves.

Why?Marmots eat:

grasses; berries; lichens; mosses; roots and flowers.

Artic TernBy far, the longest migration Breeding grounds red wintering grounds - blue

Why so FAR?Why do Neotropical migratory birds fly so far?Because its too far to walk. Now, seriously, the best explanation for why birds fly such great distances is it allows them to take advantage of seasonally abundant food and to avoid times when or places where food and other resources are scarce. You may have guessed that they migrate south to avoid the cold of our winter, but there are many species of birds which can and do tolerate cold temperatures, as long as food is plentiful. The types of food that Neotropical migratory birds need, such as flying insects, caterpillars, fruits and nectar, are super-abundant during our spring and summer, but are not sufficiently available through the winter. Ultimately, the reason why migration persists is because it increases "breeding success", that is birds are able to raise more young on average by migrating than they would if they remained in the tropics. The abundant, protein-rich food, longer daylight hours, greater area over which the birds can spread, and, possibly, fewer predators account for the potential to raise more young. 1.25 million miles in their life time an equivalent of 3 round trips to the moon.The S-shape flight is not the shortest route, but it alows them to take advantage of the abundant food sources in the ocean AND the global prevailing winds.

Developed Countries burn more fossil fuels to produce food than other countries.

United States