Organic oils vs supermarket varieties

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Organic oils vs supermarket varieties

Organic Oils vs El Cheapo Brand

... Is it worth using natural oils if they’re just the supermarket brands rather than pure

organic varieties?.

Is organic really better?Short answer: yes.

Pure essential oils sourced from a reputable, responsible company is always going to be better for you & the environment

So... Can I only use organic?No. Just because organic is better doesn’t mean that using the El Cheapo brand is not going to help.

Let’s look at vegetables, for example.

VegetablesEveryone agrees that fresh, organically grown (without chemicals) veges grown in your own garden not only taste better, they’re better for you.

VegetablesBut I don’t know a single nutritionist or health professional who will tell you not to eat vegetables at all unless they’re organic. Any vegetables are better than no vegetables.

Same with OilsIf, at this stage in your life, you can only afford to use generic brand oils such as tea tree or lavender or eucalyptus for cleaning, that’s still better than chemical cleaners.

Questions? ?If you have questions please email or post on the facebook page: 425 072(Queensland, Australia)