Organic Meat Producers

Post on 30-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Organic Meat Producers

Organic &

Biodynamic Meat


Brief Introduction

Norlene LüringCo-ordinator for the Organic & Biodynamic Meats WA Co-operative Ltd


Organic and Biodynamic Farming

Grass Fed

Organic or Biodynamic

Animal welfare


Free Range

Grass Fed

Naturally-grown meat high in nutritional value,

rich in Iron, Omega 3 and Vitamin E

Fed on natural pastures grown without the use

of pesticides or herbicides

High animal welfare

Organic and Biodynamic (BD) Farming

No application of artificial fertilizers or chemicals

Grown without the use of reproductive or growth

hor mones

No veterinary pharmaceuticals

No antibiotics used

Organic and Biodynamic (BD) Farming

Organic and Biodynamic (BD) Farming

Naturally Best

Grass Fed

B-carotene: grass fed beef contains significantly higher amounts of the fat soluble antioxidant B-carotene.

Vitamin E: The powerful antioxidant Alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) found in grass fed beef can be in levels 3 times that of grain fed beef.

Omega 3: fatty acids: It has been shown that cattle fed primarily grass enhanced the omega 3 content of beef by 60% and also produces a more favorable omega-6 to omega-3 ratio.

Better for YOUR health

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): Cattle fed green pasture have been shown to produce 2 to 3 times more CLA than those confined to a feed lot environment.

Grass Fed

• Organic or BD grazing animals must always have access to grass and be able to graze naturally

• Some producers feed a limited amount of supplement of organic or BD pellets (less than 10% of daily intake if at all)

• Main feed grass, hay and silage

Out of Season

Out of season supplement Feed

Mixture of certified organic or BD cereal grains and natural minerals Cereal grains vary with the season and may contain:

Natural Minerals: salt, lime, gypsum, bentonite, sodium bicarbonate and dicalcium phospahate

Certified organic or BD oats, barley, wheat bran and wheat germ

Organic / BD Pellets

NO feed lots GM NOT permitted

Organic or Biodynamic

How Organic differs from Biodynamic• Organic and biodynamic are very similar• Both are grown without chemicals and GMOs

with high animal welfare ethics and sustainable farming systems

• Very different farming techniques• Biodynamic farming is a holistic practice where

all things are considered living inter-related systems - animals, plants and the solar system.

• Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as pasture rotation, green manure, compost and biological pest control.

Animal Welfare

• All our cattle is MSA graded and our producers aim to comply with MSA and achieve a great product and quality eating experience for the consumer

• Mistreated animals are less productive

• Maltreatment to the animals will result in them not grading and the animals can only be sold at a reduced price, if at all

• Animal welfare is highest priority to our producers

• Unethical treatment towards animals is not beneficial to the producer

• Grading system to guarantee product quality:MSA – Meat Standards Australia


Organic / BD costs more

• Less supply than demand

• Limited stock numbers due to limited amount of natural feed – naturally grown pastures without the use of chemical or synthetic fertilizer to push the feed growth

• To comply with certifying standards, abattoirs and processors also have to be certified organic or BD resulting in higher kill and processing fees

• Cost of organic or BD farming reflects the true costs of sustainable farming systems

• Consumers are currently paying a lower percentage of their income on food than ever in history, and farmers are going broke at a greater rate then ever

Free RangeGrass Fed

Naturally-grown meat high in

nutritional value, rich in Iron, Omega 3

and Vitamin E

Fed on natural pastures grown without the use

of pesticides or herbicides

High animal welfare Naturally
