ORG - Amazon Web Services · May we never give up in our quest ... musi iść swoim torem aż do...

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Transcript of ORG - Amazon Web Services · May we never give up in our quest ... musi iść swoim torem aż do...



J 23, 2017


Pastor`s Letter / List Księdza Proboszcza

The Kingdom of God pertains to the rule of God in Christ wherever He has power – everywhere good spreads; the good He cre-ated and Christ redeemed, and everywhere evil is restricted; the evil He did not want, but our free will allows. This is the mystery of the Kingdom of God and the evil that abides on this Earth. We must not expect an exact description of “God’s dwelling place” and his “functions on Earth”, be-cause our cognitive skills (perception), as beings created by God, cannot grasp these concepts. Yet Christ is aware of this diffi-culty and human curiosity – for we wish to get to know our God better. This is why he uses real-life compari-sons, so-called parables.

Today’s Gospel, supported by other readings, sheds some light on this mystery. Good has existed in God for centuries. He Himself is good and sows it on Earth through random coincidences. Evil appeared as a result of betrayal of God, as a result of our ability to say “no” to God in our hearts. Christ calls this the actions of our “enemy”; more precisely, the “devil”. Even a tiny bit of God’s good can facilitate incredible development, just like a tiny seed has the potential to develop into an enor-mous tree that becomes a hiding place for birds. Yet even a small amount of leaven will spoil the whole lump, if only we let it develop.

Unfortunately, the will of men stands in the way – a will that does not always allow this good to grow within our hearts, and through our hearts, the entire world. Despite all this, the world must continue on its journey until the end of time – where its faith will finally be decided: good will triumph, and evil will be cast aside. In the meantime, man redeemed in Christ has ceaseless support in His mercy, which is confirmed by St. Peter: “the Spirit also helped our infirmities”, in our prayers and in every mo-ment when we attempt to spread goodness.

May we never give up in our quest to spread goodness and the Kingdom of God wherever we go.

Father Ryszard Gron

Królestwo Boże dotyczy panowania Boga w Chrystusie tam, gdzie ma On władzę, czyli wszędzie tam, gdzie szerzy się dobro, które On stworzył i Chrystus odkupił, a ogranicza się zło, którego nie chciał, ale wolna wola człowieka dopuszcza. Oto tajemnica królestwa Bożego i istniejącego w świecie zła. Nie spodziewajmy się, że będziemy mieli dokładny opis tego, jak wygląda „miejsce przebywania Boga” i „Jego funkcjonowanie w świecie”, bo nie mieści się to w naszych zdolnościach poznawczych (percepcji) jako stworzeń Bożych. Ale Chrystus świadomy tej trudności i ciekawości człowieka,

który chce poznać bliżej swego Boga, posługuje się porównaniami z życia wziętymi, tzw. przypowieściami.

Dzisiejsza Ewangelia, wspierając się pozostałymi czytaniami, przybliża nam właśnie tę tajemnicę. Dobro od wieków istnieje w Bogu, który jest samym dobrem i sieje się (sprawia) w świecie poprzez porządkowy bieg rzeczy; zło pojawiło się wskutek sprzeniewierzenia się Bogu poprzez możliwość powiedzenia Panu Bogu – „nie” w sercach ludzi, co Chrystus nazywa działaniem „nieprzyjaciela człowieka”, a dokładniej „diabła”. Nawet mała drobina tego dobra może sprawić jego niesamowity rozwój, na wzór maleńkiego ziarna, z którego może wyrosnąć całe potężne drzewo, stając się kryjówką dla ptaków; albo odrobina kwasu może zakwasić całe ciasto, gdy tylko pozwoli się im rozwinąć.

Niestety na przeszkodzie stoi wolna wola ludzka, która nie zawsze pozwala temu dobru wzrastać w ich sercach, a przez nie na na całym świecie. Mimo wszystko, świat musi iść swoim torem aż do swego spełnienia na końcu czasów, gdzie będzie ostateczne rozstrzygnięcie jego losu: dobro zatriumfuje, a zło zostanie odrzucone. W międzyczasie człowiek odkupiony w Chrystusie ma nieustanne wsparcie w Jego łasce, o czym zapewnia nas dziś św. Paweł: „Duch Święty przychodzi z pomocą naszej słabości”, w naszej modlitwie i każdej chwili, gdy staramy się czynić dobro.

Nie poddawajmy się nigdy w szerzeniu w ten sposób królestwa Bożego w naszym środowisku.

Ks. Ryszard Gron


SUNDAY- JULY 23 - 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30AM † Petra Amba 9:00AM † Joseph & Anna Bogacz † Louis A. DeSalvo - Birthday Remembrance 10:30AM - MASS IN POLISH † Krystyna Tuleja zmarła w Polsce 12:00PM † Lucia DeAmicis † George & Richard Ciucci 2:00PM -MASS IN POLISH † Anna Sadowy - Rolka MONDAY - JULY 24- WEEKDAY. ST.SHARBEL MAKHLUF. 8:15AM Kathy Hoellerer - Good Health TUESDAY - JULY 25 - ST.JAMES APOSTLE. 8:15AM † Stephanie Bobrowicz -Remembrance † Charles F.Dupee - Death Anniversary WEDNESDAY - JULY 26 - ST.JOACHIM & ANNE-PARENTS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. 8:15AM † Maria & Piotr Nosek and Family † Jerry Misek -Birthday Remembrance Sr. Anna -Blessings 7:00PM -MASS IN POLISH THURSDAY - JULY 27 - WEEKDAY. 8:15AM † Steve & Theresa Banoul 12:00PM FRIDAY - JULY 28- WEEKDAY. 8:15AM 7:00PM - MASS IN POLISH SATURDAY- JULY 29 - ST. MARTHA. 8:15AM John & Bernadine Janicek Family 4:30PM † Pasqualina Maigtta † Ronald Schultz

From Deacon Ed:

Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food,

and tyrannize their teachers. - Socrates 400 B.C.









Please stop by the rectory to fill out a Facility Scheduling Form to reserve a room

or a Cancellation/Change Form if you meeting is no longer happening.

Room reservations may not be honored if form is not turned in at least 1 week in advance. Please see bulletin for early cut-off dates.


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Tabernacle lights


RECTORY SUMMER HOURS: MONDAY: 9am-3pm and 6pm-8pm TUESDAY: 1pm-3pm WEDNESDAY: 9am-3pm and 6pm-8pm THURSDAY: Closed. FRIDAY: 9am-3pm SATURDAY: 10am-12pm

The financial information for Sunday, was unavailable at

the time of this bulletin.

It will be reflected in the next available bulletin.


LITURGICAL CELEBRATION EUCHARISTIC LITURGY: Saturday: 8:15 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 12:00pm Mass in Polish at 10:30am & 2:00pm Monday - Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Mass with rosary starting at 7:30 a.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Wednesday after English & Polish Mass Mass in Polish: Wednesday & Friday 7:00 p.m. Civic Holidays: 8:15 a.m.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Please call the rectory for a priest. Please do not wait until the person is unconscious or near death. COMMUNION CALLS: If you would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the rectory to make arrangements.

SACRAMENTAL LIFE BAPTISM: One Preparation Class is required. The Class will meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory Hall. Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, attend Noon Mass then Baptism immediately following. MARRIAGES: An appointment should be made with one of the priests or deacons at least six months prior to the wedding. This should be done before a date or banquet hall is reserved. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30—4:15 p.m. You may also call the rectory for an appointment.

WELCOME A warm welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether visitors, long-time parishioners, or newly arrived in the

parish. If you are not registered at St. William, or are registered and need to make changes, please fill out the

form below and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office.

(If you are a new parishioner, you will be contacted for additional information.)

NAME:___________________________________________________________ PHONE:______________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________________________ CITY/ZIP:_____________________

( ) New Parishioner ( ) New Address ( ) New Phone Number ( ) Moving, please remove from parish Do you want donation envelopes (yes) / (no)

Eucharistic Adoration takes place in our parish

every Thursday, beginning after the noon Mass till

6:00pm. At 3pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Polish

language and at 5:45pm in English followed by Benediction.


Please call the parish office if you would like to add a Parishioner`s name to the sick list.

You must be a member of the immediate family.

Marie Shea Mildred Drygalski Virginia Goggin Maria Hinojosa Natalina Kass Don MacLean Virginia Goggin Mike Doyle Marilyn Berry Kathy Hoellerer

Irena Kmicik Dolores Piccoli Donna Ricchio Mary Targosz Paul Trucksa Chris Burke Antoniete Muehleis Caleb Fisher Helen Vertone

CATHOLIC QUOTES The word of God is a light to the mind and a fire to the will. --St. Lawrence of Brindisi


16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "The weeds are the children of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil." This is not a pretty picture. Jesus shares a parable in today's Gospel that reminds us of a truth we would rather forget: evil is real, and the devil is at work. The bountiful harvest of our faith is something that Satan wants to destroy. And he has a host of diabolical tactics to help him carry out his wicked plans. But there is one strategy in particular that we must be on guard against. As the French poet Charles Baudelaire put it, "The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist." Sneaky as it may be, this approach is effective! And, unfortunately, the attitude of our modern era is very conducive to buying the lie. Too often we dismiss the idea of the invisible spiritual reality of angels and demons. It doesn't seem "scientific" enough for us because it can't be seen or "proven." But neither can our faith! We believe in a host of invisible realities starting with God himself. We should not be fooled into thinking that the devil is a make-believe cartoon character with red horns and a pitchfork on his shoulder. Alas, no. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us, "Scripture witnesses to the disastrous influence of the one Jesus calls 'a murderer from the beginning'" (CCC 394) and, as we read in the Bible, "Indeed, the Son of God was revealed to destroy the works of the Devil" (1 Jn 3:8). This is not pretend, and so it must be taken seriously. But so too, the reality of Satan must be situated within the broader context of God's supreme power. The devil "cannot prevent the building up of God's reign" (CCC 395). The influence of evil can never defeat the power of our faith, unless we let it do so.

EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP How time flies! This coming year I will have one child graduate from college, one from high school, and one starting high school. I am exhausted thinking about it. My prayer for all my children is that they take the Holy Spirit with them in all that they do, and call on God to aid them in discerning their future. That is my prayer, but I know that it will not always be easy for them to follow this path. The key will be for each of them, if they choose, to be what God intended them to be, as opposed to trying to be what they want to be. It sounds great to say to a child, "You can be anything you want to be." But at the core of this statement is often the lie that true happiness lies in fulfilling your will for your life. I have seen many people in my life that reached their goals only to find an emptiness and longing for something more. The reality is that our ultimate fulfillment and joy is becoming the person, not that we wanted to be, but the person that God created us to be. This does not mean that we are stuck in some predestined situation. There are many ways we can live out our destiny and use fully use the gifts God gave each of us. But it does mean that we have chosen a path based on where God is leading us and informed by an insight of the distinct gifts with which we have been created. At the end of that path is a life filled with joy, peace, and contentment.This is what I want for my kids. May they find their success by discerning God's will and becoming the wonderful people that God intended.

WHY DO WE DO THAT? - CATHOLIC TRADITIONS EXPLAINED Question: July 26 is the feast of Joachim and Anna. Who are they and what do we know about them? Answer: Joachim and Anna are the parents of Mary, the mother of Jesus, yet there is absolutely no biblical reference to them whatsoever. So where do we get their names, and what is their story? Their names are found in an apocryphal gospel known as "The Infancy Gospel of James." Apocryphal, or hidden, gospels consist of accounts of Jesus' life that were ultimately not accepted as inspired works, and thus were not included in the Bible. However, they sometimes captured the Christian imagination, spilling into the devotional dimension of the community. James' infancy gospel begins with the parents of Mary and their desire for a child. In their prayer and petitions to God, they are heard and given the blessings of a child, whom they named Mary. The fact that we celebrate the feast of Joachim and Anna indicates that the bond of family love is important in the Christian life. Long before Grandparents' Day was established, the church had a feast that honored the presumed grandparents of Jesus. While their names are part of non-inspired apocryphal legends, the Savior's human ancestry is not. Christ, the incarnate Word, dwelt among us in the flesh in a human family. In honoring the grandparents of Jesus we really proclaim our faith in the Incarnation--God becoming human!



WITAMY Serdecznie witamy wszystkich, którzy uczęszczają do naszego kościoła, zarówno gości jak i długoletnich parafian, oraz nowoprzybyłych do naszej parafii. Jeżeli jeszcze nie jesteś zarejestrowany w parafii św. Williama, lub jesteś zarejestrowany ale potrzebujesz wprowadzić jakieś zmiany, prosimy o wypełnienie poniższej formy i wrzucenie jej do koszyka lub wsyłanie listownie do biura parafialnego. (Jeżeli jesteś nowym parafianinem skontaktujemy się z tobą w celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji.) IMIĘ:______________________________________________________________ TEL:________________________ ADRES:_______________________________________________________ MIASTO/KOD_____________________ ( ) Nowy parafianin ( ) Nowy adres ( ) Nowy numer telefonu ( ) Przeprowadzka, proszę o skreślenie z listy

Prosze przyslac kopertki na donacje (tak) / (nie)

4:30pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 2:00pm

Priest Fr. Jarek Fr. Jarek Fr. Jarek Fr. Gość Fr. Ryszard Fr. Ryszard


Lectors L. Steppan M.T. Oliver M. Walsh M. Keating

Eucharistic Ministers

Priest E. Rivera T. Robertson

Priest M. Fleischhacker G. Fidanzia

Priest D. DeSalvo M. Walsh

Priest K. Klinicki L.Consolino

Altar Servers

A. Steppan A. Valdiva S. Cotto

T. Vacarro D. Padua O. Cordona

J. Lazalde D. Tabarez J. Martinez

J. Pawlikowski D. Gal D. Gal

A. Burgos C. Chora S. Chora D. Jackson

K. Landowski B. Landowski B. Woźny


Gdy Papież przebaczył swojemu zamachowcy Ali Agcy jego czyn, do francuskiego publicysty Andre Frossarda zgłosił się mężczyzna

twierdzący, że wie jacy ludzie stoją za zamachem Agcy. Frossard powiedział wówczas:

- Tylko niech pan tylko tego nie mówi Ojcu Świętemu! Jeszcze każe nam się za nich wszystkich modlić!

Lipiec j es t mies iącem szczególnej Czci Krwi Chrystusa

Pamiętaj o Bogu podczas wakacji. 1-800-Mass Times 1-800-627-7846 Również możecie zasięgnąć informacji o godzinach odprawiania mszy świętych od-wiedzjąc stronę internetową:

Jan Paweł II w encyklice „Evengalium Vitae” naucza: „Krew Chrystusa objawia, jak wielka jest miłość Ojca, a zarazem ukazuje, jaki cenny jest człowiek w oczach Boga i jak ogromna jest wartość jego życia. (…) Właśnie kontemplując drogocenną krew Chrystusa, znak Jego ofiarowania się z miłości (por. J 13,1), człowiek wierzący uczy się dostrzegać i cenić niemalże Boską godność każdej osoby i może wołać pełen wdzięczności i radosnego zdumienia: „Jakąż wartość musi mieć w oczach Stwórcy człowiek, skoro „zasłużył na takiego i tak potężnego Odkupiciela” (por. Exsultet z Wigilii Paschalnej), skoro „Bóg Syna swego Jednorodzonego dał”, ażeby on, człowiek, „nie zginął, ale miał życie wieczne” (por. J 3,16)!”.




Zapraszamy wszystkich parafian i gości na specjalną Mszę Św.

z modlitwą o uzdrowienie i uwolnienie w

sobotę, 12 sierpnia, godz. od 7pm - 10pm

Program :

7:00pm – Różaniec (okazja do Spowiedzi Świętej)

7:30pm – Msza Święta, po której nastąpi Adoracja Najświętszego

Sakramentu z modlitwą uwielbienia, przebłagania, uwolnienia,

wyzwolenia i uzdrowienia. Indywidualne błogosławieństwo Najświętszym

Sakramentem. Całość poprowadzi ks. kan. dr Tadeusz Marcinkowski – kapłan

Archidiecezji Warmińskiej, rekolekcjonista, charyzmatyk, egzorcysta, posługuje

modlitwą wstawienniczą o uzdrowienie i uwolnienie, obecnie pełni funkcję

kanclerza Kurii Archidiecezji Warmińskiej.