Oreo Project

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Oreo Project

Our Really

Exciting Online Project

By: Mrs. Fenn’s 1st grade October 2008

Ian Patrick screamed, “It was falling!” “It fell”, screamed Grant.

“I stacked the oreos and they almost fell”, whispered Caroline.

Emma shouted out, “I have 15 oreos tall.”

“I stacked 21 oreos,” Ava whispered in Neetha’s ear.

“Wow, I stacked 27”, shouted Abe.

“It was very good”, growled Emmett.

“It was almost 15 Oreos”, yelled Dheepa.

Ezekiel said, “Whoa”

“I almost stacked 30”, David shouted out.

“I watched David stacking high than it fell,” cried Kevin. “Then I tallied down how many he


“Oh no”, Jaya shouted.

Evan whispered, “I stacked a lot.”

“Wow, I stacked 19”, shouted Sofie.

Paul asked, “How many Oreos are there?”

“I said to myself, oh no it’s gonna fall”, whispered Neetha.

“I stacked 19”, shouted William.

“We made a transformer house”, said Abe, Evan, and Eziekel.

“I like making sculptures”, shouted Joe

We made a car and wonderful building,” said Ava, Neetha, and Jaya.

Sofie, Grace and Caroline said, “This is a flower with mountains around it.”

“It’s gonna fall”, shouted Derik.

Rhea, Dheepa, and Emma created a beach.

Morgan said, “Great Job!”

“I liked licking and eating it", screamed Emmett.

Nina yelled, “Hip, Hip Hooray!”