ORDER OF WORSHIP FOR SUNDAY FEB 19, 2017 - wncrc.ca - Feb 19 2017.pdf · Zij lof en eer tot allen...

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Transcript of ORDER OF WORSHIP FOR SUNDAY FEB 19, 2017 - wncrc.ca - Feb 19 2017.pdf · Zij lof en eer tot allen...

10:00 AM

Pastor Neil deKoning Music led by the Worship Team


* Welcome

* Responsive Call to Worship

* All the Earth


* God’s Greeting

We Greet One Another

* Our God is Greater


Call to Confession

Have Thine Own Way Lord

Words of Assurance

Blessed Assurance

Blessed Be Your Name


Children’s Blessing

Prayer of Illumination

Sunday School for Ages 3 to Grade 3

Jeremiah 32 (p 1228)

Kingdom Investing


* Song of Response

Here On Jesus Christ I will Stand

Congregational Prayer


Offerings: 1 Woody Nook Ministries


Until that Day Comes



* God’s Parting Blessing

* Praise God From Whom

ENGLISH Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him above ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen AFRIKAANS Loof God, van wie die seën kom Loof Hom, o skepsels, loof alom! Loof Hom daarbo, o eng’leheir Hom, Drie-in-Een, sy al die eer. Amen CREE K’sa Muneto Mumichimik Mamow’, ka suway’imikooyu`k Ota uskek, men’ ispimik Father, Son, Kunach’ A`cha`k. Êkosi DUTCH Aan God de Vader zij de eer, Aan God de Zoon voor immermeer, Aan Go do Geest die troost en leidt Zij lof en eer tot allen tijd. Amen SPANISH A Dios, el Padre celestial, Al Hijo, nuestro Redentor, Al eternal Consolador Unidos todos alabad. Amén

…continued on last page


Pastor Neil de Koning

403-358-8221 – Cell


Pastor Dayna Vreeken

403-848-2231 – Cell


Youth Director: Phil Drost

403-352-9123 – Cell

woodynookyd@gmail.com Church Office Hours

Tues – Friday 9am to 12:00 pm

403-885-4427 or 403-885-5080







BC North-West


Hope CRC, Stony Plain


Clive Baptist Church


Friendship Group


Diana Boot—World Missions


*Simon Leenstra is celebrating 85 years today and invites

you to join him for coffee and goodies after the morning service.

He is very thankful to God for His loving faithfulness over the

years and for this church family who continues to bless him in so

many ways. “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and

be glad in it!” Psalm 118:24


Sean & Becky Folkerts, Sandra Abma, Neil & Klaaske

deKoning, and Fred & Annica Ollewagen. We pray that

God will bless you and your families in the coming week.

Welcome to Woody Nook FEB 19, 2017

Winter Fun TODAY! with Your Church Family!

Bring your skates, cross country skis, sleds, fishing gear,

snowball makers and other winter gear, so we can all have

a fun-filled afternoon of winter activities at Camp

Silversides on Sunday February 19th, right after church.

We will take care of the snow, ice, hot beverages and

hotdogs. Please also bring some cookies or a dessert to

share! We hope to see you all. The Church life committee:

Russ, Hans, Jack, Joel, Karin, Kayla, Monica.


We're hoping to schedule another session of Alpha, but

we need to know who is interested to determine when

to schedule it. Please let Pastor Neil or Pastor Dayna

know asap if you're interested.

Volunteer Link Needs YOU!

Once again, we are making a call out to the congregation

for people to sign up for Volunteer Link. Many calls have

come in asking for help driving clients to Edmonton or

Calgary and volunteer resources are being exhausted by

the participating churches. If you sign up, your name will be

put on a list of names that we can call if there is need for

drivers, hands to help move clients, or any other helping

hands. Currently, our registered list of volunteers is very

short and we would love to have a larger group of people

that are willing to be called upon. Please call or text Coby

at 403-896-9007 if you are available.


We hope you are all busy thinking about, planning and making a leaf for the big art project that is underway. We'd love to see one leaf per person or, at the least, one leaf per family! If you do not know what to do, talk to a committee member. A few options: there are some wooden leaves available for you to make into your own unique leaf (paint, etch, attach things, etc.). Also, there is Paverpol available for those who know how to use this paint substance (those who were at the sculpture workshop). Also, if you are finished a leaf, share it with us soon! Pray for Karen Tamminga-Paton as she begins work on the painting of the trees. -Your art team: Klaaske, Karissa, Dayna, Edith.

LIVING BETWEEN THE TREES—What kind of glue can you use?

We’ve had a lot of questions about adhesives. Here’s what Karen told us: - hot glue sticks are great for a while but the glue gets brittle with

time and temperature changes and things pop off if there is any

movement or bending.

- rubber cement is great for paper product to paper but nothing else

(and then the next thing is to do a thin layer on each surface, allow

to dry, then attach)

- carpenter's glue is really good and enduring but takes time to dry

- this would probably be my choice

- gorilla glue is also really good but i have a nasty time keeping the

bottle open since it tends to glue itself shut and requires really

careful attention to how you seal the lid - a pain when a project

requires you to open and shut repeatedly.

- 2-part epoxy is really good too but you have to be patient and only

mix a bit at a time, and be ok with losing the last bit you mixed

because it dries quickly. You can try slow drying, or 5 min epoxy.

Try both.

You’ve Got the Skillz!

Keep an eye on your mailbox for the upcoming workshops, led by members of Woody Nook, in all sorts of different creative fields. In the meantime—save the dates: March 18 for the workshops, and March 6 as the RSVP deadline. It’s going to be great!

Adult Education Sessions: Mental Health

There are two more Adult Ed. Sessions coming up, hosted by Woody

Nook and led by Noah Boakye Yiadom the Health Promotion

Coordinator of the Addiction & Mental Health of Alberta Health

Services. Please consider coming to any or all of the sessions:

March 16 @ 7:30 Workshop 2: Understanding Mood Disorders

Mood disorder looks at how our emotions impact our mental health.

Understanding risk factors, signs and symptoms of mood disorders

will enable us to adapt and support members of our community who

needs us. The workshop comprises of presentation, discussions

questions and answers will also attempt to provide tools on what to

do when we are having mood problems.

April 20 @ 7:30 Workshop 3: Understanding Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder refers to how we process worry and stress.

Understanding risk factors signs and symptoms of anxiety disorder

will help us navigate our lives much better and maintain a good

mental health. The workshop comprises of presentation, discussions

questions and answers will also attempt to provide tools on what to

do when we have anxiety.

Prayer Summit—Save the Date!

SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, March 19, at Woody Nook, noon –

3:30 p.m. Mark this date on your calendar and plan to attend the

Woody Nook Prayer Summit.

The worship service emphasis will be on prayer that day, as well as

special activities are planned for the afternoon. We will start with a

potluck lunch (simple sandwiches/buns), followed by a workshop

geared at enhancing your prayer life and walking/praying through

interactive prayer stations. This event is geared to everyone aged

12 and older and the youth are strongly encouraged to attend. The

deadline to register is March 12 and you can call/text Helen at

403-896-9002 if you plan to attend.

Morning Break - Calling all ladies of the church!

Next meeting is Wednesday, Feb 22 at 9:30am

All ladies are welcome to join us for coffee and continue our new study of 'Love Does' by Bob Goff. There is a nursery and Story Hour for age 3+.


Our next meeting for GEMS (Girls in Grades 5-9) will be on on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 starting at 7:00 pm.

Baby Shower!! The Grade 6 GEMS are hosting a baby shower for the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre on Sunday February 26th from 2-4 in the fellowship hall. All ladies welcome! We have been working on our baking and cake decorating badges and will be serving our cakes at the shower! Come out for a time of fellowship while supporting a great cause. At the shower we will be collecting donations of diapers, wipes, feminine products, baby food, bottles, and new or gently used baby and maternity clothing! After the shower, the grade 6 GEMS will be sorting/organizing the donations and delivering them to the CAPCC. For more information, or to find out what the CAPCC is currently most in need of, call/text Karina Pol at 780-296-1970. Thanks for helping us support a great cause!! The Grade 6 GEMS.

Children at Communion

Information Session Mon, Feb 27 at 7:30pm. If your kids

have been asking about communion and are wanting

to partake and participate in it, this is your chance to

learn about the process of Woody Nook welcoming

them and to answer any questions you may have.

CADETS (For boys in Grades 5 to Grade 9)

The next Cadet meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. For more information about Cadets or if you have

any questions, please call Keith Vaandrager at 403.748.3833.

Cadets will be having a PARENT INFO night on March 1 to go over the International Camporee. We will talk cost, transport and crossing the border. We hope to see all boys go and would like all parents to attend.


CATCH is for all students in Grades 7 to 12, and it will run

on Tuesday evenings starting at 7:30 pm. The dates for

the next 8 sessions of CATCH are Tuesday, March 7 & 14 &

26 (Sunday); April 4, 11, 18, 25 the last one on, May 2.

CONCERT & WORKSHOPS—March 11 Brian Doerksen will be coming to Woody Nook on March 11th to

teach a 2-session worship workshop, and then play a concert in the

evening with myself (Phil Drost) and another Worship Arts

graduate, Carly Reirson.

The first workshop will begin at 2pm, and will discuss Lent (the

human need for liturgy: Why do we follow a liturgical calendar?

Jeremiah 6:16), Lament (emotional honesty: Why it’s important to

express ourselves to our Creator in the difficult seasons of life), and

the Psalms (what can we learn from them about our own humanity,

and what do they teach us about the heart of God?).

There will be a half hour intermission with refreshments, and then

another session will begin at 3:30pm. In the second session, we

will discuss Worship (what does it mean to worship God with our

entire being? What are different ways that we can worship the

Triune God in our everyday lives?), Selecting emotional healthy

music (the importance of selecting songs that serve the hurting,

grieving, and suffering people in the congregation/ How do we

include songs of lament without making it the focus of the entire

service?), and Spiritual disciplines (What are they, and how do they

help us draw closer to God and worship Him with a greater sense of

His presence?).

The concert will begin at 8pm. Both the workshop and the concert

are free, and open to all.

Please RSVP on the Woody Nook website (wncrc.ca, under

the Calendar section—click on the date) if you are planning on

coming to the workshop. There will be a freewill offering at the

concert in support of Rehoboth Christian Ministries.

If you are planning on attending the afternoon workshop, be sure to

bring a Bible, pen, and notebook. It will be an excellent opportunity

to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to worship our

Triune God in all seasons of life.

college and career Feb 23 Theological Thirstdays is happening this coming

Thursday at Blindman Brewing in Lacombe! This time,

we will be discussing Creation and Evolution. Starting at

7pm. Please come out and bring a friend or two for some

open and engaging conversation

hey youth Feb 26 There is going to be a Fishing Derby on Gull Lake

for this month's youth event - February 26th. Please

bring your own equipment, but there will be some

extra stuff there if you don't have any. It will be a

competition, with prizes for different types of fish,

and the biggest/smallest. Make sure you're

licensed if you are going to be fishing. There will

be a big tent set up with a wood stove to keep

warm, and plenty of food and drinks. Because we

are eating out there, there will be dessert back at

Woody Nook at 6pm instead of a full out meal.

There will be music, and lots of things happening

for non-fishers, such as board games, and perhaps

a spot cleared for skating or hockey (so bring

skates and sticks). So if you don't fish, you can

lounge in the tent and visit with your friends.

Please invite friends - this is for any youth or young

adults. We will start at 2pm - meet at Wilson's

Beach - the fishing spot is not far. Hope to see you

there! - Phil

THE DEACONS CORNER Our Second Offering is for Central Alberta Christian HighSchool:

Striving For Excellence Through Christ. Central Alberta Christian High School is serving students and families in Central Alberta with quality, Christ-centered education. Earn your Alberta High School diploma in a Christian environment with individual attention of Christian teachers. http://www.cachs.ca/

Alida Doornbos, Bev Hogarth, Troy Ogle, Brad Prins, Brian Prins, Keith Prins, Barton TenHove

Thank You!

Dear Woody Nook CRC,

Thank you so much for allowing me to share the work of

CRWM in Uganda while I was in Alberta in January. Thank you

also for the offering that helps this work be possible.

Folks in Uganda are asking when I am coming, as an

intensive series of training sessions have been scheduled for the

long vacation in May. It is still my hope that I can be in a position

to be there to lead those sessions. There are more requests for

training than staff from Kenya can fill.

Please pray for me. I am finding it increasingly difficult

emotionally, mentally, and spiritually to be engaged in support

raising here, all the while having a face towards Uganda. it's hard

living in limbo-not living fully here nor there.

Woody Nook CRC has a unique opportunity to be a

supporting church for what was "one of their own!" I look forward

to partnering with you! –Blessings, Diana


We are excited to announce that The Mustard Seed Red Deer

is the host organization of Coldest Night of the Year in Red Deer

this year! What is the Coldest Night the of the Year you ask? The

Coldest Night of the Year is a peer-to-peer walkathon to raise

awareness for those who are homeless, hurting and hungry. The

Coldest Night of the Year occurs in over 100 cities across Canada

all on February 25! The walkathon consists of either a 2km, 5km

or 10 km walk down a similar route that our homeless population

walks each and every day. The walk begins and ends at The

Mustard Seed, after you have completed the walk a warm meal is

served at The Mustard Seed in a similar fashion to how we would

serve a meal to the homeless population of Red Deer. We are

looking for individuals or teams of people to sign up and help us

raise awareness! For more information and to sign up follow the

link below! https://canada.cnoy.org/location/reddeer If you have

any questions feel free to email myself or call us at (403) 347-6732.

FEB 19 FEB 20 FEB 21 FEB 22 FEB 23 FEB 24 FEB 25


Pastor Neil

7:00 pm No Service

9:30 am SENIORS Meeting@ Bethel

9:30 am Morning Break

7:00 pm


7:30 pm Full Council


Evening Theoglogical Thirstday

3:00pm Rehearsal

1:30pm Wedding

Leah Hogarth

& J. Hayward

FEB 26 FEB 27 FEB 28 MAR 1 MAR 2 MAR 3 MAR 4

10:00am Pastor Dayna

7:00 pm Pastor Dayna YOUTH


7:30 pm Children at Communion Info Session

7:30 pm PMC

5:30 pm


Tuesday Pancake Supper Service to follow

9:30 am Morning Break

7:30 pm Pastoral


7:30 pm


MAR 5 MAR 6 MAR 7 MAR 8 MAR 9 MAR10 MAR 11



Pastor Neil

7:00 pm

Pastor Neil

7:00 pm Friendship @ Bethel

7:30 pm PMC

9:30 am SENIORS Meeting@ Bethel

7:30 pm DEACONS


7:30 pm


9:30 am Morning Break

7:00 pm


9-3 pm Days for


Work Bee


Doerksen Workshop



Feb 19 WM & CACHS Feb 19 2 Yvonne, Andrew, Grace, Joe Feb 26 WM & CRC Race Relations Feb 26 3 Helen, Monica, Jackie, Mel Mar 5 WM & WR Food Grains Bank Mar 5 4 Judy Rien Grada USHERS’ SCHEDULE Feb 12 1 Phil, Janet, George Feb 19 Rod W, Nick D Feb 26 Jan D, Hans E Mar 5 Shawn P, Gord S MUSIC SCHEDULE HOSPITALITY SCHEDULE

Feb 19 10 am Sherry’s Team PP-Helen Feb 12 Helen D 7 pm No Service Ed & Eleanor D Feb 26 10 am Heidi & Graham PP-Riva Feb 19 Klaas B 7 pm Youth Worship Team PP-Taylor Lawrence B Mar 5 10 am Craig & Miriam PP-Marg Feb 26 Klaaske dK 7 pm Emma DO PP-Tyler Harv & Dorothy B SOUND SYSTEM NURSERY SCHEDULE Feb 19 10 am Claire T MOMS Elisa L Feb 26 10 am Werner B Stephanie A Mar 5 10 am Ruben V – Aug 4 10 AM – Feb 19 CANDLE LAY READER Supervisor Mamie M, Joanna L Feb 19 10 am Arayha F Hans D Sleepers Linda B, Klaaske dK Feb 26 10 am Arjen A Klaaske dK Leah D Mar 5 10 am Ava V Wilma B Creepers Amanda T LIBRARY SCHEDULE Harvey B, Eric D Feb 19 10 am Darlene VL & MaryAnn F Leapers Edith A, Mike B Feb 26 10 am Sherry V & Charleen S Bart K Mar 5 10 am Andrea H, Wilma S 10 AM – Feb 26 COFFEE SERVERS Supervisor Joanna L, Janneke S Feb 12 Ron & Cindi H Sleepers Betty D, Miriam D Mel & Mary Ann I Taylor S Feb 19 Josh & Cherylyn I Creepers Marvin B, Helen D Matt & Amy K Blair P Feb 26 Albert & Marijke K Leapers Jackie B, Greg V Ed & Linda K Albert S GREETERS SCHEDULE 10 AM – Mar 5 Feb 12 Klaaske dK, Jack & Edith D Supervisor Janneke S, Jen O Peter & Emma D Sleepers Grada D, Jen D Feb 19 Mike & Alida D, Dirk & Lydie D Leita S Ed & Eleanor D Creepers Andrew W, Lin L Feb 26 Jan & Grada D, Evert & Ina I Coryn B Harry & MaryAnn F Leapers Werner B, Janet N Hidde B


Gloire à Dieu, notre Créateur;

Gloire à Christ, notre Rédempteur;

Gloire à l’Esprit Consolateur!

Louange et gloire à Dieu, Sauveur.



تدفق النعم جمیع من ومنهم هللا الحمد ادناه هنا المخلوقات جمیع سبحوه

السماوي الجند أیها فوق سبحوه القدس والروح واالبن اآلب الحمد .

SWAHILI Sifa Mungu ambaye baraka zote kati yake

Msifuni viumbe wote hapa chini

Msifuni juu nyinyi jeshi la mbinguni

Sifa Baba, Mwana na Roho Mtakatifu.



Gott Vater, dem sei ewig Herr,

Gott Sohn, der ist der einig Herr,

Und dem Tröster, Heiligen Geist,

Von nun an bis in Ewigkeit.



Segala puji Allah yang sentiasa aliran berkat

Memuji-Nya semua makhluk di sini di bawah

Memuji-Nya atas kamu angkatan syurgawi

Segala puji Bapa, Anak dan Roh Kudus.
