ORCID identifiers in research workflows - PLOS (V. Kiermer)

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of ORCID identifiers in research workflows - PLOS (V. Kiermer)

Veronique Kiermer, Executive Editor, PLOS

Board Member, ORCID

ORCID Outreach Meeting | Toronto

May 2016

ORCID inPublishers workflows

As persistent identifiers for contributors to the research process, ORCID forms the basis of precise and durable mechanisms of credit.

Additional benefits – ORCID has the potential to:

ü Disambiguate databases of users

ü Simplify manuscript submission - author service

ü Improve discoverability and search

ü Connect authors to related contributions elsewhere, inter-

operating with an ecosystem of identifiers

ü Extend credit from authors to reviewers and editors

ORCID  Integration  ANDS  April  2015 3

ORCID Integration ANDS April 20154


Credit for authors

• Collection of ORCID iDs in submission system

• Display of ORCID iDs in published articles

• Syndicate ORCID iDs as part of metadata of the article to indexers

• Auto-update author ORCID profile via CrossRef

• Synergize with standard for contributions

ORCID collection: use ORCID API

• In manuscript tracking system – upon submission or registration

• Enables single sign on

• Via ORCID button in correspondence


With ORCID integration, Authors and their administrators no longer need to keep profiles updated manually

CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy

A simple taxonomy of research contributions developed under the auspices of CASRAI and NISO.

- Includes but not limited to traditional authorship roles

- Makes contributions machine-readable and portable

http://casrai.org/CRediTConceptualization | Methodology | Software |Validation |Formal Analysis |Investigation | Resources | Data curation | Writing (original draft) | Writing (reviews) |Visualization | Supervision | Project administration | Funding acquisition

Become portable to ORCID record, CV, faculty profile, etc

Credit for peer review

On January 7, 2016, a coalition of publishers sign an Open Letter committing to start requiring ORCID IDs in 2016.

1. Implementing best practices for ORCID collection and auto-update of ORCID records upon publication

2. Require ORCID IDs for corresponding authors and encourage for co-authors

Thanks for listening!

