[Oral Biology]Slides for Oral Histology-Part1_American Corner Family 'October 8th,2010' [ACFF...

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Dr. Ahmad R. AwadThe tooth development The Enamel The Dentin The cementum The Pulp The Bone The periodontal ligaments The age developmentEndEnamel organ ( in bud stage)Dental laminaEctoderm which lie the oral cavityOuter enamel epithelium E.O Inner enamel epithelium Stallat Reticulum N.B: In the cap stage the inner enamel epithelium separate from the dental papilla via space called cell free Dental zone. papillaTooth follicleStallat reticulum Odontoblastic layer Stratum interm

Transcript of [Oral Biology]Slides for Oral Histology-Part1_American Corner Family 'October 8th,2010' [ACFF...

Dr. Ahmad R. Awad

The Enamel

The age development

The Dentin

The Pulp

The Bone

The cementum

The periodontal ligaments

أسرة الفيروز

The tooth development


Ectoderm which lie the oral cavity

Outer enamel epithelium Inner enamel


Dental papilla

Tooth follicle

Stallat Reticulum

Dental lamina

Enamel organ ( in bud stage)

E.ON.B: In the cap stage the inner enamel epithelium separate from the dental papilla via space called cell free zone.

Dental papilla which becomes pulp




Ameloblastic layer

Stratum intermedium

Odontoblastic layer

Stallat reticulum

Dental papilla

Odontoblastic layer


dentinEnamel Ameloblastic layer

Stallat reticulum

Cervical loop

Dentin A.D.J.

Enamel lamella type B

Incremental line of Retzuz’s

Enamel lamella type C



Enamel spindle

Enamel tufts


Enamel lamella type B

Enamel lamella type C

Primary curvature of the dentinal tubules

Foamy shaped odontoblasts




Granular layer of Tome’s

Inter globular space

Dentinal tubules

White star shaped structure ( dentin inter globular spaces.) in decalcified section.

Dentinal tubules

Granular layer of tome’s

Incremental lines of Salter (in cementum)

Acellular cementum

Granular layer of Tome’s

Dentinal tubules

Cellular cementum characterized by the lacunea and the canaliculi of the cemntocytes

Decalcified section showing the cellular cementum

Root at the apical portion

N.B: This section just cellular cementum it is not hypercementosis. To differentiate between both note the bulky cementum at the apical part of the root.

Pulp core

Cell reach zone

Cell free zone

Odontoblastic layer


Pulp horn



Pulp core

Pulp core

Odontoblastic layer


Hyaline cartilage with the chondroblasts embed in matrix


Bundle bone

Lamellar bone


Developed root


Alveolar bone proper ( bundle + lamellar bone)

N.B: There are a structures in the alveolar bone proper called (Zuker Kandle and Hirschfield canals ) but they can't seen by the light microscopes.

Spongy bone

Interradicular fibers

Interradicular septum of bone

Oblique fibers

N.B: To inspect the type of fibers erect on the direction of their nuclei

Apical fibers

Oblique fibers

Horizontal fibers

Inter dental or ( trans septal ) fibers

Gingival fibers

Interstitial spaces rich with blood vessels and nerves .

Periodontal ligament fibers

The age change of dentinThe age change of dentin

Primary dentin

( According to the severely of stimulus )

Sclerotic Dead tracts

Secondary dentin




- atubular


The age change in pulpThe age change in pulp


True denticles False denticles

- Small - Large

- Root canal - In the pulp

- Have few tubules


Irregular reparative secondary dentin



Dead tract in primary dentin

N.B : The dead tracts have an optical phenomenon that it showing black lines in transmitted light and white once when the light turned off. But it is difficult to taken a picture when the microscope turned off.

False denticles ( pulp stone) in the pulp chamber