Oracle WebCenter Portal 11g - WebCenter Portal 11g Developer Workshop – LAB...

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Oracle WebCenter Portal 11g Developer Workshop

Lab 09 – Configuring Mobile Features

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WebCenter Portal offers specific features for mobile devices, such as user-agent identification, device and device families’ management, variant pages for mobile devices and mobile preview. Page templates can be created specifically for mobile devices, and Portal will identify the device type and deliver the right page. In this lab we will go over some of these features, and create a mobile version of a portal page. At the end of this exercise, you will be able to: 1. Create a new managed device

2. Create a new device group

3. Create variant pages for specific device groups

4. Preview mobile pages in Portal

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1. Upload the files in the lab_assets/Lab09_Mobile folder to the Contribution Folders/OraHealth/images folder in the Content Server.

2. Log in to WebCenter Portal as weblogic. Go to the Administration page for the Portal. Go to the Device Settings tab and open the Devices tab.

3. Click on the Create button and set the following values:

o Name: NokiaLumia

o Display Name: Nokia Lumia

o User Agent: *Lumia 920*

o Description: Nokia Lumia

4. Click on the Choose Attributes button.

5. Check the Select All checkbox (on top) and uncheck the following attributes:

o Icon

o model-version

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6. Click OK and enter the following values:

o brand-name: Nokia

o device-os: Windows

o device-type: smartphone

o device_default_aspect_ration: 16x9

o device_os_version: Windows8.0

o device_preview_css: background-


ribution%20Folders/OraHealth/images/Nokia_Lumia_800_VER.png'); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: center 20px;

o device_preview_horizontal_css: background-



background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position: center 20px;height:810px;

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o device_preview_viewport_css: border:none; position:relative; top:200px;

o device_preview_viewport_horizontal_css: border:none; position:relative; top:86px;

o device_streaming_flv: True

o device_streaming_preferred_http_protocol: progressive_download

o device_streaming_preferred_protocol: http

o device_video_streaming: True

o display_orientation_support: True

o display_resolution_height: 1280

o display_resolution_width: 768

o is-wireless_device: true

o marketing-name: Lumia 920

o model-name: Lumia920

7. Click Create.

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8. We can see the new device at the end of the list.

9. Now we will create a new Device Group and add this new device to it.

10. Go to the Device Groups tab and click Create.

11. Set the following values:

o Name: WindowsPhones

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o Display Name: Windows Phones

12. Move the NokiaLumia device to the Selected Devices column.

13. Click Create.

14. Check the Available option.

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15. Go to the OraHealth portal and edit the Our Staff page.

16. First, let’s preview the page as it would appear in our new device.

17. Click on the Preview () button and select the Nokia Lumia device.

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18. The preview will appear.

19. We will create a ‘cleaner’ version of this page for mobile users.

20. Go to the Pages tab, select the Our Staff page, click on the Add button and select Page Variant.

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21. Select Windows Phones and make sure Copy Base Page Content and Style is checked. Click Create.

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22. Notice a new page in the navigation below Our Staff. This page will be delivered to devices that match the Windows Phone device group. Select this page and click Edit.

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23. Drag and drop the components in order to have a single column. Remove some of the Task Flows to reduce the amount of content in the page. Adjust the width of the box to 768px. Save the page.

24. Preview the page as Nokia Lumia to see the modified version of the page.

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25. Now preview the page as another mobile device, and see the original page rendered.

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26. For added bonus, create a Variant page for your mobile device and test it on your mobile browser.

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27. Save the page and exit edit mode.

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Oracle WebCenter Portal 11g Developer Workshop – LAB 09 Configuring Mobile Features

September, 2014

Author: Denis Abrantes

Oracle Corporation

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