Oracle 10g-A Grid Database

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  • 8/14/2019 Oracle 10g-A Grid Database



    A Technical ReportSubmitted in partial fulfillment of

    the requirements for theDegree of Bachelor of Engineering

    Under Berhampur University


    SANDIP SARKAR Roll # EI200210344

    September - 2005

    Under the guidance of



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    Palur Hills, Berhampur, Orissa - 761 008, India


    Grid computing is poised to drastically change the economics of

    computing. Grid computing can dramatically lower the cost of

    computing, extend the availability of computing resources, increase

    productivity, and improve quality. The basic idea of grid computing

    is the notion of computing as a utility, analogous to the electric

    power grid or the telephone network. As a client of the grid, you do

    not care where your data is or where your computation is done. You

    want to have your computation done and to have your information

    delivered to you when you want it. From the server-side, the grid is

    about virtualization and provisioning. You pool all your resources

    together and provision these resources dynamically based on the

    needs of your business; thus achieving better resource utilization at

    the same time. This paper describes the fundamental attributes of a

    grid, and the trends in the IT industry that are moving enterprises

    towards grid computing. It then examines the functionality availablein Oracle Database 10g that leverages these trends, and makes grid

    computing a reality, today.


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    It feels nice to have got this opportunity to give vent the unbridled feelings of

    gratitude imprisoned in the core of my heart.

    It is my proud privilege to epitomize my deepest sense of gratitude and indebtedness

    to my guide, Mrs. SANGHAMITRA PATRI for her valuable guidance, keen and

    sustained interest, intuitive ideas and persistent endeavor. His inspiring assistance,

    laconic reciprocation and affectionate care enabled me to complete my work smoothly

    and successfully.

    I acknowledge with immense pleasure the sustained interest, encouraging attitude and

    constant inspiration rendered by Mr. Sangram Mudali, Director, NIST. His

    continued drive for better quality in everything that happens at NIST and selfless

    inspiration has always helped us to move ahead.

    At the nib but not neap tide, I bow my head in gratitude at the omnipresent Almighty

    for all his kindness. I still seek His blessings to proceed further.


    Roll # EI200210344


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    Under the guidance of.................................................................................................i


    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................iv

    1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................1

    2. DATABASES AND THE GRID...............................................................................3

    2.1 GRID TERMINOLOGY......................................................................................5

    2.2 GRID DATABASES----THE CURRENT STATE.............................................5

    2.3 INTEGRATING DATABASES INTO THE GRID............................................7


    3. VISION OF GRID COMPUTING...........................................................................17

    3.1 ENTERPRISE GRIDS.......................................................................................17

    3.2 GRID COMPUTING ATTRIBUTES................................................................19

    3.3 FIVE GENERATIONS OF DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING............................21

    3.4OPEN GRID STANDARDS...............................................................................22

    4. ORACLE DATABASE 10g.....................................................................................23


    STANDARDS- BASED COMPONENTS..................................................................30

    6. OPERATIONAL BENEFITS..................................................................................32

    7. POSITIONING FOR THE FUTURE .....................................................................35

    8. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................37



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    Every organization around the world struggles with the very high cost of its

    information technology infrastructure. These very high costs arise from three primary


    Excess Computing Capacity: that is poorly utilized due to the need to build

    capacity for peaks, and the inability to use the spare capacity efficiently.

    Expensive Capacity Growth: due to the inability to add capacity

    quickly, when needed, and in low cost, modular units.

    High Management Costs: due to the complexity of systems; the

    specialized management tools, procedures, and skills required; and the large amounts

    of human intervention needed to manage systems.

    Grid computing is a new software architecture designed to effectively pool together

    large amounts of low cost modular storage and servers to create a virtual computing

    resource across which work can be transparently distributed. Grid computing enables

    computing capacity to be used very efficiently, at low cost, and with very high

    availability. The resources in a grid can include storage, servers, database servers,

    application servers, and applications. By pooling resources together, grid computing

    can offer dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to these resources

    regardless of their location and when needed. Grid computing thereby provides the

    best solution to the need for computing and software capacity on-demand. While grid

    computing has hitherto been primarily used by the scientific community to solve very

    specialized problems, the rapid evolution of cost-effective networked storage; high

    speed, high density blade servers; high speed network Interconnects; and low cost

    operating systems coupled with the advances in systems software (Database Servers

    and Application Servers) to exploit these advances have now made it possible for

    enterprises to exploit grid computing. Recognizing the fundamental benefits grid

    computing offers enterprises, Oracle offers organizations a comprehensive solution to

    manage information and run enterprise applications on grids. Oracle Database 10g has

    been designed to manage information on computing grids called database grids.

    Oracle Application Server 10g (Oracle AS 10g) has been designed to run enterprise


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    applications on computing grids called application server grids. Both Oracle Database

    10g and Oracle Application Server 10g can be very efficiently managed in a grid

    computing environment using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control. Together

    these products address the information technology challenges that organizations face

    like:Eliminating Excess Computing Capacity(Through automatic workload

    management that distributes workloads to use spare computing capacity

    efficiently),Enabling Modular, Inexpensive Capacity Growth (Through rapid and

    efficient software provisioning that enables computing capacity to be added on

    demand in low cost modular units) and Radically Lowering Management Cost

    (Through self-managing systems that reduce the need for costly, error-prone human

    intervention; and through automated software provisioning and management across

    many systems).

    Oracle Database 10g is proven to be the fastest database for transaction processing,

    data warehousing, and third-party applications on servers of all sizes. And its proven

    to securely protect data and ensure data access 24x7, reducing the risk of data loss and

    system downtime, while keeping the cost of computing down.


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    Let us examine how databases can be integrated into the Grid. Almost all early Grid

    applications are file-based, and so, to date, there has been relatively little effort

    applied to integrating databases into the Grid. However, if the Grid is to support a

    wider range of applications, both scientific and otherwise, then database integration

    into the Grid will become important. For example many applications in the life and

    earth sciences, and many business applications are heavily dependent on databases.

    First let us consider how databases can be integrated into the Grid so that applications

    can access data from them. It is not possible to achieve this just by adopting or

    adapting the existing Grid components that handle files, as databases offer a much

    richer set of operations (for example queries and transactions), and there is much

    greater heterogeneity between different database management systems than there is

    between different file systems. Not only are there major differences between database

    paradigms (e.g. object and relational), but even within one paradigm different

    database products (e.g. Oracle and DB2) vary in their functionality and interfaces.

    This diversity makes it more difficult to design a single solution for integrating

    databases into the Grid, but the alternative of requiring every database to be integrated

    into the Grid in a bespoke fashion would result in much wasted effort. Managing the

    tension between the desire to support the full functionality of different database

    paradigms, while also trying to produce common solutions to reduce effort, is key to

    designing ways of integrating databases into the Grid.

    The diversity of database systems also has other important implications. One of the

    main hopes for the Grid is that it will encourage the publication of scientific data in a

    more open manner than is currently the case. If this occurs then it is likely that some

    of the greatest advances will be made by combining data from separate, distributed

    sources to produce new results. The data that applications wish to combine will have

    been created by a set of different researchers who will often have made local,

    independent decisions about the best database paradigm and design for their data.

    This heterogeneity presents problems when data is to be combined. If each application

    has to include its own, bespoke solutions to federating information then similar

    solutions will be re-invented in different applications, and effort wasted. Therefore, it


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    is important to provide generic middleware support for federating Grid-enabled


    Yet another level of heterogeneity needs to be considered. There is also the need to

    build applications that also access and federate other forms of data. For example,

    semi-structured data (e.g. XML), and relatively unstructured data (e.g. scientific

    papers), are valuable sources of information in many fields. Further, this type of data

    will often be held in files, rather than a database. Therefore, in some applications

    there will be a requirement to federate these types of data with structured data from

    databases. There are therefore two main dimensions of complexity in the problem of

    integrating databases into the Grid: implementation differences between server

    products within a database paradigm, and the variety of database paradigms. The

    requirement for database federation effectively creates a problem space whose

    complexity is abstractly the product of these two dimensions. Unsurprisingly, existing

    database management systems do not currently support Grid integration. They are

    however the result of many hundreds of person-years of effort that allows them to

    provide a wide range of functionality, valuable programming interfaces and tools, and

    important properties such as security, performance and dependability. As these

    attributes will be required by Grid applications, we strongly believe that building new

    Grid-enabled database management systems from scratch is both unrealistic and a

    waste of effort. Instead we must consider how to integrate existing database

    management systems into the Grid. As is described later, this approach does have its

    limitations, as there are some desirable attributes of Grid-enabled databases that

    cannot be added in this way and need to be integrated in the underlying database

    management system itself. However, these are not so important as to invalidate the

    basic approach of building on existing technology.

    The danger with this approach comes if a purely short-term view is taken. If we

    restrict ourselves to considering only how existing databases servers can be integrated

    with existing Grid middleware then we may loose sight of longer-term opportunities

    for more powerful connectivity. Therefore, we have tried to identify both the

    limitations of what can be achieved in the short-term solely by integrating existing

    components and cases where developments to the Grid middleware and database

    server components themselves will produce longer-term benefits. An important aspect4

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    of this will occur naturally if the Grid becomes commercially important, as the

    database vendors will then wish to provide out-of-the-box support for Grid

    integration, by supporting the emerging Grid standards. Similarly, it is vital that those

    designing standards for Grid middleware take into account the requirements for

    database integration. Together, these converging developments would reduce the

    amount of glue code required to integrate databases into the Grid.


    In this section we briefly introduce the terminology that will be used:

    A database is a collection of related data. A database management system (DBMS) is

    responsible for the storage and management of one or more databases. Examples of

    DBMS are Oracle 9i, DB2, Objectivity and MySQL. A DBMS will support a

    particular database paradigm, for example relational, object-relational or object. A

    Database System (DBS) is created, using a DBMS, to manage a specific database.

    The DBS includes any associated application software.

    Many Grid applications will need to utilise more than one DBS. An application canaccess a set of DBS individually, but the consequence is that any integration that is

    required (e.g. of query results or transactions) must be implemented in the application.

    To reduce the effort required to achieve this, federated databases use a layer of

    middleware running on top of autonomous databases, to present applications with

    some degree of integration. This can include integration of schemas and query

    capability. DBS and DBMS offer a set of services that are used to manage and access

    the data. These include query and transaction services. A service provides a set ofrelated operations.


    In this section we consider how the current Grid middleware supports database

    integration. We consider Globus, the leading Grid middleware before looking at

    previous work on databases in Grids. The dominant middleware used for building

    computational grids is Globus, which provides a set of services covering grid


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    information, resource management and data management. Information Services allow

    owners to register their resources in a directory, and provide, in the Monitoring and

    Discovery Service (MDS) mechanisms through which they can be dynamically

    discovered by applications looking for suitable resources on which to execute. From

    MDS, applications can determine the configuration, operational status and loading of

    both computers and networks. Another service, the Globus Resource Allocation

    Manager (GRAM) accepts requests to run applications on resources, and manages the

    process of moving the application to the remote resource, scheduling it and providing

    the user with a job control interface.

    An orthogonal component that runs through all Globus services is the Grid Security

    Infrastructure (GSI). This addresses the need for secure authentication and

    communications over open networks. An important feature is the provision of single-

    sign on access to computational and data resources.

    The latest version of Globus (2.0) offers a core set of services (called the Globus Data

    Grid) for file access and management. There is no direct support for database

    integration and the emphasis is instead on the support for very large files, such as

    those that might be used to hold huge datasets resulting from scientific experiments.

    GridFTP is a version of FTP optimised for transferring files efficiently over high-

    bandwidth wide area networks and it is integrated with the Grid Security

    Infrastructure. There have been recent moves in the Grid community to adopt Web

    Services as the basis for Grid middleware, through the definition of the Open Grid

    Services Architecture (OGSA). This will allow the Grid community to exploit the

    high levels of investment in Web Service tools and components being developed for

    commercial computing. The move also reflects the fact that there is a great deal of

    overlap between the Grid vision of supporting scientific computing by sharing

    resources, and the commercial vision of enabling Virtual Organisations - companies

    combining information, resources and processes to build new distributed applications.

    Despite lacking direct support for database integration, Globus does have services that

    can assist in achieving this. The Grid Security Infrastructure could be used as the

    basis of a system that provides a single sign-on capability, removing the need to

    individually connect to each database with a separate username and password.

    However, mechanisms for connecting a user or application to the database in a6

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    particular role, and for delegating restricted access rights are required but are not

    currently directly supported by GSI. A recent development - the Community

    Authorisation Service - does offer restricted delegation, and so may offer a way

    forward. Other Globus components could also be harnessed in order to support other

    aspects of database integration into the Grid. For example, GridFTP could be used

    both for bulk database loading and, where efficient, for the bulk transfer of query

    results from a DBS to another component of an application. The MDS and GRAM

    services can be used to locate and run database federation middleware on appropriate

    computational resources. In the longer term, the move towards an OGSA service-

    based architecture for Globus is in line with the proposed framework for integrating

    databases into the Grid.


    In this section we describe a framework for integrating databases into Grid

    applications and identify the main functionality. The proposed framework is service-

    based. The Figure 1 shows the service-based framework, with a service wrapper

    placed between the Grid and the DBS (we deliberately refer to DBS here rather than

    DBMS, as the owner of the database can choose which services to make available on

    the Grid, and who is allowed to access them). Initially, the service wrappers will have

    to be custom produced, but, in the future, if the commercial importance of the Grid

    increases, and standards are defined, then it is to be hoped that DBMS vendors will

    offer Grid-enabled service interfaces as an integral part of their products. We now

    discuss each of the services shown in Figure 1: Metadata:

    This service provides access to technical metadata about the DBS and the set of

    services that it offers to Grid applications. Examples include the logical and physical

    name of the DBS and its contents, ownership, version numbers, the database schema

    and information on how the data can be accessed. The service description metadata

    would, for each service, describe exactly what functionality is offered. This would be

    used by Grid application builders, and tools that need to know how to interface to the

    DBS. It is particularly important for applications that are dynamically constructed


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    the two-step access to data means that the databases that are to take part in an

    application are now

    Known until some preliminary processing of metadata has taken place. Each run of

    such applications may result in the need to access a different set of databases, and so

    mechanisms are required to dynamically construct interfaces to those DBS if they

    are not all able to offer completely standard interfaces, then the metadata can be

    accessed to determine their functionality and interfaces, so that they can be

    dynamically incorporated into the application.

    Query: Query languages differ across different DBMS, though the core of SQL is

    standard across most relational DBMS. It is therefore important that the service

    metadata defines the type and level of query language that is supported. To provide

    input to scheduling decisions, and enable the efficient planning of distributed Grid

    applications, an operation that provides an estimate of the cost of executing a query is

    highly desirable. As described in the requirements section, the query service should

    also be able to exploit a variety of communications mechanisms in order to transfer

    results over the Grid, including streaming (with associated flow control) and transfer

    as a single block of data. Finally, it is important that the results of a query can be

    delivered to an arbitrary destination, rather than just to the sender of the query. This

    allows the creation of distributed systems with complex communications structures,

    rather than just simple client-server request-response.


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    Transaction: These operations would support transactions involving

    only a single DBS and also allow a DBS to participate in application-

    wide distributed transactions, where the DBS supports it. There are

    a variety of types of transactions that are supported by DBMS (for

    example, some but not all support nested transactions), and so a

    degree of heterogeneity between DBS is inevitable. In the longer

    term, there may also be a need for loosely co-ordinated, long-

    running transactions between multiple enterprises, and so support

    for alternative protocols (e.g. the Business Transaction Protocol -

    BTP may become important. Given the variety of support that could

    be offered by a transaction service, the service-description

    metadata must make clear what is available at this DBS.

    Bulk Loading: Support for the bulk loading of data over the Grid into the database

    will be important in some systems. For large amounts of data, the service should be

    able to exploit Grid communication protocols that are optimised for the transfer of

    large datasets (e.g. GridFTP).

    Notification: This would allow clients to register some interest in a set of data, and

    receive a message when a change occurred. Supporting this function requires both a

    mechanism that allows the client to specify exactly what it is interested in (e.g.

    additions, updates, deletions, perhaps further filtered by a query) and a method for

    notifying the client of a change.

    Scheduling: This would allow users to schedule the use of the DBS. It should support

    the emerging Grid scheduling service, for example allowing a DBS and a

    supercomputer to be co-scheduled, so that large datasets retrieved from the DBS can

    be processed by the supercomputer. Bandwidth on the network connecting them

    might also need to be pre-allocated. As providing exclusive access to a DBS is

    impractical, mechanisms are needed to dedicate sufficient resources (disks, CPUs,

    memory, network) to a particular task. This requires the DBS to provide resource pre-

    allocation and management, something that is not well supported by existing DBMS,


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    and cannot be implemented by wrapping the DBMS and controlling the resources at

    the operating system level. This is because DBMS, like most efficiently designed

    servers, run as a set of processes that are shared among all the users, and the

    management of sharing is not visible or controllable at the operating system process


    Accounting: The DBS must be able to provide the necessary information for whatever

    accounting and payment scheme emerges for the Grid. This service would monitor

    performance against agreed service levels, and enable users to be charged for resource

    usage. The data collected would also provide valuable input for application capacity

    planning, and for optimising the usage of Grid resources. As with scheduling, as a

    DBS is a shared server it is important that accounting is done in terms of the

    individual users (or groups) use of the DBS, and not just aggregated across all users.


    Last Section stressed the importance of being able to combine data from multiple

    DBS. The ability to generate new results by combining data from a set of distributed

    resources is one of the most exciting opportunities that the Grid will offer. In thissection we consider how the service-based framework can help to achieve this.

    One option is for a Grid application to interface directly to the service interfaces of

    each of the set of DBS whose data it wishes to access. This approach is illustrated in

    Figure 2. However, this forces application writers to solve federation problems within

    the application itself. This would lead to great application complexity, and duplication

    of effort.


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    To overcome these problems we propose an alternative, in which Grid-enabled

    middleware is used to produce a single, federated virtual database system to which

    the application interfaces. Given the service-based approach proposed, federating a set

    of DBS reduces to federating each of the individual services (query, transaction etc.).

    This creates a Virtual DBS, which has exactly the same service interface as the DBSdescribed in the previous section but does not actually store any data (advanced

    versions could however be designed to cache data in order to increase performance).

    Instead, calls made to the Virtual DBS services are handled by service federation

    middleware that interacts with the service interfaces of the individual DBS that are

    being federated, in order to compute the result of the service call. This approach is

    shown in Figure 3. Because the Virtual DBS has an identical service interface to the

    real DBS, then it is possible for a Virtual DBS to federate the services of both

    real DBS, and other Virtual DBS.

    Two different scenarios can be envisaged for the creation of a Virtual DBS:

    1) A user decides to create a Virtual DBS that combines data and services from a

    specific set of DBS that they wish to work with. These may, for example, be well

    known as the standard authorities in their field.


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    2) A user wishes to find and work with data on a subject of their

    interest, but they do not know where it is located. A Metadata query

    would be used to locate appropriate datasets. These would then be

    federated to create a Virtual DBS that could then be queried. At theend of the work session, the Virtual DBS could be saved for future


    How can the Virtual DBS be created? The ideal situation would be for a tool to take a

    set of DBS and automatically create the Virtual DBS. At the other end of the scale, a

    set of bespoke programs could be written to implement each service of the Virtual

    DBS. Obviously, the former is preferable, especially if we wish to dynamically create

    Virtual DBS as in the second scenario above. Bearing this in mind, we now consider

    the issues in federating services.

    The service-based approach proposed assists in the process of federating services, by

    encouraging standardisation. However, it will not be possible to fully standardise all

    services, and it is the resulting heterogeneity that causes problems. A tool could

    attempt to create a Virtual DBS automatically as follows. For each service, the tool

    would query the metadata service of each of the DBS being federated in order todetermine their functionality and interface. Knowing the integration middleware that

    was available for the service, and the requirements that this middleware had for the

    underlying services, the tool would determine the options for federation. If there were

    more than one option then one would be selected (possibly taking into account

    application or user preferences). If no options were available then the application or

    user would be informed that no integration of this service was possible. In this case,

    the user would either not be able to use the service, or would need to write new

    federation middleware to effect the integration, if that were possible.

    Integrating each of the services proposed raises specific issues that are now described:

    Query: Ideally this would present to the user a single integrated schema for the virtual

    DBS, and accept queries against it. A compiler and optimiser would determine how to

    split up the query across the set of DBS, and then combine the results of these sub-

    queries. The major relational DBMS products already offer Star tools that

    implement distributed query middleware. Grid applications do however introduce new


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    requirements, in particular the need for conformance with Grid standards, and the

    ability to query across dynamically changing sets of databases. The service-based

    approach to Grid-enabling databases simplifies the design of federation middleware as

    it promotes the standardisation of interfaces, but, as was stated in the requirements

    section, it does not address the higher-level problem of the semantic integration of

    multiple databases, which has been the subject of much attention over the past

    decades. The nature of the Grid does however offer some interesting new

    opportunities for distributed query processing. Once a query has been compiled, Grid

    resources could be acquired on demand for running the distributed query execution

    middleware. The choice of resources could be made on the basis of the response time,

    and price requirements of the user. For example, if a join operator was the bottleneck

    in a query, and performance was important, then multiple compute nodes could be

    acquired and utilised to run that part of the query in parallel. If the user was charged

    for time on the compute nodes, then a trade-off between price and performance would

    need to be made. Further, because query optimisers can only estimate the cost of a

    query before it is run, queries sometimes take much longer than expected, perhaps

    because a filter or join in the middle of a query has produced more data than expected.

    An option here for Grid-based distributed query execution is to monitor the

    performance at run-time and acquire more resources dynamically in order to meet the

    performance requirements of the user.

    Transaction: The basic transaction service described already supports the creation of

    distributed transactions across multiple databases.

    Bulk Loading: This could be implemented by middleware that takes a load file, splits

    it into separate files for each DBS and uses the bulk load service of each individual

    DBMS to carry out the loading.


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    Notification: A client would register an interest in the virtual DBS. Middleware

    would manage the distribution of the notification operations: registration, filtering and

    notification, across the DBS. This should ideally be done using a generic Grid-

    enabled event service so that a database specific federation solution is not required.

    Metadata: This would be a combination of the metadata services of the federated

    databases, and would describe the set of services offered by the Virtual DBS. At thesemantic, data-description level (e.g. providing a unified view of the combined

    schema) the problems are as described above for the query service.

    Scheduling: This would provide a common scheduling interface for the virtual DBS.

    When generic, distributed scheduling middleware is available for the Grid, the

    implementation of a federated service should be relatively straightforward.


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    Accounting: This would provide a combined accounting service for the whole virtual

    DBS. As a Grid accounting service will have to support distributed components, the

    implementation of this service should be straightforward once that Grid accounting

    middleware is available.

    As has been seen, the complexity of the service federation middleware will vary from

    service to service, and will, in general, increase as the degree of heterogeneity of the

    services being federated increases. However, we believe that the service-based

    approach to federating services provides a framework for the incremental

    development of a suite of federation middleware, by more than one supplier. Initially,

    it would be sensible to focus on the most commonly required forms of service

    federation. One obvious candidate is query integration across relational DBMS.

    However, over time, applications would discover the need for other types of

    federation. When this occurs, then the aim is that the solution would be embodied in

    service federation middleware that fits into the proposed framework described above,

    rather than it being buried in the application specific code. The former approach has

    the distinct advantage of allowing the federation software to be re-used by other Grid

    applications. Each integration middleware component could be registered in a

    catalogue that would be consulted by tools attempting to integrate database services.

    The process of writing integration components would also be simplified by each

    taking a set of standard service interfaces as inputs and presenting a single, standard

    federated service as output. This also means that layers of federation can be created,

    with virtual databases taking other virtual databases as inputs.

    To conclude, we believe that if the Grid is to become a generic platform, able to

    support a wide range of scientific and commercial applications, then the ability to

    publish and access databases on the Grid will be of great importance. Consequently, it

    is vitally important that, at this early stage in the Grids development, database

    requirements are taken into account when Grid standards are defined, and middleware

    is designed. In the short term, integrating databases into Grid applications will involve

    wrapping existing DBMS in a Grid-enabled service interface. However, if the Grid

    becomes a commercial success then it is to be hoped that the DBMS vendors will

    Grid-enable their own products by adopting emerging Grid standards.


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    The central idea of grid computing is that computing should be as reliable, pervasive,

    and transparent as a utility. It shouldnt matter where your data or application resides,or what computer processes your request. You should be able to request information

    or computation and have it delivered as much as you want, whenever you want.

    This is analogous to the way electric utilities work in that you dont know where the

    generator is or how the electric grid is wired. You just ask for electricity and you get

    it. The goal is to make computing a utility a ubiquitous commodity. Hence, it has

    the name, grid. Grid computing was conceived in the academic and research

    communities. Much like internet computing, which grew from the communication

    needs of dispersed scientific researchers, grid computing originated from the needs of

    the scientific communitys needs to:

    1. Create a dynamic computing environment for sharing resources and results

    2. Scale to accommodate petabytes of data, and teraflops of computing power

    3. And keep costs down


    SETI@home, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, is one of the earliest

    examples of a scientific grid. Signals from telescopes, radio receivers, and other

    sources monitoring deep space are distributed to the PCs of individual science buffs

    via the internet. This loose network of small computers crunches numbers, looking for

    patterns that could suggest signs of intelligent life. Although the idea of harnessing

    idle computers across the internet is intellectually interesting, businesses will neverwant their data or their computing distributed to random computers. But, just as

    businesses have brought the concepts of the public internet in-house to make

    intranets, enterprises can bring the concepts of the scientific grids in-house to make

    enterprise grids. With both public grids and enterprise grids, grid computing is about

    harnessing the work of many of small computers. The need for low-cost computing

    drove the SETI@home innovation. The primary benefit of grid computing to


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    businesses is achieving high quality of service and flexibility at lower cost. Enterprise

    grid computing lowers costs by:

    1. Increasing hardware utilization and resource sharing

    2. Enabling companies to scale out incrementally with low-cost components

    3. Reducing management and administration requirements

    Enterprise grid computing builds a critical software infrastructure that can run on

    large numbers of small, networked computers, by combining two related concepts:

    Implement One from Many: Grid computing coordinates the use of clusters of

    machines to create a single logical entity, such as a database or an application server.

    By distributing work across many servers, grid computing exhibits benefits of

    availability, scalability, and performance uses low-cost components. Because a single

    logical entity is implemented across many machines, companies can add or remove

    capacity in small increments, online. With the capability to add capacity on demand to

    a particular function, companies get more flexibility for adapting to peak loads, thus

    achieving better hardware utilization and better business responsiveness. Manage

    Many as One: Grid computing allows you to manage and administer groups of

    machines, groups of database instances, and groups of application servers at low-cost.

    Grid computing first removes many of the administrative costs of managing a single

    system by making each database and each application server adaptive to changing

    circumstances. Then, the model makes managing many systems simple, by allowing

    them to be managed as a single logical entity. Much of what makes grid computing

    possible today are the innovations in hardware. For example,

    1. Processors. New low-cost, high volume Intel Itanium 2, Sun SPARC, and IBM

    PowerPC 64-bit processors now deliver performance equal to or better than exotic

    processors used in high-end SMP servers.

    2. Blade Servers. Blade server technology reduces the cost of hardware and increases

    the density of servers, which further reduces expensive data centre real estate


    3. Networked Storage. Disk storage costs continue to plummet even faster than

    processor costs. Network storage technologies such as Network Attached Storage


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    (NAS) and Storage Area Networks (SANs) further reduce these costs by enabling

    sharing of storage across systems.

    4. Network Interconnects. Gigabit Ethernet and Infiniband interconnect technologies

    are driving down the cost of connecting servers into clusters.

    Although the newness of grid computing comes primarily from hardware, the power

    of the grid infrastructure must be embodied in software. The capability of a database,

    for example, to store and retrieve data through an abstract interface without knowing

    much about the underlying location or structure of that data requires software

    intelligence. The capability of an application server to begin distributing work to

    newly added blade servers without going offline can only be accomplished with

    software. By providing software to leverage and control new grid hardware, Oracle

    supplies the grid infrastructure, and powers enterprise grids.


    The requirements for grid computing infrastructure can be described by the following


    1. Virtualization at every layer of the computing stack

    2. Provisioning of work and resources based on policies and dynamic requirements3. Pooling of resources to increase utilization

    4. Self-adaptive software that largely tunes and fixes itself

    5. Unified management and provisioning

    Virtualization at Every Layer:

    Virtualization is the abstraction into a service of every physical and logical entity in a

    grid. Virtualization is important because it enables grid components (such as storage, processors, databases, application servers, and applications) to integrate tightly

    without creating rigidity and brittleness in the system. Rather than making fixed ties

    that determine which application server node will handle requests from a particular

    application, for example, or where a database physically locates its data, virtualization

    enables each component of the grid to react to changing circumstances more quickly

    and to adapt to component failures without compromising performance of the system

    as a whole.


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    Dynamic Provisioning:

    Provisioning simply means distributing supplies where they are needed. In the context

    of the grid, supplies may mean server requests that need to be handled, data that

    needs to be accessed and used, or computations that need to be performed.

    Provisioning in the grid environment means a grid service broker that knows the

    resource requirements of one element of the grid and the resource availability of

    another element links the two together automatically and dynamically to make

    efficient use of resources. Then it adjusts the associations as circumstances change.

    Policies, such as response time thresholds or anticipated peak demands, can be used to

    further optimize the associations of resource-requestors to resource providers.

    Resource Pooling:

    Consolidation and pooling of resources is required for grids to achieve better

    utilization of resources, a key contributor to lower costs. By pooling individual disks

    into storage arrays and individual servers into blade farms, the grid runtime processes

    that dynamically couple service consumers to service providers have more flexibility

    to optimize the associations. Resource sharing also happens purely in software. Web

    services provide the model for applications to expose re-usable functionality for

    discovery and invocation by unrelated applications.

    Self-Adaptive Software:

    With labour being the most significant portion of IT costs, savings due to better

    hardware utilization or more responsive systems become irrelevant if the everyday

    tasks of administrators are not automated and simplified. A grid infrastructure would

    be unworkable if every node required constant manual tuning and intervention. A

    critical grid infrastructure requirement is systems that automate the bulk of

    maintenance and tuning tasks traditionally performed by IT staff. More of the tasks

    that used to be performed by administrators must now be handled by the systems


    Unified Management:


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    Even with self-managing systems, human beings will always be involved in managing

    an enterprise grid, but the management tasks required by humans should be simplified

    with a single tool that can provision, monitor, and administer every element in the

    grid. Such a tool should evaluate availability and performance from the perspective of

    the user, such that any bottleneck in the system or any unavailable component raises

    alerts. Most importantly, with a grid infrastructure, IT professionals must be able to

    treat groups of systems as a single logical entity so that tasks can be performed once

    and executed on multiple machines.

    Implement One from Many: Together, the attributes of virtualization, dynamic

    provisioning, and resource pooling form the requirements for software that

    implements a single logical entity using many services running on multiple servers

    and crossing multiple disksan entity which delivers high quality of service from

    low-cost components. Manage Many as One: Together, the attributes of self-adaptive

    software and a unified management model form the requirements for dramatically

    lowering management costs by viewing the entire enterprise grid as one simple whole.


    Grid Computing is merely the newest generation of distributed computing. The given

    Table lists them. The industry is clearly entering the fifth generation now.



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    Grid Computing is the result of several trends coming together. Some of these are the


    1. New standards for object-to-object communications making it easier to build

    Multivendor, multiapplication networks.

    2. High-performance microprocessors have become available, making it possible to

    deploy large applications on a number of low-cost systems rather than a single mid-

    range system.

    3. High-speed networking technology is becoming both less costly and readily

    available, offering higher levels of performance when deploying distributed

    application architectures.

    As these trends combine, applications are likely to be segmented by function or

    instance of a function. This approach will allow each function to be hosted on the

    most cost-effective platform. In some cases, both types of segmentation will be used.

    In the end, an organizations systems can be considered a pool of shared resources

    that adapt automatically to changing conditions and failures based upon rules of the

    Organizations choosing.


    With Oracle 10g, companies can begin implementing grid computing today, but the

    open standards that will make grid computing as pervasive as the internet are still

    under development, primarily by the Global Grid Forum (GGF). Oracle is a GGF

    sponsor and participates in working groups, chairing the Data Access and Integration

    (DAI) group. The Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) is a specification in

    active development within the GGF to define the general services-based approach to

    grid computing. Other working groups, such as Open Grid Services Infrastructure

    (OGSI) and OGSA-DAI, endeavour to define the common interfaces and protocols

    for various grid services. Oracle plans to actively support all grid-related open

    standards as they emerge.


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    Oracle 10g provides the first complete, integrated software infrastructure to power

    grid computing. Oracle 10g takes the fundamental attributes of grid computingImplement One from Many, Virtualization at every layer, Dynamic provisioning,

    Resource pooling.

    Manage Many as One, Self-adaptive software, unified managementand implements

    them throughout every element of the grid: storage, databases, application servers,

    and applications. The diagram visually depicts the way Oracle 10g products and

    features map to grid computing requirements.

    The following sections describe how grid computing attributes are embodied in

    Oracles three grid infrastructure products:

    Oracle Database 10g

    Oracle Application Server 10g

    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control


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    Oracle Database 10g:

    Oracle Database 10g builds on the success of Oracle9i Database, and adds many new

    grid-specific capabilities. Other vendors implement certain portions of a grid

    infrastructure, for example pools of virtualized storage are becoming common, but no

    one else can provide a true grid database. Oracle Database 10g is based on Real

    Application Clusters, introduced in Oracle9i. There are more than 500 production

    customers running Oracles clustering technology, helping to prove the validity of

    Oracles grid infrastructure.

    Real Application Clusters: Oracle Real Application Clusters enables a single

    database to run across multiple clustered nodes in a grid, pooling the processing

    resources of several standard machines. Oracle is uniquely flexible in its ability to

    provision workload across machines because it is the only database technology that

    does not require data to be partitioned and distributed along with the work.

    In Oracle 10g, the database can immediately begin balancing workload across a new

    node with new processing capacity as it gets re-provisioned from one database to

    another, and can relinquish a machine when it is no longer needed this is capacity

    on demand. Other databases cannot grow and shrink while running and, therefore,

    cannot utilize hardware as efficiently. New integrated cluster ware in Oracle 10g

    makes clustering easy by eliminating the need to purchase, install, configure, and

    support third-party cluster ware. Servers can be easily added and dropped to an Oracle

    cluster with no downtime. Oracle has the only database technology to include cluster

    ware for all operating systems, which dramatically reduces the opportunities for

    failure in a clustered environment.

    Automatic Storage Management: Automatic Storage Management simplifiesstorage management for Oracle Databases. By abstracting the details of storage

    management, Oracle improves data access performance through sophisticated data

    provisioning, without requiring additional work from DBAs. Instead of managing

    many database files, Oracle DBAs manage only a small number of disk groups. A

    disk group is a set of disk devices that Oracle manages as a single, logical unit. An

    administrator can define a particular disk group as the default disk group for a

    database, and Oracle automatically allocates storage for and creates or deletes the files


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    associated with the database object. Automatic Storage Management also offers the

    benefits of storage technologies such as RAID or Logical Volume Managers (LVMs).

    Oracle can balance I/O from multiple databases across all of the devices in a disk

    group, and it implements striping and mirroring to improve I/O performance and data

    reliability. In addition, Oracle can reassign disks from node to node and cluster to

    cluster, automatically reconfiguring the group. Because Automatic Storage

    Management is written to work exclusively with Oracle, it achieves better

    performance than generalized storage virtualization solutions.

    Information Provisioning : In addition to the provisioning of work across multiple

    nodes and the provisioning of data across multiple disks, another type of provisioning

    happens within Oracle Database 10g the provisioning of information itself.

    Depending on the volume of information and the frequency of access, it may be

    necessary to move data from where it currently resides or to share data across multiple

    databases. Oracle 10g includes various facilities to provide access to information

    when and where its needed, matching information providers and information

    requestors. The most fine-grained and real-time of these facilities is Oracle Streams,

    which can migrate data from one database to another while both are online. Bulk data

    transfers are more suitable in some circumstances, for which Oracle provides Data

    Pump and Transportable Table spaces. In Oracle 10g, all information provisioning

    facilities can move data to databases running on different operating systems, which is

    particularly useful for migrating databases to a grid environment, for example, blade

    servers running Linux.

    Self-Managing Database: The first step toward manageability in a grid environment

    is making each individual system require less human attention. Oracle 10g, with the

    new self managing database, reduces the maintenance and tuning tasks required by

    administrators. Oracle Database 10g includes an intelligent database infrastructure

    that takes snapshots of vital statistics and workload data to be analyzed for self-tuning

    and for advising administrators. The self-managing database automatically diagnoses

    problems such as poor connection management, lock contention, and poorly

    performing SQL. Oracle Database 10g fixes certain diagnosed problems and advises

    DBAs about simple corrective measure in other cases. Oracles self-managing


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    database enables DBAs to concentrate on more value-added work and dramatically

    reduces administration costs of databases.

    Oracle Application Server 10g:

    Oracle Application Server 10g provides a complete infrastructure platform for

    developing and deploying enterprise applications, integrating many functions

    including a J2EE and Web services runtime environment, an enterprise portal, an

    enterprise integration broker, business intelligence, web caching, and identity

    management services. Oracle Application Server 10g adds new grid computing

    features, building on the success of Oracle9i Application Server, which has hundreds

    of customers running production enterprise applications.

    Application Server Clusters: Oracle Application Server 10g run-time services can

    be pooled and virtualized via application server clusters. Every service within the

    Oracle Application Server HTTP, J2EE, Web cache, Web Services, LDAP, portal

    and others can be distributed across multiple machines in a grid. New features in

    Oracle 10g enable performance thresholds to be defined beyond which new

    application server instances can automatically be added and started (or relinquished)

    to process additional work on new nodes of a grid, delivering capacity on demand.

    With Oracle 10g, an administrator can define a set of policies or business rules that

    affect how individual work is provisioned across multiple machines. Specifically,

    workload allocation can be influenced by resource consumption metrics, such as CPU

    or memory usage, or application-specific metrics, such as transaction throughput or

    JDBC connections, or workload can be provisioned based on schedules, such as peak

    times of day or end of quarter. Oracle Application Server 10g provides out-of-the-box

    instrumentation that captures these various metrics and creates advisories based on

    historical and real-time information to help administrators make the best policy

    choices. Oracle Application Server 10g also provides several availability

    enhancements. Because Oracle 10g includes clustering of every service within the

    application server, there is no single point of failure. Both planned and unplanned

    downtime of an individual instance will simply cause requests to be routed to another

    node. Because Application Server 10g includes efficient session replication, any type

    of failure (even that of a J2EE application holding state) will remain transparent to the

    user. Application Server 10g further improves application reliability through its


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    interaction with Oracle Real Application Clusters. If an instance in the back-end

    database goes down, Application Server 10g is notified to reconnect. Without

    notification from a failed instance, an application server would wait for an IP time

    out, which takes several minutes, but the multi-tier failover notification feature

    reduces recovery time in such cases to mere seconds, and both failure and recovery

    remain transparent to the user.

    Identity Management: Centralized application user administration becomes even

    more important in a grid environment. Identity management features within

    Application Server 10g simplify and centralize account creation, suspension, and

    deletion and privilege modification, all of which lower administration costs and

    reduce security vulnerabilities. Oracle provides centralized user provisioning and

    single sign-on for users across all applications deployed to the Oracle Application

    Server. Access privileges for all applications can be created and revoked through a

    single interface. Identities can be managed through Oracle Internet Directory, a

    standards-based LDAP directory that benefits from the availability and scalability of

    being built on the Oracle Database.

    Application Development Framework: Tightly integrated with Oracle Application

    Server 10g are the development tools that enable companies to quickly develop

    custom internet applications, and then easily deploy those applications to Oracle

    Application Server. Applications for scientific grids, such as SETI@home, must be

    designed explicitly to run on loosely connected grids. In contrast, enterprise

    applications do not need to be re-designed to exploit the availability, scalability, and

    performance benefits of enterprise grids. When applications are deployed to an

    application server in a grid, those applications benefit immediately from the

    transparent workload distribution, load balancing, and scheduling necessary to

    efficiently coordinate work across multiple servers. To gain additional benefits from

    grid computing, however, enterprise applications can expose their behaviour to other

    applications and to management tools through standardized interfaces in a service-

    oriented architecture. Oracle Developer Suite 10g, which includes JDeveloper 10g,

    enables developers to create dynamic Web sites, J2EE applications, and Web services

    and to make these services accessible through enterprise portals and wireless devices.


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    Applications designed to a service-oriented architecture can leverage a set of

    standards-based internet protocols to communicate with other applications and

    heterogeneous resources across a grid. Designing to a service-oriented architecture

    enables companies to reduce development time and integration costs.

    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control

    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control is the complete, integrated, central

    management console and underlying framework that automates administrative tasks

    across sets of systems in a grid environment. Grid Control helps reduce administration

    costs through automation and policy-based standardization. With Oracle Grid Control,

    IT professionals can group multiple hardware nodes, databases, application servers,

    and other targets into single logical entities. By executing jobs, enforcing standard

    policies, monitoring performance and automating many other tasks across a group of

    targets instead of on many systems individually, Grid Control enables IT staff to scale

    with a growing grid. Because of this feature, the existence of many small computers

    in a grid infrastructure does not increase management complexity.

    Software Provisioning: Because of the potentially large number of physical nodes,

    its especially important in a grid environment that installation and configuration of

    the software running on those nodes is fast and requires no human intervention.

    Manually installing software on hundreds of nodes would be time consuming and

    cumbersome. Administrators would certainly find ways to work around a manual

    installation, but the workarounds could lead to unsupportable upgrade situations and

    lost information about the configuration of the system. With Grid Control, Oracle 10g

    automates installation, configuration, and cloning of Application Server 10g and

    Database 10g across multiples nodes. Oracle Enterprise Manager provides a common

    framework for software provisioning and management, allowing administrators to

    create, configure, deploy, and utilize new servers with new instances of the

    application server and database as they are needed. This framework is used not only

    to provision new systems but also to apply patches and upgrade existing systems. In

    Oracle Application Server 10g, applications can be deployed once to a single

    application server instance, registered with the central repository, then automatically

    deployed to all relevant nodes in the grid. As changes are made to the application and

    as new nodes are added to the grid, nodes can be kept in sync.


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    Application Service Level Monitoring: Oracle Grid Control views the availability

    and performance of the grid infrastructure as a unified whole, as a user would

    experience it, rather than as isolated storage units, processing boxes, databases, and

    application servers. An administrator can trace a performance or availability problem

    as experienced by a user from end to end from the user visible Web page, through

    external and internal networks, to application code, application server, and database

    access. Grid Control then allows an administrator to trace the root cause of the

    problem down to the individual Java class, for example, or the individual system

    configuration parameter.


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    Oracle Database10g makes it easy for you to run your database on a grid running on

    standard low cost modular hardware components-storage, blades and interconnects.

    Automatic Storage Management.

    It simplifies storage management for Oracle databases. By abstracting the details of

    storage management, Oracle improves data access performance through sophisticated

    data provisioning, without requiring additional work from DBAs.Instead of

    managing many database files Oracle DBAs manage only a small number of disk

    groups. A disk group is a set of disk devices that oracle manages as a single logical

    unit. An administrator can define a particular disk group as a default disk group for a

    database and oracle automatically allocates storage and creates or deletes the files

    associated with the database object. Automatic Storage Management also offers the

    benefits of storage technologies such as RAID or LOGICAL VOLUME

    MANAGERS (LVM).Oracle can manage I/Os from multiple databases across all of

    the devices in a disk group and it implements stripping and mirroring to improve I/O

    performance and data reliability. In addition, Oracle can reassign disks from node to

    node and cluster to cluster, automatically reconfiguring the group.

    Portable Clusterware

    Clusterware is the software that provides clustering services for communication

    between Servers in a cluster. New integrated clusterware in ORACLE 10g makes

    clustering easy by eliminating the need to purchase, install,configure and support

    third party clusterware.Servers can be easily added to and dropped from an Oracle

    cluster with no downtime. With a single install we can identify the nodes where we

    would like to install the portable clusterware and Oracle Universal Installer installs

    portable clusterware on all these nodes. Oracle has the only database technology to

    include clusterware for all operating systems.

    High Speed Infiniband Network Support


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    ORACLE 10g has enhancements to provide better performance and scalability withy

    upcoming high speed interconnects such as Infiniband. We can use it for all net5work

    communications. It offers many benefits:

    1. Infiniband offers a tremendous performance improvement over Gigabit Ethernet

    networks. The low latency and high band-width of Infiniband makes it especially

    useful as a cluster interconnects.

    2. We can use single network infrastructure for our communication between different

    servers and between servers and storage. This simplifies the cabling requirement of

    our data centre.

    3. With simplified network infrastructure we use a single network backplane which

    makes network provisioning easier.

    4. With Oracle Database 10g we can now use Infiniband for our application server to

    database server communication, for server-to-server communication in a clustered

    database and for server to storage communication. This provides us with all around

    performance improvement and flexibility in our data centre.

    Easy Client Install:

    The Easy Client Install feature simplifies deployment of applications in a grid. Clients

    of the database only need to download or copy a very small subset of Oracle client

    files and set an environmental variable. We no longer need to go through the install

    process on the database client.

    Easy Oracle Database Install:

    Oracle Database 10g has simplified the installation of the Oracle Database. We can

    install it with a single CD.Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) can also perform multi-

    node installs of the clustered Oracle database. During the install we are required to

    identify the host names where we would like to install the Oracle Database.OUI then

    installs the Oracle Database software on all of the nodes. We can also decide to have

    either a single shared image of the software or a separate image on each host machine.


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    The dynamic nature of the grid imposes stringent operational requirements on the grid

    infrastructure. The grid infrastructure should be self-reliant (it should be able totolerate system failures and adapt to changing business needs). Self-reliant database A

    truly responsive enterprise requires the grid to self-manage and to learn and adapt to

    changing circumstances. It should tolerate the failures of individual components and

    provide high availability in all circumstances. High Availability Oracle database 10g

    brings the highest levels of reliability and availability to the grid. We get the same

    levels of reliability and availability on the standard low cost modular hardware-

    servers and storage. Automatic storage management provides reliability and

    availability on low cost standard storage.RAC provides the same on low cost standard

    servers. Oracle database 10g provides robust features to protect from data errors and

    disasters. The new flashback database feature provides the ability to recover a

    database to a spec9ific time to recover from human error. The recovery time is

    equivalent to the time duration to which it needs to go back. With this flash backup

    feature database administrators can now use low cost standard disks for maintaining

    their backups. Oracle database 10g also includes tools to minimize planned downtime,

    critical for any interactions in a 24x7 environment. The new rolling upgrade feature

    enables online applications of patches to the database software. We dont need to

    bring down the entire database to apply a patch. We can apply patches to the clustered

    database one instance at a time-thus keeping the database online while applying the



    With the new self managing features, Oracle database 10g has taken a giant leap

    towards making oracle database self reliant. Oracle database 10g includes an

    intelligent database monitor that records data regarding all aspects of database

    performance. Using this information, Oracle database Automatic memory

    management dynamically allocates memory to different components of the Oracle

    database. Automatic health management automatically generates alerts regarding

    various aspects of the database that simplify database monitoring for DBAs.


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    Oracle enterprise manager grid control:

    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control is the complete, integrated, central

    management console and underlying framework that automates administrative tasks

    across sets of systems in a grid environment. Grid Control helps reduce administration

    costs through automation and policy-based standardization. With Oracle Grid Control,

    IT professionals can group multiple hardware nodes, databases, application servers,

    and other targets into single logical entities. By executing jobs, enforcing standard

    policies, monitoring performance and automating many other tasks across a group of

    targets instead of on many systems individually, Grid Control enables IT staff to scale

    with a growing grid. Because of this feature, the existence of many small computers

    in a grid infrastructure does not increase management complexity.

    Managing security in the grid:

    The dynamic nature of the grid makes security extremely important. Enterprises need

    to make sure that their data is secure. Exactly the right set of users must have access

    to the right set of data. At the same time, they need an easy way to manage security

    through their enterprise. Oracle database 10g makes it easy for enterprises to manage

    their security needs in the grid.

    Enterprise User security:

    Enterprise user security centralizes the management of user credentials and privileges

    in a directory. This avoids the need to create the same user in multiple databases

    across a grid. A directory-based user can authenticate and access all the databases

    that are within an enterprise domain based on the credentials and privileges specified

    in the directory.

    Virtual private database (VPD)

    VPD provides server-enforced, fine grained access control, and a secure application

    context that can be used within a grid setting to enable multiple customers ,partners or

    departments utilizing the same database to have secure access to mission critical

    data.VPD enables per-user and per-customer data access within a single database,

    with the assurance of physical data separation.


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    Oracle label security

    Oracle label security gives administrators an out-of-the-box row and now column-

    level-security solution for controlling access to data based on its sensitivity,

    eliminating the need to manually write such policies.


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    Grid technologies are evolving rapidly. Oracle assures the cost conscious enterprises

    that their investments in oracle today will be leveraged for future grid technologies.Oracle posses the right architecture and has its products directions fully aligned to

    deliver future grid computing technologies. Product directions aligned with grid

    Oracle product directions are aligned with the grid. Oracle database 10g is the first

    database designed for the grid. Oracle already supports more grid computing

    technology than any of its competitors.

    Grid standards support

    Oracle is committed to support industry standards. Oracle is working with the global

    grid forum to help define grid standards. Just has oracle has supported in its products

    ,and is helping other standards such as J2EE,Web Services,Xquery,and SQL,Oracle

    intends to fully support grid standards.

    Oracle Database 10g is the world's most affordable self-managing database,

    eliminating many of the traditional manual administration tasks such as performance

    tuning, and disk and memory management. Oracle Database 10g Release2 furthers

    Oracles commitment to reducing the cost of computing in all aspects of database

    development and deployment with:

    1. Automated database administration enhancements include statistics collection

    directly from memory, eliminating the need to execute SQL queries. New

    administrative reports include automatic database workload repository comparison to

    help understand changes in workloads and possible performance impact.

    2. Application development enhancements include X-Query feature for queries and

    mapping of XML results inside the database. Oracle HTML DB makes it easier to

    develop and deploy web-based database applications. Oracles commitment to the

    Windows platform continues with support for CLR stored procedures and tight

    integration with Visual Studio.


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    3. The cost of business intelligence is reduced with data mining PL/SQL package

    support for analytic applications such as Oracle Discoverer. Improved VLDB support

    is available with more partitions per table and more efficient partition management

    and query optimization. Information cycle time is reduced with enhanced data loading

    and query processing improvements.


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    Many phrases have been coined to describe new computing models created by the IT

    industry. Grid computing is the emerging standard, and grid computing is Oraclesapproach to lowering costs while improving quality. The benefits of grid computing

    to businesses are real: increasingly flexible systems that can largely self-manage;

    better availability, performance and scalability at lower cost; and the opportunity for

    incremental investment and immediate return. Grid computing will not radically

    change enterprise data centres, and it does not require throwing out existing

    investments and best practices. However, grid computing is also not just a passing

    fad. Enterprise grid computing, based on the Oracle 10g infrastructure, will be the

    foundation of information technology for the future, resulting in more cost effective

    computing for running more nimble, data-driven businesses.

    Grid computing is poised to change the economics of computing. Rapid innovations

    and new economics in hardware make grid computing possible and sensible at the

    hardware layer today. Only oracle database 10g leverages these hardware innovations

    and implements the fundamental attributes of grid computing. Only oracle database

    10g with its strong security, self-reliance, and manageability offerings addresses the

    stringent operational needs of enterprise grids. With oracle database 10g we can

    realize grid benefits today and leverage our investments in oracle for future grid

    computing technologies.


  • 8/14/2019 Oracle 10g-A Grid Database



    1. Global Grid Forum, Global Grid Forum Security Working Group,

    2. Foster I., Kesselman C., the Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure.
