Optimizing Teams in a Distributed...

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Transcript of Optimizing Teams in a Distributed...

Mike Amundsen

CA Technologies


Optimizing Teams in a

Distributed World

Conway’s three other laws


Effective Teams

“Organizational metrics can predict

software failure-proneness with a

precision and recall of 85%”

-- Nachi Nagappan,

MS Research (2009)

Effective Teams

for Microservices

“[Microservices] allow

organizations [to align] the

architecture of their systems

to the structure of their teams.”

-- Sam Newman,

“Demystifying Conway’s Law”


Mel Conway

Mel Conway

• Burroughs assembler (SAVE) 1950s

• UNCOL (universal compiler language) 1958

• First paper on Coroutines 1963

• “How Do Committees Invent?” (1967)

• MUMPS medical computing (1970s)

• Pascal for Mac & Apple II (1980s)

• #HumanizeTheCraft Project (2010s)


Mel Conway

• Burroughs assembler (SAVE) 1950s

• UNCOL (universal compiler language) 1958

• First paper on Coroutines 1963

• “How Do Committees Invent?” (1967)

• MUMPS medical computing (1970s)

• Pascal for Mac & Apple II (1980s)

• #HumanizeTheCraft Project (2010s)


Project-Based Organizations

“Project-based organizations

revolve around the concept

that a group of individuals or

firms join together with the

explicit purpose of producing a

tangible set of outputs”

-- Paul Chinowsky, EPOJ 2011

Any organization that designs a

system (defined more broadly here

than just information systems) will

inevitably produce a design whose

structure is a copy of the

organization's communication


-- Mel Conway, 1967

A system’s design is a copy of

the organization’s

communication structure.

-- Mel Conway, 1967

Communication dictates design.

-- Mel Conway, 1967

Conway’s Law

Brooks’ Law

“Adding manpower to a late

software project makes it later.”

-- Fred Brooks, 1975

Intercommunication formula

n(n − 1) / 2

-- Fred Brooks, 1975

Intercommunication formula

5*(5–1)/2 = 10

15*(15–1)/2 = 105

50*(50–1)/2 = 1,225

150*(150–1)/2 = 11,175

-- Fred Brooks, 1975

Dunbar’s Number

A measurement of the “cognitive

limit to the number of individuals

with whom any one person can

maintain stable relationships.”

-- Robin Dunbar, 1992

Dunbar Groups

Intimate friends: 5

Trusted friends: 15

Close friends: 35

Casual friends: 150

-- Robin Dunbar, 1992

Intercommunication formula

5*(5–1)/2 = 10

15*(15–1)/2 = 105

50*(50–1)/2 = 1,225

150*(150–1)/2 = 11,175

-- Fred Brooks, 1975

Communication dictates design.

-- Mel Conway, 1967

Conway’s (first) Law

Conway’s (first) Law

tells us TEAM SIZE is important

Conway’s (first) Law

tells us TEAM SIZE is important


Make the teams as small as necessary.

“Scaling Spotify”, Kniberg & Ivarrson (2012)



If you don’t have

a personal relationship

with every member of your TEAM,

your team is probably TOO BIG.



of “Dunbar level 1” (5),

possibly “Dunbar level 2” (15).

So… what about other Conway Laws?

Conway’s Second Law

Doing it Over

“There is never enough time

to do something right,

but there is always enough

time to do it over.”

-- Mel Conway, 1967

Trade Offs

Efficiency-Thoroughness Trade Offs (ETTOs)

Satisficing v. Sacrificing

“Satisficing is explained as a

consequence of limited

cognitive capacity.

Sacrificing is explained as a

consequence of the intractability

of the work environment”

-- Eric Hollnagel, 2009

Satisficing v. Sacrificing

Problem too complicated?

Ignore details.

Not enough resources?

Give up features.

-- Eric Hollnagel, 2009

ETTOs are “normal” and result in

success more often than failure.

From “Safety-I and Safety-II”, Hollnagel (2014)


From “ETTO: The Efficiency-Thoroughness Trade-Off”, Hollnagel (2009)


The enemy is intractability.

Increasing Intractability

1. Systems grow too large

2. Rate of change increases

3. Overall expectations keep rising

-- Eric Hollnagel, 2009

“Continuous Delivery” Raphael Carvalho (2014)


Conway’s Second Law

tells us PROBLEM SIZE is important

Conway’s Second Law

tells us PROBLEM SIZE is important


Make the solution as small as necessary.

Continuous Delivery – The Dirty Details, Mike Britain, Etsy (2015)



If you (or your team)

cannot explain ALL the code

in your release package,

your release is TOO LARGE


Execute many SMALL releases

instead of a few LARGE releases.

Conway’s Third Law


“There is a homomorphism

from the linear graph of a

system to the linear graph of

its design organization”

-- Mel Conway, 1967

“How Do Committees Invent?”, Conway (1967)



“If you have four groups

working on a compiler, you'll

get a 4-pass compiler.”

- Eric S. Raymond, 1991

Conway’s Third Law


is important.

Conway’s Third Law


is important.


Make each team fully independent.

If you have to hold a release

until some other team is ready,

you are not an


Coordination in Large-Scale Software Teams, Begel, et al (2007)http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/abegel/papers/coordination-chase09.pdf

Coordination in Large-Scale Software Teams, Begel, et al (2007)http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/abegel/papers/coordination-chase09.pdf

Coordination in Large-Scale Software Teams, Begel, et al (2007)http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/abegel/papers/coordination-chase09.pdf

Conway’s Fourth Law


“The structures of large

systems tend to disintegrate

during development,

qualitatively more so than with

small systems.”

-- Mel Conway, 1967

Three reasons Disintegration occurs…

Disintegration: Reason #1

“The realization that the

system will be large, together

with organization pressures,

make irresistible the

temptation to assign too many

people to a design effort”

-- Mel Conway, 1967

Brooks’ Law

Adding manpower to a late

software project makes it later.

-- Fred Brooks, 1975

Disintegration: Reason #2

“Application of the

conventional wisdom of

management to a large

design organization causes its

communication structure to


-- Mel Conway, 1967

Dunbar’s Number

A measurement of the “cognitive

limit to the number of individuals

with whom any one person can

maintain stable relationships.”

-- Robin Dunbar, 1992

Disintegration: Reason #3

“Homomorphism insures that

the structure of the system will

reflect the disintegration which

has occurred in the design


-- Mel Conway, 1967

Communication dictates design.

-- Mel Conway, 1967

Conway’s Fourth Law

tells us TIME is against LARGE teams.

Conway’s Fourth Law

tells us TIME is against LARGE teams.


Make release cycles short and small.

Standish Group Chaos Report 2015

(via http://www.infoq.com/articles/standish-chaos-2015)


If your release dates are often missed,

your SCOPE is TOO BIG.


Aim for a SCOPE that supports

a release cycle

of two weeks or less.

So, let’s review our options…

Conway’s Laws

can help us succeed

Conway’s Laws

can help us succeed

when working with

microservice teams.

Conway’s First Law

A system’s design is a copy

of the organization’s

communication structure.

Conway’s First Law

A system’s design is a copy

of the organization’s

communication structure.

Actively manage

communications within the

teams and across teams.

“Tactics for Global Software Development”, Herbsleb (2008)


“Tactics for Global Software Development”, Herbsleb (2008)


Increase communications

• Real-time Chat Tools

• Video Conferencing

• Online Forums/News Groups

• Wiki and Web Sites

Reduce the effort required to locate and

interact with the ‘right people’

Conway’s Second Law

There is never enough time

to do something right, but

there is always enough time

to do it over.

Conway’s Second Law

There is never enough time

to do something right, but

there is always enough time

to do it over.

Remember the process is

continually repeating.

Continuous Delivery

“The core concept of making

small frequent changes, and

testing at every step,

reduces the risk inherent in

deploying new code.”

Jez Humble, Thoughtworks.

Support continuous processes

• Implement small changes

• Test immediately

• Deploy constantly

Shorten the feedback loop as much as possible.

Conway’s Third Law

There is a homomorphism

from the linear graph of a

system to the linear graph of

its design organization.

Conway’s Third Law

There is a homomorphism

from the linear graph of a

system to the linear graph of

its design organization.

Organize teams in order to

achieve desired system.


Organized around

business capabilities.

Products, not projects.

Martin Fowler, Thoughtworks

“Microservices”, Fowler & Lewis (2014)


“Microservices”, Fowler & Lewis (2014)


Organize teams by product or BU

• Combine design, develop, test, & deploy

• Include storage, business process, & UI

• Allow teams autonomy within their boundary

• Require teams to inter-operate, not integrate

Make sure teams own their complete lifecycle.

Conway’s Fourth Law

The structures of large

systems tend to disintegrate

during development.

Conway’s Fourth Law

The structures of large

systems tend to disintegrate

during development.

Keep your teams as small

as necessary, but no


Sizing Teams

Jeff Bezos, Amazon

Sizing Teams

If a team can’t be fed with

two pizzas, it’s too big.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon

Make team as small as necessary

• Resist urge to grow teams in response to deadlines

• Consider Dunbar’s groups when sizing teams

• Be prepared to break into smaller teams

It’s better to be “too small” than to be “too big.”

Conway’s Lessons from 1967

1. Increase communications

2. Support continuous process

3. Organize teams by products

4. Make teams small as necessary

Mike Amundsen

CA Technologies


Optimizing Teams in a

Distributed World

Conway’s three other laws
