Optimizely Workshop: Take Action on Results with Statistics

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Optimizely Workshop: Take Action on Results with Statistics

Take Action on Results With Statisitcs

An Optimizely Online Workshop

Statistician: Leonid Pekelis

Optimizely’s Stats Engine is designed to work with you, not

against you, to provide results which are reliable and

accurate, without requiring statistical training.

At the same time, by knowing some statistics of your own, you

can tune Stats Engine to get the most performance for your

unique needs.

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

2. What are the three tradeoffs in an A/B Test? And how are they related?

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

After this workshop, you should be able to answer…

How to choose the number

of goals and variations for your experiment.

We will also preview

First, some vocabulary (yay!)

• A) The original, or baseline version of content that you are testing through a variation.

• B) Metric used to measure impact of control and variation

• C) The control group’s expected conversion rate.

• D) The relative percentage difference of your variation from baseline.

• E) The number of visitors in your test.

Which is the


• A) Control and Variation The original, or baseline version of content that you are testing through a variation.

• B) Goal Metric used to measure impact of control and variation

• C) Baseline conversion rate The control group’s expected conversion rate.

• D) Improvement The relative percentage difference of your variation from baseline.

• E) Sample size The number of visitors in your test.

Stats Engine corrects the pitfalls of A/B Testing with

classical statistics.

A procedure for classical statistics (a.k.a. “T-test”, a.k.a. “Traditional Frequentist”, a.k.a “Fixed Horizon Testing” )

Farmer Fred

wants to compare the effect of two fertilizers on crop yield.

1. Chooses how many plots to use (sample size).

2. Waits for a crop cycle, collects data once at the end.

3. Asks “What are the chances I’d have gotten these results if there was no difference between the fertilizers?” (a.k.a. p-value) If p-value < 5%, his results are significant.

4. Goes on, maybe to test irrigation methods.


Data is expensive.

Data is slow.

Practitioners are trained.


Data is cheap.

Data is real-time.

Practitioners are everyone.

Classical statistics were designed for an offline world.

The modern A/B Testing procedure is different

1. Start without good estimate of sample size.

2. Check results early and often. Estimate ROI as quickly as possible.

3. Ask “How likely did my testing procedure give a wrong answer?”

4. Many variations on multiple goals, not just 1.

5. Iterate. Iterate. Iterate.

Pitfall 1. Peeking

p-Value < 5%. Significant!

p-Value > 5%. Inconclusive.

p-Value > 5%. Inconclusive.

Min Sample Size



Experiment Starts p-Value > 5%. Inconclusive.

Why is this a problem?

There is a ~5% chance of false positive each time you peek.

p-Value < 5%. Significant!

p-Value > 5%. Inconclusive.

p-Value > 5%. Inconclusive.

Min Sample Size



Experiment Starts p-Value > 5%. Inconclusive.

4 peeks —> ~18% chance of seeing a false positive

Pitfall 2. Mistaking “False Positive Rate” for “Chance of a wrong conclusion”

Say I run an experiment.

1 original page, 5 variations, 6 goals = 30 “A/B Tests”

After I reach my minimum sample size,

I stop the experiment and see 2 of my variations beating control

and 1 variation losing to control




Classical statistics guarantee <= 5% false positives.

What % of my 2 winners and 1 loser do I expect to be false
































2 winners, 1 loser, and 27 inconclusives































30 A/B Tests x 5% = 1.5 false positives!




Classical statistics guarantee <= 5% false positives.

What % of my winners & losers do I expect to be false positives?

Answer: C) With 30 A/B Tests, we can expect a

= 50% chance of a wrong conclusion!

In general, we can’t say without knowing how many other goals &

variations were tested.

1.5 3

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

2. What are the three tradeoffs in an A/B Test? And how are they related?

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

After this workshop you should be able to answer …

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

A. Peeking and mistaking “False Positive Rate” for “Chance of a wrong conclusion.”

After this webinar, you should be able to answer …

The tradeoffs of A/B Testing

Error rates Runtime

Improvement & Baseline CR

Error rates Runtime

Improvement & Baseline CR

“Chance of a wrong conclusion”

Error rates Runtime

Improvement & Baseline CR

“Chance of a wrong conclusion calling a non-

winner a winner, or a non-loser a loser.”

Error rates Runtime

Improvement & Baseline CR

Where is the error rate on Optimizely’s results page?


Statistical Significance


“Chance of a right conclusion”

= (a.k.a.)

100 x (1 - False Discovery Rate)

How can you control the error rate?

Error rates Runtime

Improvement & Baseline CR

Where is runtime on Optimizely’s results page?

Error rates Runtime

Were you expecting a funny picture?

Improvement & Baseline CR

Where is effect size on Optimizely’s results page?

Improvement & Baseline CR

These three quantities are all …

Error rates Runtime

Inversely Related

At any number of visitors,

the higher error rate I allow,

the smaller improvement you can detect.

Error rates Runtime

Inversely Related

Improvement & Baseline CR

Error rates Runtime

Inversely Related

At any error rate threshold,

stopping your test earlier means

you can only detect larger improvements.

Improvement & Baseline CR

For any improvement,

the lower error rate you want,

the longer you need to run your test.

Error rates Runtime

Inversely Related

Improvement & Baseline CR

What does this look like in practice?

Average Visitors needed to reach significance with Stats Engine

Improvement (relative)

5% 10% 25%

Significance Threshold

(Error Rate)

95 (5%) 62 K 14 K 1,800

90 (10%) 59 K 12 K 1,700

80 (20%) 53 K 11 K 1,500

Baseline conversion rate = 10%

~ 1 K visitors per day

Average Visitors needed to reach significance with Stats Engine

Improvement (relative)

5% 10% 25%

Significance Threshold

(Error Rate)

95 (5%) 62 K 14 K 1,800

90 (10%) 59 K 12 K 1,700

80 (20%) 53 K 11 K 1,500 (1 day)

Baseline conversion rate = 10%

~ 10K visitors per day

Average Visitors needed to reach significance with Stats Engine

Improvement (relative)

5% 10% 25%

Significance Threshold

(Error Rate)

95 (5%) 62 K 14 K 1,800

90 (10%) 59 K 12 K 1,700

80 (20%) 53 K 11 K (1 day) 1,500

Baseline conversion rate = 10%

~ 50K visitors per day

Average Visitors needed to reach significance with Stats Engine

Improvement (relative)

3% 5% 10%

Significance Threshold

(Error Rate)

95 (5%) 190 K 62 K 14 K

90 (10%) 180 K 59 K 12 K

80 (20%) 160 K 53 K (1 day) 11 K

Baseline conversion rate = 10%

> 100K visitors per day

Average Visitors needed to reach significance with Stats Engine

Improvement (relative)

3% 5% 10%

Significance Threshold

(Error Rate)

95 (5%) 190 K 62 K 14 K

90 (10%) 180 K 59 K 12 K

80 (20%) 160 K (1 day) 53 K 11 K

Baseline conversion rate = 10%

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

2. What are the three tradeoffs in an A/B Test? And how are they related?

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

After this workshop, you should be able to answer …

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

2. What are the three tradeoffs in an A/B Test? And how are they related?

A. Error Rates, Runtime, and Effect Size. They are all inversely related.

After this workshop, you should be able to answer …

Use tradeoffs to align your testing goals


Error rates Runtime

Improvement & Baseline CR

Inversely Related

+5%, 10%

53 K

?In the beginning, we make an educated guess …

… but after 1 day …

Data!How can we update the tradeoffs?

1. Adjust your timeline

Improvement turns out to be better …

Instead of: 53K - 10K

= 43K

5% 1,600

Error rates Runtime

+13%, 10%

Inversely Related

Improvement & Baseline CR

… or worse.

5% 75 K

Error rates Runtime


Inversely Related

Improvement & Baseline CR

2. Accept higher / lower error rate

Improvement turns out to be better …

1% 43 K

Error rates Runtime

+13%, 10%

Inversely Related

Improvement & Baseline CR

… or worse.

30% 43 K

Error rates Runtime


Inversely Related

Improvement & Baseline CR

3. Admit it. It’s inconclusive.

… or a lot worse.

> 99% > 100K

Error rates Runtime


Inversely Related

Improvement & Baseline CR

iterate, iterate, iterate!

Your experiments will not always have the same improvement over time.

So, run A/B Tests for at least a business cycle appropriate for that test and your company.

Seasonality & Time Variation

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

2. What are the three tradeoffs in an A/B Test? And how are they related?

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

After this workshop, you should be able to answer …

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with for Stats Engine?

2. What are the three tradeoffs in one A/B Test?

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

A. Adjust your timeline. Accept higher / lower error rate. Admit an inconclusive result.

After this workshop, you should be able to answer …

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

A. Peeking and mistaking “False Positive Rate” for “Chance of a Wrong Answer.”

2. What are the three tradeoffs in one A/B Test?

B. Error Rates, Runtime, and Effect Size. They are all negatively related.

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

C. Accept higher / lower error rate. Adjust your timeline. Admit an inconclusive result.

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

A. Peeking and mistaking “False Positive Rate” for “Chance of a Wrong Answer.”

2. What are the three tradeoffs in one A/B Test?

B. Error Rates, Runtime, and Effect Size. They are all negatively related.

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

C. Accept higher / lower error rate. Adjust your timeline. Admit an inconclusive result.

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

A. Peeking and mistaking “False Positive Rate” for “Chance of a Wrong Answer.”

2. What are the three tradeoffs in one A/B Test?

B. Error Rates, Runtime, and Effect Size. They are all negatively related.

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

C. Accept higher / lower error rate. Adjust your timeline. Admit an inconclusive result.

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

A. Peeking and mistaking “False Positive Rate” for “Chance of a Wrong Answer.”

2. What are the three tradeoffs in one A/B Test?

B. Error Rates, Runtime, and Effect Size. They are all negatively related.

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

C. Accept higher / lower error rate. Adjust your timeline. Admit an inconclusive result.


Preview: How many goals and variations should I use?

Stats Engine is more conservative when there are more goals that are not affected by

a variation.

So, adding a lot of “random” goals will slow down your experiment.

Tips & Tricks for using Stats Engine with multiple goals and variations

• Ask: Which goal is most important to me?

-This should be the primary goal (not impacted by all other goals)

• Run large, or large multivariate tests without fear of finding spurious results, but be prepared for the cost of exploration.

• For maximum velocity, only test goals and variations that you believe will have highest impact.

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

A. Peeking and mistaking “False Positive Rate” for “Chance of a Wrong Answer.”

2. What are the three tradeoffs in one A/B Test?

B. Error Rates, Runtime, and Effect Size. They are all negatively related.

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

C. Accept higher / lower error rate. Adjust your timeline. Admit an inconclusive result.

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

A. Peeking and mistaking “False Positive Rate” for “Chance of a Wrong Answer.”

2. What are the three tradeoffs in one A/B Test?

B. Error Rates, Runtime, and Effect Size. They are all negatively related.

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

C. Accept higher / lower error rate. Adjust your timeline. Admit an inconclusive result.

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

A. Peeking and mistaking “False Positive Rate” for “Chance of a Wrong Answer.”

2. What are the three tradeoffs in one A/B Test?

B. Error Rates, Runtime, and Effect Size. They are all negatively related.

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

C. Accept higher / lower error rate. Adjust your timeline. Admit an inconclusive result.

1. Which two A/B Testing pitfalls inflate error rates when using classical statistics, and are avoided with Stats Engine?

A. Peeking and mistaking “False Positive Rate” for “Chance of a Wrong Answer.”

2. What are the three tradeoffs in one A/B Test?

B. Error Rates, Runtime, and Effect Size. They are all negatively related.

3. How can you use Optimizely’s results page to best tune the tradeoffs to achieve your experimentation goals?

C. Accept higher / lower error rate. Adjust your timeline. Admit an inconclusive result.
