Optimization MATLAB Exercises

Post on 24-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Optimization MATLAB Exercises

  • OptimizationMATLAB ExercisesAssoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin GNDE

  • Introduction to MATLAB

  • Introduction to MATLAB

  • Introduction to MATLAB% All text after the % sign is a comment. MATLAB ignores anything to the right of the % sign.

    ; A semicolon at the end of a line prevents MATLAB from echoing the information you enter on the screen

    A succession of three periods at the end of the line informs MATLAB that code will continue to the next line. You can not split a variable name across two lines. You can not continue a comment on another line.

  • Introduction to MATLAB^c You can stop MATLAB execution and get back the command prompt by typing ^c (Ctrl-C) by holding down Ctrl and c together.

    help command_name

    helpwin Opens a help text window that provides more information on all of the MATLAB resources installed on your system.

    helpdesk Provides help using a browser window.

  • Introduction to MATLAB= The assignment operator. The variable on the left-hand side of the sign is assigned the value of the right-hand side.

    == Within a if construct

    MATLAB is case sensitive. An a is different than A. All built-in MATLAB commands are in lower case.

    MATLAB does not need a type definition or dimension statement to introduce variables.

  • Introduction to MATLABVariable names start with a letter and contain up to 31 characters (only letters, digits and underscore).

    MATLAB uses some built in variable names. Avoid using built in variable names.

    Scientific notation is expressed with the letter e, for example, 2.0e-03, 1.07e23, -1.732e+03.

    Imaginary numbers use either i or j as a suffix, for example 1i, -3.14j,3e5i

  • Introduction to MATLABArithmetic Operators

    + Addition

    - Subtraction

    * Multiplication / Division

    ^ Power

    Complex conjugate transpose (also array transpose)

  • Introduction to MATLABIn the case of arrays, each of these operators can be used with a period prefixed to the operator, for example, (.*) or (.^) or (./). This implies element-by-element operation in MATLAB.

    , A comma will cause the information to echo

  • Exercise>> a=2;b=3;c=4,d=5;e=6,

    c = 4

    e = 6% why did only c and e echo on the screen?

  • Exercise>> who % lists all the variables on the screenYour variables are:a b c d e

    >> a % gives the value stored in aa = 2

  • Exercise>> A=1.5 % Variable A

    A = 1.5000

    >> a, A % Case matters

    a =


    A = 1.5000

  • Exercise>> one=a;two=b;three=c;>> % assigning values to new variables

    >> four=d;five=e;six=pi; % value of pi available>> f=7;>> A1=[a b c;d e f]; % A1 is a 2 by 3 matrix% space seperates columns% semi-colon seperates rows>> A1(2,2) % accesses the matrix element on the second raw and second columnans = 6

  • Exercise>> size(A1) % gives you the size of the matrix (row, columns)

    ans =

    2 3

    >> AA1=size(A1) % What should happen here? From previous % statement the size of A1 contains two numbers arranged as a row % matrix. This is assigned to AA1

    AA1 =

    2 3

  • Exercise>> size(AA1) % AA1 is a one by two matrix

    ans =

    1 2

    >> A1 % this transposes the matrix A1

    ans =

    2 5 3 6 4 7

  • Exercise>> B1=A1 % the transpose of matrix A1is assigned to B1. B1 is a % three by two matrix

    B1 =

    2 5 3 6 4 7

    >> C1=A1*B1 % Matrix multiplication

    C1 = 29 56 56 110

  • Exercise>> C2=B1*A1

    C2 =

    29 36 43 36 45 54 43 54 65

    >> C1*C2 % Read the error matrix??? Error using ==> *Inner matrix dimensions must agree.

  • Exercise>> D1=[1 2]' % D1 is a column vectorD1 = 1 2

    >> C1,C3=[C1 D1] % C1 is augmented by an extra column

    C1 = 29 56 56 110

    C3 = 29 56 1 56 110 2

  • Exercise>> C2

    C2 = 29 36 43 36 45 54 43 54 65

    >> C3=[C3;C2(3,:)] % The column represents all the columns

    C3 = 29 56 1 56 110 2 43 54 65

  • Exercise>> C4=C2*C3

    C4 = 4706 7906 2896 5886 9882 3636 7066 11858 4376

    >> C5=C2.*C3 % The .* represents the product of each element of % C2 with the corresponding element of C3

    C5 = 841 2016 43 2016 4950 108 1849 2916 4225

  • Exercise>> C6=inverse(C2)??? Undefined function or variable 'inverse'.

    % Apparently, inverse is not a command in MATLAB, if command % name is known, it is easy to obtain help

    >> lookfor inverse % this command will find all files where it comes % across the word inverse in the initial comment lines. The % command we need appears to be INV which says inverse of a % matrix. The actual command is in lower case. To find out how to use % it:>> help invinv(C2) % inverse of C2

  • Exercise>> for i=1:20f(i)=i^2;end % The for loop is terminated with end

    >> plot(sin(0.01*f)',cos(0.03*f))>> xlabel('sin(0.01f)')>> ylabel('cos(0.03*f)')>> legend('Example')>> title('A Plot Example')>> grid>> exit % finished with MATLAB

  • Graphical optimization

    Minimize f(x1,x2)= (x1-3)2 + (x2-2)2

    subject to: h1 (x1,x2): 2x1 + x2 =8

    h2(x1,x2): (x1-1)2 + (x2-4)2 =4

    g1(x1,x2): x1 + x2 7

    g2(x1,x2): x1 0.25 x22 0

    0 x1 10; 0 x2 10;

  • Example 1% Example 1 (modified graphics)(Sec 2.1- 2.2)% Section:2.3.4 Tweaking the display%%graphical solution using matlab (two design variables)%the following script should allow the graphical solution%to example [ problem 3-90 from text]%%Minimizef(x1,x2) = (x1-3)**2 + (x2-2)**2%%h1(x1,x2) = 2x1 + x2 = 8%h2(x1,x2) = (x1-1)^2 + (x2-4)^2 = 4%g1(x1,x2) : x1 + x2
  • Example 1%%%WARNING : The hash marks for the inequality constraints must%be determined and drawn outside of the plot%generated by matlab%%----------------------------------------------------------------x1=0:0.1:10;% the semi-colon at the end prevents the echo x2=0:0.1:10;% these are also the side constraints% x1 and x2 are vectors filled with numbers starting% at 0 and ending at 10.0 with values at intervals of 0.1

    [X1 X2] = meshgrid(x1,x2);% generates matrices X1 and X2 correspondin% vectors x1 and x2

  • Example 1 contdf1 = obj_ex1(X1,X2);% the objecive function is evaluated over the entire meshineq1 = inecon1(X1,X2);% the inequality g1 is evaluated over the meshineq2 = inecon2(X1,X2);% the inequality g2 is evaluated over the mesh

    eq1 = eqcon1(X1,X2);% the equality 1 is evaluated over the mesheq2 = eqcon2(X1,X2);% the equality 2 is evaluated over the mesh

    [C1,h1] = contour(x1,x2,ineq1,[7,7],'r-');clabel(C1,h1);set(h1,'LineWidth',2)% ineq1 is plotted [at the contour value of 8]hold on% allows multiple plotsk1 = gtext('g1');set(k1,'FontName','Times','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',14,'Color','red')% will place the string 'g1' on the lot where mouse is clicked

  • Example 1 contd[C2,h2] = contour(x1,x2,ineq2,[0,0],'r--');clabel(C2,h2);set(h2,'LineWidth',2)k2 = gtext('g2');set(k2,'FontName','Times','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',14,'Color','red')[C3,h3] = contour(x1,x2,eq1,[8,8],'b-');clabel(C3,h3);set(h3,'LineWidth',2)k3 = gtext('h1');set(k3,'FontName','Times','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',14,'Color','blue')% will place the string 'g1' on the lot where mouse is clicked[C4,h4] = contour(x1,x2,eq2,[4,4],'b--');clabel(C4,h4);set(h4,'LineWidth',2)k4 = gtext('h2');set(k4,'FontName','Times','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',14,'Color','blue')

  • Example 1 contd[C,h] = contour(x1,x2,f1,'g');clabel(C,h);set(h,'LineWidth',1)% the equality and inequality constraints are not written with 0 on the right hand side. If you do write % them that way you would have to include [0,0] in the contour commandsxlabel(' x_1 values','FontName','times','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold');% label for x-axesylabel(' x_2 values','FontName','times','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold');set(gca,'xtick',[0 2 4 6 8 10])set(gca,'ytick',[0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10])k5 = gtext({'Chapter 2: Example 1','pretty graphical display'})set(k5,'FontName','Times','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold')clear C C1 C2 C3 C4 h h1 h2 h3 h4 k1 k2 k3 k4 k5gridhold off

  • Example 1 contdObjective function

    function retval = obj_ex1(X1,X2)retval = (X1 - 3).*(X1 - 3) +(X2 - 2).*(X2 - 2);

    The first inequality

    function retval = inecon1(X1, X2)retval = X1 + X2;

    The second inequality

    function retval = inecon2(X1,X2)retval = X1 - 0.25*X2.^2;

  • Example 1 contd

    The first equality

    function retval = eqcon1(X1,X2)retval = 2.0*X1 + X2;

    The second equality

    function retval = eqcon2(X1,X2)retval = (X1 - 1).*(X1 - 1) + (X2 - 4).*(X2 - 4);

  • Example 2- Graphical solution

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLABMaximize

    Subject to:

    The problem was also transformed to the standard format as follows:

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLABMinimize

    Subject to:

    where x3, x4 and x5 are the slack variables.

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLAB% The code presented here is captured% using MATLABs diary command.% DIARY OFF suspends it. % DIARY ON turns it back on.% Use the functional form of DIARY, such as DIARY('file')% write help % format to see different formats in MATLAB.format compactformat rationalA=[0.4 0.6 1 0 0 8.5;3 -1 0 1 0 25;3 6 0 0 1 70;-990 -900 0 0 0 5280]A = 2/5 3/5 1 0 0 17/2 3 -1 0 1 0 25 3 6 0 0 1 70 -990 -900 0 0 0 5280

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLAB'This is Table 1, note the canonical form';>> 'EBV is x1-first column';>> 'To find LBV divide last column by coeff. in EBV column';>> 'Take the minimum of the positive values';>> 'The row identifies the pivot row to create the next table';>> A(:,6)/A(:,1)ans = 0 0 0 -17/1980 0 0 0 -5/198 0 0 0 -7/99 0 0 0 -16/3

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLAB'Something is not right.The above division should have been an element by element one';>> A(:,6)./A(:,1)ans = 85/4 25/3 70/3 -16/3

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLAB>> format short >> A(:,6)./A(:,1)ans = 21.2500 8.3333 23.3333 -5.3333'Second row is the pivot row and x4 is LBV';'Constructing Table 2';'Note the scaling factor for the matrix';

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLABAA = 1.0e+003 * 0.0004 0.0006 0.0010 0 0 0.0085 0.0030 -0.0010 0 0.0010 0 0.0250 0.0030 0.0060 0 0 0.0010 0.0700 -0.9900 -0.9000 0 0 0 5.2800'The element at A(2,1) must be 1';

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLAB>> A(2,:)=A(2,:)/A(2,1)A = 1.0e+003 * 0.0004 0.0006 0.0010 0 0 0.0085 0.0010 -0.0003 0 0.0003 0 0.0083 0.0030 0.0060 0 0 0.0010 0.0700 -0.9900 -0.9000 0 0 0 5.2800

    'The element at A(1,1) must be a zero';>> A(1,:)=A(1,:)-0.4*A(2,:);>> AA = 1.0e+003 * 0 0.0007 0.0010 -0.0001 0 0.0052 0.0010 -0.0003 0 0.0003 0 0.0083 0.0030 0.0060 0 0 0.0010 0.0700 -0.9900 -0.9000 0 0 0 5.2800

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLAB'Element at A(3,1) must be a zero';>> A(3,:)=A(3,:)-3*A(2,:)A = 1.0e+003 * 0 0.0007 0.0010 -0.0001 0 0.0052 0.0010 -0.0003 0 0.0003 0 0.0083 0 0.0070 0 -0.0010 0.0010 0.0450 -0.9900 -0.9000 0 0 0 5.2800

    'Element at A(4,1) must be a 0';>> A(4,:)=A(4,:)-A(4,1)*A(2,:)A = 1.0e+004 * 0 0.0001 0.0001 -0.0000 0 0.0005 0.0001 -0.0000 0 0.0000 0 0.0008 0 0.0007 0 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0045 0 -0.1230 0 0.0330 0 1.3530

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLAB'Table 2 complete- and canonical form is present';>> 'Solution has not converged because of A(4,2)';>> 'EBV is x2';>> 'Calculation of the LBV';>> A(:,6)./A(:,2)ans = 7.0455 -25.0000 6.4286 -11.0000'Pivot row is third row and LBV is x5';>> 'Calculation of the LBV';>> 'Construction of Table 3-no echo of calculations';>> 'A(3,2) must have value 1'ans =A(3,2) must have value 1>> A(3,:)=A(3,:)/A(3,2);

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLAB'A(1,2) must have a value of 0';>> A(1,:)=A(1,:)-A(1,2)*A(3,:);>> 'A(2,2) must have a value of 0';>> A(2,:)=A(2,:)-A(2,2)*A(3,:);>> 'A(4,2) must have a value of 0';>> A(4,:)=A(4,:)-A(4,2)*A(3,:);>> AA = 1.0e+004 * 0 0 0.0001 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0010 0 0.0001 0 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0006 0 0 0 0.0154 0.0176 2.1437

  • Example 3- Solution of LP poblems using MATLAB>> format rational>> AA = 0 0 1 -1/35 -11/105 19/42 1 0 0 2/7 1/21 220/21 0 1 0 -1/7 1/7 45/7 0 0 0 1080/7 1230/7 150060/7 >> 'No further iterations are necessary';>> diary off

  • Example 4- Solution using MATLABs Optimization Toolboxf=[-990;-900];A=[0.4 0.6;3 -1;3 6];b=[8.5 25 70]';[x,fval]=linprog(f,A,b)Optimization terminated successfully.x = 10.47619047619146 6.42857142857378fval = -1.615714285714595e+004'To this solution we must add the constant -5280 which was omitted in problem definition for MATLAB'ans =To this solution we must add the constant -5280 which was omitted in problem definition for MATLABdiary off

  • Nonlinear programmingThe functions in the exercises are:

  • Nonlinear programmingx=sym('x') %defining x as a single symbolic objectx = x syms y f g1 g2 g %definition of multiple objectswhos %types of variables in the workspace Name Size Bytes Class

    f 1x1 126 sym object g 1x1 126 sym object g1 1x1 128 sym object g2 1x1 128 sym object x 1x1 126 sym object y 1x1 126 sym object

    Grand total is 14 elements using 760 bytes

  • Nonlinear programmingf=12+(x-1)*(x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3) % constructing f f = 12+(x-1)^2*(x-2)*(x-3) diff(f) % first derivative ans = 2*(x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3)+(x-1)^2*(x-3)+(x-1)^2*(x-2)

    % note the chain rule for the derivatives% note that the independent variable is assumed to be x

  • Nonlinear programmingdiff(f,x,2) % the second derivative wrt x ans = 2*(x-2)*(x-3)+4*(x-1)*(x-3)+4*(x-1)*(x-2)+2*(x-1)^2 diff(f,x,3) % the third derivative wrt x ans = 24*x-42 g1=20*x+15*y-30 % define g1 g1 = 20*x+15*y-30

  • Nonlinear programmingg2=0.25*x+y-1; % define g2% g1,g2 can only have partial derivatives% independent variables have to be identifieddiff(g1,x) % partial derivative ans = 20 diff(g1,y) % partial derivative ans = 15

  • Nonlinear programmingg=[g1;g2] % g column vector based on g1, g2g =[ 20*x+15*y-30][ 1/4*x+y-1] % g can be the constraint vector in optimization problems% the partial derivatives of g wrt design variables is called the Jacobian matrix% the properties of this matrix is important for numerical techniquesxy=[x y]; % row vector of variablesJ=jacobian(g,xy) % calculating the jacobianJ = [ 20, 15][ 1/4, 1]

  • Nonlinear programmingezplot(f) % a plot of f for -2pi x 2pi (default)ezplot(f,[0,4]) % a plot between 0
  • Nonlinear programming % to evaluate g at x=1,y=2.5subs(g,{x,y},{1,2.5})

    ans =

    27.5000 1.7500

    diary off

  • Nonlinear programmingtangent.m% Illustration of the derivative% Optimization Using MATLAB%Dr. P.Venkataraman%%section 4.2.2%This example illustrates the limiting process%in the definition of the derivative%In the figure animation %1. note the scales%2. as the displacement gets smaller the function%and the straight line coincide suggesting the %the line is tangent t the curve at the point%

  • Nonlinear programmingtangent.m

    syms x f deriv% symboli variablesf=12+(x-1)*(x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3); % definition of f(x)deriv=diff(f);% computing the derivative

    xp = 3.0;% point at which the % derivative will be computedfp =subs(f,xp);%function value at xpdfp=subs(deriv,xp); % actual value of derivative at xpezplot(f,[0,4]) % symbolic plot of the original function% between 0 and 4

  • Nonlinear programmingtangent.m

    % draw a line at value of 12 for referenceline([0 4],[12 12],'Color','g','LineWidth',1)line([2.5 3.5],[10,14],'Color','k', ... 'LineStyle','--','LineWidth',2)axis([0 4 8 24])title('tangent - slope - derivative at x=3') text(.6,21,'f=12+(x-1)*(x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3)')ylabel('f(x)')text(3.2,12.5,'\theta')text(2.7,10.5,'tangent')grid

  • Derivative% Illustration of the derivative% %Dr. P.Venkataraman%This example illustrates the limiting process in the definition of the derivativeIn the figure animation: 1. note the scales%2. as the displacement gets smaller the function and the straight line coincide% suggesting the line is tangent t the curve at the point

    syms x f deriv% symboli variablesf=12+(x-1)*(x-1)*(x-2)*(x-3); % definition of f(x)deriv=diff(f);% computing the derivative

    xp = 3.0;% point at which the % derivative will be computeddelx=[1 .1 .01 .001]; % decreasing displacements - vectorxvar =xp + delx;% neighboring points - vector

  • Derivativefvar =subs(f,xvar);% function values at neighboring pointsfp =subs(f,xp);%function value at xpdfp=subs(deriv,xp); % actual value of derivative at xp

    delf = fvar-fp;% change in the function valuesderv= delf./delx ; % derivative using definition% limiting process is being invoked%as displacement is getting smallerezplot(f,[0,4]) % symbolic plot of the original function% between 0 and 4

    % draw a line at value of 12 for referenceline([0 4],[12 12],'Color','g','LineWidth',1)

    figure% use a new figure for animation, figures are drawn as if zooming in

  • Derivativefor i = 1:length(delx) clf% clear reference figure ezplot(f,[xp,xvar(i)]) % plot function within the displacement value only line([xp xvar(i)],[fp subs(f,xvar(i))],'Color','r') pause(2) % pause for 2 seconds - animation effectend

    xpstack=[xp xp xp xp]; % dummy vector for displaydfpstack=[dfp dfp dfp dfp]; % same

    [xpstack' delx' xvar' delf' derv' dfpstack']

  • Gradient of the functionIn the function with one variable, the derivative was associated with the slope.

    In two or more variables, the slope is equivalent to the gradient.

    The gradient is a vector and at any point represents the direction in which the function will increase most rapidly.

    The gradient is composed of the partial derivatives organized as a vector.

  • Gradient of the functionThe gradient is defined as:

  • Gradient and tangent line at a point

  • Gradient of the functionx=0:.05:3; y=0:0.05:3;[X Y]=meshgrid(x,y); % X,Y are matrices fval=0.25*X.*X + Y.*Y -1; % could have used an m-file subplot(2,1,1) % divides figure window into 2 rows% and addresses top row [c1,h1]= contour3(x,y,fval,[0 1 2 3]);% draws the specified contour in 3D% and establishes handles to set properties of plot

  • Gradient of the functionset(h1,'LineWidth',2);clabel(c1); % labels contoursxlabel('x');ylabel('y');title('3D contour for f(x,y) = x^2/4 + y^2 -1');% swithches to second row (lower plot)subplot(2,1,2)[c2,h2]=contour(x,y,fval,[0 1 2 3]);set(h2,'LineWidth',2);clabel(c2)xlabel('x');ylabel('y');grid

  • Gradient of the function% processing using the symbolic toolbox % identify a point on contour f = 0xf0 = 1.0; % x-value of pointsyms f xx yy;f=0.25*xx*xx + yy*yy -1; % the contour f=0fy0=subs(f,xx,xf0); % substitute for xyf0=solve(fy0,yy); % solve for y value of pointyf0d=double(yf0(1)); % express it as a decimal% identify a point on contour f = 2xf2 = 2.0; % x-value of pointsym fxy2;fxy2=0.25*xx*xx + yy*yy -1-2; % contour f = 2fy2=subs(fxy2,xx,xf2); % substitute for xyf2=solve(fy2,yy);yf2d=double(yf2(1)); % decimal value for y value

  • Gradient of the function% draw blue line connecting the two points in both plots% line PQ in Figure 4.3subplot(2,1,1)line([xf0 xf2],[yf0d yf2d],[0 2],'Color','b', ... 'LineWidth',2);subplot(2,1,2)line([xf0 xf2],[yf0d yf2d],'Color','b','LineWidth',2);% the value of f at the point R in the Figure 4.3fxy02=subs(f,{xx,yy},{xf2,yf0d});

  • Gradient of the function% Line PR in Figure 4.3

    line([xf0 xf2],[yf0d yf0d],'Color','g', ... 'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','--')

    % Line RQ in Figure 4.3

    line([xf2 xf2],[yf0d yf2d],'Color','g', ... 'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','--') axis square % this is useful for identfing tangent % and gradient

  • JacobianIn Jacobian, the gradients of the function appear in the same row.

    The Hessian matrix [H] is the same as the matrix of second derivatives of a function of several variables. For f(x,y)

  • Unconstrained problemMinimize

  • Unconstrained problemx1=0:.05:4;x2=0:0.05:4;[X1 X2]=meshgrid(x1,x2); % X,Y are matrices

    fval=(X1-1).^2 +(X2-1).^2 -X1.*X2;% could have used an m-file

    colormap(gray) % sets the default colorsmeshc(X1,X2,fval) % draws a mesh with contours underneathrotate3d % allows you to interactively rotate the figure %for better viewxlabel('x_1');ylabel('x_2');zlabel('f(x_1,x_2)')% adds a tangent (plane) surface at the minimumpatch([1 3 3 1], [1 1 3 3],[-2 -2 -2 -2],'y')grid

  • Method of Lagrange

  • Example-Lagrange methodMinimize

    Subject to:

    The necessary conditions are obtained as:

  • Example-Lagrange method Applying the necessary conditions to the problem, we obtain:

    In MATLAB, there are two ways to solve the above equations. The first is by using symbolic support functions or using the numerical support functions. The symbolic function is solve and the numerical function is fsolve. The numerical technique is an iterative one and requires you to choose an initial guess to start the procedure.

  • Lagrange method-Example% Necessary/Sufficient coonditions for % Equality constrained problem % Minimize f(x1,x2) = -x1x2%%-------------------------% symbolic procedure%------------------------% define symbolic variablesformat compactsyms x1 x2 lam1 h1 F

    % define FF = -x1*x2 + lam1*(x1*x1/4 + x2*x2 -1);h1 = x1*x1/4 +x2*x2 -1;

  • Lagrange method-Example%the gradient of Fsym grad;grad1 = diff(F,x1);grad2 = diff(F,x2);% optimal values satisfaction of necessary conditions[lams1 xs1 xs2] = solve(grad1,grad2,h1,'x1,x2,lam1');% the solution is returned as a vector of the three unknowns in case of multiple % solutions lams1 is the solution vector for lam1 etc.% IMPORTANT: the results are sorted alphabetically fprint is used to print a% string in the command window disp is used to print values of matrixf = -xs1.*xs2;fprintf('The solution (x1*,x2*,lam1*, f*):\n'), ... disp(double([xs1 xs2 lams1 f]))

  • Lagrange method-Example%------------------------------% Numerical procedure%----------------------------% solution to non-linear system using fsolve see help fsolve% the unknowns have to be defined as a vector% the functions have to be set up in a m-file

    % define intial valuesxinit=[1 1 0.5]'; % inital guess for x1, x2, lam1

    % the equations to be solved are available in % eqns4_4_2.m

    xfinal = fsolve('eqns4_4_2',xinit, Display,final);

    fprintf('The numerical solution (x1*,x2*,lam1*): \n'), ...disp(xfinal);

  • Lagrange method-ExampleThe symbolic computation generates four solutions. Only the first one is valid for this problem. This is decided by the side constraints expressed by the equation:

    On the other hand, the numerical techniques provide only one solution to the problem. This is a function of the initial guess. Generally, the numerical techniques will deliver solutions closest to the point they started from. The solution is:

  • Lagrange method-Examplefunction ret = eqns4_4_2(x)

    % x is a vector% x(1) = x1, x(2) = x2, x(3) = lam1ret=[(-x(2) + 0.5*x(1)*x(3)), ... (-x(1) + 2*x(2)*x(3)), ... (0.25*x(1)*x(1) + x(2)*x(2) -1)];

  • Scaling-ExampleMinimize

  • Scaling-ExampleConsider the order of the magnitude in the equations:

    Numerical calculations are driven by larger magnitudes. The second inequality will be ignored in relation to the other functions even though the graphical solution indicates that g3 is active.

    This is a frequent occurrence in all kinds of numerical techniques. The standard approach to minimize the impact of large variations in magnitudes among different equations is to normalize the relations.

    In practice, this is also extended to the variables. This is referred to as scaling the variables and scaling the functions. Many current software will scale the problem without user intervention.

  • Scaling-Example Scaling variables: The presence of side constraints in problem formulation allows a natural definition of scaled variables. The user defined upper and lower bounds are used to scale each variable between 0 and 1. Therefore,

    In the original problem, the above equations is used to substitute for the original variables after which the problem can be expressed in terms of scaled variable.

  • Scaling-ExampleAn alternate formulation is to use only the upper value of the side constraint to scale the design variable:

    While the above option limits the higher scaled value to 1, it does not set the lower scaled value to zero. For the example of this section, there is no necessity for scaling the design variables since their order of magnitude is one, which is exactly what scaling attempts to achieve.

    Scaling of the functions in the problem is usually critical for a successful solution. Numerical techniques used in optimization are iterative. In each iteration, usually the gradient of the functions at the current value of the design variables is involved in the calculations. This gradient expressed as a matrix, is called the Jacobian matrix or simply the Jacobian.

  • Scaling-ExampleSophisticated scaling techniques employ the diagonal entries of the Jacobian matrix as metrics to scale the respective functions. These entries are evaluated at the starting values of the design variables. The function can also be scaled in the same manner as the equations.

    In this example, the constraints will be scaled using relations similar to the relations expressed by the second scaling option.

  • Scaling-ExampleThe scaling factor for each constraint will be determined using the starting value or the initial guess for the variables. A starting value of 0.6 for both design variables is selected to compute the values necessary for scaling the functions. The scaling constants for the equations are calculated as:

    >> syms g1 x1 x2>> g1=7.4969*10^5*x1*x1+40000*x1-9.7418*10^6*(x1^4-x2^4)g1 = 749690*x1^2+40000*x1-9741800*x1^4+9741800*x2^4 >> subs(g1,{x1,x2},{0.6,0.6})

    ans =


  • Scaling-Example>> syms g2 x1 x2>> g2=(5000+1.4994*10^5*x1)*(x1*x1+x1*x2+x2*x2)-1.7083*10^7*(x1^4-x2^4)g2 =(5000+149940*x1)*(x1^2+x1*x2+x2^2)-17083000*x1^4+17083000*x2^4>> subs(g2,{x1,x2},{0.6,0.6})ans = 1.0256e+005

  • Scaling-Example>> syms g3 x1 x2>> g3=1.9091*10^(-3)*x1+6.1116*10^(-4)-0.05*(x1^4-x2^4)g3 =8804169777779727/4611686018427387904*x1+5636956054044165/9223372036854775808-1/20*x1^4+1/20*x2^4>> subs(g3,{x1,x2},{0.6,0.6})ans = 0.0018

  • Scaling-ExampleThe scaling constants for the equations are calculated as:

    The first three constraints are divided through by their scaling constants. The last equation is unchanged. The objective function has a coefficient of one. The scaled problem is:

  • Scaling-Examplesyms x1s x2s g1s g2s g3s g4s fs b1s b2s b3s b4s Fsg1s = 2.5509*x1s*x1s +.1361*x1s-33.148*(x1s^4-x2s^4);g2s = (0.0488+ 1.4619*x1s)*(x1s*x1s+x1s*x2s+x2s*x2s) ... -166.5641*(x1s^4-x2s^4);g3s = 1.0868*x1s + 0.3482 -28.4641*(x1s^4-x2s^4);g4s = x2s-x1s + 0.001;

    fs = x1s*x1s -x2s*x2s;Fs = fs + b1s*g1s+ b2s*g2s + b3s*g3s +b4s*g4s;

  • Scaling-Example% the gradient of Fsyms grad1s grad2sgrad1s = diff(Fs,x1s);grad2s = diff(Fs,x2s);% solution[xs1 xs2] = solve(g1s,g3s,'x1s,x2s');fss = xs1.^2 - xs2.^2;gs1 = 2.5509*xs1.*xs1 +0.1361*xs1-33.148*(xs1.^4-xs2.^4);gs2 = (.0488+ 1.4619*xs1).*(xs1.*xs1+xs1.*xs2+xs2.*xs2) ... -166.5641*(xs1.^4-xs2.^4);gs3 = 1.0868*xs1+0.3482 -28.4641*(xs1.^4-xs2.^4);gs4 = xs2-xs1 +0.001;

  • Scaling-Examplefprintf('\n\nThe solution *** Case a ***(x1*,x2*, f*, g1, g2 g3 g4):\n'), ... disp(double([xs1 xs2 fss gs1 gs2 gs3 gs4]))%unlike the previous case all the solutions are displayed%x1s=double(xs1(1));fprintf('\n x1 = '),disp(x1s)x2s=double(xs2(1));fprintf('\n x2 = '),disp(x2s)

  • Scaling-Examplefprintf('\nConstraint:')fprintf('\ng1: '),disp(subs(g1s))fprintf('\ng2: '),disp(subs(g2s))fprintf('\ng3: '),disp(subs(g3s))fprintf('\ng4: '),disp(subs(g4s))b2s=0.0; b4s = 0.0;

    [b1s b3s]=solve(subs(grad1s),subs(grad2s),'b1s,b3s');

    fprintf('Multipliers b1 and b3 : ')fprintf('\nb1: '),disp(double(b1s))fprintf('\nb3: '),disp(double(b3s))

  • Scaling-Example A note on Kuhn-Tucker Conditions: The FOC associated with the general optimization problem in the following equations istermed the Kuhn-Tucker conditions. The general optimization problem is:

    There are n+l+m unknowns. The same number of equations are required to solve the problem. These are provided by the FOC or the Kuhn-Tucker conditions.

  • Scaling-Examplen equations are obtained as:

    l equations are obtained directly through the equality constraints

    m equations are applied through the 2m cases. This implies that there are 2m possible solutions. Each case sets the multiplier j or the corresponding inequality constraint gj to zero. If the multiplier is set to zero, then the corresponding constraint must be feasible for an acceptable solution. If the constraint is set to zero (active constraint), then the corresponding multiplier must be positive for a minimum.

  • Scaling-ExampleWith this in mind, the m equations can be expressed as:

    If the above equations are not met, the design is not acceptable.

    In our example, n=2 and m=4 so there are 24 = 16 cases that must be investigated as part of the Kuhn-Tucker conditions. It can also be identified that g1 and g3 are active constraints. If g1 and g3 are active constraints, then the multipliers 1 and 3 must be positive. By the same reasoning, the multipliers associated with the inactive constraints g2 and g4, that is 2 and 4 must be set to zero. This information on the active constraints can be used to solve for x1* and x2* as this is a system of two equations in two unknowns.

  • Newton-Raphson MethodMinimize

    Subject to

    Solution:syms al f g phi phialf = (al-1)^2*(al-2)*(al-3);g = -1 - 1.5*al + 0.75*al*al;phi = diff(f);phial = diff(phi);ezplot(f,[0 4])l1 =line([0 4],[0 0]);

  • Newton-Raphson Methodset(l1,'Color','k','LineWidth',1,'LineStyle','-')hold onezplot(phi,[0 4])gridhold offxlabel('\alpha')ylabel('f(\alpha), \phi(\alpha)')title('Example 5.1')axis([0 4 -2 10])

    alpha(1) = 0.5;fprintf('iterations alpha phi(i) d(alpha) phi(i+1) f\n')

  • Newton-Raphson Methodfor i = 1:20; index(i) = i; al = alpha(i); phicur(i)=subs(phi); delalpha(i) = -subs(phi)/subs(phial); al = alpha(i)+delalpha(i); phinext(i)=subs(phi); fun(i)=subs(f); if (i > 1) l1=line([alpha(i-1) alpha(i)], [phicur(i-1),phicur(i)]); set(l1,'Color','r','LineWidth',2) pause(2) end if (abs(phinext(i))
  • Newton-Raphson Method

    In summary, most iterative numerical techniques are designed to converge to solutions that are close to where they start from

  • Bisection Technique (Interval Halving Procedure)Unlike the Newton-Raphson mehod, this procedure does not require the evaluation of the gradient of the function whose root is being sought.

    syms al f phi phialf = (al-1)^2*(al-2)*(al-3);phi = diff(f);% plot of overall functionezplot(f,[0 4])l1 =line([0 4],[0 0]);set(l1,'Color','k','LineWidth',1,'LineStyle','-')hold onezplot(phi,[0 4])gridhold off

  • Bisection Technique (Interval Halving Procedure)xlabel('\alpha')ylabel('f(\alpha), \phi(\alpha)')title('Example 5.1')axis([0 4 -2 10])%number of iterations = 20aone(1) = 0.0; al = aone(1); phi1(1) = subs(phi);atwo(1) = 4.0; al = atwo(1); phi2(2) = subs(phi);% display the trapping of the functions for the first seven iterationsfigure% organizing columns% values are stored in a vector for later printingfprintf('iterations alpha-a alpha-b alpha phi(alpha) f\n')

  • Bisection Technique (Interval Halving Procedure)for i = 1:20; index(i) = i; al = aone(i) + 0.5*(atwo(i) - aone(i)); % step 2 % step 3 alf(i) = al; phi_al(i) =subs(phi); fun(i) = subs(f); if ((atwo(i) - aone(i))
  • Bisection Technique (Interval Halving Procedure) if ((phi1(1)*phi_al(i)) > 0.0) aone(i+1)=al;atwo(i+1) = atwo(i); phi2(i+1)=phi2(i); phi1(i+1) = phi_al(i); else atwo(i+1)=al; phi2(i+1) = phi_al(i); aone(i+1) = aone(i); phi1(i+1)=phi1(i); end% plots of th technique/trapping minimum if (i
  • Bisection Technique (Interval Halving Procedure)title('Example 5.1') l1=line([aone(i) aone(i)], [0,phi1(i)]);set(l1,'Color','r','LineWidth',1) l2=line([atwo(i) atwo(i)], [0,phi2(i)]); set(l2,'Color','g','LineWidth',1) l3=line([aone(i) atwo(i)],[0 0]); set(l3,'Color','k','LineWidth',1,'LineStyle','-') axis([0.8*aone(i) 1.2*atwo(i) phi1(i) phi2(i)]);pause(2) endend% print out the valuesdisp([index' aone' atwo' alf' phi_al' fun'])

  • Polynomial ApproximationThis method is simple in concept. Instead of minimizing a difficult function of one variable, minimize a polynomial that approximates the function.

    The optimal value of the variable that minimizes the polynomial is then considered to approximate the optimal value of the variable for the original function.

    It is rare for the degree of the approximating polynomial to exceed three. A quadratic approximation is standard unless the third degree is warranted.

    It is clear that serious errors in approximation are expected if the polynomial is to simulate the behaviour of the original function over a large range of values of the variable.

    Mathematical theorems exist that justify a quadratic representation of the function, with a prescribed degree of error, within a small neighborhood of the minimum. What this ensures is that the polynomial approximation gets better as the minimum is being approached.

  • Example Minimize

    Subject to 0 4

    A quadratic polynomial P() is used for the approximation. This polynomial is expressed as

    Solution: Two elements need to be understood prior to the following discussion. The first concerns the evaluation of the polynomial, and the second concerns the inclusion of the expression

    Subject to 0 4

  • ExampleThe polynomial is completely defined if the coefficients b0, b1, b2 are known. To determine them, three data points [(1,f1), (2,f2),(3,f3)] are generated from equation

    This sets up a linear system of three equations in three unknowns by requiring that the values of the function and the polynomial must be the same at the three points. The solution of this system of equations is the values of the coefficients. The consideration of the expression

    depends on the type of one-dimensional problem being solved. If the one-dimensional problem is a genuine single-variable design problem, then the above expression needs to be present. If the one-dimensional problem is a subproblem from the multidimensional optimization problem, then the above expression is not available. In that case, a scanning procedure is used to define 1, 2 and 3.Subject to 0 4

  • Scanning procedureThis process is started from the lower limit for . A value of zero for this value can be justified since it refers to values at the current iteration. A constant interval for , is also identified. For a well scaled problem, this value is usually 1. Starting at the lower limit, the interval is doubled until three points are determined such that the minimum is bracketed between them. With respect to this particular example, the scanning procedure generates the following values:

  • Scanning procedureA process such as that illustrated is essential as it is both indifferent to the problem being solved and can be programmed easily. The important requirement of any such process is to ensure that the minimum lies between the limits established by the procedure. This procedure is developed as MATLAB m-file below.

    % Numerical Techniques - 1 D optimization% Generic Scanning Procedure - Single Variable% copyright Dr. P.Venkataraman% An m-file to bracket the minimum of a function of a single Lower bound is known only upper bound is found% This procedure will be used along with Polynomial Approximation or with the Golden Section Method% the following information are passed to the function

  • Scanning procedure% the name of the function 'functname'% the function should be available as a function m-file and should return the value of the function% the inputs:

    % the initial value a0% the incremental value da% the number of scanning steps ns%%sample callng statement% UpperBound_1Var('Example5_1',0,1,10) % this should give you a value of [4 18] as in the text

  • Scanning procedurefunction ReturnValue =UpperBound_1Var(functname,a0,da,ns)

    format compact%ntrials are used to bisect/double values of daif (ns ~= 0) ntrials = ns;else ntrials = 20; % defaultend

    if (da ~= 0) das = da;else das = 1; %defaultend

  • Scanning procedurefor i = 1:ntrials; j = 0;dela = j*das;a00 = a0 + dela; f0 = feval(functname,a00); j = 1;dela = j*das;a01 = a0 + dela; f1 = feval(functname,a01); f1s =f1; if f1 < f0 for j = 2:ntrials aa01 = a0 + j*das; af1 = feval(functname,aa01); f1s=min(f1s,af1); if af1 > f1s ReturnValue = [aa01 af1]; return; end end

  • Scanning procedure% after ntrials the value is still less than start return last value

    fprintf('\n cannot increase function value\n')

    ReturnValue = [aa01 af1];


    else das = 0.5*das;



  • Scanning procedurefprintf('\ncannot decrease function value \n')

    fprintf('\ninitial slope may be greater than zero') fprintf('\nlower bound needs adjusting \n')

    % return start valueReturnValue =[a0 f0];

  • UpperBound_1Var.mThis code segment implements the determination of the upper bound of a function of ne variable.

    The input to the function is the name of the function m-file, for example Example5_1, the start value for the scan (a0), the scanning interval (da), and the number of scanning steps (ns). The function outputs a vector of two values.The first is the value of the variable and the secodn is the corresponding value of the function.

    The function referenced by the code must be a MATLAB m file in the same directory (Example5_1.m)

    function retval = Example5_1(a)retval = (a - 1)*(a - 1)*(a -2)*(a -3);

  • UpperBound_1Var.m>> UpperBound_1Var('Example5_1',0,1,10)ans = 4 18

  • PolyApprox_1Var.m% Numerical Techniques - 1 D optimization% Generic Polynomial Approximation Method - Single Variable% copyright Dr. P.Venkataraman%% An m-file to apply the Polynomial Approximation Method%************************************% requires: UpperBound_1Var.m%***************************************% This procedure will be used along with Polynomial Approximation or with the Golden Section Method%the following information are passed to the function:% the name of the function 'functname'% the function should be available as a function m.file and should return the value of the function% the inputs: % the initial valuea0% the incremental value da% the number of scanning steps ns% sample calling statement: UpperBound_1Var('Example5_1',0,1,10)% this should give you a value of [4 18] as in the text

  • PolyApprox_1Var.m

    function ReturnValue = ... PolyApproximation_1Var(functname,order,lowbound,intvlstep,ntrials)

    format compactlowval = 0.0up = UpperBound_1Var(functname,lowbound,intvlstep,ntrials)upval=up(1)

  • PolyApprox_1Var.m

    if (order == 2) val1 = lowval + (upval -lowval)*.5 f1 = feval(functname,lowval) f2 = feval(functname,val1) f3 = feval(functname,upval) A = [1 lowvallowval^2 ; 1 val1 val1*val1 ; 1 upval upval^2]; coeff =inv(A)*[f1 f2 f3]'; polyopt = -coeff(2)/(2*coeff(3)) fpoly = coeff(1) + coeff(2)*polyopt +coeff(3)*polyopt*polyopt ReturnValue = [polyopt fpoly];end

  • PolyApprox_1Var.mThis code segment implements the polynomial approximation method for a function of one variable. This function uses UpperBound_1Var.m to determine the range of the variable.

    The input to the function is the name of the function; the order (2 or 3) of the approximation;lowbound-the start value of the scan passed to UpperBound_1Var.m; intvlstep-the scanning interval passed to UpperBound_1Var.m; intrials: the number of scanning steps passed to UpperBound_1Var.m.

    The output of the program is a vector of two values. The first element of the vector is the location of the minimum of the approximating polynomial, and the second is the function value at this location.

    The function referenced by the code must be a MATLAB m-file., in the same directory (Example5_1.m). The input for example Example5_1 is the value at which the function needs to be computed, and its output is the value of the function.

    Usage: Value=PolyApprox_1Var(Example5_1,2,0,1,10)

  • Golden Section Method

  • Golden section methodIf f2 > f1

  • Golden section method

  • Golden section method

  • GoldSection_1Var.mThe code translatesthe algorithm for the golden section method into MATLAB code.

    The input to the function is the name of the function (functname) whose minimum is being sought; the tolerance (tol) of the approximation; the start value (lowbound) of the scan passed to UpperBound_1Var.m; the scanning interval (intvl) passed to UpperBound_1Var.m; the number of scanning steps (ntrials) passed to UpperBound_1Var.m.

    The output of the program is a vector of four pairs of variable and function values after the final iteration.

    Usage: Value=GoldSection_1Var(Example5_1,0.001,0,1,10)

  • GoldSection_1Var.m% Numerical Techniques - 1 D optimization% Generic Golden Section Method - Single Variable% copyright (code) Dr. P.Venkataraman% An m-file to apply the Golden Section Method%************************************% requires: UpperBound_1Var.m%***************************************%the following information are passed to the function% the name of the function 'functname'% this function should be available as a function m-file and shoukd return the value of the function%% the tolerance0.001

  • GoldSection_1Var.m% following needed for UpperBound_1Var

    % the initial value lowbound % the incremental value intvl

    % the number of scanning steps ntrials

    % the function returns a row vector of four sets of variable and function values for the last iteration %sample calling statement% GoldSection_1Var('Example5_1',0.001,0,1,10)

  • GoldSection_1Var.mfunction ReturnValue = GoldSection_1Var(functname,tol,lowbound,intvl,ntrials)format compact; % gets upperboundupval = UpperBound_m1Var(functname,lowbound,intvl,ntrials);au=upval(1);fau = upval(2);if (tol == 0) tol = 0.0001; %defaultendeps1 = tol/(au - lowbound); %defaulttau = 0.38197; % golden rationmax = round(-2.078*log(eps1)); % number of iterations

  • GoldSection_1Var.m

    aL = lowbound;faL =feval(functname,aL);;a1 = (1-tau)*aL + tau*au; fa1 = feval(functname,a1);a2 = tau*aL + (1 - tau)*au; fa2 = feval(functname,a2);% storing all the four values for printing fprintf('start \n')fprintf('alphal(low) alpha(1) alpha(2) alpha{up) \n')avec = [aL a1 a2 au;faL fa1 fa2 fau];disp([avec])

  • GoldSection_1Var.mfor i = 1:nmax

    if fa1 >= fa2

    aL = a1;faL = fa1;

    a1 = a2;fa1 = fa2;

    a2 = tau*aL + (1 - tau)*au;fa2 = feval(functname,a2); au = au;fau = fau; % not necessary -just for clarity fprintf('\niteration '),disp(i) fprintf('alphal(low) alpha(1) alpha(2) alpha{up) \n') avec = [aL a1 a2 au;faL fa1 fa2 fau];disp([avec])

  • GoldSection_1Var.melse au = a2;fau = fa2; a2 = a1;fa2 = fa1; a1 = (1-tau)*aL + tau*au;fa1 = feval(functname,a1); aL = aL;faL = faL; % not necessary fprintf('\niteration '),disp(i) fprintf('alphal(low) alpha(1) alpha(2) alpha{up) \n') avec = [aL a1 a2 au;faL fa1 fa2 fau];disp([avec])endend% returns the value at the last iterationReturnValue =[aL faL a1 fa1 a2 fa2 au fau];

  • Golden Section MethodThe golden section method is an iterative technique.

    The number of iterations depends on the tolerance expected in the final result and is known prior to the start of the iterations.

    This is a significant improvement relative to the Newton Raphson method where the number of iterations can not be predicted a priori.

    Example 2: Minimize

  • Golden Section MethodExtension for the multivariable case

    For the single variable:

    Usage: UpperBound_1Var(Example5_1,0,1,10)

    For many variables:

    Usage: UpperBound_nVar(Example5_2,x,s,0,1,10)

    x: current position vector or design vector s: prescribed search direction

  • UpperBound_nVar% Ch 5: Numerical Techniques - 1 D optimization% Generic Scanning Procedure - n Variables% copyright Dr. P.Venkataraman%% An m-file to bracket the minimum of a function of a single % Lower bound is known only upper bound is found% This procedure will be used along with Polynomial Approximation or with the Golden Section Method% the following information are passed to the function% the name of the function: 'functname, the function should be available as a function m.file and should return the value of the function for a design vector

    % the current position vector :x% the current search direction vectors% the initial stepa0% the incremental stepda% the number of bracketing stepsns

  • UpperBound_nVarfunction ReturnValue = UpperBound_nVar(functname,x,s,a0,da,ns)format compact%ntrials are used to bisect/double values of daif (ns ~= 0) ntrials = ns;else ntrials = 10; % defaultendif (da ~= 0) das = da;else das = 1; %defaultend% finds a value of function greater than or equal% to the previous lower valuefor i = 1:ntrials; j = 0;dela = j*das;a00 = a0 + dela; dx0 = a00*s;x0 = x + dx0; f0 = feval(functname,x0); j = j+1;dela = j*das;a01 = a0 + dela; dx1 = a01*s;x1 = x + dx1;f1 = feval(functname,x1); f1s = f1; if f1 < f0

  • UpperBound_nVar

    for j = 2:ntrials a01 = a0 + j*das;dx1 = a01*s; x1 = x + dx1;f1 = feval(functname,x1); f1s = min(f1s,f1); if f1 > f1s ReturnValue = [a01 f1 x1]; return; end end fprintf('\nCannot increase function in ntrials') ReturnValue = [a01 f1 x1]; return,

  • UpperBound_nVar elsef1 >= f0; das = 0.5*das; endendfprintf('\n returned after ntrials - check problem')ReturnValue =[a0 f0 x0];

  • GoldSection_nVar.m Usage: For one variable Value=GoldSection_1Var(Example5_1,0.001,0,1,10)

    Usage: For many variables Value=GoldSection_nVar(Example5_2,0.001,x,s,0,1,10)

    The code is run from the command window using the following listing: x=[0 0 0]; s=[0 0 6]; Value=GoldSection_nVar(Example5_2,0.001,x,s,0,1,10) The result is:Value = 0.1000 1.2000 0 0 0.59731=0.1; f()=1.2; x1=0; x2=0; x3=0.5973

  • GoldSection_nVar.m% Ch 5: Numerical Techniques - 1 D optimization% Golden Section Method - many variables% copyright (code) Dr. P.Venkataraman%An m-file to apply the Golden Section Method%************************************% requires: UpperBound_nVar.m%***************************************%the following information are passed to the function% the name of the function 'functname'% this function should be available as a function m-file% and should return the value of the function % corresponding to a design vector given a vector% the tolerance:0.001% following needed for UpperBound_nVar% the current position vectorx% the current search directions% the initial valuelowbound % the incremental value intvl% the number of scanning steps ntrials

  • GoldSection_nVar.m% the function returns a row vector of the following% alpha(1),f(alpha1), design variables at alpha(1) % for the last iteration %sample callng statement% GoldSection_nVar('Example5_2',0.001,[0 0 0 ],[0 0 6],0,0.1,10)%function ReturnValue = ... GoldSection_nVar(functname,tol,x,s,lowbound,intvl,ntrials)format compact;% find upper boundupval = UpperBound_nVar(functname,x,s,lowbound,intvl,ntrials);au=upval(1);fau = upval(2);if (tol == 0) tol = 0.0001; %defaultendeps1 = tol/(au - lowbound);tau = 0.38197;

  • GoldSection_nVar.mnmax = round(-2.078*log(eps1)); % no. of iterationsaL = lowbound; xL = x + aL*s; faL =feval(functname,xL);;a1 = (1-tau)*aL + tau*au; x1 = x + a1*s; fa1 = feval(functname,x1);a2 = tau*aL + (1 - tau)*au; x2 = x + a2*s; fa2 = feval(functname,x2);% storing all the four values for printing % remember to suppress printing after debuggingfprintf('start \n')fprintf('alphal(low) alpha(1) alpha(2) alpha{up) \n')avec = [aL a1 a2 au;faL fa1 fa2 fau];disp([avec])for i = 1:nmaxif fa1 >= fa2 aL = a1;faL = fa1; a1 = a2;fa1 = fa2; a2 = tau*aL + (1 - tau)*au;x2 = x + a2*s; fa2 = feval(functname,x2); au = au;fau = fau; % not necessary -just for clarity

  • GoldSection_nVar.m fprintf('\niteration '),disp(i) fprintf('alphal(low) alpha(1) alpha(2) alpha{up) \n') avec = [aL a1 a2 au;faL fa1 fa2 fau];disp([avec])else au = a2;fau = fa2; a2 = a1;fa2 = fa1; a1 = (1-tau)*aL + tau*au;x1 = x + a1*s; fa1 = feval(functname,x1); aL = aL;faL = faL; % not necessary fprintf('\niteration '),disp(i) fprintf('alphal(low) alpha(1) alpha(2) alpha{up) \n') avec = [aL a1 a2 au;faL fa1 fa2 fau];disp([avec])endend% returns the value at the last iterationReturnValue =[a1 fa1 x1];

  • Pattern SearchThe pattern search method is a minor modification to the Univariate method with a major impact. In the univariate method, each design variable (considered a cordinate) provides a search direction.

    This is also referred to as a coordinate direction, and is easily expressed through the unit vector for that coordinate.

    It can be shown by the application that for problems with considerable nonlinearity, the univariate method tends to get locked into a zigzag pattern of smaller and smaller moves as it approaches the solution.

    The pattern search procedure attempts to disrupt this zigzag behaviour by executing one additional iteration for each cycle. In each cycle, at the end of n Univariate directions, the n+1 search direction is assembled as a linear combinatio of the previous n search directions and the optimum value of the stepsize for that direction. A one-dimensional optimal step size is then computed and the next cycle of iteration begins.

  • Powells MethodIf there were only one zero-order method that must be programmed, the overwhelming choice would be Powells method. The principle reason for the decision would be that it has the property of quadratic convergence, namely, for a quadratic problem with n variables, convergence will be achieved in less than or equal to n Powell cycles.

    A quadratic problem is an unconstrained minimization of a function that is expressed as a quadratic polynomial a polynomial with no term having a degree greater than two. The following example is an example of a quadratic polynomial in two variables.

    retval = 3 + (x(1) - 1.5*x(2))^2 + (x(2) - 2)^2;

  • Powells MethodEngineering design optimization problems are rarely described by a quadratic polynomial. This does not imply that you can not use Powells method. What this means is that the solution should not be expected to converge quadratically.

    For nonquadratic problems, as the solution is approached iteratively, he objective can be approximated very well by a quadratic function. It is at this stage that the quadratic convergence property is realized in the computations.

  • Gradient Based MethodsThese methods are also known as first order methods. The search directions will be constructed using the gradient of the objective function. Since gradients are being computed, the Kuhn-Tucker conditions (FOC) for unconstrained problems, f=0, can be used to check for convergence.

    The SOC are hardly ever applied. One of the reasons is that it would involve the computation of an n x n second derivative matrix which is considered computationally expensive, particularly if the evaluation of the objective function requires a call to a finite element method for generating required information.

    Another reason for not calculating the Hessian is that the existence of the second derivative in a real design problem is not certain even though it is computationally possible or feasible. For problems that can be described by symbolic calculations, MATLAB should be able to handle computation of second derivative at the possible solution and its eigenvalues.

  • Gradient Based MethodsWithout SOC, these methods require users vigilence to ensure that the solution obtained is a minimum rather than a maximum or a saddle point. A simple way to verify this is to perturb the objective function through perturbation in the design variables at the solution and verify it is a local minimum.

    This brings up an important property of these methods- they only find local minimums. Usually, this will be close to the design where the iterations are begun. Before concluding the design exploration, it is necessary to execute the method from several starting points to discover if the minimums exist and select the best one by head to head comparison. The bulk of the existing unconstrained and constrained optimization methods belong to this category.

    Four methods are presented. The first is the Steepest Descent Method. While this method is not used in practice, it provides an excellent example for understanding the algorithmic principles for the gradient-based techniques. The second is the conjugate gradient technique which is a classical workhorse particularly in industry usage. The third and the fourth belong to category of Variable Metric Methods, or Quasi-Newton methods as they are also called.

  • Steepest Descent MethodThe gradient of a function at a point is the direction of the most rapid increase in the value of the function at that point. The descent direction can be obtained reversing the gradient (or multiplying it by -1). The next step would be to regard the descent vector as a search direction., after all we are attempting to decrease the function through successive iterations. SteepestDescent.m:

  • SteepestDescent.mFor two variables it will draw the contour plot.For two variables, the design vector changes can be seen graphically in slow motion with steps in different colour.The design variables, the function value, and the square of the length of the gradient vector (called the KT value) at each iteration are displayed in the Command window at completion of the number of iterations.The gradient of the function is numerically computed using first forward finite difference. The gradient computation is therefore automatic.

    Usage: SteepestDescent(Example6_1,[0.5 0.5],20,0.0001,0,1,20)

  • Steepest.Descent.m

  • Steepest.Descent.mA close observation of the figure illustrates the zigzag motion-which was referred to earlier with respect to the univariate method. Good methods are expected to overcome this pattern. In the case of the univariate method this was achieved with the pattern search method in the zero-order family.

    An iteration breaking out of the zigzag pattern (or preventing getting locked into one) is necessary to improve the method.

  • SteepestDescent.mThe steepest descent method is woefully inadequate compared to Powells method even if the latter is a zero-order method.% Ch 6: Numerical Techniques for Unconstrained Optimization% Optimzation with MATLAB, Section 6.3.1% Steepest Descent Method% copyright (code) Dr. P.Venkataraman%% An m-file for the Steepest Descent Method%************************************% requires: UpperBound_nVar.m%GoldSection_nVar.m%and the problem m-file: Example6_1.m% the following information are passed to the function% the name of the function 'functname'% functname.m : returns scalar for vector input% the gradient calculation is in gradfunction.m% gradfunction.m: returns vector for vector input

  • SteepestDescent.m%initial design vectordvar0% number of iterations niter

    %------for golden section% the tolerance (for golden section)tol %%-------for upper bound calculation% the initial value of stepsizelowbound% the incremental value intvl% the number of scanning steps ntrials%% the function returns the final design and the objective function

    %sample callng statement

    % SteepDescent'Example6_1',[0.5 0.5],20, 0.0001, 0,1 ,20)%

  • SteepestDescent.mfunction ReturnValue = SteepestDescent(functname, ... dvar0,niter,tol,lowbound,intvl,ntrials)clf % clear figuree3 = 1.0e-08; nvar = length(dvar0); % length of design vector or number of variables obtained from start vector if (nvar == 2)%*******************% plotting contours%*******************% for 2 var problems the contour plot can be drawnx1 = 0:0.1:5;x2 = 0:0.1:5;x1len = length(x1);x2len = length(x2);for i = 1:x1len; for j = 1:x2len; x1x2 =[x1(i) x2(j)]; fun(j,i) = feval(functname,x1x2); endend

  • SteepestDescent.mc1 = contour(x1,x2,fun, ... [3.1 3.25 3.5 4 6 10 15 20 25],'k');%clabel(c1); % remove labelling to mark iterationgridxlabel('x_1')ylabel('x_2')% replacing _ by - in the function nane funname = strrep(functname,'_','-'); % adding file name to the title title(strcat('Steepest Descent Using :',funname)); %*************************% finished plotting contour%*************************% note that contour values are problem dependent% the range is problem dependentend

  • SteepestDescent.m%*********************% Numerical Procedure%*********************% design vector, alpha , and function value is storedxs(1,:) = dvar0;x = dvar0;Lc = 'r';fs(1) = feval(functname,x); % value of function at startas(1)=0;s = -(gradfunction(functname,x)); % steepest descentconvg(1)=s*s';for i = 1:niter-1 % determine search direction output = GoldSection_nVar(functname,tol,x, s,lowbound,intvl,ntrials); as(i+1) = output(1); fs(i+1) = output(2);

  • for k = 1:nvar xs(i+1,k)=output(2+k); x(k)=output(2+k); end s = -(gradfunction(functname,x)); % steepest descent convg(i+1)=s*s'; %*********** % draw lines %************if (nvar == 2) line([xs(i,1) xs(i+1,1)],[xs(i,2) xs(i+1,2)],'LineWidth',2, 'Color',Lc) itr = int2str(i); x1loc = 0.5*(xs(i,1)+xs(i+1,1)); x2loc = 0.5*(xs(i,2)+xs(i+1,2));%text(x1loc,x2loc,itr); % writes iteration number on the line if strcmp(Lc,'r') Lc = 'k'; else Lc = 'r'; end pause(1) %*********************** % finished drawing lines %*********************** end

  • if(convg(i+1)
  • gradfunction.mfunction Return = gradfunction(functname,x)% numerical computation of gradient% this allows automatic gradient computation% first forward finite difference% hstep = 0.001; - programmed inhstep = 0.001;n = length(x);f = feval(functname,x);for i = 1:n xs = x; xs(i) = xs(i) + hstep; gradx(i)= (feval(functname,xs) -f)/hstep;endReturn = gradx;