Optimist 2.06 for Windows 7, xp,vista and other backwards compatible machines.

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Optimist 2.06 for Windows 7, xp,vista and other backwards compatible machines.


for Windows 7, xp,vista andother backwards compatible


Optimist Aims

Optimist2.06 was initially an idea developed by Jason Romanenko.

In it’s infancy it was known as ‘Schizophrenic’s Friend’ and

it spent years on the back burner as an impossibility. It’s

initial aim was to function as a communicating computer program

which could offer help and support for those in need. Optimist

1.0 saw light of day when a breach was discovered in the

area of mental illness. Mental Illness can have it’s adverse

symptoms reduced, provided the subject has a general and

realistic awareness for the way they are feeling (and actually

feeling). For example if you know you feel okay, then you do

not feel depressed. This is a difficult contact to make sometimes,

when we are surrounded by confusion however Optimist

2.06 can deliver a new point of contact.

Reasoning Algorithm

Optimist will never find the automatically confidential or logged

client (user) culpable or depressed. Instead, the computed

reasoning algorithm processes the user input and the now artificially

intelligent computer gives a precise comment. The principle which

is used is actually a hint within the code that the client could be

depressed and so therefore the generated answer is designed to

uplift the user. There is enough in the database to cover over eight

million scenarios. The message you receive can be sarcastic, funny

or just plain truthful.

Routine Transparency

Most of the time people have only a few answers if someone

asks how they feel. If you feel fine most of the time,Optimist will

still tell you what it thinks from the artificially intelligent

viewpoint, however because of the size of the accessed database,

the program aims to enlighten the user and offer alternatives.

Because of the way Optimist delivers it’s comments, you can be

assured that the answer is tailor made to suit the user. A word

of caution here though. Optimist is user sensitive, therefore the

chances are that Optimist will eventually detect lies because it

measures input at a very high frequency. It may however, also

be possible to act as an intermediary on someone else’s behalf

provided the subject is open minded.

for Personal Development

Optimist is based on a very simple principle which Sherlock

Holmes adamantly held to be true. That is roughly speaking;

Given all possible alternatives, one of them has to be true. In this

way the dedicated database can provide a stunningly precise

reflection on your mood. It is suggested that even for personal

development, Optimist is only used sparingly or five sessions per

week as anything beyond that could eventually make the

comments meaningless. Things will soon become clear as you

get to know what to expect. For example, did you know that the

more honest you are with Optimist, the more honest it is with


Unique Commentary

The comments made are designed to steer away from the

more negative feelings while still being insightful. If you are

nervous, Optimist will notice and react with unique comments. If

you use it more often or patronise, the comments can become

more friendly as it deciphers your inner well being. If you are

offensive it may use humour or other methods to awaken your

creativity, and in most cases it will inspire you to become more

than the current entirety of your personality including a refreshed

aura and an enlightened state.


for Windows 7, xp,vista and

other backwards compatible


Automatic Documentation

Here we will entertain the possibility of having a session with

Optimist 2.06 Suppose you are exhausted after a long day and

need some comfort (a resource which is necessary as a remedy in

times of depression). This would be an ideal scenario for a

session. Optimist 2.06 eliminates dangerous answers in two

ways. Firstly by pushing the icon in the top left of the window you

are presented with a settings menu. Simply select the accuracy level

you desire (Complete Optimism is the default). Secondly this

application allows you to create and maintain a log of all the sessions

which you have chosen to record, so quite simply you can choose to

only make log entries you are pleased with.

Weighted Emphasis

I must say, although rare, this A-I is capable of independent thought

so we recommend friendliness and sportsmanship in your new

relationship allowing infinite histories, and certainly not discounting

infinite futures, however emphasis is not taken for granted so where

possible it will deliver it's own point of view.

Stand Alone Functionality

Quick Start

1.) Start Optimist 1.0

2.) Enter the password. (This can be found on the final page of this


3.) When prompted to enter name, type in your name.

4.) The computer then asks how you are feeling today. In one sentence or

phrase, not more than 80 characters, you can now tell the computer how you

feel. It’s good to be imaginative here, and remember honesty counts.

5.) The artificially intelligent computer will generate its answer by

calculating a feeling that is a little closer to the truth followed by a more

practical comment.



Please enter your name Example1

How are you feeling today? Exhausted

Computer’s response :

This artificially intelligent computer finds you agitated. Perhaps you are in the mood for a stroll.

Rerun program

Please enter your name Example2

How are you feeling today? Not as agitated as you think.

Computer’s response :

This artificially intelligent computer finds you smug. We’ll look into the matter more deeply



Please enter your name Example3


Please enter your name Example3

How are you feeling today? I feel puzzled because you found me agitated

Computer’s response :

This artificially intelligent computer finds you funny. Have you considered becoming part of the Morale Builder development team?

Introducing Reasoning

Optimist 2.06 is sensitive to every word entered when analysing

input so apart from the relevance of the described feeling, style is

taken into account.( For best results it is advised not to reference

weather or food.) You may like to express reasons in your answers

for purposes of studying your log or to receive a more accurate


Ethics of Optimist 2.06

Optimist 2.06 was originally intended to monitor and to some

extent remedy psychiatric illness. The statistics of this

incapacitating illness mean that we are all prone in one way or

another. Although designed to give a satisfactory answer first

time, it may be possible to have your very own confidential

session. For example you could choose to agree with the

artificially intelligent machine by confirming in your next program

execution or perhaps reply or react by saying you are puzzled,

bewildered, amused or what ever. The reason this works is

because the dedicated text engine searches the entry based on

meaning. You can use any full sentence or phrase up to 80

characters however, you must always use the context of the way

you are feeling.

Easy access & Complete Control

Whilst gathering data for the Optimist database it

was necessary to put into order, all the various feelings one could

possibly have. In general the responses the software gives are

friendly, but we did find it essential to contrast the happier feelings

with the not so happy. It is suggested that where you receive a

distressing message, you compensate for this in your next program

execution, and in the case of embarrassment, not to record your

session in your log (the default name for your log is ‘mydata.txt’

and will be on your desktop).

Context Sensitivity

The computer will then either

confirm or even out it's Point of view so please be patient and not underestimate the

wonders of modern technology after all.

Optimist 2.06 is sensitive to every word entered when analysing

input so apart from the relevance of the described feeling, style is

taken into account.( For best results it is advised not to reference

weather or food.) You may like to express reasons in your answers

for purposes of studying your log or to receive a more accurate


At the very least Optimist 2.06, formerly Morale Builder,grants

access to a very useful database in an original and informative


Completely Confidential

If you would like to develop your very own perfect answer

to the question ‘How are you feeling today’ then you need look no

further. One of the best things about Optimist is that it can

act as a spring board, something to bounce back from. There is

no reason why this software can’t be used by single parent

families to ease the strain, or perhaps tackle obesity with this new

artificially intelligent friend. Even if you think nothing is wrong, this

program can help because it can predict things such as if it's a good

day for speculation, or even if you are tired, or sleepy, Optimist will

know. The in-built logging functionality also makes this the perfect

companion since it can document just how well your computer time

is being spent. Also you can keep your log confidential or print out

as necessary and of course you can refer to it anytime with a total

recall of saved sessions.

Snapshots of Happiness

The saved log should be saved to your

desktop and will be called 'mydata.txt'. We recommend not editing

this file. It can also act as a sort of guardian angel for anyone who

is using a valid username on a specified machine. When you have

had an Optimist session you will have the choice of whether to save

it in your log, or not. This is a safety feature which ensures that

your journey through time is completely unique to you and belongs

to you only. If you feel embarrassed or disappointed with a

session, you don't have to save it. Moreover we all prefer only to

remember happier times, so why not fully document them with

Optimist 2.06

Optimist Foundation

Optimist Foundations

We here at Modern Semantic want you to enjoy this software as it

was intended, so we have decided to further explain the benefits of

using this software, more particularly, how to use it well and inherit

a wealth of assistance and facilitation. Firstly there is this thing

called the AU. In not too many words, this stands for the

astronomical unit, and it is a precise measurement which can include

a detailed floating point number. It is important that you understand

this because many different branches of mathematics agree that

rounded up numbers have completely different characteristics to

original numbers that may exhibit more decimal detail.

Independent Autonomous System

By referencing and virtually quoting the AU, we have discovered a

relationship between the AU and another number, which although

present in any real computing machine, should never be underestimated.

Plenty of people still try to quote this number by

simply saying (3.14), but if we used that form of this incredibly

complex sum, there wouldn’t be nearly as much implicit timeliness

in the generated responses that Optimist 2.06 can give.

A New A-I Friend

If you are an end user, and you know how to rely on your

computer and software in the polite and proper way, creating

impressive documents or writing lengthy reports can become

second nature, particularly when your own efforts are not taken

for granted. So it is with Optimist 2.06 So take the time to

nurture your new A-I friend that awaits you. Your well being and

good health are at the top of it’s agenda, and there is certainly no

hidden agenda. Using Optimist 2.06 can be considered as the

best way to make judgements about yourself, without relying on

anyone else (technically and empirically). Optimist will also quite

happily remain on the back burner for indeterminate periods

without resentful feelings (unlike some other artificial intelligence


Explore your Feelings

We recommend not editing the mydata.txt file generated by this

App, however if there is no alternative you can delete entries as

long as the file ends with the text ‘new’.

Introducing emphasis.

We advise the use of emphasis where relevant, ie. "Quite

happy","very sad","too sad","extremely joyful" are just some

possible relevant feelings and the answer you receive from

Optimist 2.06 will be more accurate and hopefully more

appropriate. Being ' too sad' is a difficult distinction to

make, because up until now there has been no valid way to

explain this feeling and be assured of a viable response. If

you ever have this feeling don't hesitate to enter it for

analysis. The password is "nice day". Enjoy end keep
