
Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of Opticallelegantwebinar

How Elegant Organization Can Help Your Practice

• Medical Call Center (Specializing in Elective Surgery)• ACE (Actual Consumer Experience) Phone Training• Boomerang – outbound patient reactivation calls and


Why are we qualified?

• We work with over 100 practices nationwide

• We have taken over 2 million elective surgery phone calls

• We work closely with practices on the front lines of all their business development efforts

• We get to experience first hand what is working

Poll 1:

How did your practice perform in 2012?

Poll 2:

How are you currently promoting your practice?

What we will cover:• Inbound Marketing

Strategies• Customer Service

Mindset• The E Myth• Lead Conversion• Importance of prompt

follow up and tracking

What is Elegant Organization?• First heard about this from Jeff

Jarvis author of “What Would Google Do?”

• Describes how Mark Zuckerberg is failing art class at Harvard while developing Facebook and he creates a group to elevate grades for the entire group

• Organize communication around your brand

• i.e. how a watch works• Helps raise effectiveness of your


What is Inbound Marketing

• Permission based communication

• Better and more appreciated long term approach

• Outbound Marketing: interruption based

Inbound Marketing Lessons from Phish by Hubspot

• 1. Provide some value for free and results will follow

• 2. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, but you do need to stand out

• 3. Inbound Marketing only gets you results if you're persistent

• 4. Interesting content will help you build a following

5 Marketing Lessons from the Godfather by Hubspot

• 1. Keep Your Friends Close, Your Influencers Closer

• 2. Give Your Audience Offers They Can't Refuse

• 3. Don't Hesitate to Go to the Mattress

• 4. It's All Personal, Every Bit of Business

• 5. If You Can't Change, You'll be Sleeping With the Fishes

Let’s look at some good social media examples:

ClearSight LASIK

La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre

Northstone Dental

Eye Care 20/20 on Twitter

Dr. Jimerson on Twitter

Long Island Plastic Surgery Blog

King LASIK Blog

Dental Blog

Youtube for your practice

Poll 3:

Who is your competition?

You will never have a price or technology advantage again. These things can be easily duplicated.

A strong customer service mindset is hard to duplicate and helps make price IRRELEVANT!

The Customer Service Mindset

The Customer Service Mindset

• Apple’s sales per sq. foot are now $4,406. This is higher than Tiffany’s and Co.

• Employees are supposed help customers, not to sell products. A quote from the training manual: “Your job is to understand all of your customers’ needs—some of which they may not even realize they have.”

• Apple employees are instructed to talk to customers in a very supportive way: “Listen and limit your responses to simple reassurances that you are doing so. ‘Uh-huh’ ‘I understand,’ etc.”

The Customer Service Mindset

• Genius Bar employees are trained to say, “as it turns out” instead of “unfortunately,” to place a more positive spin on their bad news.

• If a customer mispronounces a product name or something else, employees are forbidden from correcting the customer. (hint hint, to all Fry’s, Best Buy’s and other places that have ego’s running rampant)

• Employees who are six minutes late three times in six months can be fired.

• While Apple employees do not have sales quotas, they are strongly encouraged to sell Apple Care and support.

The Customer Service Mindset

• (A) Approach customers with a personalized warm welcome.

• (P) Probe politely to understand customers needs.

• (P) Present a solution for the customer to take home today.

• (L) Listen for and resolve any issues or concerns.• (E) End with a fond farewell and an invitation

to return.

Tribal Leadership-Dave Logan

• Every organization is like a series of small towns (tribes)

• Each tribe has it’s own “tribal culture”• The Tribal leaders focus is to upgrade the tribal


5 Stages Of Tribal Cultures

• Stage 1: Life Sucks• Stage 2: My life sucks• Stage 3: I’m great (but

you’re not)• Stage 4: We’re great

(but they’re not)• Stage 5: Life is great

How E-Myth improved OptiCall

It’s about the Entrepreneur who tries to do it all.

The solution? Systems that create:

How OptiCall employed this model

• We created a web based road map to make sure our counselors are consistent on every call

• We have all the data in one place so we can measure.

• What you can measure you can improve.

We are also a solution to help provide consistency in your practice

What is Opportunity Cost?

Opportunity Cost

• According to Wikipedia: Opportunity cost is the cost of any activity measured in terms of the value of the next best alternative forgone (that is not chosen). It is the sacrifice related to the second best choice available to someone, or group, who has picked among several mutually exclusive choices.

Revenue Calculator

Poll 4:

Have you ever done a mystery shop on your practice to get an idea of how well

you practice is converting leads?

Goals for an Effective Phone Plan

• Create Rapport• Capture the lead• Book the appointment (focus on selling the

next step)• Create a follow up plan

The Anatomy of a Call – creating the script

• The Introduction• Exploration (learn about the caller and their

needs)• Education (what to do next)• Closing (appointment or info only?)

The Importance of Prompt Follow Up

Results from MIT Lead Response Study:



Day of the Week:

• Wednesdays and Thursdays are the best days to call to make contact with a lead. In fact, Thursday is a 49.7% better day to call than the worst day, Tuesday.

• Wednesdays and Thursdays are also the best days to call to qualify leads. Wednesday was the top day and was 24.9% better than the worst day, which was Friday.

• Thursday is the best day to contact a lead in order to qualify that lead. It is 19.1% better than Friday, which is the worst day.

Time of Day:

• 4 to 6pm is the best time to call to make contact with a lead. It is 114% better than calling at 11 to 12am, right before lunch. (We did not feel 7-8am was a standard work hour.)

• 8-9am and 4-5pm are the best times to call to qualify a lead. 8-9am is 164% better than calling at 1-2pm, right after lunch. That’s a big difference! (After 6pm is not a standard work hour.)

• 4-5 pm is the best time to contact a lead to qualify that lead. 4-5pm is 109% better than 11-12am. (We consider that 7-8am and after 6pm are not standard work hours.)

Response Time Analysis by Hours:

• The odds of calling to contact a lead decrease by over 10 times in the first hour.

• The odds of calling to qualify a lead decreases by over 6 times in the first hour.

Inspect What You Expect From Your Staff

• Complimentary Mystery Shop for Webinar Attendees ($350 Value: 5 recorded spy calls to your practice)www.opticall.com/site/free-practice-phone-assessment.htm

Thank You!

Bill Mercier - Presidentbmercier@opticall.com

Dylan Kemna –Director of Business Development


941-893-2400www.opticall.comwww.facebook.com/opticall www.slideshare.net/opticallwww.twitter.com/opticall